LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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I do not want to attack the family but of course many have been asking how the wife and daughter wouldn't recognize their own husband and his voice, etc. but this puts more of a light on that even. Not recognizing him in Libby's video is one thing but then you know he was at the bridge in this time frame??? Now that is a lot harder to fathom. You see the video AND you know your husband was there...
And to hang up the picture of the suspect drawing in your home...
I get the denial and not wanting to believe it but at a certain point...
And to hang up the picture of the suspect drawing in your home...
I get the denial and not wanting to believe it but at a certain point...
Was there one hung up in their home? That picture of him sitting by the wall where the sketch was hung up was at a bar, from what Linda was saying in her video.
Oooh okay! My fault for commenting before reading/watching. I just assumed.
Yeah it was at the bar but actually at the very outset when people were just finding it was assumed to be his home by a few. Either way it is creepy and hard to believe he wasn't getting a kick out of it all. Probably not the only place he stood in front of the pic since they were posted all over town but a PICTURE. And then yeah, all this and the family never wondered, realized, etc.?

Believe me I can understand benefit of the doubt and all of that and not seeing who is right in front of you but I guarantee there were things at minimum she let go or said, no, no couldn't be to herself OR she did have doubts but he was good at talking out of it, are you NUTS? You think that is ME? You KNOW me. How could you think that?

BUT who knows... I can't help but think of years past where PCs made it sound as if a family member may be giving the person an alibi...
Now we know he was at the bridge but MAYBE he was alibied as to when he got home, how long he was there, etc.

I want justice and entirely don't want them to compromise the case but will admit I WANT TO KNOW now though :)

Linda remarked in her video how clean, no criminal record, etc. but from others I have heard of a domestic incident, alcohol facility, etc. but regardless, we also have to remember there is at least one alias for some reason... The record of Allen is not overly remarkable but there is this other name... Is that his only one...
And here is Linda. I know most of us appreciate hers that are well researched and generally short and to the point but interesting.

I'm pretty sure Ron was involved in this too.

I also think it's very interesting that they are going back to ALL of the tips they received coming in from the past. I'd forgotten about the car that was seen near the scene. That also makes me believe more people are involved in this.

I also wonder about the bloody clothing. His clothing had to have been soaked in blood. Where are they?
I'm pretty sure Ron was involved in this too.

I also think it's very interesting that they are going back to ALL of the tips they received coming in from the past. I'd forgotten about the car that was seen near the scene. That also makes me believe more people are involved in this.

I also wonder about the bloody clothing. His clothing had to have been soaked in blood. Where are they?
For me, I am very certain about at least KK and possibly his father but definitely KK. I put it at 80 to 90 percent certainty with KK. Logan I have not eliminated, I am at about a 50/50 there. I even wonder if his death resulted in new evidence. A deathbed confession, something found amongst his things and someone coming forward with it (a relative, his heir, etc.) and combine it with info from KK or then they pressured Kline with new evidence, etc., etc. I think it could be a combo of things or it could be JUST KK having given info for a deal.

Many out there thinks this arrest eliminates the Logan possibility but I don't. If this was a ring of men well then anyone is a possibility. And it definitely isn't far fetched to figure ANYONE in that area could have known each other but as to who was a "pedo" and would participate in such, that's a different story. I don't like accusing if he wasn't involved but honestly it is his own lies and asking someone to lie for him that added to suspicions about him. Heck I know he didn't want to get in trouble for the drinking and driving but if you had an alibi during a double murder wouldn't you
GLADLY take the punishment for the other to be cleared of suspicion of the murder? He may have just been an unfortunate unlucky soul that it was on his land, etc. and he happened to lie but hard to say...

Yes going through all the tips again is interesting... That may be procedure once a who is known though...

I think it possible Kline was waiting for him in a vehicle. I also think it possible Kline was stationed somewhere down the hill, etc. On the other hand it is entirely possible RA was on his own but shared his plans and planned to share any recording or photos of the girls and what he was about to do, etc. Some are talking "snuff films" and selling such and more. Normally I would think people off their rockers and getting too far fetched having such thoughts but not in this case... In this case we know there was a ring of some sorts or it sure seems to be a fact. Whether that directly is part of these murders or whether RA acted on his own is the question I guess.

I mean something else could have broken the case as in the wife found something or someone else picked up on something. RA simply could have also known the girls to be going there and planned accordingly or just knew kids would be there with school off. He could have used an ATV or even walked the river bed, etc., etc. I guess he worked in Peru at the time and would have also driven right by there if heading to or from work and so on.

I too wonder about the clothing. Cops said killer would have more than likely got blood on himself as was a bloody scene, etc. Some think he just immediately took the coat off, some think he cleaned off some in the creek/river, etc. The guy either planned and had a change of clothes, his layers allowed him to take off and no one to see obvious and snuck home along the creek etc. or again had a plan and a ride and changed in the car or took off to somewhere, the accomplice's house, etc. But the one thing he did have to do was get rid of his bloody clothes one would think.

So what are the possibilities there? He discarded and took them off as he fled I saw someone say. I doubt this imo. With searching and all else unlikely plus it would be too risky, why leave your evidence to be found? He could have went home and washed them immediately, wouldn't be the first to do that. He could have balled them up and just hurriedly stuck them in his shed, the basement, the garage and dealt with them later by burning, burying or throwing in a dumpster. I think too he would have showered as soon as possible.

I'd like to know a lot of things but I'd settle for the more minor answers of where was his wife, was she home and did he work that day, did he come home and at what time and in what shape? Where did she think he was and where did he say he was? Did SOMEONE alibi him? And WHEN did he come "forward" as a witness? Is he responsible for the second sketch? Went in and said he was there and gave a different description than the others to throw people from the BG look to the younger one?

Think about that. If he went in and said he was there and did so as a "witness" he could have thrown things in the entirely wrong direction IF they believed him... OR they were onto him and were slowly building a case or trying to...

When they said they were going in a different direction and the killer didn't expect that resonates... I figure it meant the online thing. I keep thinking of RA and developing pictures. I had a friend who was the main camera and picture development person at a store. I had her one time develop a photo for me that I didn't want anyone else seeing. It was just personal of someone and an adult picture, nothing illegal but you get my drift. It actually was from a night of a bachelorette party of another friend. So anyhow RA could have easily developed pictures for himself and his buddies...

I am having a difficult time fathoming the family having no clue if they knew he was at the bridge that day. You live with someone 30 years and not have a clue something is odd about them or at least you wonder about? She had to have thoughts even if not convinced imo...

I watch her way with him and him with her on the things people have found online etc. and he seems to ignore her imo and she seems to force him to get involved or include himself in things and to pay attention to her...

Just some of many thoughts...
Angela Ganote Facebook:

BREAKING: Important information just filed and released in the Richard Allen case. We now know during Allen's initial hearing he stated he intended to hire private counsel. He must retain counsel within 20 days or one can and will be provided to him. We also know that Allen was clad in protective gear. That protection was not to protect him from the Court but to protect Allen from the public. We have also learned that Tobe Leazenby, the Carroll County sheriff, requested Allen be transferred to IDOC for safekeeping. The Court found, “the Defendant is an inmate awaiting trial and is in imminent danger of serious bodily injury or death, or
represents a substantial threat to the safety of others. The Court added this was not to do Allen's actions, but a “toxic and harmful insistence on “public information” about Defendant and this case. This is the type of information I would expect to get at this point. Glad the Court is allowing us to view these types of items while holding the details of the arrest and crime under seal!

Carroll County sheriff requests Delphi murder suspect be transferred for safety​

Richard Allen, the Delphi, Ind., man charged in the 2017 murders of two teens, will no longer await trial in the town where Liberty German and Abigail Williams were killed.

Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby on Thursday filed a motion requesting that Allen, 50, be transferred from the county jail to a state prison "for safekeeping."

Carroll County Circuit Court judge Benjamin A. Diener signed the request Thursday morning. Public court records listed Allen would be transferred from "the Custody of the Sheriff to the Custody of the Indiana Department of Corrections."
I was of the understanding days ago he was in custody of the IDOC or at the IDOC. Maybe they just now did the formalities or something.

I can't find a way to blow these up big enough to read.

I sure hope they aren't using his or the public's safety as an excuse to seal all the other records. He would hardly be the first defendant that did something heinous and that was hated or that the internet went on about and other crimes don't have all the records sealed.
I don't know about this. WTH? I haven't seen anyone doxing the judge's family etc. but I guess some out there could but I think this is overblowing it if so. It's a great way to come up with ireasons to maintain sealing the records though for even longer. What danger exactly and were there threats? I ean in small towns people already know who they are, etc. and that's not unusual. Doesn't give a lot of detail. Maybe it is in those records filed, I couldn't see them that well and haven't looked further. Interesting nevertheless.

What in the h-e-double hockey sticks HE77 is going on??!!! Does the judge just not want a part of the nightmare FOIA and motions and other things media and others are going to start throwing OR is this ring that big and people in the area and nation are worried that he feels in such danger???!!!!!!!!!!!!

He RECUSED himself!

Also interesting. And towards the end is the fact they just dropped five charges against Kline for apparently not enough evidence or something like that... Seems more likely to me it may line up with a deal with the timing...

For a case we thought we'd hear nothing more on for awhile there sure is a lot going on... Recusals, fear, now dropping some charges...


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