LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Yeah that thought crosses my mind as well.

I don't get much time as I keep saying ad nauseum but this YT channel I have watched several of here and there and I am really liking this one. She is easy to listen to, she brings it all and does the research, she will show things from places like Reddit or 4chan but with the caution of taking it with a grain of salt, etc. She walks the line perfectly imo, meaning it isn't dull and dry by any means but she also doesn't sensationalize and puts real work and very interesting things in. I like to listen to her and she has a good take on most things.

Her recent ones are ALL good and I highly recommend. I haven't finished this one yet and am just hitting a very interesting point where the scanner is being played from Feb 15, 2017 of the finding of undergarment and cig butt. The cig butt is no more than a couple days old...

Which brings the thought to me that I will bet dollars to donuts RA changed his cigarette brand at some point after the murder OR explained being there due to the cig butt being his brand... Quite possibly.

Anyhow, highly recommend her very interesting well researched recent videos with great takes and opinions on everything going on. She also has links to all of the case etc. and its history.

This is just coincidence, I'm sure, but at 31:01 - 32:27 in the short conversation, one of the guys sounds a little like the "Down the hill guy."
This is just coincidence, I'm sure, but at 31:01 - 32:27 in the short conversation, one of the guys sounds a little like the "Down the hill guy."
Hmm. Of course I just listened and I see what you mean. I didn't notice and wouldn't have but I guess it shows you just how easily someone sounds like that OR looks like him, etc. But yeah, hmmmmm.

What did you think of this YTer? She brings a really good mix of info and shows a lot, etc. I find her interesting and easy to listen to. Her others are worth checking out too. I didn't even touch on all the things she puts in and some I have either never seen or have forgotten but she gets the new stuff too.
Hmm. Of course I just listened and I see what you mean. I didn't notice and wouldn't have but I guess it shows you just how easily someone sounds like that OR looks like him, etc. But yeah, hmmmmm.

What did you think of this YTer? She brings a really good mix of info and shows a lot, etc. I find her interesting and easy to listen to. Her others are worth checking out too. I didn't even touch on all the things she puts in and some I have either never seen or have forgotten but she gets the new stuff too.

Good show.
Good show.
Yeah, she has it. There was another one a day before that I was going to share but then the stuff kept happening and life for me is nuts but she is interesting, she brings a lot, easy to listen to, I think she flows nicely etc. and gives a lot of different and interesting things in each video. She doesn't shy away from the rumors and such but makes it clear that is what they are and doesn't take them as fact or use them to sensationalize things. She just seems to have a good solid way of yes, this is the stuff being said but people do NOT take it with a grain of salt but this IS interesting and seems like maybe... Walks that line most of us do or try to of we KNOW what is fact and what is not but take in the other to determine if it fits etc...

I don't have the words. I just find her a good one. Some like the retired LE officers with channels can be a bit dry and dull as they won't talk of other stuff at all, and some just average people YTers go too far and sensationalize to get viewers by making the case of the day popular at the moment all they do and make things into something bigger while that case is hot.

This woman to me is the perfect middle. And interesting. And she brings the documents, the facts, the posts, and a LOT into each video. And she has the histories of all one can look at/link to. I can't imagine the time she puts in but her shows are really good. Imo.
I've posted a few from this channel and here I am again. They are on this and are the one or one of them I think requesting the probable cause affidavit and filing for it to be released.

So we have the family with a petition to keep things sealed, news saying it shouldn't be or pushing for release and then a judge that recused himself.

I disagree with sealing UNLESS like I thought and gave the benefit of the doubt for, there is a ring here, more arrests coming, a confidential informant or someone undercover, etc. and a connection to the Klines and a ring.

BUT I am starting to wonder. If they are sealing this for more minor reasons, then imo woe is them because the laws and people will not agree with NOR understand if there isn't a reason for that. This judge may want out for another reason entirely and I am beginning to wonder. I felt the arrest was solid and figured they HAD to have a good case for it because there is no way they would screw this up, they have wanted to solve this for so long..

Things are becoming odd, that judge a big part of why imo. Watching Carter again in this one struck me differently than torhe first time I saw it. Asked if they have their guy he says well a judge signed off on it so yeah. This time it almost seemed like he is saying since a judge signed off on it, he has to agree of course...

I don't know.

What I DO know is silence and secrecy and sealing BREEDS speculation and suspicion.

They had better have a dam*ed good reason for it is all I have to say. And I figured they did. I figured it was Kline, a deal and a ring and more arrests coming. That for me makes it okay. There is little else though that I would agree with sealing on...

Anyhow, this is short and interesting. And I recommend watching.

Regarding the new sketch of what looks like a younger BG, there are some that think it is because of the KK connection and the male model he used on his Anthony shots profile. What do you think of the old and new sketches? Didn't LE say that the old sketch was obsolete and the new sketch was the correct one or the suspect could be a cross between the two? Yet now we see RA only being compared to the original sketch. So what is going on? Can anyone clarify?
Regarding the new sketch of what looks like a younger BG, there are some that think it is because of the KK connection and the male model he used on his Anthony shots profile. What do you think of the old and new sketches? Didn't LE say that the old sketch was obsolete and the new sketch was the correct one or the suspect could be a cross between the two? Yet now we see RA only being compared to the original sketch. So what is going on? Can anyone clarify?

Just my opinion. The cops did a really stupid thing and did just what you pointed out, and are trying to just brush it aside.
Good article from the DM which explains which bar the photo of RA was taken and when and an interview with the bar owner. It was in front of the NEW sketch that he was photographed. Article also contains the photo of his daughter on the bridge unedited and states she was 28 in the photo taken in 2018.

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Regarding the secrecy about the crime scene, I can understand that. Certain things will only be known to the killer who could let it slip in interviews or in prison or has mentioned it previously to relatives to ensure they keep quiet out of fear for their own safety. This could be a reason for no bond as well.
Regarding the secrecy about the crime scene, I can understand that. Certain things will only be known to the killer who could let it slip in interviews or in prison or has mentioned it previously to relatives to ensure they keep quiet out of fear for their own safety. This could be a reason for no bond as well.

I also think they may not want others they are watching to get tipped off.
Regarding the new sketch of what looks like a younger BG, there are some that think it is because of the KK connection and the male model he used on his Anthony shots profile. What do you think of the old and new sketches? Didn't LE say that the old sketch was obsolete and the new sketch was the correct one or the suspect could be a cross between the two? Yet now we see RA only being compared to the original sketch. So what is going on? Can anyone clari
Imo we have never received a satisfactory answer on that. They did say something about a cross between the two and then something if I recall about one maybe being eyewitness and one being from video or a different witness or some such (won't swear to that one). Like the DNA Carter kind of dances around it and the explanations aren't full ones and just don't really gel. It sure confused things and threw everyone for a loop and it still affects the opinions I think.

I kept thinking once we knew of the Klines of Kline and his father. I guess even now it could be a Kline and the other be RA but Kegan at his weight now is a long ways from that younger sketch. He is younger though...

It really doesn't look like the male model imo but only seen like one photo of him I think. It was out however before Klines etc. came to the notice of the public so maybe they were trying to find the male model to determine if it was his account or he knew of it, all without telling the public but again I don't think it looks like him so doubt that's the case.

Everything they have put out is confusing.

We do know now that RA allegedly went in or was brought in back when and told them he was there and a "witness". I wonder if he didn't say you have the wrong sketch/person and help develop the younger one claiming to have seen him because he knew he resembled the older one or WAS the guy and they believed him. That's one thought I have... Trying to divert the case away from him or any possible suspicions.
Carter said recently that "isn't that interesting, that he looks like the ONE sketch"... to a reporter.

I think this would maybe fit with RA claiming to be a witness sending them off after another guy with a false story...
Something I was thinking about with witness sketches. They might have seen him for a matter of seconds. Most of us honestly don't register that much unless something really stands out like scars, odd characteristics (stretched earlobes or whatever they're called), facial deformities, etc.
Good article from the DM which explains which bar the photo of RA was taken and when and an interview with the bar owner. It was in front of the NEW sketch that he was photographed. Article also contains the photo of his daughter on the bridge unedited and states she was 28 in the photo taken in 2018.

In true DM fashion they have a few things wrong. One is they have Abby and Libby mixed up as to which is pictured on the bridge and who took the video.

I also don't think they needed to show the wife and daughter and name the daughter. I couldn't have told you the last name of the daughter before reading that. I get the one on the bridge maybe more reason to show. And I know it isn't illegal and his wife is the one who put them publicly up but as far as we know, they did nothing wrong and will be hounded. They could have blurred the faces at least.

But they do as good of an article as anyone.

I have to wonder why they feel the perp photographed or recorded the scene or murders. The cops I mean. Because of how they were staged it was just natural to think he'd want pics to look at?

It is difficult to believe Ron Logan may not have been part of this. His land and not far from his house. IF RA is the perp, and knew the bridge so well, he had to know the land was owned or that Logan lived there and how could he be sure he wouldn't be home or out walking around? It was a nice day... I mean I guess it is possible after he told them to get down the hill that they tried to make a run for it towards Logan's and he ended up there not intentionally but I don't know...

I hate to talk of Logan if innocent even though dead but he did put himself into it by lying to cops.
I also think they may not want others they are watching to get tipped off.
I think so too but I did get a bit of a dent in my certainty of why things are sealed with that judge seeming to blame it all on public interest. If that is the only reason it is sealed and there is no ring RA is part of, etc. people are going to be ticked as heck! I don't think public interest is enough reason to seal public records.
Something I was thinking about with witness sketches. They might have seen him for a matter of seconds. Most of us honestly don't register that much unless something really stands out like scars, odd characteristics (stretched earlobes or whatever they're called), facial deformities, etc.
I would be terrible. I sat at that bank for over an hour today often looking at the tellers in bank window from across the way in my car. I can tell you one was a female and one a male. Both young. Maybe 30 but I'm a terrible judge of age. He was taller than her. She was a little overweight and he was not. She was blonde. He wasn't, think he was light to medium brown hair but unsure. May have been curly. Unsure. And that's IT. I could not draw their faces or give details nor tell you what they were wearing. I noted a couple walking as I was leaving. I know they parked their car and both got out to walk across the lot. That is all I could tell you of them despite the fact I made a mental note that they were going to be disappointed to find the lobby closed.

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