LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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I have found it. Maybe I didn't post this but these are the hearing notes from Reddit. Link and the text copied below. The seating of Lebrato is mentioned in the very last sentence.

Notes from before hearing began -

Leazenby was standing right inside the entrance, after the metal detectors, watching people come in & talking with another individual.
Click walked out of the courtroom as I walked in & looked very nervous.
Gull seemed more personable, chatting with & joking with others in the courtroom. Gull seemed to be talking with other court staff about plans for jury selection. She was not in robe at this time.
-sassy as she put papers on both state & defense tables.
Auger & Rozzi enter. Rozzi picks up Russ McQuaid’s mess & is now owed lunch from Mr. McQuaid. Rozzi was pushing 1 or 2 rolling file carts.
Baldwin entered shortly after with another 1 or 2 rolling file carts.
Defense & Richard Allen’s family entered from the back of the courtroom like at the hearing in March. Richard Allen’s mother & wife were there.
McLeland and Diener enter from doors at the front of the courtroom. McLeland has one box of files & Diener has a binder.
Diener & Rozzi have an extended friendly exchange behind the defense table.
Courtroom got quiet when Richard Allen entered the courtroom. He was not accompanied by CERT today. I think only Allen County Correctional Officers or Sheriff Deputies.
He seemed less alert today than in March, but did smile a couple times with his attorneys. Baldwin & Auger each patted him on the back.

Preliminary Matters -

Gull acted like she didn’t know who attorney Auger was or why she was there. Rozzie reminded her that she filed an appearance a week or so ago.
Gull said she has ruled on that & they will receive it soon. Gull says she ordered on that motion on 5/2 & is not sure why it was not entered by the Carroll County Clerk, but she had her staff enter it this morning……
Rozzi asks for clarification regarding that order before proceeding. Auger may be making arguments today, but they don’t want her to cross any boundaries with her representation since they haven’t seen Gull’s order.

Scheduling Issues for Jury Trial -

Rozzi doesn’t think they can practically complete trial in that timeframe, even after talking with McLeland about it.
Gull is upset because the first time this was brought to her attention was in the 4/30 filing.
Rozzi argues that nothing has been streamlined and there hasn’t been many pre-trial conferences or conversations about the volume of evidence & witnesses.
McLeland says he did his best to streamline witnesses. McLeland says many are chain-of-custody issues & he is trying to work with defense on stipulations.
Rozzi - “We are at [the State’s] mercy.”
Defense wants 15 days to present their case.
Gull argues that due to Jury Rule 4, she cannot extend the dates of trial. Gull says juror summons were mailed out on 4/19 and Defense did not request more time for trial until their 4/30 filing.
Rozzi says the court never inquired with parties & that it violates Richard Allen’s 6th Amendment right.
Gull - “I cannot under Jury Rule 4.”
Rozzi suggested they be able to ask jurors if they would be willing to potentially stay longer if needed during jury selection.
McLeland says he cannot predict how long witnesses will take & they might need to “throw in more witnesses” if there aren’t any stipulations.
Rozzi - “You’re not hearing what the State is saying.” Rozzi argues that Gull is inviting the State to call as many witnesses & extend their case so the defense only has limited time (if any) to present their case.
Gull - “When I send emails, they end up in pleadings and that’s not how I like to do business.”
Gull brought up already having lodging reserved.
Rozzi asks for a 5 minute recess; Gull responded, “Why?”
-Rozzi says he would like a few minutes to discuss their options with co-counsel and Richard Allen.

After Recess -

Rozzi states he would like to put on the record that during their recess, officers were with them the entire time & they had no privacy with their client. Rozzi says the same thing occurred at the March hearing.

Defense waives Right to Speedy Trial

Baldwin informs Gull that they have a Motion to Disqualify Judge with them & asks if he can approach to provide Gull with a copy.
Gull says no. She says she will read it after he e-files it.

Gull sets jury trial for Oct 14 - Nov 15.

Rozzi asks if she is also guaranteeing they have 15 days to present their case.
Gull says that if they cannot try this case in 30 days, then something is wrong.
Rozzi jumps up & says “You don’t know anything about this case. Respectfully.” Rozzi states she never set any pre-trial hearings regarding evidence issues.
Rozzi also expresses frustrations with communication issues with the State.
McLeland says he has no idea how long the State’s case will take to present. “We have the burden of proof… We have no idea.” McLeland says he cannot give an estimate of how long the State’s case will take.
McLeland promised to be efficient when presenting his case.

Gull sets hearing for 5/21 - 5/23 to address the following:

  • Motion in Limine
  • Multiple Motions to Suppress & Compel
  • Motion to Rule of Admissibility of Evidence.
McLeland asks if that hearing will also address the outstanding Franks motions.
Gull says no, Franks will not be heard at that time.
McLeland says he will respond to Franks IV soon & informs the court of his Motion to Rule on Admissibility of Evidence. McLeland says he filed the Motion, but would like to file the evidence under seal because it’s “pretty incriminating.”
Gull accepts sealed documents from McLeland.
Gull reiterates that she is not emailing any longer because emails end up in pleadings & she doesn’t think that’s appropriate.
Lebrato sat State-side this time.
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And I've never used anything Apple even though the one boss had one and IBM came in from the other owner and the Apple had been was purchased and kind of sat In the back room except for another employee but that's it's own story. You are one of the few here older than I if you were working in the 60s. I was still a kid, no offense. Despite when any of us worked, many offices or bosses resisted new tech or money put in for or it and I ran into that big time. In fact I computerized both officesi was at over time. I updated others in a couple of other shows over the decades. My last office management job? OMG they still had the monitors that take up half a table, the towers, etc. Archaic. Networked but archaic. They had Quickbooks but their job software was like working on DOS.
I left school and turned 16 in the late 60's and went straight to work at a bank. My Dad got me the job. He knew the manager and told him how great I had done at school. I wanted to stay on at school into 6th form and then on to uni but my parents wouldn't let me. I think he got me the job to keep me out of trouble LOL.
I left school and turned 16 in the late 60's and went straight to work at a bank. My Dad got me the job. He knew the manager and told him how great I had done at school. I wanted to stay on at school into 6th form and then on to uni but my parents wouldn't let me. I think he got me the job to keep me out of trouble LOL.
And I was born in the early 60s so just a bit behind ya and not working in them years although working hard at home--always a ton of chores. We were raised to know how to work no matter the job and do it well.
I have found it. Maybe I didn't post this but these are the hearing notes from Reddit. Link and the text copied below. The seating of Lebrato is mentioned in the very last sentence.

Notes from before hearing began -

Leazenby was standing right inside the entrance, after the metal detectors, watching people come in & talking with another individual.
Click walked out of the courtroom as I walked in & looked very nervous.
Gull seemed more personable, chatting with & joking with others in the courtroom. Gull seemed to be talking with other court staff about plans for jury selection. She was not in robe at this time.
-sassy as she put papers on both state & defense tables.
Auger & Rozzi enter. Rozzi picks up Russ McQuaid’s mess & is now owed lunch from Mr. McQuaid. Rozzi was pushing 1 or 2 rolling file carts.
Baldwin entered shortly after with another 1 or 2 rolling file carts.
Defense & Richard Allen’s family entered from the back of the courtroom like at the hearing in March. Richard Allen’s mother & wife were there.
McLeland and Diener enter from doors at the front of the courtroom. McLeland has one box of files & Diener has a binder.
Diener & Rozzi have an extended friendly exchange behind the defense table.
Courtroom got quiet when Richard Allen entered the courtroom. He was not accompanied by CERT today. I think only Allen County Correctional Officers or Sheriff Deputies.
He seemed less alert today than in March, but did smile a couple times with his attorneys. Baldwin & Auger each patted him on the back.
Preliminary Matters -
Gull acted like she didn’t know who attorney Auger was or why she was there. Rozzie reminded her that she filed an appearance a week or so ago.
Gull said she has ruled on that & they will receive it soon. Gull says she ordered on that motion on 5/2 & is not sure why it was not entered by the Carroll County Clerk, but she had her staff enter it this morning……
Rozzi asks for clarification regarding that order before proceeding. Auger may be making arguments today, but they don’t want her to cross any boundaries with her representation since they haven’t seen Gull’s order.
Scheduling Issues for Jury Trial -
Rozzi doesn’t think they can practically complete trial in that timeframe, even after talking with McLeland about it.
Gull is upset because the first time this was brought to her attention was in the 4/30 filing.
Rozzi argues that nothing has been streamlined and there hasn’t been many pre-trial conferences or conversations about the volume of evidence & witnesses.
McLeland says he did his best to streamline witnesses. McLeland says many are chain-of-custody issues & he is trying to work with defense on stipulations.
Rozzi - “We are at [the State’s] mercy.”
Defense wants 15 days to present their case.
Gull argues that due to Jury Rule 4, she cannot extend the dates of trial. Gull says juror summons were mailed out on 4/19 and Defense did not request more time for trial until their 4/30 filing.
Rozzi says the court never inquired with parties & that it violates Richard Allen’s 6th Amendment right.
Gull - “I cannot under Jury Rule 4.”
Rozzi suggested they be able to ask jurors if they would be willing to potentially stay longer if needed during jury selection.
McLeland says he cannot predict how long witnesses will take & they might need to “throw in more witnesses” if there aren’t any stipulations.
Rozzi - “You’re not hearing what the State is saying.” Rozzi argues that Gull is inviting the State to call as many witnesses & extend their case so the defense only has limited time (if any) to present their case.
Gull - “When I send emails, they end up in pleadings and that’s not how I like to do business.”
Gull brought up already having lodging reserved.
Rozzi asks for a 5 minute recess; Gull responded, “Why?”
-Rozzi says he would like a few minutes to discuss their options with co-counsel and Richard Allen.
After Recess -
Rozzi states he would like to put on the record that during their recess, officers were with them the entire time & they had no privacy with their client. Rozzi says the same thing occurred at the March hearing.
Defense waives Right to Speedy Trial
Baldwin informs Gull that they have a Motion to Disqualify Judge with them & asks if he can approach to provide Gull with a copy.
Gull says no. She says she will read it after he e-files it.
Gull sets jury trial for Oct 14 - Nov 15.
Rozzi asks if she is also guaranteeing they have 15 days to present their case.
Gull says that if they cannot try this case in 30 days, then something is wrong.
Rozzi jumps up & says “You don’t know anything about this case. Respectfully.” Rozzi states she never set any pre-trial hearings regarding evidence issues.
Rozzi also expresses frustrations with communication issues with the State.
McLeland says he has no idea how long the State’s case will take to present. “We have the burden of proof… We have no idea.” McLeland says he cannot give an estimate of how long the State’s case will take.
McLeland promised to be efficient when presenting his case.
Gull sets hearing for 5/21 - 5/23 to address the following:

  • Motion in Limine
  • Multiple Motions to Suppress & Compel
  • Motion to Rule of Admissibility of Evidence.
McLeland asks if that hearing will also address the outstanding Franks motions.
Gull says no, Franks will not be heard at that time.
McLeland says he will respond to Franks IV soon & informs the court of his Motion to Rule on Admissibility of Evidence. McLeland says he filed the Motion, but would like to file the evidence under seal because it’s “pretty incriminating.”
Gull accepts sealed documents from McLeland.
Gull reiterates that she is not emailing any longer because emails end up in pleadings & she doesn’t think that’s appropriate.
Lebrato sat State-side this time.

Wow. Thank you for this. Not really surprised. Show the continued games by the defense and imo incompetency, whether intentional or faked.
Rozzi pushing two rolling file carts and Baldwin following up with another two file carts LOL.
I noted that too. Was this to be the TRIAL? They know ALL of this will hit in their opinion a STUPID public... I don't think the public stupid, don't get me wrong, they think that just like with their intentional leaks. Some are but far from all. Their mistake. Number 997.
:lol:I just saw the DEMEANIG in caps, bold, etc. LMAO. I don't get picky about typos as these days I am in a rush and make many but if I were filing a legal document as an attorney or even as a civilian I'd uhm check it over and over. Tom likes to get at this kind of thing on both sides and will definiely pick on this one. He has down such with NM though too but he hasn't had any like this.

I needed a laugh. :D
That filing with the DEMEANIG about the contempt thing is STUPID. Why don'tt they quit wasting their time and DO their job? There was plenty of reason even their own admission to lack of securing file evidence and MORE and they were not found guilty. They just do not know when to quit do they?

They have a MURDER trial to prepare for. It is PAST time they start doing it. AND a defendant and his family to represent and hand hold which so far imo they have also failed at.

I'm so sorry they were demeanged. LOL. Can't help it. They haven't tried to destroy a soul have they? Such Puritans.
Maybe a bit different food for thought. Instead of the same old and now that this case has been stalled yet again. Short. Just minutes. I don't know that his theories are right but I agree it is strange considering the distance and locations...

Very useful to show the possible theories and explain the creek depths and bank access.
Yeah I thought it a bit unique and something to give us a little something to discuss versus the pounding that seems to go on of the defense b.s. (imo).

AND WHY ARE articles of her clothing there??
That filing with the DEMEANIG about the contempt thing is STUPID. Why don'tt they quit wasting their time and DO their job? There was plenty of reason even their own admission to lack of securing file evidence and MORE and they were not found guilty. They just do not know when to quit do they?

They have a MURDER trial to prepare for. It is PAST time they start doing it. AND a defendant and his family to represent and hand hold which so far imo they have also failed at.

I'm so sorry they were demeanged. LOL. Can't help it. They haven't tried to destroy a soul have they? Such Puritans.
Demeaniged is probably the past participle of demeanig. Did you notice Gull said she isn't sending emails anymore because they end up in filings LOL. Do you get the feeling she doesn't trust the D as far as she can throw them?

I don't know how we will get thru the next 5 months without these shenanigans to laugh at.
Demeaniged is probably the past participle of demeanig. Did you notice Gull said she isn't sending emails anymore because they end up in filings LOL. Do you get the feeling she doesn't trust the D as far as she can throw them?

I don't know how we will get thru the next 5 months without these shenanigans to laugh at.

Agree, and it certainly seems the distrust is mutual.

One redacted email was pushed to the docket by the Defense b/c the Defense felt the contents contained Court actions/decisions that should be preserved on the docket.

Per reporting from last Tuesday's hearing, Baldwin advised the Court that another motion for the Court to recuse would be filed to the Court Docket. Judge Gull rejected the courtesy copy Baldwin offered her at the hearing.

IMO, should Judge Gull again refuse to recuse herself, it could be that RA and team are setting up to bring a 3rd Original Action to the the Supreme Court.
If the next hearing ends up with Judge Gull rejecting the 3rd party SODDI theory and evidence, it could be that RA and team are setting up for an interlocutory appeal of that 3rd party decision.
Either way, No quiet, no normal in this case.
Predicting continued rough weather ahead. (sigh.)

So ... will the scheduled upcoming 3-day hearing be interrupted by a writ to the SC?

Magic 8-Ball:
Will Judge Gull refuse to recuse for a 2nd time? Magic 8-Ball says: Without A Doubt
Will RA take Judge Gull's 2nd refusal to recuse to the SC? Magic 8-Ball says: Yes Definitely
Will the SC agree to hear RA's next original action? Magic 8-Ball says: Ask Again Later
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I took it to mean he was supporting the state from now on. Now I look for where I saw it and I cannot find it again. I looked at so much yesterday. Had a bit of a break today as weather is beautiful. We have gone straight from winter into summer, suddenly. Really hit today- shorts and sun top weather.
Well that really does say something now doesn't it?

We had a winter that was not for the most part the whole time a winter--a FEW real winter days but unlike ever seen or seen for a long time. Spring has been a bit back and forth but still NOT winter, a bit and some windy, one late sn*w sh*t for a couple of days etc. but I haven't even talked about it as I didn't want to jinx it, the entire winter and spring, to live where I do NO ONE complained and yes last couple of days it turned to SUMMER type weather. I was out working in our garden center today and was sweating. We are busier than all get out. I get to work MOther's Day tomorrow, did so last year too, not happy about it but I take every weekend it is higher pay and take Thurs and Fris off. Wish I could see my family more especially my mom, well not just her but sisters, grandkids, other daughter, but mom because she's 80. Met with realtors in the other state a week or two ago, can't even recall, that week I had no days off due to travel and gave her her Mother's Day gift ahead of time as I knew I wouldn't make it for the actual day.

Anywhooo I guess I'm off topic on the case... But one more, no shorts or suntop for me, not work attire and HOT all day. We CAN wear shorts of a certain length (knee) but been working so many hours I don't even have them out. On top though is at least two layers. Have to have the work vest or whatever on top of the shirt. It is lousy on heat and AC in any season as the doors let it all out. The greenhouse today OMG and it was only 70 something. HOT. AND NONSTOP BUSY

I'm not one bit surprised again what is going on here and another delay. I CARE but am bored with the b.s. I HATE the families have to go through this. You know it crossed my mind the other day that maybe they are just trying to get in a position RA can make ANY kind of deal but I don't think so. I don't feel these two represent his interests at all and I strongly believe he WANTED to confess but they couldn't have it and maybe mom and wife coudln't either but that he did SO because they were not THERE for him. That's a very strong opinion of mine and I maintain it.

Good luck wiith recusal (why would she?) and ISC as well as she hasn't imo done anything requiring it thus far just as she wasn't taken off the last time. Gull of course I mean.

The thought also crossed my mind that they will delay until the cows come home or don't come home until they hope she is no longer a sitting judge. Kind of leaves their client and his family stuck though with him in custody.

I'm not sure about the how does it go, SODDIT defense and whether she will or should deny that. I feel it's b.s. their defense with no real meat behind them but the other motions? I see denial being entirely reasonable. The confessions. The interview I don't see where he had to be Mirandized or re-Mirandized and was reminded anyhow, it was not custodial from anything I see. Etc. The fourth or fifth or whatever FM OMG so over it and so NOT THERE.

I don't see why the ISC IF going to appeal will see any differently.

And get ready because I doubt or wouldn't be surprised if the October dates and a full month gets a delay at the last moment as well.

Yeah, filing may slow in a few weeks as defense will think again they have all the time in the world and not keep up on their job. Imo. A clear pattern, always been. Maybe they will surprise but I doubt it. So with the no time I already have I can stay up on other cases which a lot of times these past months I look at other threads first because this one is just overkill and takes too much time at times. So I often come here last as I did tonight, this early a.m. and even dont'read every post or blow it off for some days.

I hope and pray we see Barry Morphew recharged and Chad Daybell convicted of all counts and given the DP. There are other cases as we know. You are in both of those. This one is on delay. Daybell isn't.
I have found it. Maybe I didn't post this but these are the hearing notes from Reddit. Link and the text copied below. The seating of Lebrato is mentioned in the very last sentence.

Notes from before hearing began -

Leazenby was standing right inside the entrance, after the metal detectors, watching people come in & talking with another individual.
Click walked out of the courtroom as I walked in & looked very nervous.
Gull seemed more personable, chatting with & joking with others in the courtroom. Gull seemed to be talking with other court staff about plans for jury selection. She was not in robe at this time.
-sassy as she put papers on both state & defense tables.
Auger & Rozzi enter. Rozzi picks up Russ McQuaid’s mess & is now owed lunch from Mr. McQuaid. Rozzi was pushing 1 or 2 rolling file carts.
Baldwin entered shortly after with another 1 or 2 rolling file carts.
Defense & Richard Allen’s family entered from the back of the courtroom like at the hearing in March. Richard Allen’s mother & wife were there.
McLeland and Diener enter from doors at the front of the courtroom. McLeland has one box of files & Diener has a binder.
Diener & Rozzi have an extended friendly exchange behind the defense table.
Courtroom got quiet when Richard Allen entered the courtroom. He was not accompanied by CERT today. I think only Allen County Correctional Officers or Sheriff Deputies.
He seemed less alert today than in March, but did smile a couple times with his attorneys. Baldwin & Auger each patted him on the back.

Preliminary Matters -

Gull acted like she didn’t know who attorney Auger was or why she was there. Rozzie reminded her that she filed an appearance a week or so ago.
Gull said she has ruled on that & they will receive it soon. Gull says she ordered on that motion on 5/2 & is not sure why it was not entered by the Carroll County Clerk, but she had her staff enter it this morning……
Rozzi asks for clarification regarding that order before proceeding. Auger may be making arguments today, but they don’t want her to cross any boundaries with her representation since they haven’t seen Gull’s order.

Scheduling Issues for Jury Trial -

Rozzi doesn’t think they can practically complete trial in that timeframe, even after talking with McLeland about it.
Gull is upset because the first time this was brought to her attention was in the 4/30 filing.
Rozzi argues that nothing has been streamlined and there hasn’t been many pre-trial conferences or conversations about the volume of evidence & witnesses.
McLeland says he did his best to streamline witnesses. McLeland says many are chain-of-custody issues & he is trying to work with defense on stipulations.
Rozzi - “We are at [the State’s] mercy.”
Defense wants 15 days to present their case.
Gull argues that due to Jury Rule 4, she cannot extend the dates of trial. Gull says juror summons were mailed out on 4/19 and Defense did not request more time for trial until their 4/30 filing.
Rozzi says the court never inquired with parties & that it violates Richard Allen’s 6th Amendment right.
Gull - “I cannot under Jury Rule 4.”
Rozzi suggested they be able to ask jurors if they would be willing to potentially stay longer if needed during jury selection.
McLeland says he cannot predict how long witnesses will take & they might need to “throw in more witnesses” if there aren’t any stipulations.
Rozzi - “You’re not hearing what the State is saying.” Rozzi argues that Gull is inviting the State to call as many witnesses & extend their case so the defense only has limited time (if any) to present their case.
Gull - “When I send emails, they end up in pleadings and that’s not how I like to do business.”
Gull brought up already having lodging reserved.
Rozzi asks for a 5 minute recess; Gull responded, “Why?”
-Rozzi says he would like a few minutes to discuss their options with co-counsel and Richard Allen.

After Recess -

Rozzi states he would like to put on the record that during their recess, officers were with them the entire time & they had no privacy with their client. Rozzi says the same thing occurred at the March hearing.

Defense waives Right to Speedy Trial

Baldwin informs Gull that they have a Motion to Disqualify Judge with them & asks if he can approach to provide Gull with a copy.
Gull says no. She says she will read it after he e-files it.

Gull sets jury trial for Oct 14 - Nov 15.

Rozzi asks if she is also guaranteeing they have 15 days to present their case.
Gull says that if they cannot try this case in 30 days, then something is wrong.
Rozzi jumps up & says “You don’t know anything about this case. Respectfully.” Rozzi states she never set any pre-trial hearings regarding evidence issues.
Rozzi also expresses frustrations with communication issues with the State.
McLeland says he has no idea how long the State’s case will take to present. “We have the burden of proof… We have no idea.” McLeland says he cannot give an estimate of how long the State’s case will take.
McLeland promised to be efficient when presenting his case.

Gull sets hearing for 5/21 - 5/23 to address the following:

  • Motion in Limine
  • Multiple Motions to Suppress & Compel
  • Motion to Rule of Admissibility of Evidence.
McLeland asks if that hearing will also address the outstanding Franks motions.
Gull says no, Franks will not be heard at that time.
McLeland says he will respond to Franks IV soon & informs the court of his Motion to Rule on Admissibility of Evidence. McLeland says he filed the Motion, but would like to file the evidence under seal because it’s “pretty incriminating.”
Gull accepts sealed documents from McLeland.
Gull reiterates that she is not emailing any longer because emails end up in pleadings & she doesn’t think that’s appropriate.
Lebrato sat State-side this time.

You gave the link and at that time I went in and read it all. Not sure I realized the Lebrato thing a the end. Even now I reread it and had seen before, should bold it or just I will point out it is the VERY LAST statement in this coverage.
Wow. Thank you for this. Not really surprised. Show the continued games by the defense and imo incompetency, whether intentional or faked.
here is your link I read and responded to. I don't think you copied and pasted it at that point but have now for those that never went in. I don't read all links, I don't have times but I did read this one.
Demeaniged is probably the past participle of demeanig. Did you notice Gull said she isn't sending emails anymore because they end up in filings LOL. Do you get the feeling she doesn't trust the D as far as she can throw them?

I don't know how we will get thru the next 5 months without these shenanigans to laugh at.
I can't say as I blame her. Most attorneys and judges have a basic and professional relationship the DO talk, schedule, etc. which they CAN do with all parties involved. Just like going into chambers or side bars. BUT look who she has had and what they do.

They weren't disliked, they were PUT ON AS RA's public defenders way back when.

I know how I will get through the next five months, and that's by only reacting to the bs that goes on and we shall see, work may well cease shortly with B & R until close to the date again. If not, we will be up to an 11th FM, etc. Eyeroll. And I will follow other cases that I care about as well.

I'm waiting to see though if some other little interest game re-emerges through new or different channels/ways... It wouldn't surprise me one bit HOWEVER the guilt shows to me for how many have shut up entirely about this case... LIKE TOTALLY after splashing all the sh*t.

But yes, they have been good for laughs. However, I don't need such if the case is quite and in the water for the moment. I want to see the upcoming decisions on the days that WERE to be trial. Gull may take a vacation after that and I think she deserves to. B & R probably are too but they shouldn't be, they should be doing all they have not STILL YET DONE. In of course, my humble opinion.

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