LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Full size katana is 24 to 32 inches.
The mini katana is 12 to 24 inches.

(BTW these are illegal in the UK if longer than 50 cms - about 20 inches.)

How does the length of a katana compare to other types of Japanese swords, like the wakizashi or tanto?

The katana is the longest of the three traditional Japanese swords. A typical katana blade measures around 60 to 80 centimeters (24 to 32 inches) in length. In contrast, the wakizashi is a shorter sword with a blade length of approximately 30 to 60 centimeters (12 to 24 inches). The tanto is a dagger with a blade length of about 15 to 30 centimeters (6 to 12 inches). The different lengths of these swords make them suitable for various purposes and combat scenarios.
Aren't all knives or blades illegal in the UK?

I am really thinking this is what was down his pants... Could be wrong of course but they were injured/killed by sharp weapon and possibly with Libby sorry to say almost beheaded (rumor has always said) and they took this with the warrant. I HOPE they had results from it if that is the case...
Aren't all knives or blades illegal in the UK?

I am really thinking this is what was down his pants... Could be wrong of course but they were injured/killed by sharp weapon and possibly with Libby sorry to say almost beheaded (rumor has always said) and they took this with the warrant. I HOPE they had results from it if that is the case...
No they aren't. Only certain sizes. I was just refreshing what I meant by the two K's and had to go back to remind myself. The katana and the keepsake box - must be the most important evidence in addition to the video and audio.
It wasn't out of the blue. You yourself have decided I have made up my mind. I haven't. I want to see the prosecution's whole case. So far it's been underwhelming.
Are you talking about this case? They have him and his car on video, he was the only adult male there at the time, admits he was there, admits he never loaned his gun out to anyone or had been at the CS ever before, admits he was on the bridge, admits he saw the young witnesses at the same time and place they saw him, he has a matching bullet in a keepsake box to the one found at the CS, both bullets are from his gun, has confessed 35 times, was videod by the victims.

He's toast.

Did you manage to find the links?
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Did this get posted before?

Why is it so easy to read the State's filings and they make such perfect sense and reading eight pages that are concise and make their point and give their reasons and cite case law is how it should be. Every time I read one, it just makes B & R look more stupid and this one VERY MUCH DID without them ever calling them such. I'm really not sure why they don't just give up and if decent put RA in capable hands. The reasons can only be self serving ones. This points out ALL they have not shown, have not proven, all the false hot air claims, etc. and that they can't file a legal document with real basis.

This was a good read. Just now read every last word uninterrupted. It was only not long ago filed, signed June 9th.
Not this case but this judgement involved a prior affidavit from the same MH specialist at Westville.

Pretty clear what he is doing in reading this. This is to lack of believing him truthful and believing all med personnel truthful including her. He denies therapy and much more. Did a quick read. He's just playing a game and why would he ask for transfer to gen pop where he'd then do a new game of the issues there. He gets care has access to care, etc. REFUSES care but says he gets none. Sounds like a pretty typical inmate of the variety anyhow that play such games and don't just keep their nose clean and serve their time.
Payit amount raised to date = $40k of $45k with the deadline passed.

He might want to be careful, it is said he has an absolute right to a fair trial which is currently being violated. Who exactly decided that? They cant submit paperwork with supportive documentation correctly, we recently saw this. In fact they can't submit anything correctly from ex parte motions, to requests for payment with any support to prove the need and everything they file and claim in the case itself has nothing to back it up. I'm not being sarcastic or unfair, it DOESN'T. I've never seen anyone less like lawyers in my life who supposedly ARE lawyers.

Of course now travel and sh*t is higher and lodging than expected lol. I don't think they have to provide documentation to the people who donate though, just make their statements... It's all also a game.

Something like 700 people have donated over all these months to the tune of what, $42K now? That's an average of $600 per person and not that many people. I'd make an educated guess as to who most of them perhaps are... That's a lot for most people who have no reason to donate or who don't have a horse in the race...
No they aren't. Only certain sizes. I was just refreshing what I meant by the two K's and had to go back to remind myself. The katana and the keepsake box - must be the most important evidence in addition to the video and audio.
When you mentioned the two Ks I was going to ask but was proud of myself back in reading that post that a second later I knew what you were referring to!!

Yeah could be a lot of some of the most important but I also think his own lies, his wive's, their own statements, AND his confessions may be also a part of a LOT of the very important evidence but as far as what was found in the search, yes, they stand out... I see other possibilities though too like blood of one of the girls like DNA in the CAR even where he may have thrown the katana, the gun, his jacket or a hat, or gloves who knows... I see lots of possibilities he freaked when he saw the evidence dumped on him with no attorney to talk him through it... And then he confessed...
Latest on MW -
Dismissal denied
Pretrial July 18th.
Bench trial Sept 3rd.

B & R are lucky it isn't them too and beyond for charges as is MW that they aren't worse. Any sane person knows what was going on here.

It shouldn't be dismissed, it seriously affected a major case and resulted in a suicide.
Latest on Payit -

and this one, I had to laugh when I read it on break today. issues with the payment processor, Stripe, yada, yada, because "we" hadn't provided what Sripe needed or we didn't know what they needed and all a miscommunication lol. That is so much like B & R with no documentation for expenses submitted, not knowing their own case rules on ex parte filings, etc. SAME OLD sh*t, their SCREW UP along with Wieneke trying to help them by including self in this one...
And then did his best to step out of their way. Why? They need help lol. And will always be one of their biggest supporters.

These people are all from the same side so to speak... And again, don't think it isn't political... They don't have to show or guarantee or prove anything at this point, just like a go fund me. Just say Hennessy has always been truthful with me so that's enough for you to donate, yada, yada, yada. And then was it Hennessy in the last one apologizing for not being in contact with donators or updating in some time. I'm going to guess some donators had issues and were asking questions....

It really isn't much all things considered for the time it's been up.

I wouldn't be sure B & R aren't vacationing on it. The minute they got a delay there's been not another word lol. It's NOT funny though as October is RIGHT around the corner and they'd better be getting their ducks in a row if they can even FIND THEM.
Pretty clear what he is doing in reading this. This is to lack of believing him truthful and believing all med personnel truthful including her. He denies therapy and much more. Did a quick read. He's just playing a game and why would he ask for transfer to gen pop where he'd then do a new game of the issues there. He gets care has access to care, etc. REFUSES care but says he gets none. Sounds like a pretty typical inmate of the variety anyhow that play such games and don't just keep their nose clean and serve their time.
It almost seemed very similar to RA case - ie in solitary and with MH issues.
And then did his best to step out of their way. Why? They need help lol. And will always be one of their biggest supporters.

These people are all from the same side so to speak... And again, don't think it isn't political... They don't have to show or guarantee or prove anything at this point, just like a go fund me. Just say Hennessy has always been truthful with me so that's enough for you to donate, yada, yada, yada. And then was it Hennessy in the last one apologizing for not being in contact with donators or updating in some time. I'm going to guess some donators had issues and were asking questions....

It really isn't much all things considered for the time it's been up.

I wouldn't be sure B & R aren't vacationing on it. The minute they got a delay there's been not another word lol. It's NOT funny though as October is RIGHT around the corner and they'd better be getting their ducks in a row if they can even FIND THEM.
Wieneke seemed to be distancing themselves from it I thought too.
Not sure if this has been posted. It is from a month ago and is a request by the prosecution for interviews from the Westville pyschologist, Dr. Monica Wala, to be admitted into evidence.

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It almost seemed very similar to RA case - ie in solitary and with MH issues.
Yeah, I guess, but then I also feel a lot of what RA has done is games and intentional as well. He sounds like more of a career criminal than we now RA to be thought. Sounded as if he's been in trouble before but was unclear if he'd gotten out of it or what the deal was. At least that's the impression I had and again I gave it a quick read, glance, I think I took in most of it though.

It doesn't tell us much as to her. Sounds as if she was doing her job a long with the others and he was the one refusing help but then claiming to not be receiving any. Yeah, that sound similar too. Lies.
Wieneke seemed to be distancing themselves from it I thought too.
You think so? He says he will remain one of their biggest supporters and the stepping out of their way imo is because they got the case back and it's not his I'd assume and then he also helps with the Pay It or GFM or whatever it is and speaks on their behalf. Seems to be publicly supporting to me, not distancing. Also, isn't he the one that yelled about the ex parte thing on their behalf where they said nothing and I believe because they likely knew it was their own screw up... He got egg on his face in my opinion, at least he has it to me, and they let him and never said a word in support of him supporting them in that case, again they were silent because they knew it was another big flub up by them imo in how it was filed., not following the ex parte filing rules.

RA should have experts, don't get me wrong, but needs to support the expense and necessity in requesting funds. Instead they went the public donation route which I'm not sure I agree with but so what I guess. I suspect a large number of the donations were from public defenders and defense attorneys lol. It's a small number of people and it's encouraging to see at least that no big number of average Joe's donated to what I think is a murderer's defense fund. I woulldn't donate to Rick is what I mean and it doesn't look like many other did either. Even if 700 were average Joe's,that's a small number considering how many millions probably follow this case. Hundreds of thousands at least.

I hope the bozos are smart enough to keep the paperwork and trail on these donations and where they go. We only have these guys saying there are on ethics violations in doing this but that comes from them and them only and there would be if anything inappropriate is done with the funds OR their use not fully documented and supported imo.
Not sure if this has been posted. It is from a month ago and is a request by the prosecution for interviews from the Westville pyschologist, Dr. Monica Wala, to be admitted into evidence.

Pretty sure it has or at least the exception I have discussed here and it was covered on Tom for me as well. I first read it though I believe before he covered it and feel such will be admitted due to the exception.
Why is it things aren't being heard yet or scheduled to be heard? There's no reason to wait for October or last minute. Where did that last leave off, I think B & R claimed not ready to argue them right?

I just heard that the prosecution Celebrite expert made it crystal clear the search in Read for how long for someone to die in the cold was at 6 sometihing a.m. and not at 2 something or whatever it was lol. I figured such or similar would be the case all along but I'll tell you the rules and ways need to change where prosecution can let some of this stuff out because they let a whole PR campaign go on with people touting this falsehood everywhere and news as well and so on and in the thread here repeatedly as well forEVER and people believed it... This keeping everything close to the vest while the other side, one side, mounts a false scenario and trumpets falsehoods as well isn't working and allows damage to be down to public opinion for those who fall for ONE side's blitz (I don't but many do). In this case too, they are doing the same while the defense less effectively but still changed the tone for many tried to do similar with the O thing and more, they keep mum. I'm not saying they should share all but they sure could come out and say SOMETHING instead of letting one narrative go on.

So there goes the biggest smoking gun everyone thought they had and touted to no end. However, why wait so LONG to get that out there, even in trial? Perhaps hoping for an ending big impact or some such? It's really the main thing most hung there hat on saying constantly, THIS would be the end IF this search occurred before all happened. And it did NOT.

Defenses are using the internet world and ways to get full blown ******** stories and false facts into the minds of many and prosecutions need to change their ways to counter this somewhat. Imo.

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