LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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The fact that none of his DNA or fingerprints are at the crime scene is reasonable doubt to me. Especially because someone else's was. Someone who hasn't been identified. It looks to me like they're saying RA did it case closed. Who cares who's DNA and fingerprints are there? The missing DNA and fingerprint evidence doesn't point to perps other than him?

Your question about the bullet is a good one. I'd like to know that, too.
Link for your statement again about no DNA or prints at the scene?
Here's a really interesting point from Tom. It is the PROSECUTION who is calling a DNA expert... Now why if none of Ricks' DNA matches. Could it be that the girls DNA was found on something of his... Or it could be to show that the DNA that was found was someone like Kelsey's bf or one of the girl's friends and was touch DNA on the sweatshirt or something.... BUT they are calling an expert on DNA.... I've said a million times one has to look at what isn't there or said be defense as they ignore what hurts their client and cherrypicks things to put into filing and so on and out to the public... I saw that immediately in the FM etc. that it is all cherrypicked. There is no this and there is not that BUT what IS there that you are NOT mentioning... That your client is so scared of and you never warned him of and that you are now desperate to have gone...

That is interesting. I guess we'll see at trial.
Wish TV article. This is where the 30 confessions come from.

"According to the prosecution, he’s confessed to 16 guards, eight inmates, a warden, Indiana State Police officers, and mental health personnel."

Therefore this is 16 plus 8 plus 1 plus 2 minimum plus 2 minimum plus wife and mum = 31 at the very least.
I linked it back when with the last time or time before he asked. He must never remember or read what we respond to begin with. Seriously. I went and found YOUR WISH article and linked it and told him I had actually read the link and it came from the prosecution and was in news.

I think I also did the math as you just did here. Not sure why we have to tell him again and beat a dead horse when all he asks has been answered and provided many a time.

:bored: Lol. Let HIM go look because he's apparently playing game or never did look at such when he asked and we answered, just to irritate.

Or we should be very worried about him as he has a worse memory than any of us and mine's not great these days.
That is interesting. I guess we'll see at trial.
I'm actually surprised to hear you say that. And glad you can see that it is interesting. I actually did not know that myself. He keeps up on all the filings and more. And yes the have a DNA expert.

Now that could mean, and this is me thinking myself and he put his own thoughts out with it and probably similar, they either DO have DNA from RA but if not, defense has never said have they that A & L's DNA was not on anything of his... Etc. Or it could be as simple as it was touch DNA and determined to be by a friend, by a teacher, on a shoulder of a sweatshirt or who knows. We don't KNOW is the point and I want to see what the person is there for and what the evidence is the expert is there for. There IS more we do NOT know.

You know in Daybell if you think about it the LACK of DNA or prints is interesting. And Alex had his suits they found were they Tyvek or some such, you know total covering. Now Tylee's blood was found on Chad's tools BUT where was anyone's DNA other than a hair belonging to Lori on tape. What does the LACK there say? And you who are so into fingerprints and DNA shouldn't there have been some on the tools... But of course Chad's wouldn't matter necessarily as they were HIS tools... Or it means they were wiped clean. If not wiped clean then Alex killed the kids and did not use the tools as HIS DNA or fingerprints not hem would be significant and tested for OR MORE LIKELY there were none or only Chad's... ABSENCE of DNA can mean wiped OR the person such belonged to, no point in testing because of course he used the shovel to bury raccoons so what would that prove...

I found what Tom said interesting that prosecution has a DNA expert and sometimes you have to look at things backwards or what defense doesn't say OR what we don't know or isn't there or said...

And then look at LISK. You make such a big deal of prints and DNA in Delphi, but in LISK apparently her hair, more of it found than his, means nothing other than it came from the home and she is in the clear due to weirdly saved documents of decades old phone bills...

I was only going to talk of the DNA expert and such in THIS case so as not to confuse or start an all over the place discussion or you centering in on one thing or some such but lack of DNA can mean WHY, was the person suited, didn't touch, etc. It can mean a lot. And the presence of such can mean nothing and is just like in the case of Asa or so they so far believe, is transfer hairs and no smoking gun.

Personally I think such would be an interesting and bit new conversation rather than all of us rehashing the old.

We do NOT KNOW what they have and what type nor where.

And I hope this does not confuse but another thing I am sure NO ONE has come in and shared here is that Baldwin was having a sh*t fit not long ago that he couldn't find an expert to say these were Odinist runes on the girls. I have had no time of course but heard part last night but work day, early work morning, etc. and as I heard someone ask about it I had no idea what they were talking about but there is either an email or phone voice mail or filing or some such, I haven't finished Tom's yet, hoped to do so tonight, not sure it will happen, I have an even earlier day tomorrow. I gather hew wasn't cool or calm and was I dont' know, I need to go find it. It's fact though, it was in something that is known as I understand it. @Tresir you know anything about this, ti was news to me.

Tom kept saying since they say the professor did NOT say what prosecution claims and that he said they WERE O runes on A & L why don't they just use or ask him in trial... Not true is likely why imo. Never was. He said as far as I ever understood it, it seemed like someone trying to make it LOOk as thought it might be in an obscure way...

One has to look at what defense picks and chooses and keep in mind anything against their client isn't in the FM or anything else.

All I know is they are desperate to get everything ditched and if they cant' they delay and they spend more time on the first than actually preparing in CASE it goes to trial and such isn't ditched with a lack of basis and so on. AND the other thing I know is prosecution has shown clearly they are ready to go and try this. At least that's the public faces we see with both, B & R would probably like to say they aren't panicked but they know they are and how they look...

And I don't think the ISC if they go there is going to do much different, they pretty much said as much the first time...

So I've kind of added on but please separate just the part about the DNA expert and thoughts and don't go mixing all, I am just trying to point out there is much unknown and what some don't say or the lack of something can actually be more damning just as DNA there like with Asa and with Lori's hair doesn't mean they were hands on in the murders... Physically.

Personally I think this would be interesting to discuss and it also shows DNA and such do not actually mean any such thing.
It was voicemail. Long, rambling, unfocused says one viewer and didn't take time to focus before making the call. Re Baldwin and their inability if I have it right to find an expert that will say these were O runes on the girls. WELL NOW.... There used to be paid defense expert whores out there, has that changed because people see it now and call them OUT or was eh GFM just not enough to have the risking life and limb and career to lie...

Seeming to me the rune thing is b.s. And again why not just ask the professor who I don't believe ever said such a thing, but said someone was trying to give obscure hints to make them think otherwise, throw them of with the scene--I AM paraphrasing...

If they can't find a bona fide expert to say what they want well then that speaks volumes imo. And it shouldn't be that way anyhow, it should be you take a WELL respected expert and let them come up with what they do and it agrees or does not agree with what you'd hope. THAT is true and honest court, a system, and the way it should be.

Anyhow sounds like Baldwin was off the rails again. I am starting to wonder if he is on something...
so in seeing the search warrants again, I couldn't recall all but recalled a lot but the katana with tassel I had forgotten about and wondered what It was the first time but figured it was some kind of hat as it had a tassel, I pictured something like he Kiwanis or Shriners wear, which IS it? So tonight I did a quick Google and way wrong, it is a Japanese sword.... Single edge, long holding area, a curved blade. I haven't looked further for a pic or how much of a curve, etc... Anyone gets a chance or knows more about such, please fill us in. One of three important swords in feudal Japan and used by Samurai warriors. This of course doesn't mean Rick's was old, like anything, they probably make replicas. I'd have to guess the tassel would be at the end of the hilt or handle. Isn't hat what one calls the handle of a sword? Feel free to correct me if wrong.
Didn't CB have a sword too? I googled Katana anyway and it is the sharpest sword you can get due to the forging process. It is curved too. Will post some pics.

Want to mention that initially many commentators (when the moving BG was released) thought he had something rigid down his trousers. (No not that - a small sword or stick was speculated IIRC) can we find the moving BG again?



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Also, to recap on the confessions, what I posted didn't have the ones to family, which numbered 5 on their own. So that means we have -

16 guards+ 8 inmates + warden+ISP officers(2+)+mh officers(2+)+family(5)
= 34 total as a minimum.

🎶and a partridge in a pear tree.🎶
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Didn't CB have a sword too? I googled Katana anyway and it is the sharpest sword you can get due to the forging process. It is curved too. Will post some pics.

Want to mention that initially many commentators (when the moving BG was released) thought he had something rigid down his trousers. (No not that - a small sword or stick was speculated IIRC) can we find the moving BG again?



I think CB did, we will have to go take a look at what at some point, not sure it was only one either. We know more about the sheer number of guns he had and that I think is what sticks more but I think there may have been a sword/swords.

This katana really has me interested. I don't think I've ever seen a show where anyone looked into it but then Delphi shows went really quiet after the leaks and trouble and even good YTers don't want to be seen is my guess of could they possibly be connected to the defense chain.

But it just could be also that some do so many cases and a lot of blizzards have come fast and furious or like me, they just thought in my case a katana was a hat as it had a tassel and I though he was some Shriner or something lol.

I didn't have time but you got the pics and now I am even MORE hooked on this. For years it has been discussed in every forum what he had down his pants leg and many, many things were thrown out there as thoughts... Seeing these pics gives me a feeling of this is IT. We know a bladee/s were involved, sharp weapon, etc. Why has NO ONE that I've seen even talked of this... I just thought it was some hat lol and so kind of dismissed it and focused more on the keepsake box and bullet and maybe that's what most did...

I don't want to get gory or hurtful or think of it myself but there is what was down his pants as many of us wondered if something was and debated over YEARS in forums all did and we know they were cut or sliced, etc. but back when the funerals, etc. it was rumored or said that Libby was close to decapitated and they covered it with a scarf or some such.. THIS weapon would fit that entirely.

From there, just speculation, I'd guess he washed it in the river and then stuck it back down his pants... We know other things were in the river or creek or whatever one wants to call it and he was doin something there with underwear and other things. But what IF he didn't clean it well enough and resheathed it and stuck it back down the pants and a droplet of Libby's blood for instance was on the inside of the sheath, the hilt of the blade, etc...

Or what if even it matches the type of wounds but what if ALL OF THE ABOVE....

Something sent RA on seeing evidence his defense attorneys had a gopher dump on him with no prep of what he would find in the evidence (hadn't looked at it themselves, I'd bet on it) and he knew he was toast and he immediately was confessing to mom and wife.

The bullet and gun he knew of already, IF he had the underwear or socks and IF he knew what they took he'd have expected that but I doubt somehow he knew what they took in the search either.

There is as we have kept saying MORE here than they have shared imo.

One droplet of blood in that sheath or anywhere on the sword and it is one of the girls and let's just say slam dunk and BINGO.

So we can quit wondering if he was an O himself and did this with Os (I never did anyhow lol), he fancies himself a Japanese Samurai warrior... Kind of funny yet none of it is. \\

These girls were slaughtered and I feel no sympathy for RA except for the attorneys he is stuck with but in the same breath he may be sly as a fox or a SK who uses such.

I look at this case and him and I think of CB, I look at CB and I think of RA. Just instinct... GAMES. Control. Sadistic.
Also, to recap on the confessions, what I posted didn't have the ones to family, which numbered 5 on their own. So that means we have -

16 guards+ 8 inmates + warden+ISP officers(2+)+mh officers(2+)+family(5)
= 34 total as a minimum.

🎶and a partridge in a pear tree.🎶
Good catch!! I knew it was over 30 just from the article. Now we know far more at minimum as they didn't include those. And hopefully emu reads or catches this and the links for the umpteenth time and doesn't ask again in a day or two where such comes from. It came FROM a side in the case.
I linked it back when with the last time or time before he asked. He must never remember or read what we respond to begin with. Seriously. I went and found YOUR WISH article and linked it and told him I had actually read the link and it came from the prosecution and was in news.

I think I also did the math as you just did here. Not sure why we have to tell him again and beat a dead horse when all he asks has been answered and provided many a time.

:bored: Lol. Let HIM go look because he's apparently playing game or never did look at such when he asked and we answered, just to irritate.

Or we should be very worried about him as he has a worse memory than any of us and mine's not great these days.
I know. We have both linked and provided it LOL. Over 30 confessions !!!! This will not go to trial - I am predicting right now that he will take a plea.
At this point, I'm waiting for official filings or the trial to start. I'm far more focused on the Karen Read case.

Read isn't going to get convicted. It's a crying shame though since she killed her bf. Imo. I follow it enough but not to the point of total immersion. And see enough things where sane people don't say she didn't do it or that the "other guy" did it in some fight where a dog got involved but can see how not stellar the investigation was or Proctor is, etc., and admit they destroyed the case or probably have.

The Read is innocent thing is b.s. and most sane people don't think that. They do agree in large part the investigation and problems with Proctor, etc. are problems.

You know in any case you talk of where let's say LE manufactured evidence to help get a conviction or an arrest, all need to stop and think that does NOT mean the person did not do it.

I do agree that cops, troopers, judges, DAs and anyone in power have to have the CLEANEST of noses and practices because this is what will come if they don't, nowadays. Let's hope one day that applies to higher politicians as well, like that will ever happen lol. I don't know if she will be acquitted, maybe, but she won't be convicted, giving my bet but I still believe she killed him and possibly intentionally in the drunken heat of the moment. Then after we are going to watch the whole money thing and the fact he talked of her "bag" I will put it vaguely and HIPPA and so on.

She killed John but yes he helped destroy the case.
whatever. works one way only I guess. always.

i'm really intrigued now that I know what the katana is.

and glad we are waiting for trial. always was. now all are. :D

the katana though is brand new to talk of. not the same old.

Rick had a katana down his pants i'm thinking...

it isn't a smoking gun, we already have the gun, and it isn't an O, it's a wannabe Samurai warrior.... Half jesting. Oops. Better not.
At this point, I'm waiting for official filings or the trial to start. I'm far more focused on the Karen Read case.
I'm not following the Read case at all.

This trial is delayed now till October, at least, and I believe there will be a plea deal before then. But in the meantime we can review and see what else comes up. Eg. We are still waiting for the statement/affidavit from the MH officer and whether RA was mirandized before he spoke with her.
I'm not following the Read case at all.

This trial is delayed now till October, at least, and I believe there will be a plea deal before then. But in the meantime we can review and see what else comes up. Eg. We are still waiting for the statement/affidavit from the MH officer and whether RA was mirandized before he spoke with her.
Believe me, do not bother. It isn't worth it. If one thinks this one gets heated and any of us lose sight, that one is beyond. No discussions at all in the "middle". I don't know really why I get slapped when I step OUT OF THREADS and even avoid them yet those who don't, don't, or who bait. Seriously. No biggie though. it isn't my world but maybe important to someone else or others.

You and I agree on a lot but have disagreed strongly on other cases. I don't see a plea deal and not sure why you think that. Open to your thoughts on it though. I guess I could see it so B & R can save themselves and look like they did their job...

As far as the MH worker, I'm not sure he needed to be mirandized. It has come up that he wasn't but that's not an interrogation or arrest and has anyone weighed in on if necessary?

I'm stuck on the katana at the moment and finally something new to think on...

I'm announcing right here that I am done with Read. I don't care and am not going back in and never really wanted to to begin with. I don't think I have ever seen such a thing on this site. AND I haven't read the last how many pages. You cannot have an opinion or one about one thing but another about another thing or be in the middle. Seems not allowed...

I'd love to see the same interest and time given to a lot of other cases. But that's jmo. It's about a bunch of partying drunken police officers and others in positions of power and their wives and girlfriends. Seems to have taken some of the world by storm. Political and being used to a point also imo. She did it, LE failed, prosecution is failing and she will get a hung jury imo. Basically all of them disgust me. And yet on the next page or thread we have some innocent gone missing or murdered. That one though sure has the attention. Not sure why.

JUST MY OPINION. Never had an interest, still don't, and not going in ever again. And yet I was not part of it getting out of hand, wasn't even in there so go figure yet I got mod snipped in this thread was it, can't even recall. Deja Vu what crime site am I at? Oh that will probably get me in trouble next.

Like I said we all agree and disagree case to case. You and I certainly have. Most of us have. So what? No one does more than steamrolls or kills someone with an emoji guillotine.

I am really thinking on this katana...

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