LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Boy I had a few minutes left when I posted that and he ended with family members of both girls and how this case is about Abby and Libby and justice for them, he said it better than that or I can. And not about this hijacked sh*t online with people doing what they are doing and arguing and more. Not once in this video does he eve hesitate to think about what he wants to say. Sooooo very well said.
I cannot believe there are such horrible people as he describes. What is wrong with them?
He deals with them correctly but people like that don't change. Once an a'hole always an a'hole and the internet encourages them.
I cannot believe there are such horrible people as he describes. What is wrong with them?
He deals with them correctly but people like that don't change. Once an a'hole always an a'hole and the internet encourages them.
Wasn't is something and I give him total credit for calling them out big time. Even so he doesn't name them and I have no idea who they are but their actions are deplorable. He had a great 20 minute speech so to speak, not once hesitating at calling them out and starting what he thought of such. And he not only stuck up for Abby and Libby's families and the girls but Allen and his too. He's pretty fair that way.

BUT the reactions of the families can be seen having to see all this, hear it all, and being advised themselves to stay quiet. Boy do I know what that's like and they've had more of it than we did but we had years of it. I can honestly say it's almost impossible to bear and not call people out that are so wrong and cold as well.
So I started Tom's that I hit live over because I missed the beginning where he covers the new news/filings, etc. And sure enough the D and all the attys helping them out shot themselves in the foot, yet again, so to speak. The lost the chance to complain about her not ruling by filing further Franks motions to her as I understand it. Are ANY of these guys REAL lawyers? I'm just starting into and want to get back to it but can't for a bit as I think Tom is about to insult them royally lol.

And don't get me wrong, he's fair. He comes down on the judge and prosecutor at times a fair amount as well but who can deny the D gives so much fodder...??!! It just never ends. Do they EVER feel like WORTHLESS lawyers because that's what I see constantly? They just don't want to lose the biggest case they were ever given and national attention imo and I don't mean"lose" it but have it taken out of their hands as likely should have happened imo. I don't know that I agree still with that decision but RA made his decision I guess...
So I never did get to get back to it but am a bit this morning. Tom's remark to it-- and I don't know how anyone can disagree with all we've seen and hearing what they did wrong here as to their filing and handling their best chance to get rid of Gull in his opinion....

"This looks horrible for the Defense. So, the three defense attorneys with over 70 years of experience and their gang of attorneys advising them for free, failed to finally get Gull removed because they did not know the proper procedure to follow. Incompetent." I think I have that word for word as to his notes on it and also listen to the ISC's decision and remarks.

They just keep doing Dumb and Dumber.

I'm not even trying to be mean. Heck I don't have to. This is TRUE sh*t.

And I've never felt so sorry for who I feel to be a guilty defendant as this one with he attorneys he is stuck with and we know now there's plenty of other help, a "gang" as Tom puts it of public defenders, defense attorneys and other advising and so forth.

They filed more Frank's motions due to their desperation to get evidence stopped from coming in and so they basically made any chance they had of no ruling on motions moot and can['t complain now.

Attorneys can look good on the outside to the general public for years or in your own area but that's often due to fluff, never actually having to try anything too serious, deals, and you name it. The proof is in the pudding so to speak and they are all buffoons and NOW we have all the others helping that had it so wrong. One thing I love about Tom's videos is ALWAYS the first part is covering new filings, decisions, etc. and then the rest of Long is "chat" and questions and so forth so one can always watch just to catch up with new filings and decisions and not spend all the time on watching the rest. And that's what this one is.

I'm not used to feeling sorry for who I feel to be a guilty defendant but he made his choice here and so did his family imo and aren't that dumb and by then knew enough to make a wiser choice.

If this isn't enough for the "gang" to quit appealing to the ISC for the moment and show they can do hearings and a trial, then I don't know what is. As I see it the ISC is not even saying they were WRONG in they could have appealed for lack of a decision but then they stupidly filed more Frank's motions to Gull instead of appealing.

If it weren't for the fact real lives are involved her and two slaughtered, to would almost be funny. But it's not.

You know, if they had any ethics, they should STEP DOWN voluntarily. IMHO.

In case link the other day was the problem and just to be sure/give a link to what I am watching this on. I know Tresir said she couldn't access it.
Okay. Got my certificate of insurance for my stupid rental complex and sent that off. Texted my surveyor. A few other things. Now listened to a couple more minutes of Tom.

As he puts it for the second time, the ISC said Gull was wrong as he interprets it, BUT the defense's mistake again outweighs that. Good Lord. Repeated mistakes actually. They didn't file for relief but instead kept filing another Frank's motion, etc. when they should have been asking THEN is how I take it.
Okay so MW accepted a plea deal. It's been one heck of a week. I don't know if I just am not up on things or if this was known or not but so long as he is not arrested in the next three months, the charg will be erased from his record.
I can't reach my surveyor, realtor wants the map but I need to talk to him first (surveyor), etc. Arggggh....Had to get a rental insurance certificate for this stupid apartment and call the insurance agency and send it to the complex and last year five times of it they never acknowledged it, will likely be the same this time around. Lease is up for renewal. Want my place sold. Offer isn't what I wanted. This is my morning so far. Of course you can't handle anything when you can't reach anyone either...
So before I totally lose it, then realtor had to go for a conference call, I went back to a couple minutes of Tom to get some sanity back. Seriously. I need to keep focus today and get this sh*t down AND more but need to reach people and stay sane at the same time. Because the world is nuts and this surveyor for instance, I asked two days ago if today midday would work for a phone call and it was yes, no problem, for sure. Now I can't reach him.
Now talked to the realtor. Ahhhh.

Anyhow next few minutes are remarks by Hennessy about giving money back to people that donated. Who ARE these attorneys and this bunch. Is ridiculously a word? Just watch Tom's minutes of covering the new developments in this video which are always at the start of his. And of course he doesn't know because the only things he knows he says come from B & R so he has to take their word for it....

My God. Seriously.
Man the things that haven't been shared here. Unless I missed them. This is EYE opening. Murder Sheet podcasts, Hennessy, and Mottal and way more. Total agenda with what is not shared online and what is.
Okay so MW accepted a plea deal. It's been one heck of a week. I don't know if I just am not up on things or if this was known or not but so long as he is not arrested in the next three months, the charg will be erased from his record.
So that's the second time he has done that now? Got something erased to keep his record clean. This is wrong IMO, especially for what he did against the gag order.
I came into this in the midst of it live the other night but am really glad I am hit and miss with this ridiculously messed up day listening to the parts I missed. Worth it by far imo. This case has been hijacked imo by agenda driven people or some such. HE didn't say that but just listen to the sh*t. Seriously. We all know what this case has turned into.


Okay. Been a heckuva day and week. Now Tom is talking confessions.

I came into this live but late the other night when it was past the beginning point.

And then his one the other day about the agenda driven people and trolls.

I feel so sorry for the girls' families they have to deal with all this.

I need to shut things off or watch some cooking or something light . However the neighbor is blasting music on the rare day off and the email with management of COURSE she is not in tomorrow, etc., etc. on a rent rate for next year, I need to sign today, etc., etc. That's the "good" management person.

And such is life. if anyone would, please pray this sale goes through for me. It is a huge deal to have some security finally which I used to have.
So that's the second time he has done that now? Got something erased to keep his record clean. This is wrong IMO, especially for what he did against the gag order.
So that is new news right/ AT least here? That's what Tom said. He made a deal. Date of video if I have it right is 07/23.
And yes, imo anyone knows there was worse going on here that was ever admitted to or can be proven.

And first he was a "friend" and then he worked for them, etc. the story has changed so much.

WHAT a nightmare for the families.

AND RA and his family need to remember they chose this "bunch". Because my GOD this is all something else.
Plea deal - usually involves pleading guilty to certain charges and having others dropped. You still will get whatever fine and/or punishment applies to whatever you agree to plead guilty on. It is still a crime that stays on your record. It does NOT drop off in 3 months.

Pre Trial Diversion - I've explained it several times.

If some youtuber is confusing the 2 they need to educate themselves.

Plea deal - usually involves pleading guilty to certain charges and having others dropped. You still will get whatever fine and/or punishment applies to whatever you agree to plead guilty on. It is still a crime that stays on your record. It does NOT drop off in 3 months.

Pre Trial Diversion - I've explained it several times.

If some youtuber is confusing the 2 they need to educate themselves.

It was said as long as he is not arrested in the next three months, or some such it won't be tried. It has been a heckuva a day.

Look at Hennessy's remarks after that one with the fundraiser.

If this is meant towards me. And they sure had the "praecipe" stuff wrong.

Why is Hennessy even saying he doesn't know how he'd refund 250 people. Another subject.

I am RELISTENING. And Tom is no attorney. But yes, accepted a plea deal, MW admitted probably cause, and as long as not arrested in the next three months the charge will be erased.

So again Tom is no attorney but that's what I am hearing on his. He shares the filings and the docs.

And clearly defense and their gang of many helpers now shot themselves in the foot as to Gull.

It has been a lost day and I'm sure I am not the only one dealing with stuff but I could be not up totally on all but MW made a deal did he not? And I must of missed several times of explaining pretrial diversion by you if it relates to this recent stuff and that is possible, again it has been a heckuva week.

I don't know a out dropping off in three months, the deal is he can't get in trouble for three months so I could have or not said it wrong. Either way, a deal was struck, NO?

And that YTer is less biased then about any idiot out there I've seen in this case who have all largely went silent actually... For some time now.... Ever since the leak sh*t. That alone tells a story.

And the ISC denied the D didn't they? And Tom may be right or wrong on that, he is NO attorney and does not claim to be but he says BOTH times the ISC pretty much said Gull was wrong but the mistake by the D were bigger and they ruined it for themselves.

All I know is there is agenda all over the place and politics far clearer than mud. And the D are buffoons. And now their helper attys too. Look at Hennessy's own statement.

If there is a difference in the deal and the charge coming off and the three months, well then I am glad to see it? I know what diversion is. And I have only had moments here and there today to watch moments but more than willing to see what I have not had time too.

A deal was struck no?

I mean he wants to save the opportunity I am sure to one day pass the bar and get his law license. And that's is just about how ridiculous this has all gotten and not directed towards you. The man was not an employee, then he was, there was a suicide, YTers were running with ridiculous sh*t and then now no one even dares. and honestly I think MS should be one that should be hard looked at.

And this case has families who had girls heinously murdered that deal with all this B.S. One day they are there and a short time later they are not. Plans were in place for a short ttime period from one end to the other as far as dropping off and pick up. And then they had no kids. And then this. And now all this sh*t it has all turned into. I mean My God, the Odinists did it. And D attorneys that are never going to go to trial because they can't even handle a hearing.

Sorry, but it is a case everyone has gone haywire on. Which is what Tom's rant was about and his recent one about the worst of the trolls on the case. Yes he is no attorney but he is more up on it than the D as far as understanding it and shows no agenda. B & R? Well defend them right now? And if you'd blame your ISC, and politics, then Tom said both times they have found Gull wrong BUT the defense mistakes were worse. And he may not be right, I don't know. He is not a lawyer.

But I don't do Facebook either. So there is that in deciding about some YTer or some FBer.

I just know he is the least agenda driven person out there that I've found and that includes the sh*t that comes in here only when it is for the defense side. Otherwise nothing is shared. That's why I have to find it where both sides are shared. And that is weirdly hard to find. Filings by both sides. Talk of both sides. News or YT, etc.

And one last thing, when you say some "YTer" and you are not going to explain again, I don't think I saw that explanation but in many threads, I see what is clearly assumed knowledge from some FB crap. YT has almost all the news channels now, Nate, your Justin Lum, NG, Vinnie, and you name it. Court TV. ABC. NBC. Etc. Some of them are break-off s from former TV careers in news. Surviving the Survior is. And I don't agree with every show all of the time or opinion. So are there MANY retired major LE and more.

What does the FB looking at families pics and profiles tell anyone? Which I can tell in many cases is what goes on.

There IS a lot of quality on YT and news covers nothing even close to comparison and one can pick and choose their channels. Are Nate and Justin not two of them? Or no?

Sorry for the rant but saying such when one does the FB thing, well...

I was leery of it for a long time too. And bad ones come and go. And not so much of that any longer,. And news is even learning to use the platform if the want to stay viable. There are good and bad and I only see good mostly these days and you pick and choose. Not sure how FB is any longer as I stay the heck away from it and never did use it when I was on for this kind of thing.
Anyhow if I say no offense you will say I definitely do mean offense. I don't. I am not the one who said how many times do I have to explain and some "YTer". I think we all care about justice, I can't think of a person here that I don't think does.

Covid didn't end us, no one has a bit of interest in Ukraine any longer, etc. The threads are dead.

And you got upset with me in those which I pretty much avoid anyhow.

You don't have to like Tom or Nate or anyone I link, but link the FB stuff or cut and paste since I don't access it. Seriously.

And you can report this or just try to come to learning where each is coming from.

I know. You work too. And love it. And volunteer. Wait for the rest of life. I really hope it goes well. I wouldn't wish other on ANYONE.

Yep. Ranted, or so it ended up. But then...

Let's get back to if one can B & R and their gang? Bozos.

And Tom even did a show of how over the edge people are with this case.

And no IN or further politics right?

I need to go watch someone make their homemade version of Hamburger Helper. And I'm very upset no one cares about Covid or Ukraine any longer and realizes the world has not ended.

Yep, I guess I am asking for it. But I don't think I've said one false thing.
I'd be remiss if I didn't say that Tom covers all filings by all sides for those who claim to only go by court documents, etc. but don't share all of them or even acknowledge all,. I learn things there I'd never see here. Also didn't hear of three more or whatever it was MS podcasts and i'd say they are the ones I most wonder about.

I seriously don't know where "real" news is with this or any case and those who access court documents but only selectively share them.

But the way, the show by Linda not on this but on a Canadian case was out of the park good. Imo. On YT though.

Just saying...

It is her only platform or I'd never see such.

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