LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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I was wrong about two people identifying RL as bridge guy. From that article:

Just days after police released the photo of "bridge man" in the investigations of the killings of teenagers Libby German and Abby Williams, at least 15 tipsters said the man was Ron Logan, according to an affidavit for a search warrant.

Two of Logan's former girlfriends told police that Logan was violent and threatened to kill them, according to the affidavit.

Logan, who was 77 when the girls were killed, did not have any trouble walking or getting up and down the hills along Deer Creek, according to the affidavit, which also noted that Logan has a similar build as the man in the picture.
I am not goading. I'm sick of people treating my questions as laughable. Just because he was in the same area doesn't mean he was involved. I don't go out much. I sleep a lot, so proving where I was would be difficult. I'd tell them I was home. Placing himself at the scene puzzles me. Why would he admit that if he killed them? He told the police the same thing in 2022 that he did in 2017. He'd probably have a slightly different story, if he did it.

What was said in court about his confessions means little to me. I want to hear exactly what was said, and when they said it happened. There was the guy, who was just trying to get favorable treatment, who said he told him that he shot them.

IIRC, there was a prisoner who said that RA was being abused by the guards. He changed that story, why?

I just want people to understand where I coming from and admit that some of the things I bring up are troubling. Just because they arrested him, doesn't mean he's guilty.

With all due respect, we all have discussed these questions before and why do we have to repeat the answers again.

Like I said in another post and I meant it I am worried about you if you don't realize that. My memory is not great these days but this stuff has been discussed to no end.

The answer is said many times, and by the way, watch the Nancy Grace one, you are a Court TV and TV kind of fan, that actually is addressed in it.

The answer is he was seen and he knew it by the girls, etc. He was playing oh, yeah, by the way I happened to be there and I did not see any bad dudes or anyone but thought I should let you know if it happened when I was there, I didn't see anything that can help. Of course I am paraphrasing. He was covering his butt because if they found he was here and did not come forward then that would be immediately suspicious.

But you know, this has all been said before, and I don't mean offense but I'm tired of it. I don't want to repeat it and I find it hard to believe you don't know it or can't see that. And if you can't, again I am worried about you. SERIOUSLY.

I'd agree with you on wanting to hear every detail of every confession and the time frame, etc. I also want to hear the motive he gave his wife and mom or at least the wife the way it sounds. Until I hear it, don't know that I'd believe the motive or he would give the true one BUT I'd like to hear it. We aren't going to hear these things most likely until trial and even then, unless allowed, and I don't think the news coverage has been great on these hearings despite I found at least three channels that supposedly had reporter in the courtroom all day.

You know you can do what you like but how about we discuss this and this new stuff and you can still wait to see or think whatever about RL? Up to you.

Of course just because they arrested him doesn't mean he is guilty. I think he is but I am a follower of cases and not a juror, and it's just my opinion. I would look at it totally differently if a juror, however, with what we do know and I believe there is a lot more, if I was provided such as a juror well then I would decide accordingly.

The prisoner thing, I don't know. I am going to be fair and honest here. It's said he has always been a bit of a trouble causer with things like this and more. Of course that comes from what would probably be considered the other side. And believe me, I can believe things go on that are unfair by the "power" side of things, etc. I don't say that enough but I do believe such can.

On the other hand, I don't think you maybe see how often inmates fake things? You do know of many cases lie that I would hope? I mean they find Jesus, refuse to eat, eating papers is NOT a new one to me, etc. And then go for an insanity defense.

I don't want anyone mistreated although I am not in agreement with CONVICTED criminals (he is not one) getting tablets, a TV in their cell, unlimited phone/tablet time, etc.

I probably go too often for guilty but you too often think everyone is wrongfully charged but I truly try to base my opinion on what we know, and we never know all.

Like I said, it isn't just you if you think you are laughed at or not agreed with, I have an I would say unpopular opinion in a couple of cases on here right now and I can understand you in that I stick to my guns too but I do allow for that I could be wrong and if more info came that seemed to indicate that, I would re-evaluate.

I would also agree and have said before there are some problems here. Missing recordings for one. Etc. TIcks me off because I truly believe they have the right guy. I also believe as to the actual murders he was a lone wolf.

That's my opinion.

But I hate what can be made of what was lost, etc. (like recordings).

Have you watched the Nancy Grace one? Those kinds of shows are not my preference but I know you watch Court TV and such. I do, but I take them for what they are worth. It has nothing about RL in it but they touch on some things like your QUESTION here of why he would go toward and admit to being there if he was the one who did it.

That you can't see the reason why for that really has me worried for you. No matter what the truth is, if you are guilty, but think maybe you can be placed there, you find someone you know and casually say you know, I was at the trails at day, I didn't see anything that I thought could help but I just want you to know...

I mean, man you have followed enough crime that you know why he would do that no?

AND this has been said over and over and been talked about.

It is the rehashing and having to repeat. Let's all have our theories, just a suggestion, and talk about the new stuff that comes out? It may or may not match our opinions.

But to each their own. Seriously.

But the RL thing has been rehashed over and over and I'm not 100 percent, I never go there almost ever, but I am about 99.9 and all it is is the same old times 1000. We all know where we stand on it and I know where you stand on it.

We finally have some things happening and a bit of new coming out and this case yes needs to be tried for one to find out any more.

You know, I think RA did this, but I have not excluded the possibility he did not. I think it very unlikely but I leave myself open to it.

I miss everyone so much. Not I the basement these days and don't have time and could go on but not going to, I don't get to see family either and it bites.

But I want you to know Big Bird I meant the hug. :hugs:

That will probably be rubbed in but I said it. :)

I also hope you are doing okay and since again I am not in the basement and miss that connection to people, I am not up on anyone and I hate that.
Yes, I've brought up the fingerprints and DNA multiple times before. It's because it's really important to the case. In all the cases I can recall, where they have DNA evidence. It's one of the first things they'll say in the first press conference. They have not done that here.

It is interesting that the defense has not brought this up yet.
Well I have not hit YT yet and in the last one I posted I see I have a lot of typos and I could swear you do this on purpose lol.

Fingerprints and DNA sure, and that is the gold standard seems to be but you know, it is not always. They may not have that. I don't know. But many cases do not have it. Think about it backwards once. Do they have any foreign DNA and what is it they have? Is it just trace and could be a classmate as far as touch DNA, etc.? Is it on Kelsey's sweatshirt she lent and so on? I mean look at it backwards. I have trouble doing it too. Also in some cases what is NOT there is notable. Not talking of this one specifically.

They have always been pretty cryptic about DNA. I remember Carter and even Abby's mom kind of dancing around the subject so I would say we do not know. It was put on at times like they excluded possible perps by such but remember they can do that and this was and is a huge case. I don't know what they have to this day as to DNA. The thing you keep quoting was to get a warrant and it was written without "lying" to sound as if there were serious grounds go get it. And that plays to the RL warrant.

Of course such can backfire on them and now some, like you, think well they had enough to get the warrant, the ping was there they made a big deal of, etc.

BUT they are trying to get a warrant. And you do what you can without lying to get one. That is how I look at the RL thing. I even think pressure was there because in the early days of this that is who almost all were focused on because we did not KNOW of anyone else and he lived right there.

And I have said this before too but will do so again, he kind of brought it on himself. He did not ask for a murder of two young girls but he was not following his rules and he lied. THIS I think Moe than anything even with me put radar up. But I am over him and that is what it is, and you are not. I do get it but not on the same page.

Why hasn't the defense brought it up to go back to your post?

And why also have they not centered on RL?

The hardest thing to do and I fail to do it a lot and have to remind myself on occasion is looking at things backwards as I put it.

And example would be what is missing? This is NOT about this case but just an example. A knife or gun is found near a body and it is matched as the murder weapon. But there are no prints, no DAN, etc. what would be your conclusion? That is was wiped clean?

I have to work early and this day, finally a day off, but it went to total HE77. I meant to relate that to something but right now it is beyond me.

I have said a few things in the last month about your own Vinnie and other one that I have said before is believe it or not DNA is not direct evidence. Everyone thinks it is the gold standard and necessary from watching too much CSI maybe. Now that last sentence is my words. But it took me by surprise at first and when I thought about it, it is not.

You know in Daybell if I recall correctly they never looked for Chad's prints, etc. because of course they'd be on his tools. And even though a hair they thought to be Lori's was on duct tape they didn't make much of a deal over that in trial either because she was JJ's mom and you just can't prove it was there at that time and for that purpose, etc.

I really did not want to go down this road here again and really need some cooking or something as I swear I did not just have my days off before it starts again because nothing went right, but I am just saying I think you put too much store in this stuff and again, they were trying to get a warrant.

Now if you have been into LISK lately, CB's attorney is starting to get a bit vocal and prior all I watched from attorneys to former big time LE were saying there really is no defense in that one. But one of the things he said was how these supposed hairs were not nuclear DNA and could not be tested prior but no they can? And it means what? I am paraphrasing. That's just one of the things. And so, even though you yourself have referred to that case as having a ton of evidence shared versus this one, and very solid, here we go...

I don't want to see anyone wrongfully convicted but it can also go too far the other way. And it does, a lot these days.

But again, you have convicted RL.

This case has had everyone at loggerheads and then it went silent and it is pretty obvious to me why. In my heart of hearts, I feel RA is guilty for many a reason and instinct as well, but again that does not mean I would convict him as a juror, that would depend on what was required to be shown and if it was.

It needs to be tried. Very much so.

And now I am tired, have not watched any cooking and not ready for bed and have a very rare (first maybe) Saturday shift tomorrow.

I was winding to one other point but forgot it. Lucky you.

Peace. And :hugs:
You obviously have not read all my posts. I've said he could be involved, but I have many questions. So I'm not 100% sure of it. I've said that more than once.

Why don't you care what was said before RA was arrested? That's some pretty interesting stuff that does pertain to this case. Just because I have questions, doesn't mean I don't think he may be involved somehow. The reason I keep bringing it up is because of what people say, when I point things out, is "I don't know." or "It doesn't matter what they said before." It matters to me. Like I said above. Who's DNA and fingerprints were at the crime scene? One person who was allegedly involved, asked his sister, if he spit on one of the bodies could they trace his DNA. He has been ruled out, I'm not sure why.

Where is it said that RA's voice is definitely the same as on the recording?

This link contains RL's saying "Down the hill." The word "Guys" was later added on by the police. It also contains many reasons to suspect RL.

KK conversing with Libby is an awfully strange coincidence. I think there is more to it.

At the very least, the cops investigating this weren't all that bright. They could've traced the Anthony Shots account back to the computer it came from. I've seen that done in cases years before this one.

My questions are valid. If people looked at ALL of the evidence, they might have some of the same questions I have.

I am not going to be able to watch something relaxing before another week from HE77. I read everything unless that read more posts clicking thing misses some and it always does. Well everything when I am around unless I announce I haven't read things like I've said on occasion in REad and I think even here at times. If I don't I will say so.

I now of probably all of what you are talking of. You and I had the discussion some months back where I would ask you okay so if RL did it then take RA away from the scene and you admittted you did not know the answer many times and that RA was involved because he could not be removed but RL was involved too. I have even entertained the group thing. Etc. With you even.

It isn't said anywhere as far as I know his voice is the same but I'd suggest again Nancy's show. I KNOW it is. That clinched it for me as much as anything. That is HIM. And that also tells me his wife could not not know that in all the years of that BG recording out. Or his mom even. I knew it instantly. You and I even have entertained KK's voice,, RL's voice, I have listened to others through the years back when at JT who people were entertaining as the possible perp and I would have some possibles but THIS ONE? Dead ringer. NO DOUBT. Imo. I only had to hear it once.

The KK thing is a very strange coincidence. I don't think he was there but I think there is some relation somehow.

I agree LE here was not perfect. But the feds were involved too. I don't think the Shots thing was the way you think it was. I think they held it too.

I have questions. But the ones that can't be answered that are beat to death, well, it is going to take trial, etc. And I don't think RL is going to be any part of any of it.

And even as far as more evidence against RA, trial. Like I have said many a time, I await hearing his daughter, wife, mom. That would not seem like the biggest thing but it is imo. Well not the biggest but can be very telling.

I am either responding to a same post again or behind and either way, I am not going to stick here to read the rest.

Your questions are not invalid, they just are repeats and none of those answers are going to come except for trial or even hearings as we get to trial. And they may not even come then because I dio not think RL is going to be much of a part of it.

I am heading for some kind of cooking. Good night. I am tired as hell and I rarely get a 7ish start for a shift, they throw one at me every once in a great while. And I like to have three or four hours ideally before I head for work and that makes it getting up at 3:30 an it is 10. I can do it in less, it is just what I prefer. And I am used to going on almost no sleep during the work week but again you can do your RL thing but you know some have said before done with it, and I have tried to be nice, but I am.
Heck I just realized I have not even finished Nancy's yet. What a messed up day and I really needed to talk to my realtor at least and ideally a few other calls.
I just restarted where I left of on Nancy. She just called RA an idiot again and asked if he truly admitted he was at the trails watching the 'fish" etc. So I you are wondering, check this one out. So much for seeing any cooking before I am n for another week from HE77 a few hours from now.
they cover the voice in here a lot too. I think it is going to be a big thing because it is a DEAD RIINGER. they don't want the recording in because of it (the d)...
I still have not finished and am backing it up repeatedly because my day has went haywire and I do that and then get up to get something else done I need done.

BUT I want to get this one-close to verbatim, I think I may have mentioned it about as to sticking to ONE thing and how the defense does not but then go south. So here it is...

"The theory doesn't fly when it comes out of their mouths. First of all is it Odinists or White Nationalists? Is it a ritual or because somebody was dating the wrong person? I mean they've got to pick a theory and stick with it if they are going to go down that road so that's a problem."

Yep quit going all over the place. Pick your thing and STICK to it. Oh man I haven't been so far off base pretty much what I see constantly. And then:

"I haven't seen where they have sufficient evidence to put this forward"

Yeah, NO SH*T right.

But he's not really convinced they will go down this road at trial.

Not sure I agree with that one. What else are they going to do then?

He thinks they are trying to keep all available to them. And if they go down that road at trial (the O thing) he thinks they are making a big mistake.

Anywhooo, day is entirely haywire. Seems to never fail with the best laid plans. And I gave up except for what I can't not do and that seems to be every single week. And none of it of MY ACCORD.

This is Nancy with a bunch of talking heads but still I was fairly impressed. Most are ghostly silent right now, and I have been waiting and hoping for Tom to come on, but this is pretty good. She has called Allen an idiot like three times at least. I know in one respect maybe that's not funny but in the other, as far as his bullet and some other things he did...

I know what my opinion is and yet I try to be fair about it but it is just confirming a lot of my own beliefs for months on end now. Year maybe? I forget.

This has been SO one sided since the defense games out there that were going on that it is REFRESHING.

And SPOT ON most of it imo.

AND I still have not finished. Now I have to rinse the conditioner out of my hair. I am way off schedule and normally work a noon shift on Saturday but not this week, it is 7:30. Not sure I will have enough dry clothing. No sh*t, seriously. It is hot out so I threw a couple of things on the balcony. I have given up other than necessary things. My plan before I ever went down to the office was to vacuum and mop and a few other things. Thank God I did take care of some things yesterday. Never ever is this going to change, it is the way it always is.

If you are younger and don't get that yet, you will. I don't care if you planned and had it made. You can waste an entire day just trying to reach your bank on a bank error, your internet provider, your complex manager, etc. I wish the younger ones knew how such b.s. did not use to be the case.

Anyhow, I am STILL watching and have not finished because the day went sideways and I keep having to get things done in between that I was on track before the b.s. here to get done.

And I am going to say again that this is a pretty darned good watch and I am not or sure haven't always been a NG fan. She's better these days than Vinnie imo. She is finding the balance. HKe still is I think kind of trying to figure it out.

Yep, I have given up on this day and wasted on things I did not cause and so in between doing what I HAVE to handle, I am just going to be on here or YT.

Took care of all the cat's needs is always a big one and thank God I had already done that. Do so daily too but weekly I also do.

And there was one very good moment to today and something was told that was huge, and a major concern.

So even though lost day, there was a moment of a huge thing.

Anyhow I know I am going on but if interested n this case watch NG on this. I mean I am the non production type, talking head type but this was needed in this case imo. Imo there has been a total agenda going on until everyone getting worried after the leak and the channels it was all to run to. You can tell by who has quit talking this case which ones are concerned they may be looked at t as part of it...
You mentioning your laundry and drying stuff on your balcony, why don't you have your own washer and do that with all of it in this hot weather? I never use a tumble drier ever. I have a washing line and a couple of airers in my conservatory that I dry everything on. In the winter I put them on the airers in front of the radiators.
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Your link is wrong. If two people can swear it was RL on the bridge and not anyone else, that's going to catch the PD's attention. They executed two warrants on his property because he wasn't a suspect? The warrants were extremely limited. RL didn't tell them to look anywhere they wanted. They found the fish store receipt during one search. That receipt proved he was lying and that he had time to commit the murders.

Why was it so important to him to make the police believe he couldn't have done it? It was the first time he'd ever asked his cousin to lie for him. If he wasn't officially named a suspect, he was a POI, definitely.

Believe it or not, the police charge the wrong person at times. More than you think.

I just proved the dead man was at the very least a POI.

What does the cemetery have to do with anything? The bodies were found on RL's property near the end of the bridge.

Yes, the confession he "allegedly" made to the other prisoner was debunked as soon as he said it. The girls weren't shot. I'm saying that the other confessions may have problems with them too.

If you had read from the very beginning, you'd know all that. You'd also know he was interviewed by a reporter because he was thought to be the person who did it. The reporter asked him to say "Down the hill." When he said it, he raised the pitch of his voice on the word "hill", why? That interview is back in this thread.

His voice was not inconsistent with the voice on the recording. They stopped looking at him after, he died. A fully thorough investigation wasn't done on him. The police said that the bodies were moved. Where to? When were they brought back? How did RA do that?

A lot of what they believed changed drastically with the arrest of RA. You'd know this if you hadn't ignored the previous facts, that you are completely unaware of.

I'm tired of being mocked for my theories because I know all the facts. I've had a problem with RA's arrest since the beginning. Go back and see what my theories are based on before you mock me.
I do not agree with anything you say and you are completely way out on your theory. Nobody else anywhere is still pushing RL as the murderer. It's a done deal. This trial is going ahead and the process has begun. In another month they will be selecting a jury thank goodness. You can rant at me as much as you want and bold my or your text as much as you want but you are wrong in all your facts. That's ok if you still want to push your theory though but you are not convincing me of anything.
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I easily could have missed these posts of yours and did, it must happen when simultaneous or some such, I run into that once in awhile. Not sure why I thought look back but I did.

I agree, I saw he confessed when he was in Wabash as well so that takes a lo of their claims away as to it was due to Westville, guard, etc. I do think however that at a certain point he or he D or both may have had him falsely confessing with inaccurate facts trying to dilute the real confessions earlier (like to wife, mom, warden).

This is so messed up. He confessed and never gave false details about he shot or molested the girls but and occasionally proclaimed his innocence but also confessed. This stuff really NEEDS time frames. Seriously.

And this doctor? Hmmm. I have my thoughts there but will wait on them.

I am done with being fair about Allen. Well fair is not the right word. I know what I have always seen any thought but never am going to go 100 percent and TRY to be fair against instincts. I'm still not going to go 100 and say I could not be wrong, basically ever in any case, but in this one, well, I am at a very high percentage and have been almost throughout.

He is a monster and I am not going to pussyfoot around that opinion any longer and it IS an opinion. One follows enough cases, has enough life behind them, and one just knows but it isn't just that it is HIM and that it all fits and his behavior and more.

I am so far behind today and right back to work tomorrow, that all I can do is what I have to and I showered, clothes are marginally taken care of, I will be lucky if I have dry jeans early tomorrow, so have backed up the last part of Nancy's show a thousand times is my point as I could not watch the rest with focus. My God imo this was SOOOO needed after all of the b.s.. I'm not saying git will even be viewed by all, but I needed it even. SEeing things as they are imo.

Scott (Reisch) last night disappointed me a bit but then he is a defense lawyer. And he said he sees this case being overturned on appeal. Because of Gull's dislike for the defense and more on that order... I truly try to look at both sides and it's like do you even know or would you do it Scott that these two bozos never even met with or advised their client as far as we know UNTIL he started confessing?!! Dumped evidence on him never going themselves to talk of it or forewarn?

I know all won't agree but to me this is almost all crystal clear but I have tried to see and be both ways on it.

Nancy's show is a good watch and to this moment I still am not done. I wouldn't push it if it wasn't. And it is not this same old we have had for months of poor RA. Not even CLOSE. It is pretty good for that kind of show.

And I keep trying to finish it but keep getting sidetracked and now my hair is drying and I need to comb it out before totally dry lol.

But you know what, her pictures throughout continue of these girls on the screen and I said that Horus ago but now closer to done with it, the continue to. Tons I at least have never seen.

I'm almost guessing the families who have HAD IT with this all, and did similar recently, but trying to still stifle for years now, as they will be advised by LE to do so . it is almost an impossible task. Anyhow, maybe others have seen all of these, I never have. Throughout almost all of her show are pics of Abby and Libby. Tons I have never seen. I think the family is trying to get tout toehr things without jeopardizing the case. Which is what families are warned of while in the most intense grief of their life, and yet at the same time they can't grieve due to no answers or justice.

I know what I sound like but I now how it was for our family and this has to be magnified because of the public interest, the defense b.s. and Moe.

And I almost suspect they trusted Nancy with some things. May be wrong.

Either way, there are a ton of endearing pics of both girls throughout the show, and the show itself is pretty darned good too.

But I still need to finish it. I am close but again a day gone haywire. Now my hair is about dry and not combed out. :( Never talked to my realtor, never got his or that done, and another week staring early tomorrow morn.

I would add one thing. I have never pushed Nancy hardly ever but this was a very good show despite the usual format of talking heads and a number of guests..

RA's confessions will be admitted imo OR each one will be taken for its circumstances to go back to the point of this.

I am going to be fair and say that I think there were some mistakes here, let's just go back to Doolin as the MAIN one. I dont' know if they have more info or what from family or something but I have always suspected they knew each other and Allen talked to him "casually". Or maybe not even casually since the tip and info got "misfiled". For years....

And that is pretty much said in Nancy's show... As far as talking casually anyhow and knowing him. Not the rest.
Just saw this. It is prompting me to comment about his chat with Dulin. This was before Libby's BG video of him on the bridge was released. He knew he had been seen by those three girls so he told Dulin he had been there that day. This is probably the most baffling part of this whole dang thing. There's the whole town looking for the murderer and Dulin forgets about this conversation?
Enjoy the cooking shows. They just make me upset that I can't do them.
That you can't watch them or can't cook lol? I sure don't any more these days either. Everything is slipping away due to lack of time and too much on the plate. I used t at last cook something on my day off to eat all week and I haven't done that in months now maybe once or twice in that time and that's about it. I do make myself a breakfast sandwich from scratch almost every work day unless out of something or running behind. And that truly is about it. I either don't eat the rest of the day or it is something convenient late at night generally if anything at all.

The Canadian one she doesn't cook a whole lot in it, it's more a family blog and don't ask me why but sometimes I just need something to destress, get my mind off things and something other than crime for instance.

The woman and her husband have the nicest four kids and raising them to be so responsible. I like seeing the differences in another country and ours. They live in Nova Scotia if I recall. Been binging on some of hers. They are also short, most of them.

MOST, not all, she is packing school lunches. Why would I be interested in this? I don't know. I do not have kids at home and am long over those years. I guess it's just not an overly involved, nothing too stressful about it, thing to watch like you with your game shows or magicians.

When I need to relax and to get tired, they can be a go to.

'Plus she does some shopping hauls. When I first heard people watched such back when I thought how dumb. Why would someone want to see what someone else buys for groceries? Well now I watch such. I don't seek such out much, the hauls, but many that do cooking shows also show them. And it's interesting the differences in Canadian products, prices and what they call the same things we have.

For instance Kraft Macaroni & Cheese up there is called Kraft Dinner on the box. There are many products like that that are the same imo as our products but have different labeling. He hub is an OTR trucker and they have four kids. She has one at home yet and three in school. Her little daughter like around first grade has open heart surgery last year.

I know this is off topic but just giving some lightness and chatting for a moment before I go back to telling you when I see another post that I'm done with RL lol.

I have an early one today which normally I get few of and I'm glad. I hate them. My body clock and rhythm is not the early morning variety and never has been, not in my youth, not in my 20s and not in any of all the decades since. I have another one later this week after working the night before until close. They suck. The only bright side if there is one is like today I will be done at I think 4:30, would have to look, and don't have to work tomorrow until noon. But you get the opposite to do them quite often, you are back to work in less than 12 hours many times. Don't like the swinging shifts much.

I'm not awake yet and am going to have limited time but now I might take a moment to go read posts and I'm sure I am going to see more RL ones. You know, I am glad there's some new info, not a lot, the reporting in my opinion is not what it could be by most. There have been a few good articles, etc., but I feel like far from all has been covered with three days of testimony and motions.

I have no clue as no time in basement, etc. but hope all is going okay for you or like me best I can say is I am maintaining. Not even sure of that, losing ground and never enough time is more like it.
And so, even though I am tired of the RL thing, just making it clear one can be that way about one thing or not agree but doesn't mean one is at odds about everything. Did you see Doerman took a guilty plea?? Total surprise. I THINK you know of that case if I recall.
I stopped taking Nancy seriously when she didn't even know that RL's alibi had been debunked.
As you know, I've been back and forth on her over the years but she has had some pretty darned good shows lately. Vinnie is the one I can't always do these days. I do them or some but do not always finish and only because both are covering a lot of these current cases at times and if I am into a case, I am going to watch most of what is out on them if I can.

Court TV is so produced, I have gotten used to not watching over produced things so I notice it a lot, and his own YT channel (started not long ago), he can kind of just go on with nothing to say of any meaning for a long time and I get tired of it. He may find his rhythm on his own show at some point, I don't know. Most of them have trouble when they start out. Nancy was that way too imo. They have to kind of lose all that TV thing or some of it to reach a happy medium and what most viewers want. I am sooo used to more discussion type things now and not TV produced stuff too that when I watch something more TV like it just stands out to me.

I am staying away from your RL remark other than to say I have a feeling they were able to confirm he couldn't have done it. As I have now repeated probably a few times, sigh, the defense isn't even using him or talking of him. I think it is because they know he is not a viable SODDIT.

But maybe you will prove us all wrong lol.
You mentioning your laundry and drying stuff on your balcony, why don't you have your own washer and do that with all of it in this hot weather? I never use a tumble drier ever. I have a washing line and a couple of airers in my conservatory that I dry everything on. In the winter I put them on the airers in front of the radiators.
This complex does not have in unit laundry. And when I moved here it was never meant to be permanent, I'd still go home, plus I did not work then so could go back and forth more often. I have a washer that is one of those like portable things and for what it is, it worked but there was no way to hook it up and it sure couldn't take a full load. Maybe one pair of jeans or three shirts, just a mini thing. It is a great concept but I had to do pails of water and then empty it into pails. They have to be set up at the right elevation and the hose hooked, etc. and never was able to work that. I just had my daughter take it to my storage unit, it was not something either that would do much laundry, for all the labor it took to wash one or two things.

There is no way to have laundry in your unit. If you mean why don't I hook up a full sized washer? I can't do that. I rent and they'd never allow hacking into the plumbing and I won't even mention the water issues here, lines and drains.

I hang dry mostly as their darned dryers get nothing heavier dry much less light stuff and so that things do not shrink. You'd think in this day and age all things would come prewashed several times with shrinking over but not so. Even name brand.

As far as putting them in front of a radiator do you mean put heat on in the summer? Lol, I am trying to follow. I hate these rare early shifts, I already am down to less time than I like to wake up first for awhile, then start getting slowly ready. I don't even know if the jeans are dry. Threw one pair on the balcony and have not checked and it is still dark here too and I hate that as well. I feel as if it can't be time to get moving as it is still dark. I have no idea if they are dry. And it's dark as far as going to see. Arghhh. I am down to about an hour and a half, maybe a little more if I push it to not being early, and that may sound like plenty but self is telling body and self it is dark, I am not awake yet and no.

Anyhow, I had probably better quit with the off topics but I am not following any of what you are asking? If I lived at my home, which I don't, yes I have my own washer and dryer. AND a clothesline. I have none of such here. And can't.

And my air is on, not my heat?
I do not agree with anything you say and you are completely way out on your theory. Nobody else anywhere is still pushing RL as the murderer. It's a done deal. This trial is going ahead and the process has begun. In another month they will be selecting a jury thank goodness. You can rant at me as much as you want and bold my or your text as much as you want but you are wrong in all your facts. That's ok if you still want to push your theory though but you are not convincing me of anything.
I have to laugh. Yet I understand. I don't either, and agree entirely. Most times it would frustrate me but it is so beyond any longer that I don't know, I am beyond done with it too.

That post was very pointed at you. I reacted to it last night and others.

Maybe one day he will come back to us with evidence that RL did it. And say ha. But I doubt it.

Man I wish I did not have to work early and yesterday went so wrong. Normally my Saturdays are 11, noon or 1. 7:30 today. Do NOT like it.
Just saw this. It is prompting me to comment about his chat with Dulin. This was before Libby's BG video of him on the bridge was released. He knew he had been seen by those three girls so he told Dulin he had been there that day. This is probably the most baffling part of this whole dang thing. There's the whole town looking for the murderer and Dulin forgets about this conversation?
In the NG thing that is talked of. I forget her name but one of the guests said he went up to an officer he knew in a casual situation, meaning Doolin, a conservation officer or whatever he is, because he knew or was worried because he'd been seen, etc. NOW I don't know where they get he knew him but I've long suspected such and that also to me has always made me wonder if Doolin purposefully helped by losing or forgetting OR just figured he knew him and it was nothing and did not care to get things right because RA wouldn't have done this...? I've always wondered if he knew him on a little more than a know you to see you basis. The guest says so but not sure where they get that.

Give it a watch though if you get time. It's not my normal favorite kind of show but it keeps the interest and I guess too I am so tired of the poor RA thing and THIS was anything but that. Totally the opposite. I for one needed that.

And I really bet the families do far more by a long shot.

The pics throughout of the girls even are worth it. Tons I have never seen. I almost wonder if it wasn't done for the families and with the family who knows not to get talking too much but I guarantee you how hard that is and with what THIS case has going on, count on it, maybe their way of countering some of the b.s. lately. JUST my guess.

I too am sick of the poor RA thing and again this was anything BUT that. I think it is far more calling it like it is and he is that we no longer hear or never hear.

Man the clock is on speed movement. Dark inside and out and don't even know if the jeans are dry. I have another pair or two but they are heavier denim and so hot for how today is supposed to be. It is going to be a no sandwich morning and pushing it right to the minute at this rate. Haven't moved yet.
I have to laugh. Yet I understand. I don't either, and agree entirely. Most times it would frustrate me but it is so beyond any longer that I don't know, I am beyond done with it too.

That post was very pointed at you. I reacted to it last night and others.

Maybe one day he will come back to us with evidence that RL did it. And say ha. But I doubt it.

Man I wish I did not have to work early and yesterday went so wrong. Normally my Saturdays are 11, noon or 1. 7:30 today. Do NOT like it.
Well I am not putting up with it. I don't think it's funny. If RL did it why is RA in jail? And why doesn't RA blame RL, that would be the obvious thing? Is RL also an O?

It is just too ridiculous, on a par with the Vinlanders did it, because one of the girl's mothers was dating someone not of their race.
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