LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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A fixed camera could be deployed here. What gets me is Judge Gull (in Allen County) had a pilot program for televising trial proceedings. She just denies, denies, denies. I wish she would just hint at why.
I saw a very good post about this the other day and how yes, she is pro camera or at least per the pilot program appears to be. We know one reason is she allowed it and news did not follow the rules the one time she allowed it, but it does not explain the lack of a court camera and the fact no one can even record on an audio recorder is disturbing even if she does not want Tweets, etc.

I can see taking no chances to a point with the defense stuff and their YT and FB and etc. people/channels, it is a very important case but she could look at options like Boyce did and he did Loris different, than Chad's but there was coverage. Lori's was delayed each day, not live, Chad's was live but pictures and coverage were very fixed, distant, jurors not shown, witnesses not shown, etc. I think this is the kind of trial that is MEANT to be covered and seen.

You know to have paper and pen only is going to really have people never buying it. There is no way in a case like this with all the questions and doubts people have both ways that the ONLY transcript should be from that county's court reporter with no way to prove what was said in any other fashion. There have been too many filings that got out and various things for that archaic form can be done. They need at least to record it by video and voice for proof for the record. Imo.
I saw a very good post about this the other day and how yes, she is pro camera or at least per the pilot program appears to be. We know one reason is she allowed it and news did not follow the rules the one time she allowed it, but it does not explain the lack of a court camera and the fact no one can even record on an audio recorder is disturbing even if she does not want Tweets, etc.

I can see taking no chances to a point with the defense stuff and their YT and FB and etc. people/channels, it is a very important case but she could look at options like Boyce did and he did Loris different, than Chad's but there was coverage. Lori's was delayed each day, not live, Chad's was live but pictures and coverage were very fixed, distant, jurors not shown, witnesses not shown, etc. I think this is the kind of trial that is MEANT to be covered and seen.

You know to have paper and pen only is going to really have people never buying it. There is no way in a case like this with all the questions and doubts people have both ways that the ONLY transcript should be from that county's court reporter with no way to prove what was said in any other fashion. There have been too many filings that got out and various things for that archaic form can be done. They need at least to record it by video and voice for proof for the record. Imo.

Allowing just audio should be easy. With a seven second delay like TV and radio, they should be able to silence any names or other things that come up. The same would be true of televised coverage. This only plays into conspiracy theories.
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Who are you referring to? There aren't many of us and you say "some". We can believe who we like. It seems to me some people are FOS so I will believe whoever I want to believe.
Well just came in and quickly scrolled past and then back up when I thought I saw a post or two by you and RP.

And managed to do it with hardly seeing a word of his.

Not sure what you are talking of therefore other than guessing he means us with believing something.

And yes, there is hardly anyone in here on this case, lately for sure.

I guess I am going to see responses though and apparently he said something about cameras too.

Don't care, just reading others, which seems to be in response to his.

I wish there was a way to block on just one thread but never have blocked anyone in my life but I think it is an all out block but I think one still sees responses don't they or no?

Going into a hard ending two days here. I have until noon tomorrow, not so bad, but get home well after 9 and have to be back at 7:30 a.m. Ugh. HATE those. But I at least go into my two days off done at 4 instead of done at 9 the night before which extends that a bit as I have a night before the two days off.

We had a cool day today, outside at least, I swear that place was still holding heat from the last days in it though. Only in the 60s and then the skies opened up and it downpoured again. It was gloomy all day long. Busy at times but not at others. We are supposed to be only in the 70s through the next I think almost ten days. That's gorgeous perfect weather and temps but I guarantee you the store will still be a hot box. At least i've come to figure that.

We had a lot of rain the last two days and night before two days ago. I had customers that were in there because their basements were flooded and/or pump had quit working from all the water in the ground, etc..

Anyhow, to get back on point here, I am awaiting these decisions. And trial.
Ooooohhhh this is good. Why haven't we heard this from anyone reporting....?

Scott the other night figured this case may be reversed on appeal if a conviction because depending on decisions, etc.

BUT NOT sounding that way tonight.

The defense expert on paganism who was so definite this was a ritualistic killing was asked by NM/the P how she came to that same conclusion in a COURT TV thing like a year ago or some such WITHOUT having seen ANY of the photos...

He also says when a client confessed, they are done for, no matter almost.

And for an alternate suspect, they have to show be able to show and PLACE them there. All hearsay, no physical evidence, etc. And he is a DEFENSE attorney. And he thinks it will stay out as they can't place them there. And the defense expert with all her ritual claims had to admit she can't either. I sure hadn't heard all this.

Don't get me wrong, he goes on to talk of both sides of things to a point, worth a listen, it is the first part of his video. Click said he thought the girls interrupted a pagan ritual. Huh?

Then the retired ISP investigator told that they thought there was a link between the Delphi murders and the O thing in Rushville and thought the work was of two of six people.

And then Click imo is a case unto himself. Rushville police officer. He was in shock and confused, poor guy, when Allen was charged and not the others despite the fact none of them can place them there, have nothing but hearsay, etc. and drunken statements.

I am not going to share it all, go watch the few minutes. Some will want to take it the other way probably but then it is not about RL. Apparently we are missing news that tells more because I had not heard a lot of this and Scott and his team got this info.

I have said ALL along during these hearings they are not sharing all, news I mean. You know a part more went on than the blips and choice of things news has shared. And even after a few days and some longer ones even or more info.

News should be extinct as to regular news because they don't do the job. There is so much in here I never heard it is not even funny.

And after the first day I had to literally go Google search to even FIND coverage even though when I found it, it brought me right back to YT.

So their expert was on Court TV like a year ago judging this crime scene and yet had never seen a photo of it and new nothing of it, etc. NOW that's interesting...Court TV by the way was on what went wild with the O thing and Vinnie as well... When all were going wild with defense stuff.... Hmmm. Did she really never see a photo before, them either, etc... And if not, well then where did her solid opinion then come from....

NOTHING going on here. Is there....

Out of curiosity has anyone heard Court TV or anyone else share this...? I doubt it somehow....

I haven't heard it yet as this was something else in and of itself but he also goes on to cover he said in the beginning Doerman and I guess LISK/CB WANTS THE CASES SEVERED. Have we had that news either in that case?

I never know how to do Scott's as he covers several and I don't have the time and wherewithal to get the minute of starting each different cases and put them in each respective thread. I used to try back when.

Not sure if I will get to those cases on his video but might. I am still absorbing this on this one and WHY so much of this has NOT been covered in news.
Court TV after going wild with it went as silent as anyone after the leaks... Still MOSTLY are, but have dared to test the waters here and there again... Same with Vinnie...

What is her name, Permutter...? There were a few other things of the P discrediting her and like I said there were some things that one could look at with other subjects either way too but he had a lot I SURE had not heard.
So what is wrong the news reporters that were actually in the courtroom all day...? Huh? They're young and don't know how to write notes with a pen and paper... Or have recall?
Not according to the video. The box cutter is coming from the prosecution. Other than their words there is no proof.

The defense says Odinists did it and have more proof than just flapping their gums.

Why do you believe what the prosecution says, without any proof, other than what they said?

The prosecution could be basing that on next to nothing. Just the words of someone unreliable.

If his confessions came while he was being tortured, then they should be thrown out.
The detective gave evidence about the boxcutter not the prosecution. Many of RA's confessions were on phone recordings. He continued confessing at Wabash too. He wasn't being tortured but was in solitary for his protection.
I haven't heard it yet as this was something else in and of itself but he also goes on to cover he said in the beginning Doerman and I guess LISK/CB WANTS THE CASES SEVERED. Have we had that news either in that case?

I never know how to do Scott's as he covers several and I don't have the time and wherewithal to get the minute of starting each different cases and put them in each respective thread. I used to try back when.

Not sure if I will get to those cases on his video but might. I am still absorbing this on this one and WHY so much of this has NOT been covered in news.
I guess they are not very good at taking notes like in the old days.

Now we just wait for Gull's rulings. Any idea when that will be?
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The detective gave evidence about the boxcutter not the prosecution. Many of RA's confessions were on phone recordings. He continued confessing at Wabash too. He wasn't being tortured but was in solitary for his protection.
Yes, the detective said it on the stand. And RA said it in a confession. And while not crystal clear as news did not make it so, I believe what is meant is this is one of the things he knew that only the killer would know and that that was the likely context of how and why it came up.

He continued confessing at the new prison but my belief is he later ensured he made confessions with things that did NOT add up in them or were not the case to dilute he first real confessions and make it look as if he did not know what he was doing when he did.

There are recordings AND written ones. I suspect the written ones are the letters to the warden.

Had reporters done better, we'd know more on all of it.

Gull imo is doing a real disservice to the case, even to herself, to not allow something more than a court reporter because some people will say the only record is from "her" court reporter of what was said all the days in trial. Imo.
I guess they are not very good at taking notes like in the old days.

Now we just wait for Gull's rulings. Any idea when that will be?
The remark was, as I recall it, that she'd issue rulings in a few days. But I wouldn't take that to mean two or three (already past), I consider it a relative remark. I don't think she will go too long, however. My hope would be by the end of this week maybe?

Yeah re news reporters and notes, see above post. This was not even trial and I am less than impressed. We are used to like Nate with covering every bit of testimony he can fast enough type or trying to. Apparently also few attended that would try for more, like any YT person, Tom went for the first hearings but they ended up canceled.

I highly recommend giving Scott's show a watch. After his lead in about the show in general and his covering his sponsor, Delphi is the first case up. He had things I sure had NOT heard before. I\d like to know their source/s because it is one/s WE should be watching. I think he has people that source his show information honestly. He has a fairly big ship with his show and has help. I believe they put it together for him and then he "reads" it etc.

One can tell by the few reporting on the case any longer who is concerned that was all over it prior. Tom is not concerned, nor is Scott. They weren't involved in getting things even if unasked for "sent to them" through a chain. Imo.

I think even Court TV has backed off big time... It is not like they haven't reported at all but they've really dialed back to almost silence for some length of time. And I find it very interesting that they had the defense expert on I believe BEFORE she was the defense expert saying the very same thing and conclusions about the scene BEFORE she had "allegedly" ever seen the crime scene photos...

So THAT is one thing news I've seen never touched on whatsoever and very interesting. I have heard more than once that NM came out swinging at that expert quickly going to discredit her, but very few to no details given.
He also feels Gull will keep out the O stuff for the most part and it seems he feels rightfully so as there isn't enough behind it nor can any be placed there and when defense bites something like that off and gives a specific story (paraphrasing) they are in a boat almost like the State where they have to back up their theory, give probable cause so to speak and enough to show it isn't just some imaginary hypothetical. He said as a defense attorney, he took would run all day with such a thing (I am sure he would do it better and make it cohesive and not mumbo jumbo and write it far better) but overall a lot of his talk on the case last night he sounded more like a P than a D. Meaning. for instance, there's enough that Gull should deny it and not enough that she should allow it. All my own wording here.

I take it from your other post that someone I am not reading is saying the box cutter is not fact? I'm not reading his posts. And don't want to go into discussing them for the same reasons. But that is b.s. as you know and said. We are now into things and getting info that will be coming at trial. Scott said as much too. This is when, with pretrial hearings, and filings, other facts known start to come out. I think I'd listen to the attorney talking on it...

He did cover a few things that were both ways as well.

He often talks the legal side of things and is often D oriented a bit in cases of course BUT it does not stop him from seeing the other side when necessary, he for instance was never on any kick where Chad and Lori weren't guilty and of course he does the dumb criminal of the day in every show even though he is a D attorney.

He lambastes quite often about THIS D not being advised to NOT talk by his attorneys or at least says that's the first thing he says to a client and even to their family, I believe I have it right. And that EVERYTHING is listened to, etc.

Heck we know his attorneys never even SAW their client.

Jmo. Anyhow, his coverage is worth it for anyone because it isn't just one sided, there were parts more D oriented. It had a lot of new things in it imo.

I should add the he also talked of the LE expert or detective or whoever, was it ISP? Can't recall. Who did the blood spatter thing re the tree at the right height, and so on.

I think there was so much in these hearings regular "news" has not covered. It already bites.

You know it may sound archaic, but it's sad shorthand isn't kept up because that's who they need taking notes in the courtroom, someone who can do shorthand and read their own shorthand after.

I took it, can still remember just a couple of things and used to employ it just to keep it up writing back and forth with my sister that way but it's been a long time now. I wonder how much she recalls. I should ask her. And we should send her lol. She is retired and could go but I doubt even knows of the case and I'd have to explain the whole story and all the reasons LMAO.

But seriously, they need someone who still has this skill to take notes for all reporters. Since Gull seems to be going to go the very archaic route. And I think that's a big mistake.
The detective gave evidence about the boxcutter not the prosecution. Many of RA's confessions were on phone recordings. He continued confessing at Wabash too. He wasn't being tortured but was in solitary for his protection.

And being involuntarily medicated.
And being involuntarily medicated.
His own attorneys are on RECORD saying he was doing well and fine at the one time until months later. Their mistake I guess. if you watch Tom you will hear this FACT repeated many a time.

Again, that' their words. The story only changed later. It depends on who you believe.

Didn't mean to read your post. Old automatic habit of coming in on new posts on any threads. Forgot and didn't look from who.

Hey at least it isn't re RL. I don't think you are up on things at all, probably because you to stuck back when on the RL old stuff. Just saying...
And being involuntarily medicated.
Where are you getting that he did not agree to the medication? He was already on medication when the wife called the cops about him as she took him to hospital IIRC. This guy was eating his own sh*t, smearing and bashing himself against the walls so they had to give him something but it was not involuntary.
He also feels Gull will keep out the O stuff for the most part and it seems he feels rightfully so as there isn't enough behind it nor can any be placed there and when defense bites something like that off and gives a specific story (paraphrasing) they are in a boat almost like the State where they have to back up their theory, give probable cause so to speak and enough to show it isn't just some imaginary hypothetical. He said as a defense attorney, he took would run all day with such a thing (I am sure he would do it better and make it cohesive and not mumbo jumbo and write it far better) but overall a lot of his talk on the case last night he sounded more like a P than a D. Meaning. for instance, there's enough that Gull should deny it and not enough that she should allow it. All my own wording here.

I take it from your other post that someone I am not reading is saying the box cutter is not fact? I'm not reading his posts. And don't want to go into discussing them for the same reasons. But that is b.s. as you know and said. We are now into things and getting info that will be coming at trial. Scott said as much too. This is when, with pretrial hearings, and filings, other facts known start to come out. I think I'd listen to the attorney talking on it...

He did cover a few things that were both ways as well.

He often talks the legal side of things and is often D oriented a bit in cases of course BUT it does not stop him from seeing the other side when necessary, he for instance was never on any kick where Chad and Lori weren't guilty and of course he does the dumb criminal of the day in every show even though he is a D attorney.

He lambastes quite often about THIS D not being advised to NOT talk by his attorneys or at least says that's the first thing he says to a client and even to their family, I believe I have it right. And that EVERYTHING is listened to, etc.

Heck we know his attorneys never even SAW their client.

Jmo. Anyhow, his coverage is worth it for anyone because it isn't just one sided, there were parts more D oriented. It had a lot of new things in it imo.

I should add the he also talked of the LE expert or detective or whoever, was it ISP? Can't recall. Who did the blood spatter thing re the tree at the right height, and so on.

I think there was so much in these hearings regular "news" has not covered. It already bites.

You know it may sound archaic, but it's sad shorthand isn't kept up because that's who they need taking notes in the courtroom, someone who can do shorthand and read their own shorthand after.

I took it, can still remember just a couple of things and used to employ it just to keep it up writing back and forth with my sister that way but it's been a long time now. I wonder how much she recalls. I should ask her. And we should send her lol. She is retired and could go but I doubt even knows of the case and I'd have to explain the whole story and all the reasons LMAO.

But seriously, they need someone who still has this skill to take notes for all reporters. Since Gull seems to be going to go the very archaic route. And I think that's a big mistake.
I thought the same about the shorthand and thought I had posted something, but probably forgot.

The video is 11 and a half minutes.

Here's a rundown of the hearing from the video.

1. The confessions ALL came when he was housed at Wabash and was being involuntarily medicated. They came over a two month window. This is most likely why the defense wants them thrown out. He was eating his feces and running back and forth in his cell to bash his head against the wall. (My question: Were there any medical reports on his condition from hitting the walls?) His confessions were to staff and other inmates. Some were written down and contain information that only the killer would know. This is not a fact. It's what the state is saying. Since they added "bloody" to the statement made by the woman, I have deep doubts about almost anything they say. What the state says DO NOT QUALIFY THEM AS FACTS. Some confessions contain false facts! Allegedly these were the harshest conditions he faced there. One of the confessions says he molested the girls and shot them. ALL of that is not true.

In addition to the defense not wanting them in, the prosecution wants to limit some of the confessions. My guess is the false confessions will cast doubt on the "real" confessions.

2. Cameras were not allowed in the hearing.

3. He now isn't housed in solitary confinement anymore.

4. All of the motions are being taken under advisement by the judge, and she will issue a decision over the next few days.

5. The psychologist who was treating him during the two month period while he was eating feces and "confessing", joined facebook groups talking about the crime, and could have been participating in some of the discussions about his mental health. The psychologist could be impeached based upon the information coming out about her.

6. The prosecution wants certain words kept out. Words like: Odinism and the names of the potential suspects the defense says are Odinists. (I agree with keeping their names out, unless more information links them to the crime.) They also want Keegan Kline and RL not mentioned. I see absolutely no reason either of them should be excluded. The defense should be allowed to question officers on how thoroughly they investigated RL, and Kline conversing with Libby definitely should not be left out.

7. After RA was arrested, the state said that more arrests could be coming. Now it's just him.

8. You both are treating the box cutter as conclusive evidence. There is NO evidence that a box cutter was the murder weapon. Allegedly, RA confessed to using one. That's all they have. All we know is they were killed by some kind of knife. Again, the box cutter is NOT a fact.

9. A woman came in and testified that this fit all the criteria for a ritualistic crime scene. (Previously, the state lied about what a professor said about the crime scene.)

10. A detective testified that using his own blood that he had lab people draw, he found that using the height of a similarly sized officer: (Libby German 5'4") it matched her placing her hand against the tree. (This was done to debunk the letter "F" on the tree. Even I don't think it's a letter "F")

11. Abby and Libby's families are under a gag order.

12. It seems pretty obvious Judge Gull will not allow camera's in the courtroom for the trial. IMO, and the people discussing the case in the video, that is a mistake. As one put it: "If there was ever a case that we need more transparency than this one ever, it is the Delphi case."

Right now, cell phones, recorders, and any other electronics are forbidden. It's all notes being taken with pen and paper.

*My take: Why all the secrecy? This case needs public scrutiny. The prosecution lying about "bloody", then lying about what the professor said, then only getting "confessions" while he was being "involuntarily" medicated at one facility and the mysterious five years to arrest RA, are all things that are very hinky.

Where are you getting that he did not agree to the medication? He was already on medication when the wife called the cops about him as she took him to hospital IIRC. This guy was eating his own sh*t, smearing and bashing himself against the walls so they had to give him something but it was not involuntary.

From the video discussion
Found an additional source re Day 3 of hearing.

From the link -

CARROLL COUNTY, Ind. (WANE) – Delphi murder hearings continued into a third day Thursday, unveiling new details of the case including that the girls’ throats were slit and Judge Gull’s motions to vacate the safekeeping order.

Attorneys wrapped the arguments from yesterday’s motions this morning to suppress comments that Allen had made when he was in the Westville Correctional Facility.

Allen was sitting quietly at the table with his defense attorneys. Occasionally, he would put his right hand on his head and eyes. He frowned and scoffed a few times when the prosecution was making their final arguments.

Delphi murders: Former warden testifies about Allen’s alleged confession in day 2 of hearings
The rest of the morning focused on testimony from an expert in Odinism and ritualistic killings. The defense is trying to link the killings of the girls to Odinism and third-party suspects.

Expert speaks on ritualistic killing​

Dawn Perlmutter, an expert on ritualist symbols and killings took the stand on Day 3 of the trial. She testified there were 7 indicators of a ritualistic killing including:

  • The place of the killing was outdoors.
  • February 14 is a sunup to sundown Odinistic sacrificial holiday
  • The symbolism of the sticks and body positions were consistent with Odinistic Runes
  • Body positioning
  • Atypical blood pattern
Other indicators included that the cause of death according to Perlmutter was that the girls’ throats were slit with a sharp object. Perlmutter also said that the murder weapon, a ceremonial knife was a part of the case, but the official weapon is not known in the case.

“In my opinion, this was a textbook ritual murder. It has all the elements listed there,” Perlmutter testified. Perlmutter also testified that she was positive that the sticks were placed in a ritualistic manner and not with the intention of covering up or hiding the body.

When asked by the prosecution, “If the defendant made a statement that the branches were there and he tried to cover the bodies with them, would that change your mind,” Perlnutter said no.

Prosecutor McClure noted that Perlmutter was paid to testify and has no official blood splatter training.

The prosecutor also pointed out that Perlmutter went on CourtTV and said that the killing was a ritual killing last November. But she testified today she did not see any evidence or any crime scene photos until this April. The prosecutor pointed out she made the determination that Libby and Abby were ritualistically killed on CourtTV before seeing evidence in the case.

Previously Richard Allen was linked to the case through the shell of one unfired round of .40 ammunition. In the probable cause affidavit used to bring murder charges against Allen, the Indiana State Police state the round was found “between the bodies of Victim 1 and Victim 2 was forensically determined to have been cycled through Richard Allen’s Sig Sauer Model P226.”

During day three, the defense showed crime scene photos to the expert and the judge. The photos were not facing out toward the audience. Attorneys talked in detail about the position of the girls’ bodies and sticks put on top of them.

A big part of Thursday’s argument was whether blood found on a tree was painted on as a ritual symbol or not. A blood expert said it was the result of a bloody hand on a tree, not a painted symbol.

The defense has previously tried to connect Brad Holder and several others to the killings saying it was an Odinistic ritual. Brad Holder’s ex-wife testified in court, that the god Odin protects children and Odinists wouldn’t hurt kids. She also testified, describing that Holder had a fight with a friend about a ritual in the woods by the water that went wrong.

The defense tried to link several different people to the killings through Odinism, but the prosecution argued that there is, no “direct evidence” that is admissible in a trial to demonstrate that.

Thursday’s Motion​

On the third day of the case, Judge Fran Gull granted the motion to vacate the safekeeping order, meaning that Richard Allen will not be going back to the Wabash Valley Correctional facility within the Department of Corrections. Allen will now be in the custody of the Carroll County Sheriff’s Department.

Sheriff Tony Liggett told WANE 15 that he would not say whether Allen would be held in Carroll County or in the Cass County Jail, which is where he had been staying during the hearing this week.

Under the safekeeping order, Allen had to be in solitary confinement which the Carroll County Jail cannot accommodate. Now that the safekeeping order is lifted Sheriff Liggett said that Allen does not necessarily have to be in a cell by himself and behavior dictates where someone is housed.

When Judge Gull removed the safekeeping order Allen gave a visible sigh of relief in the courtroom.

All other motions are still under consideration by Judge Gull, including the state wanting the defense to be prohibited from mentioning Odinism and a list of third-party suspects in the trial. Gull did not give a timeline for a ruling, but lots of evidence was presented by both sides, giving her much to review.

Video above shows Richard Allen being escorted out of the courthouse.

Thursday’s trial brought many emotional moments.

A former Indiana State Police Detective cried on the stand after a picture of the girls at the crime scene was shown to him. When he was asked to identify the scene, he broke down saying, “it’s tough, it sucks.”

The families of Abby and Libby also got emotional during the testimony of a blood pattern expert. The expert graphically described pools of blood, all from Libby, and how it indicated that she was still moving after the cuts were made to her neck.

After 12 hours in court Thursday, there appeared to be an issue with the attorneys at the Judge’s bench. It is unclear exactly what that disagreement was, but it was put on the record that they would discuss it later.
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Found an additional source re Day 3 of hearing.

From the link -

CARROLL COUNTY, Ind. (WANE) – Delphi murder hearings continued into a third day Thursday, unveiling new details of the case including that the girls’ throats were slit and Judge Gull’s motions to vacate the safekeeping order.

Attorneys wrapped the arguments from yesterday’s motions this morning to suppress comments that Allen had made when he was in the Westville Correctional Facility.

Allen was sitting quietly at the table with his defense attorneys. Occasionally, he would put his right hand on his head and eyes. He frowned and scoffed a few times when the prosecution was making their final arguments.

Delphi murders: Former warden testifies about Allen’s alleged confession in day 2 of hearings
The rest of the morning focused on testimony from an expert in Odinism and ritualistic killings. The defense is trying to link the killings of the girls to Odinism and third-party suspects.

Expert speaks on ritualistic killing​

Dawn Perlmutter, an expert on ritualist symbols and killings took the stand on Day 3 of the trial. She testified there were 7 indicators of a ritualistic killing including:

  • The place of the killing was outdoors.
  • February 14 is a sunup to sundown Odinistic sacrificial holiday
  • The symbolism of the sticks and body positions were consistent with Odinistic Runes
  • Body positioning
  • Atypical blood pattern
Other indicators included that the cause of death according to Perlmutter was that the girls’ throats were slit with a sharp object. Perlmutter also said that the murder weapon, a ceremonial knife was a part of the case, but the official weapon is not known in the case.

“In my opinion, this was a textbook ritual murder. It has all the elements listed there,” Perlmutter testified. Perlmutter also testified that she was positive that the sticks were placed in a ritualistic manner and not with the intention of covering up or hiding the body.

When asked by the prosecution, “If the defendant made a statement that the branches were there and he tried to cover the bodies with them, would that change your mind,” Perlnutter said no.

Prosecutor McClure noted that Perlmutter was paid to testify and has no official blood splatter training.

The prosecutor also pointed out that Perlmutter went on CourtTV and said that the killing was a ritual killing last November. But she testified today she did not see any evidence or any crime scene photos until this April. The prosecutor pointed out she made the determination that Libby and Abby were ritualistically killed on CourtTV before seeing evidence in the case.

Previously Richard Allen was linked to the case through the shell of one unfired round of .40 ammunition. In the probable cause affidavit used to bring murder charges against Allen, the Indiana State Police state the round was found “between the bodies of Victim 1 and Victim 2 was forensically determined to have been cycled through Richard Allen’s Sig Sauer Model P226.”

During day three, the defense showed crime scene photos to the expert and the judge. The photos were not facing out toward the audience. Attorneys talked in detail about the position of the girls’ bodies and sticks put on top of them.

A big part of Thursday’s argument was whether blood found on a tree was painted on as a ritual symbol or not. A blood expert said it was the result of a bloody hand on a tree, not a painted symbol.

The defense has previously tried to connect Brad Holder and several others to the killings saying it was an Odinistic ritual. Brad Holder’s ex-wife testified in court, that the god Odin protects children and Odinists wouldn’t hurt kids. She also testified, describing that Holder had a fight with a friend about a ritual in the woods by the water that went wrong.

The defense tried to link several different people to the killings through Odinism, but the prosecution argued that there is, no “direct evidence” that is admissible in a trial to demonstrate that.

Thursday’s Motion​

On the third day of the case, Judge Fran Gull granted the motion to vacate the safekeeping order, meaning that Richard Allen will not be going back to the Wabash Valley Correctional facility within the Department of Corrections. Allen will now be in the custody of the Carroll County Sheriff’s Department.

Sheriff Tony Liggett told WANE 15 that he would not say whether Allen would be held in Carroll County or in the Cass County Jail, which is where he had been staying during the hearing this week.

Under the safekeeping order, Allen had to be in solitary confinement which the Carroll County Jail cannot accommodate. Now that the safekeeping order is lifted Sheriff Liggett said that Allen does not necessarily have to be in a cell by himself and behavior dictates where someone is housed.

When Judge Gull removed the safekeeping order Allen gave a visible sigh of relief in the courtroom.

All other motions are still under consideration by Judge Gull, including the state wanting the defense to be prohibited from mentioning Odinism and a list of third-party suspects in the trial. Gull did not give a timeline for a ruling, but lots of evidence was presented by both sides, giving her much to review.

Video above shows Richard Allen being escorted out of the courthouse.

Thursday’s trial brought many emotional moments.

A former Indiana State Police Detective cried on the stand after a picture of the girls at the crime scene was shown to him. When he was asked to identify the scene, he broke down saying, “it’s tough, it sucks.”

The families of Abby and Libby also got emotional during the testimony of a blood pattern expert. The expert graphically described pools of blood, all from Libby, and how it indicated that she was still moving after the cuts were made to her neck.

After 12 hours in court Thursday, there appeared to be an issue with the attorneys at the Judge’s bench. It is unclear exactly what that disagreement was, but it was put on the record that they would discuss it later.
Is this everything in the video or is there more and I need to watch it?

I've mentioned it before but will say again it is a huge discredit to their expert that she TESTIFIED that she never saw any crime scene photos until APRIL BUT stated this was a ritual killing on Court TV in NOVEMBER. That was a great trap by the prosecutor in my opinion. So the defense went after an expert seen on Court TV about the case who had already said that. Interesting... This is going to be a real problem with the jury imo.

I guess she can say she made such a determination of almost no info but Valentine's Day being some O thing and the fact it was outdoors. Big deal.

In fact the D has real problems here that don't match these things. Their witness, the ex wife, said Os DON'T KILL CHILDREN.

And THEN the defense is trying to claim the girls did not die when they did and my guess is from all said around this subject (but again far from perfect reporting) that that reason is because of Libby's phone coming on at 4 or something the next morning. WELL their EXPERT says the O day on Feb 14th is form sunrise to sundown, this was NOT then in that period of time but the D's own words. And yet their expert ignores this and other things as well.

They have had so many contradictions throughout all they've done it is pretty ridiculous and it makes their chances here pretty nil I think. Take a look at Scott's if you get a chance, he doesn't see enough cause for them to be allowed the O theory. He had a lot interesting to say imo but it wasn't long, just the first segment of many cases in his show.

I wonder if Gull will put out some decisions as they come or just wait until she has them all completed and then issue them all.

Permutter (what a name) said the weapon is unknown and I have wondered if the detective who said it was a box cutter was referring to RA saying it was. If so, reporters failed again here. Now if it were Nate, he'd be explaining it and answering questions every single night. Not so with any of these.

RA may want to watch his behavior as to the scoffing and such. NO JUDGE tolerates such generally. From ANYONE. Think Lori's flipping behavior in many hearings and smirkiness, etc. It won't necessarily be said in a public way, sometimes it is right to the defendant or whoever or their attorney to control their client, otherwise, said privately or the atty themselves admonishes their client. We can be these two won't.

He breathed a sigh of relief about the safekeeping order being vacated. RA. A "visual" one, whatever that is. I hope he realizes he is not not under any measures to keep him safe as it was said he is now in the gen pop isn't he? I saw that somewhere earlier. And we know somewhere fairly local because it was also about family and attys being able to see him more easily without as much travel and so on. If anything happens to him, I know where I am going to place the blame.

But also, does he realize he will be here no longer than maybe two months, maybe three? Once convicted he goes back to some serious high security prison.

Gull is covered, as is the P, and as is the sheriff. They have said many, many times the reasons for keeping him where he was. She gave in finally and again if ANYTHING happens to him here or they complain about anything or have some new stories of things going on to explain something, then it will be squarely on the D imo. I know I won't listen to anything else. In the meantime at least that one is off the table.

You know I had been thinking maybe Gull should allow them their defense but Scott changed my mind back and it surprised me coming from him. They just don't have enough to make it a total defense or it to be allowed in. Remember when they said and RA has never been an O nor associates with any, they had to say that because they cannot remove him or his bullet. And they can't prove that either. How?

The interesting thing about moving him more local and the D wanting it is all these Os are local. And they never could relate the guards to the four men they NAMED AND ACCUSED. It is all a house of cards and hearsay.

I could say a lot more about the D and the things that they almost contradict themselves on or make things not fit that they say and then something else they do to explain something else makes the other thing they said not fit. It's mind numbing.

But that's what you have when the facts are not on your side and you have to find some way out of a HUGE case the P has and your client confessed and all of that on top of it.

I don't think they deserve kudos for it as they always should have been doing their job but hey they finally did the hearings, tried to be real lawyers I suppose, and do their job for once, had an expert and some witnesses and so on. Still clearly have not reviewed everything but hey didn't whine for another postponement.

I suspect they get some pushback from RA and family too, hey don't YOU delay this again, be ready with all you do have and you better have your part done and prepared. Just guessing. I'd sure be unhappy about such.

And then of course they blame such on the P to the family and the court and everyone else.

But anyhow...

I HOPE they are prepared to present a defense in October one way or another. Have they prepared an ALTERNATE defense to the O thing in case it is necessary? I seriously doubt it. From all we've seen, there is no reason to think they have.

I was barely with work clothes off by 10 and have to back in about 9 hours from then, to work. No way going to get sleep of more than a couple of hours on this in that short length of time. Have things to do when I get home, things to do before I go back and absolutely have to have some down time. On top of it, I got an offer on my home just as I was about to get out of my car and head into work this morning. Another low-ball but interested. With a response needed by midnight, at least that is what the put in offers, it is like you know, 24 hours. Well that's really going to work when I am right on the two shifts I just described. I certainly can't fit in a talk with my realtor. A few texts on break to verbally tell their agent I can't respond today, asked what the offer terms were, and such. So on. Then I thought I told him to counter but he didn't think I had actually said go ahead with it so he didn't so after work tonight, texted him near ten to see if he countered. And sigh, so that is going to be probably on the plate tomorrow with no sleep, no time straight back to work.

Had a big surprise, I think so did she when I ran into my property manager at work today. She was buying tables and chairs. I've never shared with her where I work until recently and have never encountered her there in the getting close to two years I've been there. I was startled and I think so was she. I asked her if the darned washing machine situation is fixed before I have to do such I another two days here again on my days off. She said it was lol.

She was actually working. She was buying chairs and tables for "National Night Out' which I always seem to be working during when they do it in the parking lot here. Hey I'd really light to talk to LE and the FD about those years of fire alarms and false alarms.... LOL. They SEEM to have STOPPED. Finally, after seriously, years.

She truly is I have said before the saving grace around here. I can't always reach her either and I don't EVEN go looking for them, it is always over some stupid thing they do or cause if I need to.

Anyhow, I am sidetracking. But I had a good and worthwhile conversation with her last week on a day off again to handle what they pushed but it was worth it.

Yes, sidetracking, could go on, but enough of that.

Just no time so packing it in and not going to be much downtime so just talking to try to relax some before back for more. And I for one need downtime after work and need it before work big time, I can cut it and make it and get more than a couple of hours sleep maybe but then I haven't destressd either and so I have to pick and choose.

Just one more very early day to get through but then have shopping just to survive at all, me and the boys. Have to plan that around shifts too ahead of time for necessities.

And now the offer stuff going on again into the next two days after tomorrow off as I can hardly even respond or deal with it during the work week. No one else's hours are the same for one. Realtors, banks, etc.

So back to the point, SORRY, should I watch this? Is there more in it than what you posted in print? Not a lot of time at the moment but will if worthwhile at some point.

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