LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Is this everything in the video or is there more and I need to watch it?

I've mentioned it before but will say again it is a huge discredit to their expert that she TESTIFIED that she never saw any crime scene photos until APRIL BUT stated this was a ritual killing on Court TV in NOVEMBER. That was a great trap by the prosecutor in my opinion. So the defense went after an expert seen on Court TV about the case who had already said that. Interesting... This is going to be a real problem with the jury imo.

I guess she can say she made such a determination of almost no info but Valentine's Day being some O thing and the fact it was outdoors. Big deal.

In fact the D has real problems here that don't match these things. Their witness, the ex wife, said Os DON'T KILL CHILDREN.

And THEN the defense is trying to claim the girls did not die when they did and my guess is from all said around this subject (but again far from perfect reporting) that that reason is because of Libby's phone coming on at 4 or something the next morning. WELL their EXPERT says the O day on Feb 14th is form sunrise to sundown, this was NOT then in that period of time but the D's own words. And yet their expert ignores this and other things as well.

They have had so many contradictions throughout all they've done it is pretty ridiculous and it makes their chances here pretty nil I think. Take a look at Scott's if you get a chance, he doesn't see enough cause for them to be allowed the O theory. He had a lot interesting to say imo but it wasn't long, just the first segment of many cases in his show.

I wonder if Gull will put out some decisions as they come or just wait until she has them all completed and then issue them all.

Permutter (what a name) said the weapon is unknown and I have wondered if the detective who said it was a box cutter was referring to RA saying it was. If so, reporters failed again here. Now if it were Nate, he'd be explaining it and answering questions every single night. Not so with any of these.

RA may want to watch his behavior as to the scoffing and such. NO JUDGE tolerates such generally. From ANYONE. Think Lori's flipping behavior in many hearings and smirkiness, etc. It won't necessarily be said in a public way, sometimes it is right to the defendant or whoever or their attorney to control their client, otherwise, said privately or the atty themselves admonishes their client. We can be these two won't.

He breathed a sigh of relief about the safekeeping order being vacated. RA. A "visual" one, whatever that is. I hope he realizes he is not not under any measures to keep him safe as it was said he is now in the gen pop isn't he? I saw that somewhere earlier. And we know somewhere fairly local because it was also about family and attys being able to see him more easily without as much travel and so on. If anything happens to him, I know where I am going to place the blame.

But also, does he realize he will be here no longer than maybe two months, maybe three? Once convicted he goes back to some serious high security prison.

Gull is covered, as is the P, and as is the sheriff. They have said many, many times the reasons for keeping him where he was. She gave in finally and again if ANYTHING happens to him here or they complain about anything or have some new stories of things going on to explain something, then it will be squarely on the D imo. I know I won't listen to anything else. In the meantime at least that one is off the table.

You know I had been thinking maybe Gull should allow them their defense but Scott changed my mind back and it surprised me coming from him. They just don't have enough to make it a total defense or it to be allowed in. Remember when they said and RA has never been an O nor associates with any, they had to say that because they cannot remove him or his bullet. And they can't prove that either. How?

The interesting thing about moving him more local and the D wanting it is all these Os are local. And they never could relate the guards to the four men they NAMED AND ACCUSED. It is all a house of cards and hearsay.

I could say a lot more about the D and the things that they almost contradict themselves on or make things not fit that they say and then something else they do to explain something else makes the other thing they said not fit. It's mind numbing.

But that's what you have when the facts are not on your side and you have to find some way out of a HUGE case the P has and your client confessed and all of that on top of it.

I don't think they deserve kudos for it as they always should have been doing their job but hey they finally did the hearings, tried to be real lawyers I suppose, and do their job for once, had an expert and some witnesses and so on. Still clearly have not reviewed everything but hey didn't whine for another postponement.

I suspect they get some pushback from RA and family too, hey don't YOU delay this again, be ready with all you do have and you better have your part done and prepared. Just guessing. I'd sure be unhappy about such.

And then of course they blame such on the P to the family and the court and everyone else.

But anyhow...

I HOPE they are prepared to present a defense in October one way or another. Have they prepared an ALTERNATE defense to the O thing in case it is necessary? I seriously doubt it. From all we've seen, there is no reason to think they have.

I was barely with work clothes off by 10 and have to back in about 9 hours from then, to work. No way going to get sleep of more than a couple of hours on this in that short length of time. Have things to do when I get home, things to do before I go back and absolutely have to have some down time. On top of it, I got an offer on my home just as I was about to get out of my car and head into work this morning. Another low-ball but interested. With a response needed by midnight, at least that is what the put in offers, it is like you know, 24 hours. Well that's really going to work when I am right on the two shifts I just described. I certainly can't fit in a talk with my realtor. A few texts on break to verbally tell their agent I can't respond today, asked what the offer terms were, and such. So on. Then I thought I told him to counter but he didn't think I had actually said go ahead with it so he didn't so after work tonight, texted him near ten to see if he countered. And sigh, so that is going to be probably on the plate tomorrow with no sleep, no time straight back to work.

Had a big surprise, I think so did she when I ran into my property manager at work today. She was buying tables and chairs. I've never shared with her where I work until recently and have never encountered her there in the getting close to two years I've been there. I was startled and I think so was she. I asked her if the darned washing machine situation is fixed before I have to do such I another two days here again on my days off. She said it was lol.

She was actually working. She was buying chairs and tables for "National Night Out' which I always seem to be working during when they do it in the parking lot here. Hey I'd really light to talk to LE and the FD about those years of fire alarms and false alarms.... LOL. They SEEM to have STOPPED. Finally, after seriously, years.

She truly is I have said before the saving grace around here. I can't always reach her either and I don't EVEN go looking for them, it is always over some stupid thing they do or cause if I need to.

Anyhow, I am sidetracking. But I had a good and worthwhile conversation with her last week on a day off again to handle what they pushed but it was worth it.

Yes, sidetracking, could go on, but enough of that.

Just no time so packing it in and not going to be much downtime so just talking to try to relax some before back for more. And I for one need downtime after work and need it before work big time, I can cut it and make it and get more than a couple of hours sleep maybe but then I haven't destressd either and so I have to pick and choose.

Just one more very early day to get through but then have shopping just to survive at all, me and the boys. Have to plan that around shifts too ahead of time for necessities.

And now the offer stuff going on again into the next two days after tomorrow off as I can hardly even respond or deal with it during the work week. No one else's hours are the same for one. Realtors, banks, etc.

So back to the point, SORRY, should I watch this? Is there more in it than what you posted in print? Not a lot of time at the moment but will if worthwhile at some point.
I didnt watch the video. I was looking for something with more written detail and found this to post. Watch it if you get time and let us know.

Good news on the offer. It shows there is still interest.
I didnt watch the video. I was looking for something with more written detail and found this to post. Watch it if you get time and let us know.

Good news on the offer. It shows there is still interest.
Okay. I didn't realize. Figured you watched and then pulled something in print from it.

I did not have time and probably won't. Might try to remember later.

Man is this a rough one. I woke up with little more than an hour to get ready and just a couple of hours of sleep. So won't see much from me this morning. I don't think I've ever had a back to back this tight. I mean I got home with like nine hours before I had to be back to work.

Insane way to schedule. My feet tend to recover each day but not when such a short window. Can't even wait until today is over and then like I've said, it will take me at least a day to get over the week.

Yeah, this person is interested but so far apart on price, we will see. I countered, somehow fit that in yesterday. We will see.

Mad rush today. I need to wake up generally, etc. especiallly with no sleep but made myself get moving, bites, so I can have a few minutes hopefully when done, not long. I will be pushing to the last minute to go, thank goodness I live like a couple of blocks from work. Woke up thinking I had not heard an alarm prior but I had. Literally going on two hours or so of sleep. When you go back in nine hours well, yeah. I am too old for that kind of schedule! I could do such when your and even work a full time and two part time jobs. Not so today.

Anyhow, probably be my only post. I just need to get through today and then get nothing done over two days off as usual but deal with the usual fires to put out I'm already figuring. Done at 4 but then have shopping to do. And then the offer to deal with and any result that comes today. I've had no time to do a written counter so it went in as a "verbal" by text late last night (had until midnight) from my realtor to hers.

Hope you have an awesome day. Back to rushing.
And of course no time for my usual egg mcbagel or breakfast. Ugh. In normal life I am not a breakfast eater but before work on these hours it is necessary. I don't eat for the next probably 16 hours or so and sometimes never do on shifts like this. Didn't eat last night. Too short of a window.

Enough from me. Down to minutes. Hope all have a great day.
Lol. So far so good. It is Nancy and a bit typical but the points just minutes in are pretty darned good...

Let's just start with how the D did their Frank's thing to get their theory out to the public.... And how they never show enough or center on anything to make their point...
I have said more than once over the years not always a fan of hers and can go back and forth but lately...

And one thing one does have to give her over SOME counterparts is she really did work in the real system and try many a case.

Some talk and have little to be said that way... Many just reporters and talking heads and never did any real lawyering to speak of or for long.
New mugshot. He sure looks like evil BG in this one.

Investigators discovered a video on Libby’s cellphone showing a man – known as “bridge guy” – on the trail, saying: “Guys, down the hill.”

Despite the footage believed to show the killer, for five years, no arrests were made.

In October 2022, Allen was suddenly arrested and charged with the murders, having been tied to the killings through a bullet found at the crime scene.

Since then, the case has been plagued by delays, controversies, shocking accusations and evidence leaks.

Delphi murders suspect Richard Allen in new mug shot

Delphi murders suspect Richard Allen in new mug shot (Cass County Jail)

This week, the families of both the victims and the suspected killer returned to court to hear graphic testimony as Judge Fran Gull – who is also facing calls from Allen’s legal team to be removed from the case – weighs arguments on a string of motions, including what evidence can be presented at trial and whether the case against Allen should be dismissed altogether.

More at link.
New mugshot. He sure looks like evil BG in this one.

Investigators discovered a video on Libby’s cellphone showing a man – known as “bridge guy” – on the trail, saying: “Guys, down the hill.”

Despite the footage believed to show the killer, for five years, no arrests were made.

In October 2022, Allen was suddenly arrested and charged with the murders, having been tied to the killings through a bullet found at the crime scene.

Since then, the case has been plagued by delays, controversies, shocking accusations and evidence leaks.

Delphi murders suspect Richard Allen in new mug shot

Delphi murders suspect Richard Allen in new mug shot (Cass County Jail)

This week, the families of both the victims and the suspected killer returned to court to hear graphic testimony as Judge Fran Gull – who is also facing calls from Allen’s legal team to be removed from the case – weighs arguments on a string of motions, including what evidence can be presented at trial and whether the case against Allen should be dismissed altogether.

More at link.
He sure does. He is BG, that's been clinched for me. Long ago.

He looks like a monster. I can just picture him angry and/or intent and those girls dealing with such. Hard to get out of my head. Bites.

I take it this is because of his new digs that there is a new mugshot. Since he breathed a "visible" sigh of relief per "news" I'd think he'd look a bit happier.
I am so ready for these decisions and this trial to be held and over. I can't even IMAGINE how the family feels, well I can, but not to the extent of what they've had to watch, see and deal with.

Tom hasn't had a show recently but has one scheduled for a bit into the future he's announced.

I think everyone but the D was more than past ready for this the first time when all was delayed.

I don't know why, but I am very irritated with this right now. It's a day off but was not. Been nothing but dealing with the house stuff, did manage laundry in between and that's about it.

It's just TIME in this case. For BOTH families even, all sides.

And I'm irritated that if the coverage of trial is like what these hearings was, we are going to hear far from all and even bias and far from all.

And yes, believe it or not, I can disagree with Gull and I do with regard to coverage of the trial. Totally. The hearings were a good test and handwritten notes are riiculous when for instance an old cassette recorder even cannot do a THING wrong or get on the internet. It's ridiculous.

I'm not saying there were not any good articles or key things that came out at all from the hearings, but FAR from ALL.

I'm just irritated and maybe subsconsciously picked this case to take it out on, I don't know. But not really, it is time to see some decisions really soon here and trial can't come soon enough.
Delphi, 5:48 to 21:30.

Interesting and what many of us have been saying all along.

Some of it is covering what we know but some new things. For one, not sure I heard this in any "news" reporting but that psych doctor questioned whether Allen was faking. By the way his first conrfession was in March and any mental health fall was in April if I followed it correctly BUT the part many of us have been saying all along is that the D CANNOT place ANY of these men at the scene, their alternate suspects and that alone is enough reason the defense won't be allowed. I am paraphrasing.

He ties it in with other things that go against their theory and other evidence as well.

He has changed his tune on this one and even said in the beginning he thought they had a real shot with the O thing but not any longer (I never thought that but whatever lol) and he doesn't think it will be allowed and rightfully so.

There is more.

Just 15, 16 minutes.

I have to say i have never heard of a defence strategy of choosing people with alibis as alternate suspects. I am surprised the D have not been sued by them. Anyone wonder why they haven't sued?

I just want to have them get on with it now and I am sure the families are more than ready. Or i would be OK with a plea deal too, to save all the BS we and the families would have to deal with at trial.

ETA just listened to Scott in the above video and agree with all he says. At the end he says "may be time to seek a plea deal" LOL.
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I have to say i have never heard of a defence strategy of choosing people with alibis as alternate suspects. I am surprised the D have not been sued by them. Anyone wonder why they haven't sued?

I just want to have them get on with it now and I am sure the families are more than ready. Or i would be OK with a plea deal too, to save all the BS we and the families would have to deal with at trial.

ETA just listened to Scott in the above video and agree with all he says. At the end he says "may be time to seek a plea deal" LOL.

Suing them, would probably Streisand Effect them. They probably know this.
I have to say i have never heard of a defence strategy of choosing people with alibis as alternate suspects. I am surprised the D have not been sued by them. Anyone wonder why they haven't sued?

I just want to have them get on with it now and I am sure the families are more than ready. Or i would be OK with a plea deal too, to save all the BS we and the families would have to deal with at trial.

ETA just listened to Scott in the above video and agree with all he says. At the end he says "may be time to seek a plea deal" LOL.
I almost mentioned him saying he should do a plea deal but figured you'd watch it and knew you'd catch it lol. I personally wouldn't give him one but I guess we shall see. They've been ready to try this case imo and I for one want to know of all of the evidence.

Yeah Scott was totally clear on they haven't placed these guys there so there isn't enough basis to let them just go totally in with this at all. He did think in the beginning they could maybe do something with the O thing it sounds like but feels they totally failed now.

I've said all along all they have is smoke and mirrors more or less and actually some total hearsay by an ex. Meaningless junk when the men can't be placed there.

I dont' know why they haven't used but think about this, wait and see how they draft their names through the mud in a trial IF allowed to do so, more damages to sue for, more evidence of such being done to them...

Next hearing in Delphi murders set for Aug. 23​

The next hearing in the Delphi murders case is set.
Special Judge Fran Gull scheduled a status hearing at 1 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 23, in Carroll Circuit Court. According to Gull’s order, the first portion of the hearing will be closed to the public, while the second part will be open to the public.

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