LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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They say what came out in hearings will be a death knell to the defense O thing.

Yet they say he will be forced to take a plea deal at this point.

I don't get that, so many talk as if he has that choice. He does not necessarily. He can plead guilty to ALL pure and simple, that is not a deal. The other side has to agree to any deal. It isn't his "choice". And the either side may have absolutely no interest in doing so. I wish reports would get that straight.

Unless they know something we don't.

ANY defendant can plead guilty and avoid a trial. That is NOT a DEAL.

I still am NOT finished with this thing lol. Had to get up and get a few things done as time is passing fast. Normally my Saturdays are an 11, 12 or 1 start, after two days off, but tomorrow it is 9. Not used to such. And dealing with moving things and scheduling such and more from the other state.

ANYHOW, it is very INTERESTING but how long IS this thing? Lol.
You mean Aine? She's good isn't she? He should have them as his attorneys
She isn't an attorney. He is. She has been around one so much she posts almost like she is one though. Yes, Aine, I think I said Anne.

There have been times I have wondered about a few things with them is all.

When I said creepy attorneys though, I was talking about the D, NOT THEM.
I couldn't believe all I was reading and why no one else reported this stuff.
As you now, I was less than impressed by the reporting which is a good sampling of how bad it will be for trial imo. Man was just happy when you, I or anyone found something with more than a tidbit in it. And even those never covered the days and the hearings by a long shot. But that's news for ya. I almost can't believe such isn't extinct sometimes, they are being surpassed big time by independents.

Yeah, it is a GOOD FIND. I can't quit commenting as you've probably noticed lol and still am NOT done.
This bit ......

"Although on several occasions, when the warden was making the rounds, Allen was apparently, essentially, yelling out of his cell saying what he did.
"So you have a situation where Allen is desperately trying to tell others what he says he did, but he isn't being heard.
"And that really undermines the argument that he's somehow being coerced here."
Cain and Greenlee said they have genuine concerns about whether or not Richard Allen even wants to go to trial, considering the evidence they heard last week.

Summarising their thoughts, Cain said: "I believe it's possible that he confessed a lot and then turned around and said, 'You know what? I still want my family to love me, so I will continue to profess my innocence to achieve that because that's the most important thing right now.'
"I think that's highly possible, but if there's any possibility this man has been dragged through this process because others want him to go through the process when he doesn't, that's an absolute travesty and his wishes are being violated.
"And given that his defense team has not filed anything about his competency, we have to imagine they believe him competent.
"So if he's competent, he should be allowed to say, 'Here's what I want to do' – and I sincerely hope his wishes are being heard and followed."
She isn't an attorney. He is. She has been around one so much she posts almost like she is one though. Yes, Aine, I think I said Anne.

There have been times I have wondered about a few things with them is all.

When I said creepy attorneys though, I was talking about the D, NOT THEM.
Yes, I know he is the attorney but she is the brains IMO. LOL.
He's the car, she's the engine.
Yep and when i read that I thought "yay they are getting ready to sue their asses off" hopefully very shortly - probably after the trial.

How much can you sue for if wrongly accused of kidnapping, sexual assault and double child murders?
I meant smoke and mirrors of course. This dumb machine.

There really is no set limit, they just pick one if you ask me. A million, twenty million, you name it. If it goes all the way to trial, the jury decides the award if they win and sometimes can even go over what sued for. Most settle at some amount of money before trial.

It can be an astronomical request or lower with no real rules as far as I've ever seen. If they ask for too much that the jury doesn't believe is owed, they will just award less.

And I think you will recall, here, attorneys take it on a basis with only if they win the case, they get a third plus costs. So no upfront payment needed for an attorney. If they think unwinnable they won't take on. Most insurance companies will settle just to not pay all the costs of attorneys taking it all the way to trial, for less of course.

However, there wouldn't be an insurance company here I would not think, well maybe attorney's malpractice insurance. All have it although with these two who knows, they do nothing else per the rules or ethics. Again imo in case such a remark bothers anyone. I think it has been shown over and over and over what they are and what they are not.
The defense really had their hats handed to them last week...

Wow, where WAS all the reporting on this???

I have been disgusted with MSM for decades and I didn't think they could ice that cake for me any further but the lack of coverage on this, when several were said to attend all days, is underwhelming.

Again, they talk of as if he can choose a plea deal. It is NOT up to him or them alone. He sure can plead guilty to all though.

I don't know if I am ever going to lol finish this article. I'm sure it's not that long if one could stick on it and didn't have other things going on probably but not how my day is going. Not even close.
I'm sure I will be back. Trying to make at least three side of arrangements on something and a date and so on. When all have their own busy schedules. Arggghhhh. And a timetable and deadline...
The defense did not just have their hats handed to them, they were stomped on the ground in mud and handed back to them.


And I am going to assume the P had plenty of rebuttal to the bs. And that it wasn't so much the judge although still not done reading. I have texts like in four ways going on about something else. And other things to take care of.

Almost every part of this is worth a read this far.

I made it through only one more paragraph before I had to comment again. And now my phone is going off with return texts.

I think I need a sick day, vacation day, something.
Okay. I have so much going on I still haven't finished but ever time I read another paragraph or two I feel it needs to be shared.

Another excerpt:

Cain added, "Their hats weren't just handed to them, they were stomped on the ground in mud and then handed to them.

"It was honestly embarrassing. I'm shocked by the lack of a defense they've provided for their client up until now.

"I agree with Kevin, in a normal case, these attorneys would be sitting down and figuring out a plea deal in this case [...] because, as it stands, the defense has a mountain to climb."
FINALLY. It is being said as what has always been able to be seen and is obvious. And this COMES from actual hearings. It is not about the judge being whatever, it is about the arguments and lack of what the defense has done and lack of defense and the P arguing it better.

They BLANKET everything, rush, are not prepared, have nothing and never have.

it's really interesting to me that news somehow couldn't go here or tell us. So I stay a non "real" news junkie.
I'm done. Did not share all. Well worth the read. One final excerpt.

Much of the prosecution's evidence remains under seal and a strict gag order has been put in place by a judge, preventing families, officials, and attorneys from sharing what they know with the media.

Last week's hearing ended in a win for Richard Allen.

After 19 months in maximum security state prisons, he will now be detained in a county jail, per his wishes.

The move was approved by Judge Gull on Thursday night, and Allen was seen smiling as he left the courtroom.

His family was absent for the announcement, having left earlier to avoid Cicero's graphic blood splatter testimony, Greenlee and Cain said.

His family left.

It wasn't what they wanted to hear or believe I guess, goes against their denial.

Yes, he got what he wanted, I only hope they keep him alive.

Finally, it clearly states we haven't seen all the evidence and even in talking of confessions in hearings, if anyone noticed, they did not share more than they needed to.

So for anyone thinking there isn't a lot more, I'd seriously doubt it.

Just my take. This was QUITE the READ. Took me all day with distractions around me but finished and it isn't hat tit was dull, it was that I had other things going on. It is VERY interesting.
I came across this earlier and have had it playing but never really could focus on it as was making a thread, doing other things I have to do, etc. Now that it's later and have stopped, I took a real listen and watch.

Isn't John Kelly the profiler CB had books on, etc.? I know he's a famous profiler, I believe former F B I right?

So he and a couple of other very educated cohorts did a profile four years ago, and they talk of BG being RA, etc. but make it clear of course innocent until proven guilty.

So he compares what they all said before anyone knew of RA to RA now and what is known and more.

Some takeaways, these kinds of killers are visual. Also hyper sexual. The three seem to all think the perp is working class, more blue collar, maybe some learning disabilities, can't communicate well, visual, likes the outdoors, things like photograph, pics, etc. Kelly says he is VERY interested in what they found at Allen's home and on devices. They all seem to think BG would very likely may have taken photos.. Taken underwear, etc. like any SK.

Kelly says he thinks know further killings (that we know of) because he was seeing what he knew to be him on the internet over and over and over on the BG video. Scared him and he didn't dare... They never say IT IS Allen. Pretty much says then doesn't it imo that this is an SK type but that stopped him.

Almost most think "not" impromptu but stalked, hunted and planned, MOST likely. These particular girls. Again he is looking BACK at what they all said and comparing to now and knowing RA is accused.

Also likely into porn. He's the type for all over the above in my opinion. Always have felt that way. I won't go into the reasons but they exist.

They never say he IS BG of course but matching up their profile back when with RA well, fits fairly dam*Ed well is the conclusion I came to from it.

They aren't going to say he is guilty, well actually this is only John Kelly, the clips he is showing of the others are from four years ago what they all said. But I get RA is not a mismatch whatsoever o the profile.

I couldn't focus on it earlier in the evening but was able to now and fairly interesting...

Also Tom is finally having one, been awhile unless I missed one, tomorrow. I won't be home but will be watching later.

Tom video.

Have only listened to a bit so far but of note is 61 confessions over two months with details plus another 40 without detail. So now over 100 confessions. RA has been on mh meds since age 25 and was on Prozac. BH FB post of the sticks etc was actually years before the murders.

Just wanted to note that, as it is significant. So much info it is hard to catch it all.

Will listen to some more later.
Tom video.

Have only listened to a bit so far but of note is 61 confessions over two months with details plus another 40 without detail. So now over 100 confessions. RA has been on mh meds since age 25 and was on Prozac. BH FB post of the sticks etc was actually years before the murders.

Just wanted to note that, as it is significant. So much info it is hard to catch it all.

Will listen to some more later.
I almost forgot! AT least I know I have something to watch tonight.

You know, the sheer number of confessions makes it really stupid of the D to have tried to get rid of ALL in a blanket way. Imo. No judge is going to throw out 100 confessions without hearing which each and every single one should be on an individual basis, also imo.

You KNOW I have wondered at times if that post or drawing was dated further back but always let it go because it always seems to be implied it was near the time of the murders, just after, or some such, etc.

That's very signiificant and makes it useless imo although I'd already decided for my part that it is meaningless. Allen said he used sticks to COVER the girls also.

By the way, how many times do you think Allen confessed to the D? Of course one has to be in contact with their iattorneys first to be able to do that.

If I were a betting person, I'd bet his wife after hearing him confess called the D screaming that he was confessing all because he had no attorney to turn to. Just an educated guess. Also not a new remark, I'm sure I've said it before.

Off to watch Tom, will have to see if I do it all at once or in parts. Depends on length, other things I have to do, etc.

Thanks for the info!
Okay, so it has been a month, I thought so and this is about 43 minutes and sounds like no live chat so just a separate video covering all he hasn't that's happened in the last month. That t works for me. Sounds as if there will be a live chat he said Tuesday (assuming he means this Tuesday?). I'll have to see.

He doesn't usually go this long IF there has been news so can only guess he's been on vacation or something.
Tom video.

Have only listened to a bit so far but of note is 61 confessions over two months with details plus another 40 without detail. So now over 100 confessions. RA has been on mh meds since age 25 and was on Prozac. BH FB post of the sticks etc was actually years before the murders.

Just wanted to note that, as it is significant. So much info it is hard to catch it all.

Will listen to some more later.
Is the Prozac supposed to be the mental health meds or are there others?

We all know Prozac is typically used to treat depression and pretty sure depression has been mentioned before. I'd point out and probably did then that alcohol is a depressant and so his usages of things seem a bit counterproductive.

it has other uses but again the depression was mentioned.

I forgot to comment on this part of your post so came back to do it.
So plenty in here so far, not going to share all, people can watch if they like. Interesting that if he was faking his symptoms, he knew of and had a certain hospital he wanted to go to, asked to go, near his family, fitting pretty well with the faking since he was not of a level to be sent there at that point, but a level below...

That's just one thing.

So DR. WALLA ADMITTED on the stand she also accessed wrongly and read Kegan Kline's private records?!! Did we know this, I'm not sure. Talk about LAWSUITS that could happen!

She's OVERinvolved and not practicing her ethics or wasn't, clearly.

Those are a FEW tidbits, I'm not going to give a byplay with all the things of interest.

I wonder who Tom used as a source for the hearings. Probably Murder Sheet is my guess... Hey maybe he was there, I have no idea where he's been the last month...

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