LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Wow just read it, short but to the point.

imo too they tried to get a blanket dismissal of all confessions. What judge is going to grant that when such happened over time, different times, circumstnces, etc.

Her pointing out though that he himself sought out he warden says a lot and I think that one always has...

I KNOW it won't be popular with all but I've said it before, these D attorneys are covering their own butts. They were not there for him. He saw case stuff, he had no attorneys to talk to and he started confessing and looking for ANY consideration.

it is my own opinion only but to me it is clear as day. JMO of course.

And they KNOW IT and that's when we need a huge wow and distraction to come in how late in... And ever since.

Again jmo.

Do we all think this trial will go off in six weeks or the D will do something to stall it?

Not sure myself. I think they know they have pushed it as far as they may be should... But then what's the harm to them...
Wow just read it, short but to the point.

imo too they tried to get a blanket dismissal of all confessions. What judge is going to grant that when such happened over time, different times, circumstnces, etc.

Her pointing out though that he himself sought out he warden says a lot and I think that one always has...

I KNOW it won't be popular with all but I've said it before, these D attorneys are covering their own butts. They were not there for him. He saw case stuff, he had no attorneys to talk to and he started confessing and looking for ANY consideration.

it is my own opinion only but to me it is clear as day. JMO of course.

And they KNOW IT and that's when we need a huge wow and distraction to come in how late in... And ever since.

Again jmo.

Do we all think this trial will go off in six weeks or the D will do something to stall it?

Not sure myself. I think they know they have pushed it as far as they may be should... But then what's the harm to them...
I think with their third party defence denied and the confessions allowed in, they must be thinking about pleading guilty. What else can they do? They only have about a month till the jury selection must begin. I cannot see the trial lasting a month either.
O/T--I was watching my Canadian mom YT show today. I don't know why I'm so enamored with it. She makes her kids lunches, her husband's lunches and not anything all that exciting for lunch either, cooks once in awhile again nothing real special there, but her kids are just great and she is just such a patient mom with four of them and even watching the grocery store prices, what they buy, differences in Canada and here, it just is my go to when I need calming and not crime. Well she's one of several of such types of shows...

I think she had her youngest in a crib and with a pacifier way too long but then I'm kind of that way about that kind of thing lol.

My POINT is in this O/T post, she bought something called wine gums in a recent grocery haul @Tresir . Never have I heard of such a thing until today. It was clear they were gummies and I was thinking huh, what alcoholic gummies for adults and I had to google it and they actually originate in your country... No alcohol in them. Creator wanted them to appeal like the finest of flavors and quality so hence the wine. WTH? She was going on about how good they are but generally pricey and she got them 1/2 price lol.

I have NEVER seen such HERE. I've seen THC ones... LOL.

O/T. And done.

Just a little lightness. The confessions are coming in!!!! :cheering: :skip:

I do think though it is the right decision. If we are to trust a jury system and fairly selected jurors then trust them to decide what is what and get it right.

I have said it time and again, I have great faith in juries. People can throw the Casey Anthony and OJ thing in there but there were also problems with those cases and they are always the same two brought up every time. 99 percent of the time, juries get it right. Most that wouldn't want off and try to get out of serving. Thankfully.
Maynards Wine Gums are a very old traditional UK sweet (candy or gummies, as you call them).

I think with their third party defence denied and the confessions allowed in, they must be thinking about pleading guilty. What else can they do? They only have about a month till the jury selection must begin. I cannot see the trial lasting a month either.
I could be wrong but like I said earlier I don't think the third party defense has been ruled on yet. I know it seems like it has with the Frank's memo denied but it's different. I could be wrong as it's all been pretty confusing but it's a different motion. And the motion in limine as well.

I also don't see them letting him plead guilty (not that it is up to them, it is up to him but...)... I think you're not going to do that just for appeal bases.

I also don't see trial lasting a month, I agree on that one but you know just covering 60 to 100 or more confessions will take some time... Lol. Not funny for real but just saying...
Maynards Wine Gums are a very old traditional UK sweet (candy or gummies, as you call them).

Wow that seems costly but then I don't know the USD conversion but still seems costly. This was Canada and not that brand I don't think but like I said when I googled the original idea and candy came from the UK. She bought a big bag of such and remarked on how good they are. She doesn't usually buy them but couldn't pass them up at 50 percent off lol.

Those kinds of shows are my go to when I've taken in too much crime or after a long work day or week and need to just watch something that's "normal" life and not so serious.

I took in a lot these two days off on the Soto case which had a major document and interview dump and I'd realize when too much and then interspersed with cooking or life blogs like the one referenced or just mundane tasks at home, like making a pot of chili, dishes, cleaning, and so on. And then take in some more. I don't think I will ever get through all that one. Tons of info. Like what happened with Daybell some years back. Then though I did not work. And needed the distraction from our trial process and such. Still I can only take in so much of a really awful case before thankfully I realize I need to break from it.

LOL never ever had I heard of wine gums until this Canadian mom video. They sounded better when I thought they might have wine in them LOL.

I don't work today til 1:30 but just woke up naturally at 4:30 a.m. I really should go back to bed and try to sleep but not sure it will work. I think my next three after tonight are early morns after working late tonight.

But don[' think I can get back to sleep..

Anyhow this case, hmm...

I don't want it and don't think it would do them any good but I could see the D appealing to the ISC yet again for one last delay...I wouldn't put any bet on that they won't.. And will likely wait until close to the last minute and then out the window goes a scheduled trial date.. I think all will be beyond exasperated with them if so, including RA's family and us but I CAN see it happening... Hoping not but that's been the way so far...

I hope not. This case needs to be tried for once and for all.
Wow that seems costly but then I don't know the USD conversion but still seems costly. This was Canada and not that brand I don't think but like I said when I googled the original idea and candy came from the UK. She bought a big bag of such and remarked on how good they are. She doesn't usually buy them but couldn't pass them up at 50 percent off lol.

Those kinds of shows are my go to when I've taken in too much crime or after a long work day or week and need to just watch something that's "normal" life and not so serious.

I took in a lot these two days off on the Soto case which had a major document and interview dump and I'd realize when too much and then interspersed with cooking or life blogs like the one referenced or just mundane tasks at home, like making a pot of chili, dishes, cleaning, and so on. And then take in some more. I don't think I will ever get through all that one. Tons of info. Like what happened with Daybell some years back. Then though I did not work. And needed the distraction from our trial process and such. Still I can only take in so much of a really awful case before thankfully I realize I need to break from it.

LOL never ever had I heard of wine gums until this Canadian mom video. They sounded better when I thought they might have wine in them LOL.

I don't work today til 1:30 but just woke up naturally at 4:30 a.m. I really should go back to bed and try to sleep but not sure it will work. I think my next three after tonight are early morns after working late tonight.

But don[' think I can get back to sleep..

Anyhow this case, hmm...

I don't want it and don't think it would do them any good but I could see the D appealing to the ISC yet again for one last delay...I wouldn't put any bet on that they won't.. And will likely wait until close to the last minute and then out the window goes a scheduled trial date.. I think all will be beyond exasperated with them if so, including RA's family and us but I CAN see it happening... Hoping not but that's been the way so far...

I hope not. This case needs to be tried for once and for all.
That's only 50p for one packet. Is that expensive? Equivalent is 60 cents.

I thought the third party defence was the Odinists did it. Also no talk of KK or RL allowed either, I believe.

I don't think there is time for any more appeals. They have to go to trial now.
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That's only 50p for one packet. Is that expensive? Equivalent is 60 cents.

I thought the third party defence was the Odinists did it. Also no talk of KK or RL allowed either, I believe.

I don't think there is time for any more appeals. They have to go to trial now.
So that roll is 60 cents? Okay. Lol. I was thinking dollars.

Prosecution did motion to not allow the Os, KK, RL, any. I don't think that's been ruled on. And D did I think motion to use all or any as well.

I do't think those two have been ruled on. I get the Os are mentioned big in the Frank's memo but the Frank's memo was to get the warrant and results tossed, etc. To pretty much scratch/dismiss the case from the outset because the warrant should be tossed because of lies in it, etc. and other things, hence all the reasons and talk of the witnesses, bloody or muddy, etc... While it is full of O stuff, the intent was to toss the warrant and the case.

Third party defense they want regardless if that did not happen. If I have it right and I think I do, that still needs to be ruled on on its own and has its own motions...

Appeals to higher up court halts things... Happened in ours... I don't know that there is any time limit right up to day of trial. Maybe someone else knows. They all have to stop or just continue with other parts if in pretrial stuff until that part is decided...
I think this is his third part on this. I haven't checked, I may have missed one, etc. But I know of three now. The famous profiler...

Just starting to watch. He is saying he himself was in the Guard just as RA. Not together of course nor at same time nor place. Just that he knews such. Also then that both were in the infantry...And he says what that is about is basically being taught to be a killer and how to kill the enemy. Various firearms trained on and more... I thought the killer part interesting. Of course I'm sure 99 percent don't then go kill in their day to day life.... It is interesting though in context with RA.... And my own thought is that most training I'd image would be outdoor killings... Probably taught how to safely clear a building too, again just my guess but mostly outdoors...

Does't necessarily mean anything but interesting...

Okay they also learn hand to hand combat and knives and how to kill an enemy with a knife... In the infantry...

They also had to pass qualifications on using all the various firearms, the knives, etc...

He mentions in his opinion Libby was in a fight for her life and probably in a hand to hand combat situation, but then he is a male and someone trained in such I guess is the point being made...

I'm probably not going to share more as not going to take the time. Should be in bed and am not, as per my stupid norm.

It's only 20 some minutes so an easy watch.
Okay. One more thing. He SEES the reason for RA being put in Westville prison.

Those who wanted it, including RA himself, had sure better hope he is kept safe from others and self where he is now... This one is MY comment...
Okay he is talking some show called Crime Night mostly and a few things, that they didn't have all RA's jobs, he also thinks it wrong that they are naming these men who have never been named by LE as POIs or suspects, I agree, meaning the Os. They also supposedly attacked the prosecutor because his father was someone who got in a trouble. NM's I mean. And he thought that was a lousy thing to do. Don't think he was impressed with their show. Never heard of it myself.

So anyhow the watch went by quick but it really wasn't very much about whether RA is BG other than the talk of the guard and infantry is interesting and would fit some things for sure...

RA was in for ten years, John Kelly for seven years. He said if you don't pass being able to use every weapon you go back to square one to go through everything again so it means he knews his guns, knives, how to kill effectively in hand to hand or by gun, etc....

He also went back to RA and how he is now in a county jail. He is not a fan.

And hey he's all fair to RA from start, says innocent until guilty and a lot more. He flat out says he will not be as protected, far more dangerous, and not the same services.
So that roll is 60 cents? Okay. Lol. I was thinking dollars.

Prosecution did motion to not allow the Os, KK, RL, any. I don't think that's been ruled on. And D did I think motion to use all or any as well.

I do't think those two have been ruled on. I get the Os are mentioned big in the Frank's memo but the Frank's memo was to get the warrant and results tossed, etc. To pretty much scratch/dismiss the case from the outset because the warrant should be tossed because of lies in it, etc. and other things, hence all the reasons and talk of the witnesses, bloody or muddy, etc... While it is full of O stuff, the intent was to toss the warrant and the case.

Third party defense they want regardless if that did not happen. If I have it right and I think I do, that still needs to be ruled on on its own and has its own motions...

Appeals to higher up court halts things... Happened in ours... I don't know that there is any time limit right up to day of trial. Maybe someone else knows. They all have to stop or just continue with other parts if in pretrial stuff until that part is decided...
I know there are three or four Franks motions (which i thought WAS the third party defence) so i am unsure of this. Unless you mean the third party defence could be not the O's, maybe RL and KK for instance instead. So i will defer on this and wait to see what more detail comes out on it. So you think it is the P motion re 3rd party defence that has not yet been ruled on? Got it now, i think.
Okay he is talking some show called Crime Night mostly and a few things, that they didn't have all RA's jobs, he also thinks it wrong that they are naming these men who have never been named by LE as POIs or suspects, I agree, meaning the Os. They also supposedly attacked the prosecutor because his father was someone who got in a trouble. NM's I mean. And he thought that was a lousy thing to do. Don't think he was impressed with their show. Never heard of it myself.

So anyhow the watch went by quick but it really wasn't very much about whether RA is BG other than the talk of the guard and infantry is interesting and would fit some things for sure...

RA was in for ten years, John Kelly for seven years. He said if you don't pass being able to use every weapon you go back to square one to go through everything again so it means he knews his guns, knives, how to kill effectively in hand to hand or by gun, etc....

He also went back to RA and how he is now in a county jail. He is not a fan.

And hey he's all fair to RA from start, says innocent until guilty and a lot more. He flat out says he will not be as protected, far more dangerous, and not the same services.
I don't like the sound of this at all but it sure makes sense that he is a trained killer. I agree completely about why he should be in a secure facility rather than a county jail. A trained killer that needs medication for mental health. Oh boy.
I know there are three or four Franks motions (which i thought WAS the third party defence) so i am unsure of this. Unless you mean the third party defence could be not the O's, maybe RL and KK for instance instead. So i will defer on this and wait to see what more detail comes out on it. So you think it is the P motion re 3rd party defence that has not yet been ruled on? Got it now, i think.
Yes. I'm fairly certain. I had forgotten myself since the Franks motions are full of the third party thing with the Os. But they also have everything else under the sun in them. They are to get the search warrant tossed and I believe possibly the case dismissed (not sure on that one), that is their purpose. And yes, third party defense could be any of them, Os, Rl, KK, etc. if allowed. The P filed a motion trying to get all of them not allowed in by the D as well. No KK, no RL, no Os, named or otherwise. That I am pretty certain has not been ruled on either, I'm pretty certain.

Was that the motion in limine? I can't quite recall.
I don't like the sound of this at all but it sure makes sense that he is a trained killer. I agree completely about why he should be in a secure facility rather than a county jail. A trained killer that needs medication for mental health. Oh boy.
Yeah, I thought it was a notable observation. I mean we all knew he was in the guards but I never thought about it that way. He is of course an expert criminal profiler.

I too still think he belongs elsewhere more secure but probably like Gull I was to the point I was sick to death of hearing about it.
Yeah, I thought it was a notable observation. I mean we all knew he was in the guards but I never thought about it that way. He is of course an expert criminal profiler.

I too still think he belongs elsewhere more secure but probably like Gull I was to the point I was sick to death of hearing about it.
The fact of him being in the Guard, we did discuss when we were discussing the suicidee and that idiot who took the CS photos.
Yes. I'm fairly certain. I had forgotten myself since the Franks motions are full of the third party thing with the Os. But they also have everything else under the sun in them. They are to get the search warrant tossed and I believe possibly the case dismissed (not sure on that one), that is their purpose. And yes, third party defense could be any of them, Os, Rl, KK, etc. if allowed. The P filed a motion trying to get all of them not allowed in by the D as well. No KK, no RL, no Os, named or otherwise. That I am pretty certain has not been ruled on either, I'm pretty certain.

Was that the motion in limine? I can't quite recall.
I have to admit i don't know what the motion in limine is LOL.
The fact of him being in the Guard, we did discuss when we were discussing the suicidee and that idiot who took the CS photos.
Yes, for sure we did. I know that. I'm just talking about never thinking of the take John Kelly put on it of how since he was in the infantry of such, they are trained to kill basically and have to have all the weapons skills and that's on each different type of gun and such even as well. He talks about how bad the 45s were back in the day he was in there and how you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with one but they somehow had to pass that too... He's older of course. I also found the knife thing and hand to hand combat training of note.

It isn't like any of us wouldn't know this with military, etc., but it really never crossed my mind and he was talking specifically infantry.

So yeah we discussed him being in the guard and such but I know it never crossed my mind of oh my, he's been trained to kill. Both with knives and guns, and in hand to hand combat and other...
Yes, for sure we did. I know that. I'm just talking about never thinking of the take John Kelly put on it of how since he was in the infantry of such, they are trained to kill basically and have to have all the weapons skills and that's on each different type of gun and such even as well. He talks about how bad the 45s were back in the day he was in there and how you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with one but they somehow had to pass that too... He's older of course. I also found the knife thing and hand to hand combat training of note.

It isn't like any of us wouldn't know this with military, etc., but it really never crossed my mind and he was talking specifically infantry.

So yeah we discussed him being in the guard and such but I know it never crossed my mind of oh my, he's been trained to kill. Both with knives and guns, and in hand to hand combat and other...
They never stood a chance against him, did they? Two young teens against a trained killer. IIRC he was in from '89 to '98. He would have been aged about 20 to 30 years old at the time. Almost twenty years before he would stalk and kill the girls.

So when MW and RF leaked those photos, what really was their motive for that? To help get a fellow guard acquitted?
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