LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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That is EXACTLY what I thought on hearing this and though of after too. They had no chance even though I do think LIbby tried to fight. I think they were up agaisnst total intent, him probably enraged or excited and going all out to quickly take control of them and do his thing. Yes, strength, trained to kill and knew how to kill with all these weapons. Kelly said RA was in ten years and himself seven but thereabouts anyhow.

As to your last part, I doubt it. The intent was the defense attorneys winning the case by cheating if you ask me, and using underhanded tactics and going against the rules. Jmo though. interesting though with the guard thing but I think it's all about the case, the fame, etc...
@Tresir I just started watching Tom whose show was today. I had already linked it some ways above but here it is again. Go to about 3:25 in and read the screen and you will see the third party defense has not been ruled on as I said. Yet defense wants to depose like PW before Gull rules, refused to consider otherwise. Prosecution moved to quash deposition of Leazenby, PW and NW (that's PW's son isn't it?). You could even start it earlier than that as it is on the screen before that and is only a few minutes in of covering all filings.

I know it hasn't been ruled on as I said but here is confirmation. Gull needs to get on doing so imo. The third party defense motions.

Hmm on August 26th a new one to me was filed, not by either side but from someone who was subpoenaed through her attorney, requesting her subpoena be quashed because defense did not meet the time period, provide the necessary fees, etc. She is an MD. Just like them to get it wrong... Imo, just saying. All know my opinion of them so I'll leave that there.
Legally deficient her attorney said lol.

Two days later Gull granted this motion and quashed the subpoena to depose her by the defense.

So some things have been going on we were again unaware of. I somehow doubt this was anything huge, they are just trying to depose and annoy everyone imo. Also they already deposed most of these people at length including Leazenby. What could possibly be new? They had all the time in the world at that time.
Also August 26th, State's response to defendant's memorandum of law re the third party defense. I'm think we already knew of this one or this is another but we know they did file against it prior to now.
Perhaps Gull has not yet decided because she was allowing additional things in support of their arguments from both sides before deciding? Not unusual if so. I'm tired and a bit confused, I just know the "issue" isn't a new one or the first time filed about by either side... We've been waiting for such decision...
Regardless it is interesting as the State says they showed through irrefutable evidence that none of these people were in the area of the crime scene at the time. And some other things in it as well like as we know they can't LINK them and you can't have a third party defense like that if you can't. And more. Tom does a summary but even so he gives the important parts and I found some of it interesting, had not heard all before in the filing...
And yes, this confirms the motion in limine is filed by the P is also undecided still as I said. NM asks in this filing that Gull grant the motion in limine.
August 29th seems to be a decision by Gull and I think it's one relating to allow the confessions. She says right out the defense erred and failed to comply with criminal rules of procedure in not identifying which statements to suppress, why, etc.

There is more in it such as Walla's statements are not privileged based on an exception which is when such statements relate to homicide.

And more, about confessions to family and so on. I can't share all tonight. I will come back and say how long his covering the recent decisions and filings take in his video. Chat is usually the long portion, not the documents, it's usually not all that long and always at the beginning. I love he does that that way so anyone just wanting updates and not enough time for an hour, two or three with chat and discussion, can just watch the first part.
Every single thing and reason she gave in this decision about each kind of statement, whether to family, the warden, to Walla, I've pretty much said so I think it's right on point of course. Interesting and it is what the facts show.
there is a bit about trial costs to date which they have at a million. It also lists the experts the defense has hired, ballistics, psychology, psychiatry blood spatter and more. This part is not a filing but based on an article about costs Tom added.

He has defense costs outlined and one line for instance is $49 for seven expert witnesses and asks what happened to the money raised for them... This may be Tom outlining what he knows of, unsure. I am more waiting to see if this is the end of the new filings, decisions, etc. part of his video. It is interesting though, he just has a page of some of the cost breakdowns...
Actually the trial cost thing goes on further and has some interesting stuff in it as to genealogy testing for one... There's more to it than I thought. And is of some real interest...
Okay, so at 15:25 minutes in he heads to chat SO FOR ANYONE WHO would JUST like to be caught up on the latest, it's a mere 15 minutes on the filings and then the trial costs... I'm always up on things when he is on weekly or was. He was on a long Italy, etc. cooking trip though and boy did I notice the difference in not having it all from him weekly.

And this is what I mean, his shows will show hours long sometimes but he covers EVERY new filing at the start of it and it's a mere 15 minutes and he summarizes all points in each. And does it well. The hours are the chat portion discussing the case with people on the live.

I'd highly recommend the 15 minutes to be up on all things to date.

I always watch his full chats too but tonight will probably end at the 15 for now. Early day tomorrow and earlier yet each of the following two days. We've been darned busy through the holiday weekend thus far and while I like busy, I was far more drained than normal when getting home tonight and I always am pretty darned drained. I am telling myself not to push the hours of no sleep tonight because I was particularly tired today and it was a very long and busy day. Who knows if I will do such and be smart and get to bed a bit earlier but I am going to watch some cooking now, Sundays are a day most of who I watch do weekly shows of what they made for dinner that week... LOL. I may or may not do part of Tom's chat tonight. I also am nowhere near caught up on all on Soto but have oversaturated with that and need breaks at times. Tons more coming I guess...

Give this one the 15 minutes. 15:25. It's linked a couple of posts above.
@Tresir I just started watching Tom whose show was today. I had already linked it some ways above but here it is again. Go to about 3:25 in and read the screen and you will see the third party defense has not been ruled on as I said. Yet defense wants to depose like PW before Gull rules, refused to consider otherwise. Prosecution moved to quash deposition of Leazenby, PW and NW (that's PW's son isn't it?). You could even start it earlier than that as it is on the screen before that and is only a few minutes in of covering all filings.

I know it hasn't been ruled on as I said but here is confirmation. Gull needs to get on doing so imo. The third party defense motions.

Ok thanks. I just listened to that bit and think i am up on it now.

After he covers the stuff on the screen he mentions that Gull is going to rule on the third party defence on Tuesday and may allow it but not allow any named parties. Tom says if she is not allowing any of the O defence or the names, then what are the D going to talk about for two weeks? Good point LOL.
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Ok thanks. I just listened to that bit and think i am up on it now.

After he covers the stuff on the screen he mentions that Gull is going to rule on the third party defence on Tuesday and may allow it but not allow any named parties. Tom says if she is not allowing any of the O defence or the names, then what are the D going to talk about for two weeks? Good point LOL.
Yeah, he saves me and keeps me up to date, like I said I missed him at least weekly. I am able to keep up thanks to him, and the way he does it no one was to watch the entire show to just get the updated court filings. I watch it anyhow eventually lol but its good discussion generally.

I also just wanted to let anyone know again that just the filings part is never all that long unless of course there are ten filings but even then, they aren't. So never think one doesn't have time because most of the each show for length is the chat afterwards.

Yes what will they talk about for two weeks. I'm sure they'll try to bluster through something if allowed to. I mean they are try t redepose how many people including a doctor who managed to get her subpoena quashed. While it "appears" this will go forward, the trial, at this point, the D doesn't really have much imo so will they just finally proceed, or try another delay, etc....
Listening to a bit of Tom's chat. Motion in limine, main three remaining (re third party stuff, Os, KK, RL, etc.) Gull had 30 days to rule on since August 1st if I understand it correctly. But it hit a holiday nonbusiness weekend and so he expects a decision tomorrow... I guess we will see...

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