LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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I get what you mean, things just don't feel right or seem to add up but I think a lot of that is how long this case has went on and all the info we have heard, etc. like about the pedo ring and then their putting out the second sketch, centering on Logan and more things have just made it one muddled case with our having not enough info on one hand but too much of various cryptic things on the other hand.

Only recently I heard (on the Vinnie show I posted I think) opinions that they DID know of Allen and it wasn't an error or his being overlooked. They cited the one press conference where it was said strongly he may be from the area, hiding amongst them, watching, etc., etc. which exactly fits Allen, I remember feeling watching that that the guy was present at the PC and I remember looking at every face and watching it over and over and looking in the crowd, etc. But anyhow a couple of them or one of them (can't recall) think the cops have known of him all along but kept silent and were working on it is how it came across to me... I'm not so sure of that, I do think the "clerical error" maybe came to their attention prior to that PC but was a few years in by then and they had to work quietly and backwards having lost time and possibly making it harder to find MORE to prove it was Allen.

I don't know. And then maybe that led them back to Kline as well...

Nothing does seem to be coming from a pedo ring but I can tell you those things are often kept VERY quiet. It also could be a fed investigation which is even more quiet generally.

I am not CONVINCED there is a connection between Kline, Allen and Logan and it was a "conspiracy" but I sure don't dismiss it and it is one of my thoughts/real possibilities.

I think I've said this to you before but there is a lot. Allen WAS there and said as much. Dressed as the guy was. No one else could have done it with the timing and all. His car was there. Etc. And more I don't have the time or memory to go into this morning. I do think they have the right guy or ONE of them.

I just don't think they'd risk arresting the wrong person or railroad someone. They were under no more pressure than ever and in fact it was pretty quiet other than all the Kline stuff when all of a sudden news of an arrest in the case came to us after years and years of no results and out of the blue.

I think at a certain point Allen came to their attention again (or he always was on their radar but doesn't seem like it to me) or came to their attention for the first time due to the info getting "misfiled", etc., etc. and then they went to work trying to get enough info, find out more that could confirm he was their man, get more on him and so forth. They claim going through ALL the case info again brought him to their attention but I think something led to Kline and something came from him is just as likely...

Who knows?? And I know what you mean about them being keystone cops but the State has been very involved in the case as well, etc. but then who knows that they are very good either I guess...

I guess time will tell. The thing is they didn't arrest some guy who wasn't there or are railroading a guy that wasn't there or do you think they made up the fact he told them he was there?

With documents now about to come out, maybe we will know more, however, it will probably just cause more guess work and confuse us further lol.

I think part of it is the length of the case and all of the overboard discussion and wanting to find an answer so many of us have been involved in with online discussion, speculation, etc. makes it harder. I know that cases like McCann, Ramsey, Abby and Libby, etc., these old but high interest cases, if they solve them or made an arrest, doubt is going to come especially if it seems questionable or isn't who/what we thought, etc. or makes one wonder why the heck they didn't see the guy or have them on the radar back at the time.

I just don't know. I think they have the right guy. I'm not sure he is the only guy but I think he is the right guy due to many things. That he was from Delphi surprises me not one bit but that he didn't come 100 percent onto their radar on stating way back when that he was there and in the right time frame does surprise me.

As I think someone said (was it in that show as well or on Grizzly, can't recall), if you were the guy who talked to Allen and took this info way back when and then years passed with frustration and no arrest wouldn't you ask HEY whatever came of the guy that was there, did you investigate him and how was he cleared??? How could such a mistake stay buried this long on such a case they wanted to solve so BAD? What of the person who took this info and sat with Allen back then??? I think it was said it was a DNR person or park ranger or someone he met with wasn't it? When he said he was there?

I am looking forward to the document dump this next week. Not sure how much or how good it will be. Probably won't tell us a lot but I think it will show defense fighting to suppress some things or alternatively what the prosecution wanted sealed, etc.

There was a reason the judge agreed these last months to have them sealed and there is a reason the other day she just easily said yeah, okay, they should be released. They were sealing for some reason for a time. I think the fact Kline is about taken care of and is solid now could be the reason....?
I have a hunch that the guy who interviewed him early on must be a bit dodgy- otherwise why don't we know who it was? Maybe he was also part of this ring? Eventually it will all come out, I am sure.
This is what a guilty man looks like IMO. He is realising what is going to come out at trial.

From the link-

DELPHI — Richard Allen has made "admissions of guilt" to more than one person about his involvement in the deaths of Liberty German and Abigail Williams, according to Carroll County Prosecutor Nicolas McCleland.

"He made multiple confessions to multiple people," McCleland said during Allen's hearing on Thursday.

Allen's attorney acknowledged the confessions, saying Allen had made "incriminating statements" while at Westville Correctional Facility. He also claimed those statements should not be trusted because of his client's mental state.

“Confessions, non-confessions, incriminating statements, non-incriminating statements, we’ll deal with that," Allen's attorney Brad Rozzi said. "The jury will hear all of that.”

Allen arrived at the Carroll County Courthouse on Thursday wearing a yellow jumpsuit with his hands cuffed in front of him. His face was shaven and those in attendance noted that he appeared to have lost additional weight since his last court appearance.

Richard Allen

Allen’s wife was among the crowd gathered inside the courtroom.

“He’s my person,” she whispered to WRTV’s Kaitlyn Kendall before the hearing began.
Happens with many once in jail or prison. Guilt eating a way, losing weight due to anxiety over being caught, etc. Some do it intentionally, nothing new. Very typical as well as trying to use such.

What else is his attorney going to say about all his confessions other than they can't be trusted due to his mental state. It's damning and nothing can take it away other than trying to say he falsely confessed due to mental issues.

He is her "person" his wife said? I'll refrain from commenting on that.
I have a hunch that the guy who interviewed him early on must be a bit dodgy- otherwise why don't we know who it was? Maybe he was also part of this ring? Eventually it will all come out, I am sure.
Since one would think most people interviewed would be interviewed by LE in such a serious case, I wonder if Allen chose who he went into to talk to and even "knew" him. It has crossed my mind especially when this info allegedly got lost in the shuffle, just more reason to wonder about it... A buddy? Part of the ring? Yes they certainly protect or keep quiet who it was...

It isn't unusual for small counties to have people working in more than one position or capacity though so i.e., the park guy could also do some light LE duty to assist the department, etc.
A shock vest is not for someone going into cardiac arrest. It's a device in lieu of leg shackles. It's literally like a dog shock collar on steroids.

A LifeVest is a wearable defibrillator.

Someone reported yesterday he was basically requiring assistance to walk. This is 3rd world behavior and it's absolutely appalling.
Googling it came to the cardiac arrest thing more than once. However, did occur to me other reasons may exist for it in jail.

He walked fine at his recent hearing and in fact if I recall correctly navigated steps just fine. He attended. He walked. He wasn't beaten, bruised, with wounds, etc.

Maybe he should decide to eat more and quit attempting to garner sympathy and play the victim. Abby and Libby are the victims.

He may not be deemed guilty yet but there is PLENTY that says he did it. This man had years after the slaughter of two barely teen aged girls that he was fat, carefree and living amongst everyone without a care in the world, probably eating it up. However, now on being incarcerated after years of feeling sure they had no HINT because his name was never even on the radar and he was apparently long forgotten, he was likely shocked when out of the blue things heated up and he came to the forefront.

He is PLAYING the victim if you ask me. I have seen no substance to any claim by the defense and none of what is claimed is very much anything to begin with. This is a high profile case and although I doubt they have to be SWEET to him, I seriously doubt anyone is doing anything they shouldn't to him in prison with regard to staff and it seems he has no problem with other prisoners either since he is confessing to them all.
Since one would think most people interviewed would be interviewed by LE in such a serious case, I wonder if Allen chose who he went into to talk to and even "knew" him. It has crossed my mind especially when this info allegedly got lost in the shuffle, just more reason to wonder about it... A buddy? Part of the ring? Yes they certainly protect or keep quiet who it was...

It isn't unusual for small counties to have people working in more than one position or capacity though so i.e., the park guy could also do some light LE duty to assist the department, etc.
In addition, I am remembering a police officer being charged and convicted, of sexually assaulting his daughter when she visited his home and also a conviction of the guy who ran a local pizza place that Abby had worked in, plus I am sure there was something about a judge.....? That speaks to me of a " ring ".
In addition, I am remembering a police officer being charged and convicted, of sexually assaulting his daughter when she visited his home and also a conviction of the guy who ran a local pizza place that Abby had worked in, plus I am sure there was something about a judge.....? That speaks to me of a " ring ".
You said what I have thought about a lot as well. I too wonder WHO is in this ring that may be someone of status, or more than one. It would explain a LOT. It would also explain why we haven't seen anything further yet come of it...

Not sure I recall the pizza place thing. I'm fuzzy on it all which bites but like in Daybell, there's just been so much over the years in this case too, at least talked about, hints of, etc., other arrests of awful things in other cases, other crimes with no arrests...
In addition, I am remembering a police officer being charged and convicted, of sexually assaulting his daughter when she visited his home and also a conviction of the guy who ran a local pizza place that Abby had worked in, plus I am sure there was something about a judge.....? That speaks to me of a " ring ".
This was the pizza guy conviction.

Still looking for the LE guy.
Googling it came to the cardiac arrest thing more than once. However, did occur to me other reasons may exist for it in jail.

He walked fine at his recent hearing and in fact if I recall correctly navigated steps just fine. He attended. He walked. He wasn't beaten, bruised, with wounds, etc.

Maybe he should decide to eat more and quit attempting to garner sympathy and play the victim. Abby and Libby are the victims.

He may not be deemed guilty yet but there is PLENTY that says he did it. This man had years after the slaughter of two barely teen aged girls that he was fat, carefree and living amongst everyone without a care in the world, probably eating it up. However, now on being incarcerated after years of feeling sure they had no HINT because his name was never even on the radar and he was apparently long forgotten, he was likely shocked when out of the blue things heated up and he came to the forefront.

He is PLAYING the victim if you ask me. I have seen no substance to any claim by the defense and none of what is claimed is very much anything to begin with. This is a high profile case and although I doubt they have to be SWEET to him, I seriously doubt anyone is doing anything they shouldn't to him in prison with regard to staff and it seems he has no problem with other prisoners either since he is confessing to them all.
He is a pre-trial inmate confined to a maximum security cell in a state prison. This is not usual in any way, shape, nor form.

I get why you are so hostile towards anyone who has been arrested. And I certainly don't judge you because you've obviously been through an absolute nightmare.

On the other hand, I'll continue to be an advocate for fair, humane treatment and fair trials. Its part of what our country is founded on.
This was the pizza guy conviction.

Still looking for the LE guy.
And there was that house fire. Was that in Flora?
He is a pre-trial inmate confined to a maximum security cell in a state prison. This is not usual in any way, shape, nor form.

I get why you are so hostile towards anyone who has been arrested. And I certainly don't judge you because you've obviously been through an absolute nightmare.

On the other hand, I'll continue to be an advocate for fair, humane treatment and fair trials. Its part of what our country is founded on.
Here's another article about the conditions. The facility states that he is being treated like any other prisoner. But admits it is unusual. Max security prisoners warrant being shackled when moved around as they could very well be psychotic and attack themselves or their guards otherwise. Perhaps RA is suicidal and a danger to himself and others? I certainly would not be surprised, given the circumstances of these horrific murders.

"Captain Gary Lewis, who oversees the maximum security unit at Westfield Correctional, testified that Allen is the only pre-trial inmate in that unit that he has known of in his five years in the facility, WTHR reported. He added that Allen is not being treated any differently than every other maximum security inmate."

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Here's another article about the conditions. The facility states that he is being treated like any other prisoner. But admits it is unusual. Max security prisoners warrant being shackled when moved around as they could very well be psychotic and attack themselves or their guards otherwise. Perhaps RA is suicidal and a danger to himself and others? I certainly would not be surprised, given the circumstances of these horrific murders.

"Captain Gary Lewis, who oversees the maximum security unit at Westfield Correctional, testified that Allen is the only pre-trial inmate in that unit that he has known of in his five years in the facility, WTHR reported. He added that Allen is not being treated any differently than every other maximum security inmate."

My issue here is there is absolutely no reason for him to be in a state prison. He is being treated differently by virtue of the fact he's there in the first place. Just my opinion, but the county jails need to suck it up and do their job.
Googling it came to the cardiac arrest thing more than once. However, did occur to me other reasons may exist for it in jail.

He walked fine at his recent hearing and in fact if I recall correctly navigated steps just fine. He attended. He walked. He wasn't beaten, bruised, with wounds, etc.

Maybe he should decide to eat more and quit attempting to garner sympathy and play the victim. Abby and Libby are the victims.

He may not be deemed guilty yet but there is PLENTY that says he did it. This man had years after the slaughter of two barely teen aged girls that he was fat, carefree and living amongst everyone without a care in the world, probably eating it up. However, now on being incarcerated after years of feeling sure they had no HINT because his name was never even on the radar and he was apparently long forgotten, he was likely shocked when out of the blue things heated up and he came to the forefront.

He is PLAYING the victim if you ask me. I have seen no substance to any claim by the defense and none of what is claimed is very much anything to begin with. This is a high profile case and although I doubt they have to be SWEET to him, I seriously doubt anyone is doing anything they shouldn't to him in prison with regard to staff and it seems he has no problem with other prisoners either since he is confessing to them all.


It happens all the time. Damien Echols had broom handles shoved (You all know what I mean) while he was on death row and innocent. I have no problem believing he's being treated horribly. Despite his crime, if guilty, all prisoners deserve humane treatment. They're horrible people, if guilty, but we are better than they are.

The police said it was an extremely bloody crime scene and there are reports of seeing him bloody and muddy. Yet, I haven't heard of the police finding anything in his car. How could he be so bloody and muddy and yet not have any of that in the car? Maybe they did find something, but just haven't released it yet.

My skepticism is fueled by all of the injustices I've seen. The West Memphis Three were railroaded and actually had evidence created to make them look guilty. Jessie Misskelley's police interview was an obvious police guided confession. I guess we'll have to wait til trial to see the evidence they have.

What prisoner's is he confessing to? He's in solitary.
My issue here is there is absolutely no reason for him to be in a state prison. He is being treated differently by virtue of the fact he's there in the first place. Just my opinion, but the county jails need to suck it up and do their job.
I don't think the county jail could guarantee his safety or deal with someone with mental issues. When you think about it, anyone who could commit such a crime, has to have serious mental issues. Why should the local jail have to deal with him? Putting the onus on the court (ie saying they will do it if the court orders it for example) absolves them if anything happens to him. Eg suicide or attack by another inmate.

It happens all the time. Damien Echols had broom handles shoved (You all know what I mean) while he was on death row and innocent. I have no problem believing he's being treated horribly. Despite his crime, if guilty, all prisoners deserve humane treatment. They're horrible people, if guilty, but we are better than they are.

The police said it was an extremely bloody crime scene and there are reports of seeing him bloody and muddy. Yet, I haven't heard of the police finding anything in his car. How could he be so bloody and muddy and yet not have any of that in the car? Maybe they did find something, but just haven't released it yet.

My skepticism is fueled by all of the injustices I've seen. The West Memphis Three were railroaded and actually had evidence created to make them look guilty. Jessie Misskelley's police interview was an obvious police guided confession. I guess we'll have to wait til trial to see the evidence they have.

What prisoner's is he confessing to? He's in solitary.
Maybe he went somewhere nearby to clean up? You are adamant RL was involved so maybe......

He is probably confessing to orderlies or officers who bring him his food. Or to a priest?

His defence counsel needs to talk to him about a plea deal, if there is any truth to these confessions.
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Maybe he went somewhere nearby to clean up? You are adamant RL was involved so maybe......

He is probably confessing to orderlies or officers who bring him his food. Or to a priest?

His defence counsel needs to talk to him about a plea deal, if there is any truth to these confessions.

If he confessed to a priest we wouldn't know it. Priests have the same rights as lawyers when it comes to confidentiality.

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