LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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If he confessed to a priest we wouldn't know it. Priests have the same rights as lawyers when it comes to confidentiality.
I am not so sure about prison chaplains or priests though. If they hear confessions of murder, then surely they would need to inform someone? Also, the cells may be bugged. How did the chief prosecutor get to know about it? You say the same rights of confidentiality as lawyers, but if a client confesses his guilt to his lawyer, then I thought the lawyer would not be able to defend him.
I don't think the county jail could guarantee his safety or deal with someone with mental issues. When you think about it, anyone who could commit such a crime, has to have serious mental issues. Why should the local jail have to deal with him? Putting the onus on the court (ie saying they will do it if the court orders it for example) absolves them if anything happens to him. Eg suicide or attack by another inmate.
Our county jails have solitary, though. Somehow county jails in Idaho have kept Kohberger and the Daybells alive.

I just want to see justice for these girls. I think all this hyper freaking out could cause problems down the line with appeals. It worries me.
I am not so sure about prison chaplains or priests though. If they hear confessions of murder, then surely they would need to inform someone? Also, the cells may be bugged. How did the chief prosecutor get to know about it? You say the same rights of confidentiality as lawyers, but if a client confesses his guilt to his lawyer, then I thought the lawyer would not be able to defend him.
Priests would have the same rights of confidentiality as lawyers. Not sure about prison chaplains. If a client confesses his guilt to his lawyer it doesn't stop him from defending his client.

He was obviously reminded of what he was wearing on a daily basis by seeing himself on billboards nationwide. You wouldn't forget that would you?
More likely still is of course you remember what you were wearing when you planned a murder of two girls AND had to get rid of or hide the clothing or wash it, etc. I'll bet Kohberger remembers what he was wearing too and will years from now. as well. As do others.
He is a pre-trial inmate confined to a maximum security cell in a state prison. This is not usual in any way, shape, nor form.

I get why you are so hostile towards anyone who has been arrested. And I certainly don't judge you because you've obviously been through an absolute nightmare.

On the other hand, I'll continue to be an advocate for fair, humane treatment and fair trials. Its part of what our country is founded on.
That isn't it at all. Long before our--yes horrible awful experience--I thought others guilty and wished them death row, life sentences and more. I thought OJ guilty. I thought Scott Peterson guilty of killing his wife and child. I can name others.

I'm also not saying they should beat him nor starve him or any such thing.

I respect your opinion as well and we don't have to agree and obviously don't.

I just see NO proof of their claims first of all and I find their claims not very substantial either, nor do I think some are basic rights, like being closer for your wife and daughter to visit.

Apparently also they have the legal right to place him there or it would be argued such isn't legal.

Counties don't have nearly the staff nor safety measures or fixtures, etc. that prisons do OR the room to house all separately, etc. I could see next if they granted his wish where he ends up injured or dead by a LOCAL inmate and their then having a fit about that.

I don't think this is clearcut by a long shot and I don't think his claims are proven.

Do you honestly think his moving would change what he is doing as far as not eating, etc.? That's a choice. I'm sorry but it is. And that leads to weakness if he truly has some. Far as I can see the man is fine and is doing this to himself.

And what is the thing about no water for him in the visiting room or whatever? They need to explain that. It is like they want to make it sound as if the prisoner gets no water but it was just the visiting room. Maybe his wife or attorney tried to give him water and such isn't' allowed and he has to buy his own or some such, Lord knows. It sounds pretty silly really. I don't have access to water at work unless I buy some. I guess I could fill a bottle from the bathroom faucet but that would be it. No ice or frig either at work. Are my rights being violated?

You think I'm too far one way (when again I am not wanting him beaten, killed or starved, he77 I want him to stand trial) but I think you are way too fast to believe it all and believe it is bad or worse than they've said. No offense intended of course.

He77 most county jails and courthouses don't even have fences. Ours doesn't. And they are one and the same building. I honestly don't think he'd be safe in any county jail in IN. And there is also the chance of escape and less monitoring as to suicide I'm sure. Remember that case recently where he escaped from county with the female jailer. OF course he had help but she couldn't have managed that and didn't when he was in prison. Casey something and White. The county knew/knows they can't do it. And yes I know Cass is willing to take him or whatever but I bet there's more to that and not for no cost... But again when he ends up killed or harmed, then what?

People or his attorney say he is housed with the worst of the worst but as Cuz keeps saying he is in solitary so which is it?

We don't know enough and these allegations have no meat or substance and aren't proven anyhow. That's basically what I'm saying.

And I'd add one more time though that PLENTY of prisoners have pulled this kind of sh*t.

What's to stop him from also getting fattening junk from the canteen or whatever it's called (I forget). And WHY is he not eating? Is he diagnosed with something that causes him to not eat? I doubt it.

Alex Murdaugh lost a ton of weight too. So what? It's not unusual. Allen is shorter and unlike Murdaugh who we saw dressed for his trial and hoping to "charm" all by what he feels his smooth lies, all Allen has to do is sit sunken, slump a bit, act weak and there you go. And maybe he is somewhat weak. Well then eat. Yet he can run around confessing. You ask me if there is anything truly wrong, it is guilt that is eating him alive and that also fits with the confessing AND not eating and anxiety and more I"m sure. Still not saying I believe that though...

Anyhow most of this isn't "at" you but "at" the situation.

Disagreeing I guess keeps threads more interesting so I'm certainly okay with it and guessing you are too.

But my feelings on it are regarding this defendant and this case. What happened to us is not playing into it. This is me. I would have felt the same before what happened to us happened if this was then. I think he is guilty and this man IS a con. He conned his wife, the City of Delphi, the people around him, and more before the murders and after the murders. So why would I believe this is anything but an act? And he very likely slaughtered two school girls in an evil manner with no remorse.

It happens all the time. Damien Echols had broom handles shoved (You all know what I mean) while he was on death row and innocent. I have no problem believing he's being treated horribly. Despite his crime, if guilty, all prisoners deserve humane treatment. They're horrible people, if guilty, but we are better than they are.

The police said it was an extremely bloody crime scene and there are reports of seeing him bloody and muddy. Yet, I haven't heard of the police finding anything in his car. How could he be so bloody and muddy and yet not have any of that in the car? Maybe they did find something, but just haven't released it yet.

My skepticism is fueled by all of the injustices I've seen. The West Memphis Three were railroaded and actually had evidence created to make them look guilty. Jessie Misskelley's police interview was an obvious police guided confession. I guess we'll have to wait til trial to see the evidence they have.

What prisoner's is he confessing to? He's in solitary.
I've seen no proof of anything here to even hint at such things. I don't know who Echols is or when that was. I also don't know why he was out or another out and allowed near him or with him so that most definitely is on the employees there no doubt. So he was found that way and taken for care? Regardless I don't see the comparison here or proof of any such thing with Allen. And I said in another post I don't wish him beaten, molested or any such thing.

We don't know the police haven't found anything in his car. It also isn't like they accessed his car back in 2017, 18, 19, etc...

Even if it is clean, that could be explained in many simple ways. I have asked before in this thread more than once I think how his wife didn't know, did he go somewhere to shower, have a change of clothes, come home clean? Was she out of town? Did he do laundry when he got home, how was he acting, etc. We know nothing of what he did right after but I'm going to bet it was asked. Unless she refused and lawyered up. What did they get out of either of them?

He could well have had a change of clothes in the woods, at a buddy's house, in a motel room, etc. He planned this most likely imo. And like you, I'm not sure he was in it alone... He may have been the only one there but I still think there may have been more to it and another plan than how it happened...

I get what you mean about injustice but in my opinion, the percentage is low compared to the ones they get right. It's like how many kids are actually abducted by a stranger than murdered by a parent, etc. It is a low percentage.

He isn't on death row. LE and PEOPLE WANT him alive for trial, etc. and nothing to ruin this case. I'd say they are ensuring that happens is a better bet. Imo.
I don't think the county jail could guarantee his safety or deal with someone with mental issues. When you think about it, anyone who could commit such a crime, has to have serious mental issues. Why should the local jail have to deal with him? Putting the onus on the court (ie saying they will do it if the court orders it for example) absolves them if anything happens to him. Eg suicide or attack by another inmate.
I agree. I honestly think he is safer where he is at.
I am not so sure about prison chaplains or priests though. If they hear confessions of murder, then surely they would need to inform someone? Also, the cells may be bugged. How did the chief prosecutor get to know about it? You say the same rights of confidentiality as lawyers, but if a client confesses his guilt to his lawyer, then I thought the lawyer would not be able to defend him.
I am not so sure about prison chaplains or priests though. If they hear confessions of murder, then surely they would need to inform someone? Also, the cells may be bugged. How did the chief prosecutor get to know about it? You say the same rights of confidentiality as lawyers, but if a client confesses his guilt to his lawyer, then I thought the lawyer would not be able to defend him.
His attorney would be filing and screaming if the confessions were anything that should be confidential. Instead he has no choice but to admit they happened and try to play it as to his mental state. What came first the cart or the horse? I think maybe he was making confessions and this when all this other b.s. about his condition and mental health had to be raised...? Hard to say. I thought I heard it was to other prisoners but maybe that's just an assumption, I have no idea. Maybe he confessed to his wife or a friend in a recorded call, etc. To a guard. To a chaplain where there is no confidentiality in the way the Catholics have it with priests as I understand it.
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Our county jails have solitary, though. Somehow county jails in Idaho have kept Kohberger and the Daybells alive.

I just want to see justice for these girls. I think all this hyper freaking out could cause problems down the line with appeals. It worries me.
Who is freaking out? This case was mostly silent again until defense and Richard came out with this. And even since it I don't see anything out there but real discussion and nothing outlandish.
I've seen no proof of anything here to even hint at such things. I don't know who Echols is or when that was. I also don't know why he was out or another out and allowed near him or with him so that most definitely is on the employees there no doubt. So he was found that way and taken for care? Regardless I don't see the comparison here or proof of any such thing with Allen. And I said in another post I don't wish him beaten, molested or any such thing.

We don't know the police haven't found anything in his car. It also isn't like they accessed his car back in 2017, 18, 19, etc...

Even if it is clean, that could be explained in many simple ways. I have asked before in this thread more than once I think how his wife didn't know, did he go somewhere to shower, have a change of clothes, come home clean? Was she out of town? Did he do laundry when he got home, how was he acting, etc. We know nothing of what he did right after but I'm going to bet it was asked. Unless she refused and lawyered up. What did they get out of either of them?

He could well have had a change of clothes in the woods, at a buddy's house, in a motel room, etc. He planned this most likely imo. And like you, I'm not sure he was in it alone... He may have been the only one there but I still think there may have been more to it and another plan than how it happened...

I get what you mean about injustice but in my opinion, the percentage is low compared to the ones they get right. It's like how many kids are actually abducted by a stranger than murdered by a parent, etc. It is a low percentage.

He isn't on death row. LE and PEOPLE WANT him alive for trial, etc. and nothing to ruin this case. I'd say they are ensuring that happens is a better bet. Imo.

Damien Echols was one of the West Memphis three. He's the only one given the death sentence.
Our county jails have solitary, though. Somehow county jails in Idaho have kept Kohberger and the Daybells alive.

I just want to see justice for these girls. I think all this hyper freaking out could cause problems down the line with appeals. It worries me.
Didn't Vallow Daybell go to a different facility once she had a mental eval?
Who is freaking out? This case was mostly silent again until defense and Richard came out with this. And even since it I don't see anything out there but real discussion and nothing outlandish.
This started day 1 with the judge asking to be taken off the case and requesting a replacement. I rarely disagree with the state and/or LE but the hand wringing here is just too much.

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