LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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The actual document names all the Odinists and some we have heard about as suspects before. The guards are named too and apparently wear Odin badges on their uniforms. That's how they know they are odinists.

My comment about his confession was in my prior post and I had not read this Journal article when I said this.

On the fire thing, it is mentioned two girls were killed in a fire so I am not sure that is Flora as that was four girls right?

The clerk? That is a different state and case LOL so I assume that was a tongue in cheek comment
It was tongue in cheek but then when I reread it I decided it confused so I took it out lol. Don't get me wrong though I can easily mix up the cases with all going on these days even though they have no similarities as to crimes, well other than both have a double murderer... Grizzly who i was taking of calling the county also covers both cases lol so it came easily lol.

Yes, last night I watched a bit of Tom Webster before I went down for the count. He is the one I sent you to to find out the name of the guy who talked with Allen years ago and "interviewed" him and then the info was "misfiled". And he had the name and info and you got it.

Anyhow, he has read the full doc but he works and he did about an hour long show and he covered some things and had his questions outlined, etc. he showed for an upcoming full show when he has the chance. I find a LOT of worth in watching the good ones who read the documents, who get more documents than we know of, who do the work and then cover it all. Some shows provide very good info on the laws which you are always asking of and why or how this as i wonder too. That STS one if I get a chance has more in it than I've mentioned that is WELL worth watching it for. Bland was in court for the recent financial stuff AND he shared a bit at the end and all guests had things to say about how it works and if I get a chance I am going to give the time points on the video for anyone to at least watch that bit. One can read the documents themselves and one can find news on the documents but it isn't the same as the full takeaway and points videos like this provide.

So to get back to the point I was going to make, Tom said the guards had symbols or patches on their uniforms, Odinists ones, I think one guard had something that actually stated he was an "Odinist". Then in Tom's outline of the questions he was starting to put down to either get answers to or discuss, he had a question as to are guards allowed to where such or why are they allowed to display such patches, etc. on their uniform?

Well NO KIDDING. IF TRUE. Now tell me though who knew this...? Does Allen recognize the Odinist thing and know of it? I sure didn't. Did his attorney visit and recognize them? I doubt it, the attorney has constantly went on about the distance and how difficult visits are. So I would guess it came from Allen no?

If so, maybe it is b.s. Or maybe the attorney went down on hearing this and confirmed it. Does the document filed SAY???? I haven't read it. I'd like to know.

If it is NOT B.S. then the question still begs, how did Allen learn of it, even if he saw the word Odinists, did he know of such and what they are? Again I didn't. It seems a ton of the public was not aware of such a group, etc.

It also begs the question IF it is true, what such guards were doing placed on watching Allen (if they truly are the ones in charge of him) and how a prison can allow this?? I mean people are saying Odinists are white nationalists or white nationalists have hijacked the group. You have white nationalists displaying symbols they are such on their prison guard uniform???? REALLY??? Allen is white but they wear them in a prison that I am sure has all races of prisoners in it. WHAT???

A bit of a sidetrack, I work in a retail store and there is MUCH we can't wear if it relates to a message, a group, etc. You'd NEVER be able to wear such in a prison.

As I talk this through just now as I type, this helps me start to reason, it is one reason you see long posts, it clears my way/thoughts or leads to others. Right now in just saying the above, I am starting to feel this is b.s. I am at a disadvantage not having read the 100 plus pages. DOES it corroborate this and explain who it comes from?

But then it is a serious legal filing, it would have backed up all the facts right? So if true, then they are royally screwing up this case. By the way, when his atty. wanted him moved prior were Odinist guards ever mentioned? I don't seem to recall that! What, they only came up AFTER when he confessed AND when they started finding Odinist stuff in the discovery? Convenient.

It may have taken time to go through discovery but it didn't take time for Allen to see Odinist patches if they were there prior.

Anywhooo like I said, separating the chaff from the wheat or vice versa will come by experts and others and is even where my brain started trying to go here as it wakes up a bit...

Yes, Flora. I agree, when I saw two, I knew it to be four. I'm not sure I was sure it was four girls but that sounds right. Or was it a mix? I KNOW it was said to be four though. Yet isn't Flora mentioned in the doc as what he meant? Or did I see that in one of your articles or some such, that they felt he meant Flora? I saw it somewhere with Flora actually mentioned. And I've sure watched little and only read things here.
I've been reading the court document. on page 47. I couldn't understand where they came up with this defense but after reading what I've read so far I do have a better understanding. Its not just something they've came up with on there own. It is from the evidence the prosecution has sent over to them, plus some of there own investigating.

So will the prosecution also be turning in a document to the court to address everything the defense has said?
I'm sure they have to and will. File a response I mean.

On its face, most of it sounds like a whole lot of absolute sensational b.s. to me but I see so far the problem being if the prosecution tried NOT to provide it, which of course they call exculpatory evidence, the stuff it is always claimed they don't want the defense to have, someone else they can blame for something. I do not think it being "buried" in discovery is any issue, that's their problem, going through and finding it so long as it was provided. As far as I know. And I know defense did claim they tried not to at least provide the letter written to the prosecutor by some retired assistant somebody because I read that in the intro of the filing myself.

As to a group of five Odinists having done this and as far as guards wearing Odinists patches or badges or whatever, I'm leaving my verdict out on that one and am not sold on it. The badge thing almost had to come from Allen no? And AFTER the fact as it has not been raised before now as far as I recall.

Two possibilities imo if Odinists did this or were involved:

1. Allen like any killer tried to make it look as if some cult did it, wouldn't be the first time by a long shot a killer tried to point to another, VERY common actually, part of their game.

2. He was one of them and part of it.

Just as likely is it is all bullsheet.

I'm going to guess the response will be yes they had some tip like this and they seriously looked into it and cleared it. As we know there were many things they looked at over time and many individuals even the public said hey look at him and cleared. Logan would be an example.

i think this is going to not be as huge as it sounds in a bit of time as the smoke clears. The defense did make the splash they intended. And planted seeds at least for now of doubt in some or many.

I'm not saying it couldn't be true but I sure am not leaning in, the same as I'm not in the Murdaugh defense filing. Another would be defense filings in Kohberger. They sure are really doing their job these days and going a full mile in these cases... And yet it maybe just be creating a storm where there is no more than a rain drop if that.

The guards are actually named and they are with RA even when he is interviewed, apparently, so it is possible his attorneys and/or visitors saw these patches, I think.

It certainly is bizarre.

Also, if Odinists did it, isn't it a bit stupid for the guards to actually out themselves by wearing BADGES FFS?
I’m way behind you guys on this case, but I did watch a couple of videos last night on it. Is it true that they didn’t take the tree limbs that were on the girls into evidence? And there were blood marks on a Tree bark that they didn’t take into evidence? What the heck?
I haven't watched much or had time either but one thought I have but haven't had a chance to voice is the defense claims like Abby bled out before they put Libby's clothing on her. Both girls we now know if defense is truthful died from having their throats slashed (per article Tresir linked). So she or both had to bleed out somewhere and both were moved and staged. So they DID find a pool of blood or tail for each right? OR was it all pristine?

I agree, yes, you talk of the blood on the tree limb which I didn't know but my own thoughts want to know where did they bleed out? Was it at this scene? OF course NOT all has been shared yet and I myself have not read the lengthy thing so maybe detectives did process all this and note it and we will hear more as things go on but we've always been under the understanding they didn't really have much from the scene or at least perp DNA etc... But what about the scene and the girls' blood and so on?

I have to remember these are defense "claims" but if true how does one person keep clothing pristine in the woods and put it on a girl without dirt or blood? I believe defense said it was clean too, no dirt, etc. But THEN how does ANYONE? Imo he could have made Abby dress in Libby's clothing which would keep it cleaner BUT I am pretty sure Tresir's article said the perp dressed her after death. Or are THEY speculating or assuming in that article? I took it as it came from the filing.

I have often wondered or though that they didn't find the girls that night because they weren't THERE. The window of time is just so short for all of this. That is a large part of why I don't let Logan go, he has buildings right there.

I will likely never get the chance to read the full doc but I do want to say if there are names in there, sealing the doc I do not think can stop the public one bit from saying the names. A judge cannot stop it and cannot shut the public up, I am positive there is no such right. So I will hear the names eventually. Were there any well know ones from the case? Some are better known than others. I'm assuming no Kline or Logan or that would be ALL OVER THE PLACE by now.
I'm working up the courage to read it.
I am just going to copy the text from the end of the article. The defence have requested a change of jail.

"Part of the Franks analysis involves the Court reviewing the behavior of law enforcement to determine whether Liggett intentionally concealed and falsified evidence in Liggett’s Affidavit for Search Warrant," the memorandum states. "Liggett and (Indiana State Police investigator Jerry) Holeman and the rest of Unified Command’s reaction to the information contained in the polygraph examination, concerning sticks formed into horns on Abby’s head, may very well reveal whether Liggett is interested in the truth, or in burying the truth. Which again, is part of the Franks analysis."

Allen's attorneys also filed Monday a motion to move Allen out of the state prison and to a county jail.

McLeland has not yet filed a rebuttal to Allen's motions for a Franks hearing or the memorandum.

Gull has not set a hearing date on Allen's petition."
I haven't watched much or had time either but one thought I have but haven't had a chance to voice is the defense claims like Abby bled out before they put Libby's clothing on her. Both girls we now know if defense is truthful died from having their throats slashed (per article Tresir linked). So she or both had to bleed out somewhere and both were moved and staged. So they DID find a pool of blood or tail for each right? OR was it all pristine?

I agree, yes, you talk of the blood on the tree limb which I didn't know but my own thoughts want to know where did they bleed out? Was it at this scene? OF course NOT all has been shared yet and I myself have not read the lengthy thing so maybe detectives did process all this and note it and we will hear more as things go on but we've always been under the understanding they didn't really have much from the scene or at least perp DNA etc... But what about the scene and the girls' blood and so on?

I have to remember these are defense "claims" but if true how does one person keep clothing pristine in the woods and put it on a girl without dirt or blood? I believe defense said it was clean too, no dirt, etc. But THEN how does ANYONE? Imo he could have made Abby dress in Libby's clothing which would keep it cleaner BUT I am pretty sure Tresir's article said the perp dressed her after death. Or are THEY speculating or assuming in that article? I took it as it came from the filing.

I have often wondered or though that they didn't find the girls that night because they weren't THERE. The window of time is just so short for all of this. That is a large part of why I don't let Logan go, he has buildings right there.

I will likely never get the chance to read the full doc but I do want to say if there are names in there, sealing the doc I do not think can stop the public one bit from saying the names. A judge cannot stop it and cannot shut the public up, I am positive there is no such right. So I will hear the names eventually. Were there any well know ones from the case? Some are better known than others. I'm assuming no Kline or Logan or that would be ALL OVER THE PLACE by now.
My understanding is they do say that A was moved and placed next to L but do not say where from. And yes after death because no blood was on the clothes on A. So presumably, as they were L's clothes she was dressed in (sweatshirt and pants plus both girls bras) with no blood on them, L must have been killed without her clothes on and I think it also indicates L was killed where she was found. She also had blood dripped on her body (not sure whose blood - A's or L's)

Names yes initials BH and son LH (not new names) plus other names I have not heard of before.

I basically think that everything the police has, plus the crime scene details should now all be made public as this stuff coming out bit by bit is just ridiculous.
I'm working up the courage to read it.
There are some details but nothing you can't handle if I did. Much of it was already suspected. Girls throats were slashed. Abby was dressed in Libby's clothing and there was nary a blood spot on them. Libby was near a tree. Branches were placed over each possibly resembling some symbols. Abby had two in her hair that defense said were to give her "horns". Abby was apparently treated differently than Libby, she was clean basically which I take to mean Libby was a mess or not clean, etc. Abby was moved near Libby, was not in her original spot, etc. A symbol I believe in Libby's blood or a letter was painted on a tree she was near. Unless it was a typo or lack of edit, perp put both Abby's and Libby's bra on Abby.

There are not pictures and it is graphic talk to a point an disturbing but again it is not anything we haven't speculated, thought of in our own heads or heard hints of. It IS however awful to think of what these girls went through hearing this
My understanding is they do say that A was moved and placed next to L but do not say where from. And yes after death because no blood was on the clothes on A. So presumably, as they were L's clothes she was dressed in (sweatshirt and pants plus both girls bras) with no blood on them, L must have been killed without her clothes on and I think it also indicates L was killed where she was found. She also had blood dripped on her body (not sure whose blood - A's or L's)

Names yes initials BH and son LH (not new names) plus other names I have not heard of before.

I basically think that everything the police has, plus the crime scene details should now all be made public as this stuff coming out bit by bit is just ridiculous.
yes I am assuming Libby was naked. they also make a point of abby being more pristine and the girls treated differently so I am guessing a lot more happened to libby and/or she was injured more to not get to graphic, etc. it could be simply because she put up a fight, hard to say. i don't want to think too in depth of it but i suspect there is far worse we don't know perhaps.

I know it said Abby was moved to near L. I believe it also said L was moved did it not, or positioned? I missed the part apparently about blood dripped on L's body BUT maybe it wasn't in that article but something you know from elsewhere or the filing.

Is that the pastor and his son? I have distant bells of some talked about a lot way back when but can't recall. I do remember a man and son and a lot of talk AND it also fit kind of when two pictures came out and it was ALWAYS speculated there were two and for some reason maybe father and son and that's probably part of why. Even Kline became father and son... Lots of talk of two and father and son over all the years...
It was tongue in cheek but then when I reread it I decided it confused so I took it out lol. Don't get me wrong though I can easily mix up the cases with all going on these days even though they have no similarities as to crimes, well other than both have a double murderer... Grizzly who i was taking of calling the county also covers both cases lol so it came easily lol.

Yes, last night I watched a bit of Tom Webster before I went down for the count. He is the one I sent you to to find out the name of the guy who talked with Allen years ago and "interviewed" him and then the info was "misfiled". And he had the name and info and you got it.

Anyhow, he has read the full doc but he works and he did about an hour long show and he covered some things and had his questions outlined, etc. he showed for an upcoming full show when he has the chance. I find a LOT of worth in watching the good ones who read the documents, who get more documents than we know of, who do the work and then cover it all. Some shows provide very good info on the laws which you are always asking of and why or how this as i wonder too. That STS one if I get a chance has more in it than I've mentioned that is WELL worth watching it for. Bland was in court for the recent financial stuff AND he shared a bit at the end and all guests had things to say about how it works and if I get a chance I am going to give the time points on the video for anyone to at least watch that bit. One can read the documents themselves and one can find news on the documents but it isn't the same as the full takeaway and points videos like this provide.

So to get back to the point I was going to make, Tom said the guards had symbols or patches on their uniforms, Odinists ones, I think one guard had something that actually stated he was an "Odinist". Then in Tom's outline of the questions he was starting to put down to either get answers to or discuss, he had a question as to are guards allowed to where such or why are they allowed to display such patches, etc. on their uniform?

Well NO KIDDING. IF TRUE. Now tell me though who knew this...? Does Allen recognize the Odinist thing and know of it? I sure didn't. Did his attorney visit and recognize them? I doubt it, the attorney has constantly went on about the distance and how difficult visits are. So I would guess it came from Allen no?

If so, maybe it is b.s. Or maybe the attorney went down on hearing this and confirmed it. Does the document filed SAY???? I haven't read it. I'd like to know.

If it is NOT B.S. then the question still begs, how did Allen learn of it, even if he saw the word Odinists, did he know of such and what they are? Again I didn't. It seems a ton of the public was not aware of such a group, etc.

It also begs the question IF it is true, what such guards were doing placed on watching Allen (if they truly are the ones in charge of him) and how a prison can allow this?? I mean people are saying Odinists are white nationalists or white nationalists have hijacked the group. You have white nationalists displaying symbols they are such on their prison guard uniform???? REALLY??? Allen is white but they wear them in a prison that I am sure has all races of prisoners in it. WHAT???

A bit of a sidetrack, I work in a retail store and there is MUCH we can't wear if it relates to a message, a group, etc. You'd NEVER be able to wear such in a prison.

As I talk this through just now as I type, this helps me start to reason, it is one reason you see long posts, it clears my way/thoughts or leads to others. Right now in just saying the above, I am starting to feel this is b.s. I am at a disadvantage not having read the 100 plus pages. DOES it corroborate this and explain who it comes from?

But then it is a serious legal filing, it would have backed up all the facts right? So if true, then they are royally screwing up this case. By the way, when his atty. wanted him moved prior were Odinist guards ever mentioned? I don't seem to recall that! What, they only came up AFTER when he confessed AND when they started finding Odinist stuff in the discovery? Convenient.

It may have taken time to go through discovery but it didn't take time for Allen to see Odinist patches if they were there prior.

Anywhooo like I said, separating the chaff from the wheat or vice versa will come by experts and others and is even where my brain started trying to go here as it wakes up a bit...

Yes, Flora. I agree, when I saw two, I knew it to be four. I'm not sure I was sure it was four girls but that sounds right. Or was it a mix? I KNOW it was said to be four though. Yet isn't Flora mentioned in the doc as what he meant? Or did I see that in one of your articles or some such, that they felt he meant Flora? I saw it somewhere with Flora actually mentioned. And I've sure watched little and only read things here.

Yes I think Flora is mentioned, which is 4 girls right but then 2 girls are mentioned too. Unless I have misunderstood it and the 2 girls are A and L.
yes I am assuming Libby was naked. they also make a point of abby being more pristine and the girls treated differently so I am guessing a lot more happened to libby and/or she was injured more to not get to graphic, etc. it could be simply because she put up a fight, hard to say. i don't want to think too in depth of it but i suspect there is far worse we don't know perhaps.

I know it said Abby was moved to near L. I believe it also said L was moved did it not, or positioned? I missed the part apparently about blood dripped on L's body BUT maybe it wasn't in that article but something you know from elsewhere or the filing.

Is that the pastor and his son? I have distant bells of some talked about a lot way back when but can't recall. I do remember a man and son and a lot of talk AND it also fit kind of when two pictures came out and it was ALWAYS speculated there were two and for some reason maybe father and son and that's probably part of why. Even Kline became father and son... Lots of talk of two and father and son over all the years...
No, A's BF and his father.
Yes I think Flora is mentioned, which is 4 girls right but then 2 girls are mentioned too. Unless I have misunderstood it and the 2 girls are A and L.
I may have too or they worded it in a confusing way BUT I know it was said it was Flora but whether I read that in the intro on the filing or in your article, I am not sure, but I think perhaps both. Either way the guy claimed they were responsible for both right? A & L's murders and a fire killing people in the area.
No, A's BF and his father.
I DID read that now that you mention it but sure don't recall who they were and I recall rumors of Abby having a bf but thought that was denied... These girls were too young for true bfs and seemed pretty naive and unworldly but I'm old school an I guess times change. And I guess they were a bit older than my mind tells me. They look like preteens, especially abby, but I guess I forget, many/most of us probably did at that age.

Can you message me the names just because? I doubt I will recall much knowing the names anyhow.
I DID read that now that you mention it but sure don't recall who they were and I recall rumors of Abby having a bf but thought that was denied... These girls were too young for true bfs and seemed pretty naive and unworldly but I'm old school an I guess times change. And I guess they were a bit older than my mind tells me. They look like preteens, especially abby, but I guess I forget, many/most of us probably did at that age.

Can you message me the names just because? I doubt I will recall much knowing the names anyhow.
I have copy and pasted this bit from the Journal and Courier article.

"More than one killer at the scene?​

Allen's defense team goes into graphic details about the scene to lay out its hypothesis that Allen, who is not associated with Odinism, did not kill the girls. Instead, the memorandum suggests up to five possible suspects with ties to Odinism might be behind the killings.

The memorandum suggests that one person could not have confined both teenagers, killed both girls, staged the scene and left in the timeline suggested by police and prosecutors.

"Once he and the girls arrived at the murder scene, this single, solitary person then somehow would have had to subdue either Abby or Libby in rope or some other restraining device in order to have the ability to kill the unsubdued child without fear that the other child would run away or scream," the memorandum states.

A single killer would have to kill one of the girls then the other, then gather up the branches and twigs for the staging of the scene, according to the memorandum.

If only one person, allegedly Allen, killed the girls, he then had to lay out Libby's body, which was near where she was killed.

The single killer theory, according Allen's attorney, then required the one man to redress Abby in Libby clothes, including putting Libby and Abby's bra on Abby's body. The single killer than staged Abby's body without getting the clothes dirty or wet, according to the memorandum.

"One man, 5 foot 4 inches in stature, handled all these tasks?" the memorandum asks.

"All these things occurred between seventeen minutes and one hour and seventeen minutes after the girls heard the phrase “down the hill” at approximately 2:13 pm. Again, not plausible," the memorandum states.

If not Richard Allen, then who?​

One self-confessed Odinist who lives in Logansport admitted he frequently went to Delphi for Odinism worship services at a friend's house, according to the memorandum. That self-confessed Odinist said he never met the girls, but his then teenage son dated Abby, according to Allen's defense.

More: Allen's defense: Libby and Abby killed in Odinism ritual sacrifice

This Logansport Odinist had a falling out with his fellow Odinist who lived in Delphi. That happened sometime in February 2017, according to the defense's memorandum.

"(He) told her (the Odinist in Delphi) and 'his crew' was responsible for the murders of the 'girls in Delphi' and a fire that killed two girls," the memorandum states, quoting a report on Odinism and suggesting that the cult also is tied to the Flora fire that killed four girls. "I asked her if she knew of the fires in Flora that killed four girls. ...

"She said (the Logansport Odinist) told her that (the Delphi Odinist) and 'his crew' had friends in several statesand that they have no problem killing 'race traders,' ” the report state, as per Allen's defense memorandum. "I asked her to clarify 'race trader' and she said she believed it meant white people who 'mix' with other races."

None of this prompted a closer look into Odinism, the Logansport man or the Delphi man, both of whom were dismissed as suspects, according to the memorandum.

Police officers in Rushville investigated two Odinist want-to-be members and discovered possible ties to the Delphi killing, according to the memorandum. One of the want-to-be suspects has the mental capacity of a child, according to the memorandum.

"I am in a lot of trouble," the man told his sister in October 2017, according to Allen's defense. "I am going away for a long time.

"I was on that trail and that bridge with those girls when they were murdered," the man told his sister, according to Allen's memorandum. "There were two other people there with me when it happened. I spit on one of the girls (after they were killed)."

There were more details that only someone at the scene would know that the man revealed to his sister, according to the memorandum.

“(He) told (his sister) Abigail is a little troublemaker, that he placed leaves on her and used sticks to give her horns,” according to Allen's defense.

The man's sisters passed a polygraph test on the matter, yet he was not investigated in depth despite his alleged statements, according to Allen's memorandum.

When police collected his DNA from the possible suspect, the man asked, "If my spit is found on the girls, but I can explain it away would I still be in trouble?"

Despite the two Rushville Odinist want-to-be members lack of convincing alibis and suspicious statements, investigators did not follow up and they were eliminated as suspects, according to the memorandum."
I DID read that now that you mention it but sure don't recall who they were and I recall rumors of Abby having a bf but thought that was denied... These girls were too young for true bfs and seemed pretty naive and unworldly but I'm old school an I guess times change. And I guess they were a bit older than my mind tells me. They look like preteens, especially abby, but I guess I forget, many/most of us probably did at that age.

Can you message me the names just because? I doubt I will recall much knowing the names anyhow.
The names are in the blog I just posted and I messaged you.

The girls (Abby and Libby) were 13 and 14 IIRC.
Last edited:
I have copy and pasted this bit from the Journal and Courier article.

"More than one killer at the scene?​

Allen's defense team goes into graphic details about the scene to lay out its hypothesis that Allen, who is not associated with Odinism, did not kill the girls. Instead, the memorandum suggests up to five possible suspects with ties to Odinism might be behind the killings.

The memorandum suggests that one person could not have confined both teenagers, killed both girls, staged the scene and left in the timeline suggested by police and prosecutors.

"Once he and the girls arrived at the murder scene, this single, solitary person then somehow would have had to subdue either Abby or Libby in rope or some other restraining device in order to have the ability to kill the unsubdued child without fear that the other child would run away or scream," the memorandum states.

A single killer would have to kill one of the girls then the other, then gather up the branches and twigs for the staging of the scene, according to the memorandum.

If only one person, allegedly Allen, killed the girls, he then had to lay out Libby's body, which was near where she was killed.

The single killer theory, according Allen's attorney, then required the one man to redress Abby in Libby clothes, including putting Libby and Abby's bra on Abby's body. The single killer than staged Abby's body without getting the clothes dirty or wet, according to the memorandum.

"One man, 5 foot 4 inches in stature, handled all these tasks?" the memorandum asks.

"All these things occurred between seventeen minutes and one hour and seventeen minutes after the girls heard the phrase “down the hill” at approximately 2:13 pm. Again, not plausible," the memorandum states.

If not Richard Allen, then who?​

One self-confessed Odinist who lives in Logansport admitted he frequently went to Delphi for Odinism worship services at a friend's house, according to the memorandum. That self-confessed Odinist said he never met the girls, but his then teenage son dated Abby, according to Allen's defense.

More: Allen's defense: Libby and Abby killed in Odinism ritual sacrifice

This Logansport Odinist had a falling out with his fellow Odinist who lived in Delphi. That happened sometime in February 2017, according to the defense's memorandum.

"(He) told her (the Odinist in Delphi) and 'his crew' was responsible for the murders of the 'girls in Delphi' and a fire that killed two girls," the memorandum states, quoting a report on Odinism and suggesting that the cult also is tied to the Flora fire that killed four girls. "I asked her if she knew of the fires in Flora that killed four girls. ...

"She said (the Logansport Odinist) told her that (the Delphi Odinist) and 'his crew' had friends in several statesand that they have no problem killing 'race traders,' ” the report state, as per Allen's defense memorandum. "I asked her to clarify 'race trader' and she said she believed it meant white people who 'mix' with other races."

None of this prompted a closer look into Odinism, the Logansport man or the Delphi man, both of whom were dismissed as suspects, according to the memorandum.

Police officers in Rushville investigated two Odinist want-to-be members and discovered possible ties to the Delphi killing, according to the memorandum. One of the want-to-be suspects has the mental capacity of a child, according to the memorandum.

"I am in a lot of trouble," the man told his sister in October 2017, according to Allen's defense. "I am going away for a long time.

"I was on that trail and that bridge with those girls when they were murdered," the man told his sister, according to Allen's memorandum. "There were two other people there with me when it happened. I spit on one of the girls (after they were killed)."

There were more details that only someone at the scene would know that the man revealed to his sister, according to the memorandum.

“(He) told (his sister) Abigail is a little troublemaker, that he placed leaves on her and used sticks to give her horns,” according to Allen's defense.

The man's sisters passed a polygraph test on the matter, yet he was not investigated in depth despite his alleged statements, according to Allen's memorandum.

When police collected his DNA from the possible suspect, the man asked, "If my spit is found on the girls, but I can explain it away would I still be in trouble?"

Despite the two Rushville Odinist want-to-be members lack of convincing alibis and suspicious statements, investigators did not follow up and they were eliminated as suspects, according to the memorandum."
So Flora is "mentioned" here.

They jump from the Logansport, etc. Odinists to Rushville PD investigated two wannabe Odinists (not sure how they determined that), one with the mental capacity of a child. In no way does this tie him to the real Odinists or say what else he may do or have been doing but he says he is in a lot of trouble and places two other people with him in the murder of the girls. Is this in the intro/summary or later in the filing where they share all details because they don't tie him to being there with REAL Odinists, just saying he is a wannabe Odinist with a child's mind. I read this before but have more time now to let it sink in. This is quite a leap and they fail to tie him in to Odinism with just these statements. He could have not been there (child's mind) or he could have been there with ANYONE.

Sisters passed a polygraph but that I'm sure only means that he DID say these things to them, not that they are true from him. Apparently though there are details one could only know from being there.

There is sooo much lacking though and again a failure to tie him to anyone including the Odinists first mentioned. They just jump to him from talk of those. So either this is from the intro/summary and not the full explanation OR they are crafting this to lead to assumptions and facts that aren't present.

By the way I'm a wannabe millionaire, a wannabe model, a wannabe always happy person, etc. Does that MEAN I was with some millionaires or had brunch with models. Uhm no. It probably means I was with who I hang with doing what we do which wouldn't be modeling, spending millions, etc.

It's kind of dumb really.

And then figure this childlike person was brought along in something they only had an hour or so to execute? That's a bit risky isn't it? They all have to get there, do it all, get out of there cleanly, hope he doesn't talk (which he DID), etc. Come ON this makes no sense. And if he placed or knew of the horns, he means he was in the woods at the scene near the bridge. Odinists who he is NOT a part of (because he is a wannae) brought him with on one of the biggest crimes known of??? Uh-huh.

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