LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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That's what they do best. They are also looking now for reasons to appeal later.
This short article says that the prosecutor does not have to answer this motion. Is that true?

HENDERSON, Ky. (WEHT)-A former prosecutor is weighing in on the recent defense filings in the Delphi double murder case.

Attorneys for suspect Richard Allen filed a 136-page document yesterday.

It calls for the search warrant for Allen’s home to be thrown out, accusing Sheriff Tony Liggett of fabricating evidence to get the warrant.

They also laid out their theory for how Abby and Libby were killed, claiming a group of Odinists killed the girls ritualistically.

The former Marion County deputy prosecutor, Denise Robinson, says the size of the document is surprising.

“I’ve seen the defense file certain allegations before to support a motion, but not 136 pages and not making specific factual allegations that would rise to offering an alternative defense.”

Robinson says the prosecutor does not have to respond.
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This short article says that the prosecutor does not have to answer this motion. Is that true?

HENDERSON, Ky. (WEHT)-A former prosecutor is weighing in on the recent defense filings in the Delphi double murder case.

Attorneys for suspect Richard Allen filed a 136-page document yesterday.

It calls for the search warrant for Allen’s home to be thrown out, accusing Sheriff Tony Liggett of fabricating evidence to get the warrant.

They also laid out their theory for how Abby and Libby were killed, claiming a group of Odinists killed the girls ritualistically.

The former Marion County deputy prosecutor, Denise Robinson, says the size of the document is surprising.

“I’ve seen the defense file certain allegations before to support a motion, but not 136 pages and not making specific factual allegations that would rise to offering an alternative defense.”

Robinson says the prosecutor does not have to respond.
I don't suppose they do have to respond. The same in Murdaugh imo, they can not respond if they choose not to. You can not respond to something filed against you as well. You may end up with a default judgment against you but you can choose not to respond.

I don't think it is a law in anything that you have to respond. Is it wise not to though? That's another question. I think in this one not rushing to do so is wise as much of it is being debunked already and shredded. Sure they can not respond and let it stand or believe it to not be worthy of the judge agreeing with the defense argument. I doubt they will though.

Personally I think they will respond and I hope it's a good one. I'd definitely though play the whole O thing as "out there" and ludicrous and how could that have worked? They do need to hit at if they can the few serious things in it that may have a BIT of traction. Jmo.

What I am trying to say is anyone can put up no other side or no argument and not respond. However, then the judge only has what he has to go by to make a decision. And he won't have your side of things or your argument. That was your choice. So you can choose not to but it doesn't mean it is wise to do so.

I don['t know sh*t and am no expert but yeah, you don't have to answer. I do think though if doing their job, people would expect them to. Not answering could look like a) you think it is a big nothing burger and not worthy of response; or b) a lot of it is true and you don't have anything to argue it with without lying and so you are keeping your mouth shut because you are corrupt, etc.

I don't know why this guy points out the obvious or someone asked him a dumb question and that's the truthful answer. Yeah you don['t HAVE to respond. But you probably should if you want your side known and heard.
That rings a distant bell with me that there was just this noise on it, not sure it was this case but maybe... It makes no sense though they wouldn't have released it sooner but maybe they wanted the perp to believe they had more. It's also a bit hard to believe there wouldn't have been any screaming or something. Did we hear then the word "gun"? Why can't I recall it better, maybe they just claimed that's all that was on it..

She may have pocketed it but if she worried about him seeing it I could see her putting it in her waistband or some such too.
If I'm not mistaken, the parents have heard more of the audio than the public and I think it's info from them that Abby is heard saying something about him having a gun.
Yeah, apparently, he was unaware that Libby had recorded him as he approached and I think she knew that!
It seems like a truly wacky theory, but then I think of Chase Merritt and how he was railroaded. It makes sense as to why he'd confess to his mother and wife if he was being threatened. Why confess to them and not the police?
I don't see the Os threatening him to force him to tell wife and mom. They'd want him to confess to the police. They'd want him to take the fall if they did it. Plus in that case he wouldn't want his atty making excuses for his confession, he'd want it to stand and so would the Os. Makes no sense.

It is far more likely he confessed to family due to pressure or ultimatums from them to tell them the truth OR from guilt.
It seems like a truly wacky theory, but then I think of Chase Merritt and how he was railroaded. It makes sense as to why he'd confess to his mother and wife if he was being threatened. Why confess to them and not the police?
Have you not listened to ANY jail house recordings? They do that all the time, which is why I am sure they started recording an calls.
I don't see the Os threatening him to force him to tell wife and mom. They'd want him to confess to the police. They'd want him to take the fall if they did it. Plus in that case he wouldn't want his atty making excuses for his confession, he'd want it to stand and so would the Os. Makes no sense.

It is far more likely he confessed to family due to pressure or ultimatums from them to tell them the truth OR from guilt.

Are his phone calls available online somewhere?

Have you not listened to ANY jail house recordings? They do that all the time, which is why I am sure they started recording an calls.

I'd like to know too.
We were discussing this and I have found the article that mentions the recording by Libby catching the word 'gun' mentioned as well as the sound of the gun being cycled.

The article also mentions that RA confessed 5 times altogether.

In a document filed by the prosecutor on June 13, in another effort to obtain Allen's mental health records, the prosecution alleged that Allen admitted to the killings "no less than 5 times while talking to his wife and his mother on the public jail phones."
The April 20 document filed by the prosecutor also noted that "investigators believe they hear the sound of a gun being cycled" on the video recovered from Libby's phone.
According to video recovered from one of the victim's phones, Abby or Libby mentioned "gun" as a man approached them, according to the probable cause affidavit. A .40-caliber unspent round was found less than 2 feet away from one of the girls' bodies, and that unspent round went through a gun that Allen owns, according to the probable cause affidavit.
Another document released Wednesday mentions the involvement of a knife in the killings.

Authorities believe a gun was used in the girls' abduction and murders due to the unspent round found by their bodies, the prosecutor said, and authorities believe a "knife was used in the murder of Abigail Williams and Liberty German."
This document was filed June 13, objecting to the defense's motion to suppress evidence seized in a search warrant at Allen's home.
The June 13 document filed by the state objecting to the defense's motion to suppress also notes "articles of clothing from the girls were missing from the scene" where their bodies were found, "including a pair of underwear and a sock."
Are his phone calls available online somewhere?

I'd like to know too.
Not sure why you are asking me that? I never said anything about listening to them. To my knowledge, all we know is they exist, they'd be played all over if he was actually on a publicly released recording confessing to his mom and wife. I'm pretty sure they haven't been shared.
8 pages. I managed to copy pages 3 and 4 below which seem to be the most important. Apologies for the formatting - the paragraphs and spacing would not copy properly. Basically, they interviewed them and RA confirmed the times he was on the trails that had also been in the conservation officer's interview. He also confirmed the clothes he was wearing. They then served the search warrant.

Page 3
That inthe 2017 interview, Richard Allen admittedbeing onthetrailthe day thatAbigail Williams and Liberty Germanwentmissing. 13. Thathe statedthat he was onthe trail between 1:30 P.M. and 3:30 P.M. and thatwhile he was onthe trail, he was using his phone. 14. That onOctober 13th, 2022, investigators invited Richard Allen and his wife, Kathy Allen, to speakto them and followup onthat interview done in 2017. 15. Thatboth Richard Allen and Kathy Allen came to the interview ontheir own on October 13th, 2022, they were notunderarrest andwere free to leavethe interviewat any time. 16. That investigators learned fiomthose interviews thatRichardAllen reaffirmed thathe was infact onthe trails the day that Abigail Williams and Liberty Germanwentmissing and further admittedto being onthe highbridge. 17. Thathe also told investigators that he was wearing bluejeans, and a blue or black Carharttjacket witha hood andthathe was wearing a head covering. 18. That, further, Richard statedthathe did own guns andthatthe guns were inhis home. 19. That investigators learned fiom Kathy that Richard Allen still had guns and knives inthe home, along with a blue Carharttjacket. 20. ThatInvestigators believeda firearmwas involved inthe abduction and murderof Abigail Williams and Liberty Germanbecause anunspent .40 caliberround was found betweenthe bodies ofAbigail Williams and Liberty German. 21. ThatInvestigators believedaknife was used inthe murder ofAbigail Williams and Liberty German.

Page 4

Thatthe clothes thatRichard Allen describedwearing the day he was onthe trails match the descriptionofthe man seen onthe bridge from the video takenby Liberty German's phone. That it was also gatheredthat RichardAllen stillpossessedthe firearms, knives andthe clothing and said items were in his house. Thatbased onthis information, investigators prepared aprobable cause affidavitwith a searchwarrant forthe home ofRichardAllen. Thatthe probable cause affidavit covers all the informationthat lawenforcementhad gathered in the investigation inregards to Richard Allenup until October 13'", 2022. Thatthe probable cause affidavit outlines evidence that establishedprobable cause to searchthe home ofRichard Allen. That Investigators applied forthe searchwarrant on October 13th, 2022, andthe same was grantedthat day by Carroll County Circuit Court Judge Benjamin Diener. Investigators wentto the residence ofthe Defendant, located at 1967 North Whiteman Drive, Delphi, Indiana, knocked onthe door and executedthe searchwarrant on October 13th, 2022. The Defendant andhis wife were askedto be out ofthe residence whilethe search warrantwas executedbut were allowed back inthe residence immediately afterwards. Investigators found several items inthe residence, including a .40 caliber firearm and electronic devices, all ofwhich are outlined inthe Search WarrantReturn. That for a searchwarrantto be valid, itmustbe accompaniedby an afiidavitt
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So if the bullet recycling is on the recording and the bullet and phone were found under the shoe and clothes in between the girls' bodies, do they have the sound of the whole thing on the recording?
Interesting thought. Good point. Of course he could have done this more than once to scare the girls or get or maintain control. Perhaps he did it on/at the bridge and also again at the scene. It would definitely depend on what point in the recording it was heard and also depend on if that is what they are truly hearing on the recording. While there is said to be more recording time, we don't know that it continued at the scene. I think I heard recently it is about two minutes, not swearing to that, is that enough time from when we first hear him or it first started (whichever it is the two minutes refers to) to the scene and to hear THAT bullet there? It seems tight to get them down the hill, across teh creek, etc. to have that. But again I am not swearing by the two minutes. Hate to put it on you, but maybe you'd have time to look for that IF you get a chance or are interested in doing so.

It seems to me the rest of the recording was not released, I almost thought it was too, but I heard someone yesterday talk as if they never have so unsure of that. You know where it says sounded mostly muffled in her pocket or some such, I wonder if we were just told that by someone but never heard it . Dam* if I can recall.
So I am intentionally doing this post separately to not confuse topics.

I linked one Grizzly was doing yesterday of the State's response. I was headed to work and knew I wouldn't get to see it, it hadn't gone live yet but thought others might be able to.

I was curious as to the State's response and her show on it (no one else had even hardly mentioned it/broke news on it at that point) so I looked for it on a break after she did the show. At best I heard 5 minutes, maybe ten although that's unlikely as breaks are short and I have like one minute to do this and that I need to do on them as well.

So in those few minutes what was noteworthy to me, here it is.

Let me preface by saying I don't believe a bunch of Os were at the trail and did this to A & L. I think it is a lot of bullsheet, far fetched and makes no sense.

BUT you know how the defense filing said a few detectives or officers were kind of independently looking at the O thing and continued to do so? Three or four I think the defense claims... Well one of those officers is dead. And the person was killed by a Department of Corrections or prison employee or some such and she said and I have to agree that is odd and notable...And I don't put much store in much of this O claim or that they did these murders BUT maybe investigating them led to something they didn't want discovered or who knows... Or one did not want to get in trouble over like wearing a badge or symbol etc. I have no idea. But he is DEAD. Allegedly by a prison employee or some such.

And that's all the time I had, I heard it, backed it up, heard it again and my break was over. No time either last night to listen to more.

So I am mentioning it as notable for anyone or if anyone wants to check into that more. I won't get the chance to.

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