LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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I'm not going to speak for her but I think she means they didn't exist on the trails that day, not that there aren't some out there claiming to be, practicing or not, Os, etc.
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Logan was on the bridge and RA was one of the people down the hill.
So you are saying RA and Logan were either Os themselves or with the Os that day. Even though that also takes a LOT to make true, it is the only way I can make it work and I believe I've said that all along although imo RA could be on the bridge and Logan downhill.,etc. I still think it farfetched BUT let's take that and then go to this:

RA is still a murderer and part of the murdering pack. I think one of the worst parts and dumbest of the defense filing was saying RA isn't an O, no proof he is an O but give NO way to explain his still being there and his casing as well if Os did it or any reason we should believe he isn't an O.

You do get how big of a conspiracy this would have to be don't you? LE in on it, probably judge, IN state cops, prison guards, prosecutor and a lot more?

I will say when they filed against Allen they did say something about possibly others...

For me though I come back to looking at the defense and this orchestration of things just being so well convenient... I come back to Allen playing everyone...From day one...

Tell me which person like took the clothes to the creek... Is this what they have one member do in a pagan ritual sacrifice?

Which one was the man walking up the highway? There is just sooooo much.

What does make sense is just as Allen is doing now, he played the O thing with his crime scene. And other experts say they don't see runes, they see someone starting to cover up the bodies and stage the scene who ran out of time, etc.
I have not seen the crime photos, but someone who did, drew stick figures of how the bodies were posed. There is no way somebody would take the time to do this unless it meant something.

Also, the Odinist angle is one of the things the prosecution was holding back.
Posted 24 hours ago. It's CourtTv's look at the Odinism connection:

3 police investigators working on this from the beginning believed that there might be a ritualistic, Odinite, angle to these murders. Todd Click, Kevin Murphy and Greg Farencee. After reading Richard Allen's probable cause affidavit, Click became concerned that the information connecting Allen's involvement in this murder was far less compelling than the information that the three investigators had found in their investigation of the Rushville portion of the investigation. (Rushville was part of the Odinite angle. There were people involved in Odinism in Rushville and others in Delphi.) They aren't talking about who they are, but they actually had names of people from both towns involved in it.

Just to be clear. I'm not on the bandwagon that Allen is completely clear with this new information. He recognized the Odinistic patches on their uniforms, so he had some knowledge of the Odinism symbols. I couldn't have told you what they were, but then I don't live around Odinists, that I'm aware of. I never even knew this religion existed.

One thing I've been wondering is if Bridge Guy just corralled them into the end of the bridge. Waiting below was at least one other person to watch them as they came down. He may be the person who had the gun. That guy could have been RA.

It appears to me that the investigation took the easy way out. Let's nail this Richard Allen guy and be done with it. Running down the Odinists angle will be too time consuming and possibly dangerous.

Explain that, and don't make a sarcastic comment. Tell me what about that information makes you think Odinism wasn't involved?

The CourtTV video is named "Odinism Confirmed..."
I have not seen the crime photos, but someone who did, drew stick figures of how the bodies were posed. There is no way somebody would take the time to do this unless it meant something.

Also, the Odinist angle is one of the things the prosecution was holding back.
So I have went both ways on her at times but then you think Jennifer Koffendopher or however it is spelled is an idiot? Because she is the one who said that. On this show. That you shared. And plenty else mentioned that goes against the theory ini your very show. Did you ignore anything that goes against what you want to/do think?

She says "COVERING THE BODIES" Did you watch the entire 45 minutes and llsten to earlier in it about Mike with Allen's confessions?

Then there is the other guy about how out there this all is and sense desperation from the defense and Allen and now it has gone so far out there with guards, etc., etc.

Did you listen to your own FULL show you linked or ignore all the parts that in no way conclude what you says it does? You are hearing what you want to hear apparently and ignoring all the rest.

And I want to say just to be sure I went and found it to REWATCH which I don't have time for. Did you even know other guests were on in the later part and so on?
This show in NO WAY comes down on the idea this was O as a conclusion nor do the guests buy it. I still can't see what was apparently so conclusively earth shattering on it as pertains to the O thing. Nothing that I've heard if you listen to it all with open ears.

Sorry emu just calling it as I see it. I see more the opposite.
Plus of note, how often do Guessy, Tresir and I agree in anything, or post throughout any case, etc., and you have all three here saying NOPE to the Os and saying it is defense b.s.. Just saying...
So I have went both ways on her at times but then you think Jennifer Koffendopher or however it is spelled is an idiot? Because she is the one who said that. On this show. That you shared. And plenty else mentioned that goes against the theory ini your very show. Did you ignore anything that goes against what you want to/do think?

She says "COVERING THE BODIES" Did you watch the entire 45 minutes and llsten to earlier in it about Mike with Allen's confessions?

Then there is the other guy about how out there this all is and sense desperation from the defense and Allen and now it has gone so far out there with guards, etc., etc.

Did you listen to your own FULL show you linked or ignore all the parts that in no way conclude what you says it does? You are hearing what you want to hear apparently and ignoring all the rest.

And I want to say just to be sure I went and found it to REWATCH which I don't have time for. Did you even know other guests were on in the later part and so on?

This show in NO WAY comes down on the idea this was O as a conclusion nor do the guests buy it. I still can't see what was apparently so conclusively earth shattering on it as pertains to the O thing. Nothing that I've heard if you listen to it all with open ears.

Sorry emu just calling it as I see it. I see more the opposite.

I know the Odinist theory isn't accepted as truth. All I'm saying is that it's not an absurd theory. Three detectives who were on the case at the beginning still believe it.

The person who told them about the connection and who was involved took a lie detector test and passed.

It shouldn't be brushed off so easily. How do you explain those things?

The person you're talking about in the video doesn't shut the theory down, just casts a little doubt about it.

The people talked about need to be investigated. It appears they have completely brushed this off and ignored it despite the detectives and the information given by someone who passed a lie detector test.

One guy and a friend stopped talking to each other right after the murders. All one would say is he thought the other went too far in dealing with something.

The MS people didn't say that there was nothing there.

If this is true, then RA being threatened to confess makes sense.

I believe RA was involved, but so were others. Do you want one guy involved, or all of them?

The guards who wore the patches were the ones to tase him. No other guards had a problem with him.

You guys are acting like it's a nothing burger. It's not.
I know the Odinist theory isn't accepted as truth. All I'm saying is that it's not an absurd theory. Three detectives who were on the case at the beginning still believe it.

The person who told them about the connection and who was involved took a lie detector test and passed.

It shouldn't be brushed off so easily. How do you explain those things?

The person you're talking about in the video doesn't shut the theory down, just casts a little doubt about it.

The people talked about need to be investigated. It appears they have completely brushed this off and ignored it despite the detectives and the information given by someone who passed a lie detector test.

One guy and a friend stopped talking to each other right after the murders. All one would say is he thought the other went too far in dealing with something.

The MS people didn't say that there was nothing there.

If this is true, then RA being threatened to confess makes sense.

I believe RA was involved, but so were others. Do you want one guy involved, or all of them?

The guards who wore the patches were the ones to tase him. No other guards had a problem with him.

You guys are acting like it's a nothing burger. It's not.
I will grant you there are a FEW things that seem big on their face that the DEFENSE has tried to weave together but when taking it ALL and logistics, facts, and not a bit of glue, and more that I don't have words or time to explain, it just doesn't gel. Motive? For two white teens? Soooo much.

I don't know about you, but my area through years and even now rarely sees murder and especially a nationally known one and HUGE interest one and total shock to the community. We finally had one some years ago. It is actually when I joined and started following crime online was due to that unsolved case (solved now). It brought EVERYONE out of the woodwork and the community was scared. It was a double murder and more. And YES people said well my bf didn't come home the other night, etc., there was a guy who did something that we, myself included, coudln't quite let go of, even though cops assured he wasn't guilty of the crime, something he did and said made him sure appear to be. It ended up he wasn't. And so much more, yes, gangs, cults, you name it, people claiming so and so and so on. TAkng credit, blaming an ex, etc. THAT is what I think you have here. These FEW things and people who state this probably did pass as to what they were told by someone, etc.

I agree LE just simply needs to show why this dried up and explain that.

The three cops? Well in the big case in our area there was difference (rumored) between what FBI felt happened and local LE. Different theories and some infighting I"m sure. NEITHER ENDED up right when the perp was known. But you'd have bought one belief or another. They were getting calls from psychics, weirdos claiming they were there or did it, you name it.

Again taht is what I think yuu have here.

I am about out of time but I haven't missed these things and yes, then there are the guards. I know how it all looks but you need to take it and put it together with the bigger picture. The guards are another thing. No time right now.

Makes for good discussion anyhow. I do SEE what you are seeing and what some think and I have not excluded the POSSIBILITY but my overall conclusion is NO. I do think Allen himself may have a lot to do with this and even over the years and in pointing or having someone point, plant seeds of doubt, discussion about who AND stage to hint at it... THAT to me makes a lot more sense but even with that I think this is all just unlikely and mostly a bunch of b.s. and some fringe people claiming things for other reasons.
I have not seen the crime photos, but someone who did, drew stick figures of how the bodies were posed. There is no way somebody would take the time to do this unless it meant something.

Also, the Odinist angle is one of the things the prosecution was holding back.
I had a cat once that looked like a miniature panther. He was still a cat.

Bodies fall, get covered up in haste. Tree limbs are not perfectly straight. Rest a bloody hand on a tree. It leaves a mark.

If you look hard enough, you can find images in anything.

I'm just saying.

THAT said, there is still something weird about this case. These attorneys are not new to the scene and have quite the caseload. They aren't slouches.
Three of the original investigators came up with the Odinism link on their own. They still back the theory.

A person came forward and told the police about the connection to Odinism and that two people they knew were Odinists. They mentioned people in Delphi and the other town. Two Odinists had a fight and one told the informant that one of them had gone too far in something right after Libby and Abby were killed. The friendship between the two ended then. The police gave them a polygraph test to check if everything they told them was true and the person passed the lie detector test.

That's just some of what is brought up in the CourtTV video. Watch it, and you'll see the Odinism theory isn't a crackpot theory.
I have seen it in the Frank's motion. The guys mentioned have been cleared. One guy (BH) was at work and the other guy (the wannabee) who asked about his spit is not reliable IMO. The person who passed the lie detector (the wannabee's sister) just related what her simple brother had said, so she passed the lie detector test. It doesn't mean that what he related was true IMO.
How did they figure out it was RA after 5 years?
Kline wasted their time for 5 years. Finally they nailed Kline and then were able to arrest Allen. There is a link between Kline and Allen. Not sure exactly what it is yet (something to do with the Anthony Shots profile IMO).
Ron Logan drove himself to Lafayette but lied about it by saying someone drove him. However he was caught on camera driving himself to the dump that day. LE prosecuted and jailed him for that.

BTW Kline is appealing his sentence, I think I read. Will find link.

Kline appeal link

Kline link explaining the run around and time wasting that he gave LE.

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