FL MADELINE SOTO: Missing from Orlando, FL - 26 Feb 2024 - Age 13 *Found Deceased*


Madeline Soto missing: Florida mom begs for daughter's safe return home​

A mother in Orange County is begging for help locating her missing daughter.

Madeline ‘Maddie’ Soto was last seen on Monday, one day after she and her family celebrated her 13th birthday. Maddie’s mother, Jenn Soto, said surveillance video shows Maddie hanging out in a church parking lot on February 26 after being dropped off for school, but she never made it inside.

"I’m trying to hope for the best, but I’m scared for her," said Jenn Soto. "I want her to be okay; I want her to be safe… I don’t want her to come back harmed. I just want her back – whatever that means, I just want her back."

Jenn Soto said sheriff’s deputies are using K9s and a piece of Maddie’s clothing to try to track her scent near Town Loop Boulevard.

According to Jenn Soto, Maddie had never run away before. She said the teen had forgotten her cell phone at home that morning, but that was normal.

As of Wednesday morning, a variety of search teams are out searching for Maddie.

MEDIA - MADELINE SOTO: Missing from Orlando, FL - 26 Feb 2024 - Age 13
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So I have not had the time it would take to catch up with all of this and the 900 pages, etc. Watched a bit of some covering, etc. and many are still going through all new info too.

So she was strangled.

He comes over at 10:30 so Madelne can get ready for bed. Mom comes home at 11 and says to them and mom says she is so tired, needs her rest and tells them she needs to sleep by herself. Tired. Didn't wake up til 8 or 9 next morning...

Sent the two of them off to the guest bedroom??!!! Upstairs. Jen wanted to sleep in she told them.

When he arrived Jenn wasn't home and he directed Maddie to get ready for bed.

Then the story about they got up about 7, 7:15 as wanted McDonalds and an early start. Lie imo. Haven't been able to watch all of anything but here is one of many....

Got footage from Holiday Inn Club Vacations shows a Lincoln going into garage where he exits vehicle, opens trunk, walks to passenger seat, opens door and proceeds to carry a limp body to the trunk.

How did he have access to some Holdaiy Inn garage? And what a dumbas* did he think no cameras? He should have operated here, no ta camera in the place as there SHOULD BE.

Oh and YES now there are ROOMMATES in the HOME. I had heard mention of that but forgot. Again haven't been able to commit a lot of time to it yet, all the new info. Channels are the same and haven't been able to yet either with all of it.
Now things about the menstrual cycle.... Normally was on track with it with her friend but not this time, it came late. I'll leave that one alone other than to say friend thought her a virgin and so Maddie never shared that with her...
Another friend of Maddie's said she did mom was going to disown her and kick her out of house at 18. Last remark is bad enough but disown?

Then of course there is a former gf of SS who she says he said they were broke up a the time he dated or had sex with her, the former gf, but was still going to their home to sleep with Maddie to comfort her to sleep and told he he woke up with an e___ction and had to turn away. Yeah RIGHT, you sick POS.

Jen was very absolutely stupid or competing with her daughter in my opinion and I'd never underestimate how he may well have gaslighted and played the two against each other. Who the heck knows. It's still beyond me why he was even there that night.
I keep forgetting but going to put down before I forget again since it just crossed my mind, Florida now does not need unanimity for the DP. Only 8 jurors of 12 need to agree. Way to go FL, I hiopei some follow suit!
Apparently he had a cut three inches long, scratch. Severely SA'ed even in sleep by him images found. Clearly in her own home. Finished Vinnie, got called by work get to go in an hour late which is good and bad but I took them up on the offer so watching this now.

He is so evil and beyond but so STUPID. They have him every which way from Friday. Dead in the front seat on video then on video of Holdiay Inn putting her body in the trunk. I mean what a DUMB ARSE.
SO MUCH NEW INFO still being dissected. The timeline of all is blown basically as to her claims and his... VP is not my fave but they are putting the timeline together and more here. Not sure why he these days is partial to having Gray on but whatever...Gray had his own show but close to five hours, uhm, don't think so and generally 1/5 of such will be the case and the rest a bunch of stupid sh*t and donation crap.

However, the timeline thus far here is notable. AND more, all from released docs, filings. Plunder is saying something like 1500 plus pages, I had first heard 900.

I have not yet finished this video but keep listening.

This case for me is definitely one I am going to see out for one of the newer ones. Daybell is ended although more coming for Lori but that may be a long time off. Delphi well, that's it's own thing and silent for the moment as it always is when defense isn't under pressure and needing a delay, they have such so won't probably erupt until more pressure and deadlines.

Read apologetically I don't care that much about and the heat there is to me ridiculous and some can't see straight or even look with ONE thing the other way once in awhile.

Morphew I wait on. Some others rear their heads on occasion with some appeal motion or some such but this one is active as heck right now as is LISK.

Lots trying to cover what's in these pages and get through them all... in this case.


Sterns' defense waives his appearance at pre-trial hearings​

The Orange/Osceola Public Defender’s office filed a waiver in Osceola County Court Tuesday afternoon to allow accused murdered Stephan Sterns to skip pre-trial hearings scheduled Wednesday.

“The undersigned attorney will appear on behalf of the accused at all scheduled pretrial conferences,” the Waiver of Defendant’s Attendance at Pretrial Conference filed Tuesday afternoon reads.

His trial on the murder charge was scheduled to begin July 16, and the trial on his 60 other charges was set for the Aug. 19 trial docket. As a notice that defense attorneys will be taking at least one more deposition in mid-September in the case, those dates will likely be continued into the fall.
Deposition of who for God's sake. This man has no defense imo. I suppose he will try to turn the murder on the mother but he sure can't do that with all the sexual charges. Idiot should just plead guilty and go be the sex toy of grown men as he made Maddie be!

It's getting way too easy on criminals and jail must be cushy as they don't even want to leave now for a day out, and imo it should NOT BE ALLOWED for them EVER NOT TO ATTEND matters their pleading not guilty CAUSES like hearings for such.
Or I guess all are getting immune to it...

And that is sick in and of itself.

When good men and women do and say nothing... What happens from there....

This case is outrageous. Yet silent here.

Stephan Sterns' trial delayed in Madeline Soto murder case​

His trial was set to start next week, but a judge approved a request from Sterns’ team for more time, adding there could be more than 170 witnesses in this case.

“We are moving to continue, your honor, we have quite a bit of work to do on the case... We’re also requesting that instead of it being on a pretrial docket that it go onto a status docket that way the state isn’t constantly sending out subpoenas for I believe there’s somewhere in the vicinity of 177 witnesses right now,” Sterns’ team said.

Though the state requested the new date be within the next 30 to 45 days, the judge set the trial for Oct. 14.

Both the murder case and the case involving the 60 charges are being tried together.
Big surprise. Not. Someone clearly so guilty pleads not guilty. Delays.

A 13 year old girl SAd most of her entire life from single digits onward.

Where was ANYONE.

And then murdered.

You know cases come and go but some just grab a person. This one is one of them.

This man should be FRIED.

Not sure about mom but leaving that open... Not feeling she deserves any benefit of the doubt though.

She was a CHILD. He was the WORST of predators.

But ya know what, he like so many ALL of a SUDDEN can say hey, I don't think I want to attend court today.

Does anyone see the bullsh*t going ON?

I guess I'm just out there and not in this let's just stay in our bubble and who cares.... As things get worse and worse.

Updated: 6:22 AM EDT Jul 12, 2024
Luana Munoz

Weekend Anchor

New documents released Thursday shed more light on Stephan Sterns, who is accused of the murder of 13-year-old Madeline Soto.

One day after Sterns' trial was delayed, the state attorney's office released a 64-page document of email correspondence between Sterns and who appear to be his parents.

The conversation starts off with Sterns complaining about life in isolation.

"It's not exactly the Ritz; it's a small cell, and the pod is quite noisy," Sterns said. "The mat is flat and has very little cushion left. The cell is small, filthy, and has some spots on the wall that appear to be bloody fingerprints."

He later complains that his coffee supply is running low and continues to ask for a book.

It's an odd conversation for the 38-year-old accused of 60 counts of sexual battery of a child and of the murder of Madeline Soto.

Detectives said Sterns is seen on surveillance driving around with Soto's dead body in his car before allegedly dumping her in a rural field in February.

In an email dated June 25, Sterns told his family,"...There is still perhaps a slim hope for my situation." He continued by saying, "I maintain hope that I might be able to come home once this whole nasty business has reached its end and ask that you both remain hopeful as well and continue to pray for me to be delivered home again."

A redacted email is then sent back to Sterns' signed mom that alludes to some accusations.

She said, "We all know (blank) was heavily involved in this, and I am disgusted that she is free and you are not when this is not all your fault. You need to think about yourself more and her less. She sure isn't thinking of you and how she can help you right now. That whole family is willing to stay quiet and let you take the fall for everything."

She goes on to say, "I think of the craziness (blank) lived through with (blanks) various partners... Not a stable life at all for a child. I do pray for (blank) and you daily."

Updated: 6:22 AM EDT Jul 12, 2024
Luana Munoz
Weekend Anchor

New documents released Thursday shed more light on Stephan Sterns, who is accused of the murder of 13-year-old Madeline Soto.

One day after Sterns' trial was delayed, the state attorney's office released a 64-page document of email correspondence between Sterns and who appear to be his parents.

The conversation starts off with Sterns complaining about life in isolation.

"It's not exactly the Ritz; it's a small cell, and the pod is quite noisy," Sterns said. "The mat is flat and has very little cushion left. The cell is small, filthy, and has some spots on the wall that appear to be bloody fingerprints."

He later complains that his coffee supply is running low and continues to ask for a book.

It's an odd conversation for the 38-year-old accused of 60 counts of sexual battery of a child and of the murder of Madeline Soto.

Detectives said Sterns is seen on surveillance driving around with Soto's dead body in his car before allegedly dumping her in a rural field in February.

In an email dated June 25, Sterns told his family,"...There is still perhaps a slim hope for my situation." He continued by saying, "I maintain hope that I might be able to come home once this whole nasty business has reached its end and ask that you both remain hopeful as well and continue to pray for me to be delivered home again."

A redacted email is then sent back to Sterns' signed mom that alludes to some accusations.

She said, "We all know (blank) was heavily involved in this, and I am disgusted that she is free and you are not when this is not all your fault. You need to think about yourself more and her less. She sure isn't thinking of you and how she can help you right now. That whole family is willing to stay quiet and let you take the fall for everything."

She goes on to say, "I think of the craziness (blank) lived through with (blanks) various partners... Not a stable life at all for a child. I do pray for (blank) and you daily."
I actually just ran into a YT video by Plunder on this. And one can take or leave such but the same thing where his mom is I guess excusing him and blaming the mom Jen Soto. I only had just started it but Plunder is comparing this to the mom of Chris Watts and even before hearing more, pretty hard to dsiagree. NO ONE MADE THEM DO WHAT THEY DID.

And listen to to this cretin's mother HERE. He plays people and excuse me it was his pecker not the mom's and no one made him get it out.

I do NOT have much defense of mom though and am wide open to her either naivete, stupidity or total involvement and knowledge.

But his mom? Should go back to her poodles or whatever they are and quit thinking ANY excuse is going to get her son off from what he did to a 13 year old girl from the time she was what, SIX?

Her son is total scum, a dirt bag, a loser, and flat out EVIL. Regardless of mom. it was his body, his pecker. I mean did the mother force him at gun point or something to molest her daughter?

What the HE77 kind of idiocy and conversation is this?

What a freaking weird family. His. PERIOD.
She is not my fave, nor my first 'go to". However, she gets the documents, etc. and one has to give her that.

I am not even close to through it yet, barely started but lots of things and for one he dumped things in that complex dumpster more than once and more than just her backpack and laptop.

Of course there is the communication as touched on above between mom, dad and him. We have parents, at least a mom, like those of Chris Watts it would seem.

Not sure how his mommy expects to make his sexual acts with this child innocent regardless of whether Jennifer (mom) was part of things or not.

I'm not in here a lot but if there is a new case that is going to grab me next it is this one. it's just SOOOO awful. ANd he is sooooo CREEPY and this was going on since Maddie was in single digits. AND what was mom's KNOWLEDGE if any?

To listen to HIS mom, she's at fault. (Maddie's mom). Uhm doesn't make your son's unit uhm not near this CHILD or in her mouth. Excuse me but get real lady with your poodles about your entirely messed up son.

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Florida sheriff accused of posting photo of missing teen’s body summoned to court​

Osceola County Sheriff Marcos Lopez, accused of posting a photo of teenage homicide victim Madeline Soto’s body on social media, was ordered to appear in court on Monday.

The state attorney alleges Lopez violated public records laws by posting the photo to his Instagram page a day after her body was found, according to a report from NBC affiliate WESH.

Lopez apologized after accidentally including the photo in a post that was not related to the search for Soto or the discovery of her body. He was summoned for a non-criminal citation in connection to the incident.

The citation said he is accused of publishing a picture depicting the killing of a minor, according to WESH. He was ordered to appear in court in December to face the charge.
So I gather there are someone from 800 to 1000 pages if I heard it right, out on this case, with redactions.

I saw a not long video by Duty Ron and break and lunch today. It related in this one to the fact there was another car and another trip to where Madeline's body was. I do NOT think I knew this and don't think I ever recall seeing it here.

Every act was with his Lincoln I think it was. He left on the fake school trip with her it where they see her dead in their opinion. He comes back in it. He leaves again in it and by license plate readers and other things, they found Madelin and its route when he dumped her.

BUT again it was break, and hoping I have this right on day and car, but either way someone went back there or seemed to like at 3 or 4 in the morning in I think it was a Nissan. It is blacked out in the document as to who owns the car. Whenever this was it would have been after LE involved and Maddie reported missing and I think it was that night, next early morn hours.

So then DR says in his show this could be him, her or both of them of course. He believes it to be him but says all possibilities are in play. His opinion though is it was him, or at least him, going back worried as LE probably wasn't seeming to believe him to move her or to cover her or check on her, etc...

He leaves all the possibilities open though.

Also pretty scathing as I would be as well about his whining to his parents about the lack of coffee, hard mattress, different things, when he DID WHAT he did to an at least 8 year old to 13 year old girl for YEARS.

I've said before he's not my fave but he has his moments. I don't hate him or anything, his shows just generally don't take much for stance and can be a little dull. I don't mean one has to have a stance but he rarely even opines like this and he has a strong one here, as far as Sterns. Undecided on mom.

And SOOOO cops saw a return trip or found enough to track the path basically in a car likely owned by one of them or someone he knew back to Maddie's body. All comes from the docs, Jenn's car would be my guess, could be parents too. He also laid into the mom somewhat, HIS mom, and I agree there too. Her little letters to him are thinking she can actually blame the mother and get him out of trouble. What a joke. There is sooooo much on this man. Mom may be involved or have had knowledge but it won't get him OFF. EVER.

Listening to something else right now but I will get the link if anyone is interested when I get time. Wish I had time to read the almost 1,000 pages of more than that but that's not going to happen.

This case is atrocious and so is the know perp.
So this week or even last and this, can't recall, more info in this case has come out too about what the perp's mom said at first. I haven't watched a one yet, but Plunder had a show on it, Duty Ron (more responsible most would think, retired cop) and Law and Crime. I have not had time to watch a thing about what the mother said, etc. in this recent news news. But I just remembered, like I remembered new talk in Lisk, so putting the one most would consider the most close to a news channel, Law and Crime. I am not going to get time to watch or even know what they are talking about but it's been floating and talked about out there for some days. So sharing, if anyone else has time to watch and update.


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