FL MADELINE SOTO: Missing from Orlando, FL - 26 Feb 2024 - Age 13 *Found Deceased*


Madeline Soto missing: Florida mom begs for daughter's safe return home​

A mother in Orange County is begging for help locating her missing daughter.

Madeline ‘Maddie’ Soto was last seen on Monday, one day after she and her family celebrated her 13th birthday. Maddie’s mother, Jenn Soto, said surveillance video shows Maddie hanging out in a church parking lot on February 26 after being dropped off for school, but she never made it inside.

"I’m trying to hope for the best, but I’m scared for her," said Jenn Soto. "I want her to be okay; I want her to be safe… I don’t want her to come back harmed. I just want her back – whatever that means, I just want her back."

Jenn Soto said sheriff’s deputies are using K9s and a piece of Maddie’s clothing to try to track her scent near Town Loop Boulevard.

According to Jenn Soto, Maddie had never run away before. She said the teen had forgotten her cell phone at home that morning, but that was normal.

As of Wednesday morning, a variety of search teams are out searching for Maddie.

MEDIA - MADELINE SOTO: Missing from Orlando, FL - 26 Feb 2024 - Age 13
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By the way I know this much, it has come from actual court file documents or hearings.

NOT gossip.

I started one on break at work the other day so know that much and never have had a chance to get back to it.
Okay, I should be in bed and going shortly but I have wondered at different show headlines I've seen for some days now and not any time to know what this is about. I did watch this and it is not very long. Because I don't want to get further behind than this is.

So now mom has been trying to help him but not the way she acted initially...

And MORE. A lot packed into not that long of time. I am NOT a major L & C fan but it gave me what I've seen hints of in headlines and such.

Again this stuff is coming from court filings, warrants, etc. and not rumor.
Grizzly turned me off awhile back re the Delphi case and so I rarely choose to watch her any longer but never so much that I would never and she has the Jennifer Soto interview, or at least one fo them, she obtained through FOIA request and a long wait. I am NOT going to NOT watch that!! And so I'm some minutes in but haven't heard all yet and of course am going to SHARE such too.

If you watch, stay plugged in as I was getting frustrated not being able to hear the officer and especially her well while they got everything situated but once the interview finally starts, one can hear clearly.

I haven't seen it through myself yet but will be doing so.

Grizzly interrupts on occasion and I wish podcasters would not do that. Duty Ron does it too, often without stopping the video. At least Grizzly stops it. I'd prefer a play through clean version first and then they can go back and part and parcel it and comment. I like to hear something like an interview unbroken to see how it flows even... BUT she has it and it's her show and only interrupted twice I think so far but I'm also not very far in. Someone I'm sure will put up a clean copy at some point and maybe she even has one or will but haven't looked. If I can't see a live, I like to see chat and how the people think or react to what is learned for one.

So I'm not going to share every thing of matter because it takes too long but for I will some. Anyone who has true interest in the case can watch it. And for future people who may look at this one day or new members I put the link and just trying to keep it up to date with news when I can.

But a few things, it was wondered and this was a NEW job for Jenn. It MIGHT explain missing the birthday party, you aren't immediately going to ask for time off and you if smart when trying to get a job are going to say at first you can work any hours needed, etc.

When asked when she last saw Maddie, she immediately said Wednesday at 11. But she also immediately corrected it to Sunday, the day of the birthday party. Grizzly had to stop and jump in there of course saying the other was possible, and maybe... But what is also possible is it was a new job and Jenn had worked on a weekend, on Sunday until late, showing it has night shifts too, or maybe all are. And weekends.

In my job. Wednesday is my Friday, and Thursday and Friday are my weekend. And even though not new to me, been doing that for a long time now, about 1.5 years, when I go back to work on Saturday, I think all day it is Monday. Because we have all had years of what days the weekend actually is. I can also go off even that and my shifts are all over the place night or day. So this could be that simple and not some lying slip because she never saw her that Sunday night. However, maybe she didn't...

Going to mention one if Grizzly wants to come in and note things of significance that I thought significant and she never noted. Jennifer slept in she thinks til like 9 the next day but then had to get going, had a doctor's appt., think she said she got home at 11 (I'd have to relisten) and asked if Stephen was there, she said yes. What was he doing she was asked and she said he was sitting at my comp-- and stops self and then says the or my family computer and desk with his phone... Okay this one does red flag to me. She caught herself making it NOT HER personal computer but one everyone uses in case of content on it that could be found perhaps if you ASK ME.

She's also pausing a long time with some answers and this is just a couple days after all happened. Like two I think.

Again I'm not going to share all but I will give a sampling this first time of some things I haven't shared which have been widely wondered what is true. Now can't say she is a truth teller but things like she said her sister dropped Maddie off after the birthday party later that day, she was not home. So now we know how Maddie got home. She said how she sent them upstairs to bedroom number four to sleep, both of them, that's confirmed. She slept downstairs on the master bed I assume in the master bedroom of the home. Two roommates with the other two bedrooms, both are female, one has a child there part of the week.

So lots of things we've wondered, just as a sampling.

But I'm only showing there's more than what I came in to share to show that when I just give some things when and if I watch the rest tonight, there are a lot of other answers in it I haven't mentioned or things I noted.

TO ME she changed calling the computer hers to protect self. And it hints at a knowledge of the kinds of things he would do online and more. Doesn't prove, but sure hints of such to me. She was make it a family if no public computer so anything found on it could be argued defensively it could have been someone else, or a roommate or whatever.

Because and now this makes no sense, Maddie had like a bedroom downstairs, sounds like maybe a couch, a half wall, a desk, not a totally closed in room, something just half made for her I guess. But she never slept in it. The desk makes up the half wall and I'm guessing that's the same desk she is talking about in that later question with the computer...

Maddie couldn't sleep alone, she's use this makeshift bedroom during the day but never sleep in it...

Usually slept with Jenn, sometimes she sent the two up to room four upstairs and sometimes it was all three in the master bedroom.

She makes it mostly her and I don't buy it EXCEPT for the fact he supposedly had not been around recently and they hadn't been together so maybe true until all of a sudden he's back and WHY and was to take her to school, etc... I mean maybe she slept with mom most only when he was gone...

So I'm just saying these other things that I was not going to share to show I came into talk mostly about the computer remark and how she may have thought Wednesday was Sunday with a new job. I added the rest to show there's been more and not going to do it after this, just going to maybe mention anything that calls to me and doesn't answer some of these questions we simply have all wondered like who brought her home, roommates, was the job Disney, long held, or new, etc...
He called her at 10 something to explain they didn't do McDonald's, were going to, didn't, etc., had been the plan and reason to go early, etc. I am not BUYING a WORD of THIS. Can I believe he'd make such a call, maybe. Can I believe this mattered to her or she cared or knew the details and this was why the call was? Not really buying it...It just SOUNDS like lies... In that part... I think she is referring to her phone with some of the pauses perhaps. Seeing a call was logged so there had to be a reason for the call, etc...
She's telling HIS STORY. He explained the vape shop to her too, how it wasn't open and more. And how he went back later. WHy would any relationship needs these nitty details or it explained. It sounds like coordinating to me... or he is calling her with sh*t if all fine that shouldn't even matter, this woman who wanted to sleep and not be bothered, etc. and anyone would be suspicious of such unless this is normal and he hadn't even been around for how long so there was no norm. Not adding up to me.

She asks if cops want name of vape shop and female cop said uhm yes. Then Jenn goes uhm and pauses, and cop goes if can't think of it, sure we will talk again soon so no need if don't know offhand, and Jennifer felt need to explain, When cop said no, she then says oh just thought you know if know name and check video can see it true... WHY does she feel the NEED to show his story is true and offer THINGS that will help confirm HIS story...

We have SEEN his story and interview, etc. and they are way too matchy, matchy. TOTALLY. Covered every detail... BUT had never heard hers...

I started out this case without totally going there but she's sinking fast for me now and in even weeks after the initial murder and missing child, there have been things.

This is one place Grizzly and I matched. She paused and said she sounds like a liar. And she DOES.
Even here (and again there's more, not sharing all) when couldn't find her when school over, did this, did that, and finally called her best friend and asked if she knew if Madeline knew she was picking her up that day or thought she was to walk to grandma's office (is I think what is meant) and the friend said, no, she never came to school, she was not in the first two periods they had together at school. And Jennifer said are you sure because "WE" dropped her off at school... Here is the "WE" again and it was NOT WE. She is LYING THROUGH HER TEETH TO A COP IN AN INTERVIEW. And this is I thought two days after, Grizzly said next day. Either way, she is still covering for him and making it sound as if they BOTH DROPPED HER OFF. NOT TRUE as we know...

I am getting more disgusted by the minute...
And even am really starting to wonder if she really did see her daughter last on Wednesday as Grizzly thought might be the case when she said that but has now had to stick to her lies... Maybe she never even told them to go upstairs together nor ever saw her, she just left him to do whatever with her and who knows...

He said Maddie had been with her mother most of the week...

Did Jennifer just hand her off and maybe grandma said after the party I work Monday and she needs to come home, I helped you out as much as I could and then she calls him?

Something is really unknown here and more than just something like that imo.

And Jennifer had Monday off but did have a doctor's appt but not so hard to get too if she just slept in and went out the door when she awoke and was not even sure of waking time had to check, see if her alarm was set for that date. You need sleep, you have a doctor's appt., day off, want to sleep in but NEVER SET an alarm it's all so important...? NOT ADDING UP.

I am in my 60s and when young easily did such but she is young and so works til what ten? Because last time she saw Maddie was 11 Sunday. And she needs ten hours of sleep from a shift? I work til past 9 get home near ten at times, stay up til way weer hours than I should and am back to work the next day at 7, up at 4 or so at latest, had a couple of hours of sleep and again I'm in my 60s. She had the DAY OFF. Her mom had had her most of the week, or all of it. She missed her daughter's 13th birthday party and that would make it sound as if she may have missed her actual birthday too.

Here's what I would do. First off, never would have called him. Would have had sister bring child home but maybe there was a gap of a few hours and even though 13 Maddie didn't like to be alone, and we can all guess the reasons for the weird things here and issues, tell your mom I will pick her up after work or before you have to work in the morning if you could just keep her. Even if she felt FORCED to call him because they said no, thank him, send HIM to bed and even let him stay nicely because he did you a favor and go to bed with your daughter with you. It's 11,, get five or six hours sleep TAKE her TO SCHOOL and McD's if wanted and you've spent NO TIME with her, that's plenty of sleep at Jenn's age AND come back home and get ready for your doc appointment or just go to it as she made it in no time anyhow by her tale of no alarms it looked like and unsure when she awoke but then had a doc appt... BUt no alarms she made it, etc. Or reschedule, but say you keep it, do it as she DID ANYHOW needing no alarm I guess, come back home then after you've dropped her off, done your doctor, if the creep is still hanging around, thank him (ugh no) and send him off. You slept with her, you took her to school, NOW you have the rest of the day off while she's at school, spent some time with your daughter and if you want a few more hours sleep, TAKE THEM.

i''m starting to feel my first tickle of she knew all and knew ahead of time... She knew for years. She was part of knew... I never once have thought that but not so sure all of a sudden. Not anywhere convinced but this is NOT ADDING UP... It's coming across as a cover story THEY created...

Does any single mom appreciate and not refuse a break? I get that. From grandma, from him BUT they hadn't seen each other in how long and she'd had grandma and she HAD MONDAY OFF.

It is NOT adding up. Many out there even the kind of retired LE thinks she was more in this, and I could go with a lot of it. It's unfathomable you send a 13 year old to bed with your bf to any normal person. It's hard to believe in what six or more years she never saw a sign or knew any of this... But I gave the benefit of the doubt... Naive, desperate to keep help or a man, too trusting... I found it hard to believe but I did try to give it.

This is HER interview and way too matchy for him BUT she's also covering for self. It's obvious. Whether covering because she really never saw her at all, condoned something and knew better she shouldn't have, has known for years OR was part of it even for years (the worst case scenario, I don't know but it isn't only covering him imo... And it is good to remember this is before she was FOUND.

I said I wasn't going to share all and I'm certainly not, it needs a watch by anyone who cares, but I will go back and say one thing. The female cop interviewing her told her they were from Orange County I think if I recall, and Jenn had talked to a cop before but not her. And she asked something and then asked if they were from Kissimmee (was that who first responded?) and she said no, Orange County to Jenn, Sex Crimes Unit... This is on recording when things weren't entirely clear before the formal interview. But was recorded. Jenn asked something but to me she did not seem like WHY sex crimes unit (should have been total shock right?) and the cop said it is about her age and sometimes when the age and a child missing, they have different rules and who can take over or should and a 13 year old well. I am very much paraphrasing and wasn't the easiest to hear. She seemed to have her radar up just being it was not who responded the night she reported her missing, same department, etc... I think what the cop was hoping she'd take from it (just my guess) is she's 13 and someone took her or she ran to someone, etc.) and so county sex crime unit, change of jurisdiction/team.

I don't know yet but by now guessing they had quickly found some things on his phone and more and is this the one they tell her what he did or does that come in a later one? I'm really not that far in but I think we know why they took over....

I go back some minutes and decide to share this because Jenn didn't seem to be like oh, do you think some stranger sexual molestor has her, it seems to make her "wary"... IMO.
Seems significant or could be. Cop asked her if she ever came back home after finding out Maddie hadn't been at school. She made it clear, no. She looked for her, called friends, texted principal or teacher, Stephan was at her house and at a point she ends up at mom's office they are waiting for cops, and at some point during all this she lets him know she never made it to school, he comes and joins all them and she eventually says NO she never went back home after going to pick her up until after LE responded and the whole long night, etc. The female cop then asks her where Maddie's phone was at this time and she said she had it. This is an attempted trap imo. Female cop having laid the groundwork said how did you have her phone if you never went back home... A minor hesitation, she reacts fairly fast and I took it with me. I took it with me to pick her up from school. I often do that when she forgets it. To remind her she forgot it and to let her play games, etc. I'm doubtful here. VERY doubtful. Could be but I don't see real reason to buy this and find it kind of unlikely.... I just am not buying this one listening to her. There are times she doesn't hesitate and her answers are more quick and this one didn't take long but I think she instantly knew it was important and didn't make sense and was a trap...

So you reward a kid that forgot her phone by bringing it and letting her play games after you pick her up. I guess maybe if you're a mom who wants no part of caring for your kid.

I tell ya, it's nothing major here and I'm halfway (so clearly haven't shared all) but it just isn't gel-ing... Most of it, most all, not all, but most... I believe the minor details that have no impact on her or Stephan. On BOTH. And that's about it. Minor things like her sister bringing her home. Like what time the birthday party started. That he did not attend it, nor did she. I am doubting anything Moe than the minor stuff... A LOT.
Oh boy... This was the day after. Confirmed now from the cop.

And lots of questions about the phone and she's tell her it was home all day too and then I think cop mentioned when did the police take the phone, it was home all day? And she goes "oh, just kidding just kidding, that it was home all day, yeah the police have it... She can't keep sh*t straight. I mean I guess some could try to say a distraught mother but no.

And I am beginning to think a LOT worse than even maybe having a hint after the fact... Or knowledge even after the fact. For the first time I can see possibly a plan by the two of them ahead of the fact. Even did she go to mom's office rather than realizing I was picking her up.... And then of course it all ending up at mom's office with family there and she luckily has her phone of course. But she tried but was too distraught to go through it so her mom and sister did, checking her Roblox, messages, etc... I can't help but think she had it with intentionally or at least am having some suspicions... I mean did they think finding the Maddie was going to go live in the woods at 13 would be a point in another direction.... it's all just TOO something...

They are asking a lot of questions to pinpoint if she ever went back home and then even ask a bit later then when they finally did get back home and she was very unsure of that answer for quite some time... And eventually said 9 I think or 9;30. Well the cops didn't show up until 7:30... Officer asked if they then went back out at all searching or anything and she said Stephan did. Well that's known that he went back to the place he put Maddie more than once... This is her daughter and it is only 9 something and new job or not, your daughter is missing and cops are involved, you definitely are not going to work the next day and you don't go looking with him...? It's YOUR daughter, he hasn't even been around in how long...

I even allow for her to be not quite the way some would act, distraught, couldn't cope, you name it but NO.

Again, not sold on anything yet or going to the furthest worst possibility with mom but I'm having some real hints of such...

There's too much. I don't go past one thing that doesn't add up, then two, then three, then up to five, etc... The bells are going off. Beyond going off. Nothing solid but too many things to explain always does it for me...
Just kidding. What a wrong thing to say when all of her other things she's never made such an inappropriate comment that doesn't fit what just happened. Anyone else would say it's been a long two days, I'm beyond worried and can't think. Of course the cops had her phone we'd say. She put it out as if during something so serious she claimed it was home all day as some big joke. This really is an ODD thing in this interview. She was caught. Imo. And it was her quick response. You don't KID about your daughter missing and her phone and where it was or who had it...
Just went on a few second. Grizzly and I agree on this one too... You'd say this or that, not just kidding. But in a few seconds she recovers a bit and said she's seen so many people today, etc. she just but then cop interrupts about whether light or dark out...

Other than when Detective Hunt took phone, it was home before that.... She starts really, really pausing. She senses these answers matter for one... She said finally pretty sure no always home. Then cop asks her if (to be fair detective I'm sure not average cop, sex crimes unit), Stephan had access to the phone and could he have taken it (paraphrasing) and again a really long pause.... She avoids and for the first time said, I'm sorry I took my medicine and feel a little spacey after all these pauses.... She has never said that once and it isn't like they had a break and she took it since the start of this interview, she is buying time and making an excuse... This question is about HIM, what's the PROBLEM Jennifer? This is YOUR DAUGHTER, he was what an EX?
They are close to ending it, and tell her they ask that they find somewhere else to stay for the night, and not go back into the home, and explain it as normal, trying to find her daughter, and I am guessing she gave them access during but now they want no one going back in, and then explain just because last place they know she was was STephan's car they will be towing that, and making it sound as if that's the only reason... She needs her meds and wants to go back in for them so she can be "normal" and detective said they'd find a way (meaning I'm sure that she is not going back in... This is of course next day and I have little doubt (guessing) they already know some things for sure... She says she does not know where they will go (why worry about HIM?) but detective put it is normal of course routine and Jenn said she understands when detective uses that phrase this is why, does that make sense? More than once. Such a phrase these days for awhile now....

She seems to with it kind of winding towards an end (not there yet) have things hit her a bit and I'm sure she knows or suspects to a point they are seeing some things whether it is being said to her or not...

I would suspect they for sure know by the next day when they interviewed her about the backpack and laptop and probably the security cams at the complex. Just a guess, but would not doubt it. And maybe picked up something on his phone pretty quickly and the stupid arse, just the fact he said he just reset it would put off alarm bells in the situation even if you weren't a cop...

I wouldn't doubt there is video with this somewhere, perhaps not, but this was all just recorded voices. I'd have loved to seen her face with each thing and at times is he pausing or looking to see if alarms were set in her phone for that morning, if he really called, etc. and/or buying time... But just RECORDED, it's easy to really find places it seems pretty obvious she is lying or sticking with lies...

It's not over yet, and again there's a lot more in it. It has five minutes left I think Grizzly said, she now interrupted, and then I am guessing she talks more for a bit because there is longer than that left of HER video on it...

If anyone cares or is interested or followed, it isn't like it's earth shattering but all these details and such they have sewn her into and her behavior and answers with everything else, tell a LOT. Lots of red flags imo... And she's aware it is more than just a nicey nicey thing, she at least is aware they are looking at a lot of things... And with him for sure I'd guess. And why is that she is so worried and aware of it...
Also I think of note. This detective just got done telling her they needed neither her or him going back in the house until they did their thing. Not a maybe, they were asking/saying they can't. Jennifer didn't say I need someone to get my meds for me. She SAID "I need to go back into the house". Why NOT I need it arranged that someone can get my meds for me, I get that I can't go in. I NEED to go back into the house. Verbatim. They said already can't/ or asked (I have no idea if they had a warrant already or she had agreed to things but I'm thinking maybe a warrant, this is next day) and she HAS a missing daughter and is being told they can't have anyone coming back into the house so they can do their thing to help her daughter get found and she says I need to go back into the house.... WHAT? Not, okay, do what you need to to find my kid, but I need this medication and that one and here is where they are, can you have someone get them for me?
And in hindsight back to the beginning and not done yet, sex crimes unit shouldn't have bothered her with a 13 year old missing and she and her family themselves are checking who she may have been talking to or connected with but it seemed to alert her/worry her... She knew????
Now they tell her about the violent crimes unit being involved and she just is like hmm, mm hmm. Never asks why... Same sort of with the sex crimes unit. Being told shifts would be around the clock...

They nailed her into a lot of specifics, just seemed like general questions but you could tell she was worried at times... All seemingly just what they would do in a case like this...
into the last minutes of Jenn's interview not Grizzly's. I MAY go back to watching her, at least on this case.

Now a male detective when did she go home, somewhere between 8 and 9. The cops did not show up until 7:30 if I recall! Was anyone out searching? Kind of back and forth on that a bit but then uncle may have been may dad. What about Stephan? He went out in the middle of the night searching, then she corrects it to "crusing" then adds he deals with insomnia...

Uncle found a wallet I'm assuming near grandma's office on some path... This all seems a bit too pat... I don't mean uncle, I mean someone else... or someone's else...

Anyhow, last five minutes are interesting...

And I need to stop but also need to finish it...

At TIMES she seems truthful but she sure did not throughout... One thing I think they are doing other than nailing her in on some things is just to see her baseline, how she copes, how her thinking is, etc., if she has issues that might explain some things, meds, etc... Keeping things not too serious and still making some sense, I mean serious as to looking at either of them, just ruling out, doing their standard thing... His going out in middle of night she stopped herself, corrected, and said he had insomnia. She definitely is careful... It at least shows imo she is having some questions herself, at minimum...

BUT SHE KNEW HE DROVE HER CAR... Yeah, there'a report on someone went back with another car someone owned that is related.... Now she says look at the front gate it will show it. She does seem truthful in never knowing he took her car until she got in it the next day and she knew immediately.... It puts me a BIT back on her of thinking she didn't know...

It's done now. But Grizzly's commenting after isn't...
Finished and she irritated me at the end at super speed but I'm also just tired and just watching this one tonight was a LOT. Going to cooking and home life stuff and lifestyle.

However, this is one of the few new ones on here I've followed from the start and it is above and beyond in so many ways, I was not going to miss it and knew if I did not watch, the next days may have me never doing so.

This has been so far one heckuva an investigation and good job and have to give it to Florida with the Sunshine Laws and FOIA requests. This isn't gossip, this is her ACTUAL interview.

Florida has the same political b.s. going on with some other things and laws but would you ever get this in some other cases we have been watching? NO. Most are going to SEALING when no real legal reason to do so that I ever hear of in many, in quite a few states.

ALL are bad but this one is BEYOND.

Madeline Soto case: Police have no plans to charge Jennifer Soto, sources say​

The Kissimmee Police Department has no plans to file charges against Jennifer Soto, the mother of Madeline Soto, a 13-year-old girl whose body was discovered in rural Osceola County earlier this year.

Sources told Channel 9′s Shannon Butler that Jennifer Soto has done nothing criminal so far, so she will not face charges.

Deputies have not found any evidence to charge her at this time.

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