PAUL & MAGGIE MURDAUGH: South Carolina vs. Alex Murdaugh for Double Homicide of wife & son *GUILTY*

This case is being kept pretty quiet, no major details released to speak of (other than it does say there were two different guns used), but no info regarding who found them, who called 911, very little else.

Of interest, the grandfather died just a few days after these murders and it sounds as if he was ill from various articles so probably not unexpected. I think of the typical motives, did grandpa have a big estate? How big in the overall family of grandpa's on down? They sound like a pretty well known family and a powerful one in their state, more on that in the article.

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This article discusses the second document but still doesn't have a copy of it.


Inside The Escalating Becky Hill Investigation

Things are going from bad to worse for Colleton County’s clerk of court …

by FITSNewsDecember 1, 202312

Earlier this week, we reported on the escalation of two ethics investigations into embattled Colleton County, South Carolina clerk of court Becky Hill. That news broke less than a week after we reported that Hill’s son, Colleton County information technology director Jeffrey “Colt” Hill, had been arrested on one count of wiretapping for having “willfully and feloniously intercept(ed) electronic phone communication.”

That arrest appears to have been tied to an effort to keep Becky Hill abreastof the investigations into her conduct,sources close to the probe have told us.

We previously reported that Becky Hill’s cell phone was seized by agents of the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) in connection with the inquiry into her son, but the ethics cases against her are the ones drawing the most attention – especially given their potential to impact convicted killer Alex Murdaugh’s bid for a new trial.

And there are significant developments to report this week on both of those complaints …

To recap: Hill’s office oversaw Murdaugh six-week double murder trial earlier this year – an international spectacle which has been referred to as the ‘Trial of the Century’ in the Palmetto State. Murdaugh, 55, a disbarred attorney and confessed fraudster from Hampton, S.C., was found guilty by a Colleton County jury of the graphic 2021 murders of his wife – 52-year-old Maggie Murdaugh – and younger son, 22-year-old Paul Murdaugh. S.C. circuit court judge Clifton Newman handed down a pair of life sentences in the case.

Jurors deliberated for less than three hours before returning their verdict.

Hill was the one who announced Murdaugh’s guilty verdicts to a waiting world on the evening of March 2, 2023. The following day, S.C. circuit court judge Clifton Newman handed down a pair of life sentences in the case. In early September, though, the script flipped. Murdaugh’s attorneys – led by Dick Harpootlian and Jim Griffin – dropped a bombshell motion accusing Hill of tampering with jurors who decided Murdaugh’s fate.

“Hill betrayed her oath of office for money and fame,” Harpootlian and Griffin alleged, accusing Hill of improperly influencing jurors against Murdaugh in an effort to sell copies of her book, Behind the Doors of Justice.

Hill has denied any wrongdoing – and initial reports have pointed to there being some substance to her denials. An evidentiary hearing into the tampering allegations is likely to take place sometime in February or March of 2024. Newman has rightfully recused himself from presiding over retrial motions – meaning another judge must be tapped to handle that hearing (and potentially a second trial).

According to our sources, S.C. chief justice Donald Beatty has drawn up a list of judges and will soon choose one to inherit the Murdaugh mess. Be on the lookout for more on those moving pieces in a follow-up article …

Meanwhile, back to the Becky Hill investigation(s): As we reported earlier this week, the two investigations into Hill – currently pending before the S.C. State Ethics Commission (SCSEC) – could soon be referred to SLED for criminal prosecution. In fact, as I noted, sources familiar with the inquiries made it clear they believe both of Hill’s pending ethics cases “will wind up at SLED … sooner rather than later.”

This week, our media outlet received a copy of the first ethics complaint filed against Hill. We also received a detailed report on the contents of the second report – a copy of which we are working to obtain.

In the first complaint (.pdf), it was alleged that Hill engaged in “unethical behavior” and “utilized her authority, the Colleton County courthouse and taxpayer’s money outside the scope of routine court business” to promote her book as well as a book by local reporter Michael DeWitt.

“During the Murdaugh trial, clerk of court Becky Hill has unethically and potentially unlawfully used her political office to obtain and release confidential information,” the complaint noted. “She has used her office and misallocated funds to promote her book and the book written by Michael DeWitt. Hill has neglected the office of clerk of court to take several trips to promote her book and to meet with Netflix to secure her position (in its documentary). Hill’s actions have displayed she is unfit to hold the office of clerk of court.”

Specifically, Hill is alleged to have “used her political position and authority to obtain confidential information and digital images of the defendant and others during the trial.”
(Click to view)

A notary’s signature on the first of two submitted ethics complaints against Colleton County clerk of court Becky Hill. (Provided)

Those images were allegedly taken by Melissa Gordon – whom she hired during the trial as the photographer for her book. Gordon’s husband, Neil Gordon – the publisher of Augusta Business Daily – is also the co-author of Hill’s book.

Hill “permitted Gordon unimpeded access to the (courthouse) and facilitated her in taking digital images that no other citizen was permitted to have.” Gordon was “allowed into the courthouse every day of the trial, even though it was admitted there was (a) limited amount of seating for spectators.”

Several of these photos were released in Hill’s book, along with other details which – according to the complaint – “could have an adverse effect in upholding the conviction of Murdaugh in the event of an appeal.”

The complaint further alleged that Hill oversaw “guided tours of the Colleton County Courthouse during normal business hours” in exchange for “donations.” She allegedly told participants in these guided tours that their donations would be used to “replace the front windows of the courthouse.” These funds are reportedly “unaccounted for as there are no receipts being issued and it is unknown what financial institution and account the donations are being held in.”

Not only that, in one instance Hill is accused of having “ordered a staff member” to strike out the name of Colleton County on at least one $100 check and “add (Hill’s) name” as the recipient of the donation. News of this allegedly doctored check was first referenced by Lori Murray on her popular TikTok page earlier this week.

While the first complaint against Hill raises some interesting issues – and plays directly into the allegations leveled by Murdaugh’s attorneys regarding jury tampering – sources familiar with the situation say the second report is the one that could really land her in hot water.

Well, along with the ongoing eavesdropping investigation that has ensnared her son … and could soon ensnare her, too.
(Click to view)

Becky Hill (Murdaugh Trial Pool Photo)

As mentioned, this media outlet does not have a copy of that second complaint, but multiple sources familiar with its contents have confirmed it accused Hill of misappropriating public funds from multiple accounts – and then allegedly misrepresenting those misappropriations to county officials.

The second complaint was filed by a former Colleton County employee, we are told.

While I am not going to speculate on specific misappropriation allegations in the absence of a hard copy of the document, the direction of the investigation seems clear based on subpoenas reportedly issued by SCSEC investigators following their receipt of this second complaint.

According to our sources, investigators have demanded the production of records related to no fewer than seven different Colleton County accounts which flow through Hill’s office – including two accounts which contain federal funding. Those two accounts are tied to a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) child support enforcement incentive program which provides bonuses for employees who work on these cases. A separate court-administered fines and fees account is also being pored through, along with an office Xerox account, a passport fee account, a bond account and a bond licensure account.

What are investigators looking for? Again, at this point we have no information on specific misappropriation allegations related to any of those accounts – only that investigators are digging into them.

More ominously for Hill, her personal financial records have reportedly been sought by ethics investigators under a separate subpoena.

To be clear: Hill has not been criminally charged – or found to have violated ethics law – in connection with any of the investigations referenced in this report. That includes the ongoing jury tampering investigation, the criminal probe of her son or the ethics investigations into her official conduct. Obviously in the event she were to be charged, the presumption of innocence would extend to her just as it extends to anyone accused of any criminal activity.

Sources close to Hill have zealously defended her integrity, and termed the ongoing investigations as being akin to routine audits of the funds she controls. One Hill backer told us those questioning her integrity would wind up with “more egg on their faces than Dick Harpootlian after his egg juror video,” a reference to this ongoing saga related to the jury tampering probe.
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How did she know what jurors were holdouts? She had them in a separate room didn't she? Also 2 jurors out of 10 claiming misconduct is two too many.

I am trying to find this second document.
The second room also is an allegation is it not by not all of the jurors? And it isn't 2 out of 10. I don't believe. A jury is 12 and with two alternates it is 14. Where do you get 2 out of ten which would leave 8? No one has a ten member jury.
This article discusses the second document but still doesn't have a copy of it.


Inside The Escalating Becky Hill Investigation

Things are going from bad to worse for Colleton County’s clerk of court …

by FITSNewsDecember 1, 202312

Earlier this week, we reported on the escalation of two ethics investigations into embattled Colleton County, South Carolina clerk of court Becky Hill. That news broke less than a week after we reported that Hill’s son, Colleton County information technology director Jeffrey “Colt” Hill, had been arrested on one count of wiretapping for having “willfully and feloniously intercept(ed) electronic phone communication.”

That arrest appears to have been tied to an effort to keep Becky Hill abreastof the investigations into her conduct,sources close to the probe have told us.

We previously reported that Becky Hill’s cell phone was seized by agents of the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) in connection with the inquiry into her son, but the ethics cases against her are the ones drawing the most attention – especially given their potential to impact convicted killer Alex Murdaugh’s bid for a new trial.

And there are significant developments to report this week on both of those complaints …

To recap: Hill’s office oversaw Murdaugh six-week double murder trial earlier this year – an international spectacle which has been referred to as the ‘Trial of the Century’ in the Palmetto State. Murdaugh, 55, a disbarred attorney and confessed fraudster from Hampton, S.C., was found guilty by a Colleton County jury of the graphic 2021 murders of his wife – 52-year-old Maggie Murdaugh – and younger son, 22-year-old Paul Murdaugh. S.C. circuit court judge Clifton Newman handed down a pair of life sentences in the case.

Jurors deliberated for less than three hours before returning their verdict.

Hill was the one who announced Murdaugh’s guilty verdicts to a waiting world on the evening of March 2, 2023. The following day, S.C. circuit court judge Clifton Newman handed down a pair of life sentences in the case. In early September, though, the script flipped. Murdaugh’s attorneys – led by Dick Harpootlian and Jim Griffin – dropped a bombshell motion accusing Hill of tampering with jurors who decided Murdaugh’s fate.

“Hill betrayed her oath of office for money and fame,” Harpootlian and Griffin alleged, accusing Hill of improperly influencing jurors against Murdaugh in an effort to sell copies of her book, Behind the Doors of Justice.

Hill has denied any wrongdoing – and initial reports have pointed to there being some substance to her denials. An evidentiary hearing into the tampering allegations is likely to take place sometime in February or March of 2024. Newman has rightfully recused himself from presiding over retrial motions – meaning another judge must be tapped to handle that hearing (and potentially a second trial).

According to our sources, S.C. chief justice Donald Beatty has drawn up a list of judges and will soon choose one to inherit the Murdaugh mess. Be on the lookout for more on those moving pieces in a follow-up article …

Meanwhile, back to the Becky Hill investigation(s): As we reported earlier this week, the two investigations into Hill – currently pending before the S.C. State Ethics Commission (SCSEC) – could soon be referred to SLED for criminal prosecution. In fact, as I noted, sources familiar with the inquiries made it clear they believe both of Hill’s pending ethics cases “will wind up at SLED … sooner rather than later.”

This week, our media outlet received a copy of the first ethics complaint filed against Hill. We also received a detailed report on the contents of the second report – a copy of which we are working to obtain.

In the first complaint (.pdf), it was alleged that Hill engaged in “unethical behavior” and “utilized her authority, the Colleton County courthouse and taxpayer’s money outside the scope of routine court business” to promote her book as well as a book by local reporter Michael DeWitt.

“During the Murdaugh trial, clerk of court Becky Hill has unethically and potentially unlawfully used her political office to obtain and release confidential information,” the complaint noted. “She has used her office and misallocated funds to promote her book and the book written by Michael DeWitt. Hill has neglected the office of clerk of court to take several trips to promote her book and to meet with Netflix to secure her position (in its documentary). Hill’s actions have displayed she is unfit to hold the office of clerk of court.”

Specifically, Hill is alleged to have “used her political position and authority to obtain confidential information and digital images of the defendant and others during the trial.”
(Click to view)

A notary’s signature on the first of two submitted ethics complaints against Colleton County clerk of court Becky Hill. (Provided)

Those images were allegedly taken by Melissa Gordon – whom she hired during the trial as the photographer for her book. Gordon’s husband, Neil Gordon – the publisher of Augusta Business Daily – is also the co-author of Hill’s book.

Hill “permitted Gordon unimpeded access to the (courthouse) and facilitated her in taking digital images that no other citizen was permitted to have.” Gordon was “allowed into the courthouse every day of the trial, even though it was admitted there was (a) limited amount of seating for spectators.”

Several of these photos were released in Hill’s book, along with other details which – according to the complaint – “could have an adverse effect in upholding the conviction of Murdaugh in the event of an appeal.”

The complaint further alleged that Hill oversaw “guided tours of the Colleton County Courthouse during normal business hours” in exchange for “donations.” She allegedly told participants in these guided tours that their donations would be used to “replace the front windows of the courthouse.” These funds are reportedly “unaccounted for as there are no receipts being issued and it is unknown what financial institution and account the donations are being held in.”

Not only that, in one instance Hill is accused of having “ordered a staff member” to strike out the name of Colleton County on at least one $100 check and “add (Hill’s) name” as the recipient of the donation. News of this allegedly doctored check was first referenced by Lori Murray on her popular TikTok page earlier this week.

While the first complaint against Hill raises some interesting issues – and plays directly into the allegations leveled by Murdaugh’s attorneys regarding jury tampering – sources familiar with the situation say the second report is the one that could really land her in hot water.

Well, along with the ongoing eavesdropping investigation that has ensnared her son … and could soon ensnare her, too.
(Click to view)

Becky Hill (Murdaugh Trial Pool Photo)

As mentioned, this media outlet does not have a copy of that second complaint, but multiple sources familiar with its contents have confirmed it accused Hill of misappropriating public funds from multiple accounts – and then allegedly misrepresenting those misappropriations to county officials.

The second complaint was filed by a former Colleton County employee, we are told.

While I am not going to speculate on specific misappropriation allegations in the absence of a hard copy of the document, the direction of the investigation seems clear based on subpoenas reportedly issued by SCSEC investigators following their receipt of this second complaint.

According to our sources, investigators have demanded the production of records related to no fewer than seven different Colleton County accounts which flow through Hill’s office – including two accounts which contain federal funding. Those two accounts are tied to a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) child support enforcement incentive program which provides bonuses for employees who work on these cases. A separate court-administered fines and fees account is also being pored through, along with an office Xerox account, a passport fee account, a bond account and a bond licensure account.

What are investigators looking for? Again, at this point we have no information on specific misappropriation allegations related to any of those accounts – only that investigators are digging into them.

More ominously for Hill, her personal financial records have reportedly been sought by ethics investigators under a separate subpoena.

To be clear: Hill has not been criminally charged – or found to have violated ethics law – in connection with any of the investigations referenced in this report. That includes the ongoing jury tampering investigation, the criminal probe of her son or the ethics investigations into her official conduct. Obviously in the event she were to be charged, the presumption of innocence would extend to her just as it extends to anyone accused of any criminal activity.

Sources close to Hill have zealously defended her integrity, and termed the ongoing investigations as being akin to routine audits of the funds she controls. One Hill backer told us those questioning her integrity would wind up with “more egg on their faces than Dick Harpootlian after his egg juror video,” a reference to this ongoing saga related to the jury tampering probe.
So what is the big secret? Here we go with another case who can't file a public document so no one has access to it but they all can talk of its contents?

It says the complaint was filed by a former county employee, could it be her son? Of course that could be any former employee from any year in the past however many years of its existence (the county).

What kind of irresponsible reporting is this and who is providing such info? Reading the part you posted was confusing enough without going in to read the link. Not at you but at these ridiculous articles where they can cite all this but not provide source or complaint.

I don't think much of Hill's decision to write a book using her position and that's the truth. I have yet though to see any proof of all of these other claims. The husband of the "photographer" claimed she attended only four days of trial and here again it says she was allowed access daily by Hill throughout BUT it says to the courthouse not courtroom but still...

Anyone can file a complaint. I could file a totally made up one tomorrow against you or anyone. We have these articles but no substance behind them and even if they had the other complaint, it would only be allegations. But no one even has it?

Believe me I have no horse in this race meaning if Hill is guilty of all alleged, she needs to go down. I do hate it affecting the also corrupt and dirty team of defense/alex/and any conviction and of course I hope it is mostly all false as it would affect justice and I truly believe Alex is guilty and it was proven. THAT is what bothers me, it isn't that I think Clerks of Court can't be dirty anywhere or anyone else. I have no unique fondness for Becky Hill, hardly noticed or knew of her until this whole thing started after the trial.

And who would have trouble believing corruption in this area? So even yet they stay looking like the dirtiest place in the country.

The bit about whomever compiling a list of judges to choose who to handle this, smh.

Mark my words, dirty sh*t is going on and somehow I doubt Hill is the biggest part of it. Jmo and who knows, just a guess.

Anyhow here's news reporting all this sh*t without any real backup for it and just a claim of a second complaint by a former employee who they can't or won't even name.

If Hill stole or anything else, she needs to go down but again there is all of this noise but no substance.

Same with her son, a bunch of noise but little more known.

What case thread am I in with this secrecy? Who isn't providing or filing these public complaints on the record? Sounds a bit like Delphi. It isn't the judge who controls all that, it is the Clerk who can seriously affect it generally.

But I sure don't know. Nothing down there is run like one would think it would be. This reporting lacks a complaint as a source and seems almost like intentional leaks and influence or I'm just tired

They need to clear this sh*t down there up like as of YESTERDAY. I've said it before and will again there are battles going on as former allies and rats all try to survive the sinking ship. And others likely try to take advantage of those circumstances and rifts, etc.

I don't trust AM's team as far as one can throw them but that doesn't mean I support Hill if corrupt either. In fact I wonder if she didn't go to the Alex school of theft, swindle and con. Of course nothing to this day is proven re her but I'd actually wonder about her relationship with all of the players in these cases or former relationship. But even that is total curiosity and speculation.

Is there a bit of proof or factual reporting yet? I see a LOT of smoke, probably intentional smoke, let's see the substance and why shouldn't a complainant be named and the complaint seen? Again I'm tired and this is just striking me like a lot of b.s.
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So what is the big secret? Here we go with another case who can't file a public document so no one has access to it but they all can talk of its contents?

It says the complaint was filed by a former county employee, could it be her son? Of course that could be any former employee from any year in the past however many years of its existence (the county).

What kind of irresponsible reporting is this and who is providing such info? Reading the part you posted was confusing enough without going in to read the link. Not at you but at these ridiculous articles where they can cite all this but not provide source or complaint.

I don't think much of Hill's decision to write a book using her position and that's the truth. I have yet though to see any proof of all of these other claims. The husband of the "photographer" claimed she attended only four days of trial and here again it says she was allowed access daily by Hill throughout BUT it says to the courthouse not courtroom but still...

Anyone can file a complaint. I could file a totally made up one tomorrow against you or anyone. We have these articles but no substance behind them and even if they had the other complaint, it would only be allegations. But no one even has it?

Believe me I have no horse in this race meaning if Hill is guilty of all alleged, she needs to go down. I do hate it affecting the also corrupt and dirty team of defense/alex/and any conviction and of course I hope it is mostly all false as it would affect justice and I truly believe Alex is guilty and it was proven. THAT is what bothers me, it isn't that I think Clerks of Court can't be dirty anywhere or anyone else. I have no unique fondness for Becky Hill, hardly noticed or knew of her until this whole thing started after the trial.

And who would have trouble believing corruption in this area? So even yet they stay looking like the dirtiest place in the country.

The bit about whomever compiling a list of judges to choose who to handle this, smh.

Mark my words, dirty sh*t is going on and somehow I doubt Hill is the biggest part of it. Jmo and who knows, just a guess.

Anyhow here's news reporting all this sh*t without any real backup for it and just a claim of a second complaint by a former employee who they can't or won't even name.

If Hill stole or anything else, she needs to go down but again there is all of this noise but no substance.

Same with her son, a bunch of noise but little more known.

What case thread am I in with this secrecy? Who isn't providing or filing these public complaints on the record? Sounds a bit like Delphi. It isn't the judge who controls all that, it is the Clerk who can seriously affect it generally.

But I sure don't know. Nothing down there is run like one would think it would be. This reporting lacks a complaint as a source and seems almost like intentional leaks and influence or I'm just tired

They need to clear this sh*t down there up like as of YESTERDAY. I've said it before and will again there are battles going on as former allies and rats all try to survive the sinking ship. And others likely try to take advantage of those circumstances and rifts, etc.

I don't trust AM's team as far as one can throw them but that doesn't mean I support Hill if corrupt either. In fact I wonder if she didn't go to the Alex school of theft, swindle and con. Of course nothing to this day is proven re her but I'd actually wonder about her relationship with all of the players in these cases or former relationship. But even that is total curiosity and speculation.

Is there a bit of proof or factual reporting yet? I see a LOT of smoke, probably intentional smoke, let's see the substance and why shouldn't a complainant be named and the complaint seen? Again I'm tired and this is just striking me like a lot of b.s.
It's a bit more than a bunch of noise in all this sh*t. You saw her son's mugshot and he has been sacked and charged by SLED. You've seen one of the complaints and this other stuff alleged is pretty serious. I have no idea what is going to happen here but the second complaint will surface eventually, I bet.
The second room also is an allegation is it not by not all of the jurors? And it isn't 2 out of 10. I don't believe. A jury is 12 and with two alternates it is 14. Where do you get 2 out of ten which would leave 8? No one has a ten member jury.

Only 12 go into the jury room and make the decision. One was let go.
Only 12 go into the jury room and make the decision. One was let go.
There was more than one. I think there were 3 or 4 alternates they had to use over the course of the trial IIRC.

The egg juror just happened to be the last one and was right in between the closing statements.

This article states they used 5 of the 6 alternates altogether. Two got Covid, one was the egg juror and two others.

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The situation is that the State AG has been asked to deal with the wiretapping and also the new complaint about the Clerk of the Court so I don't think we are going to get to see the new complaint. Because they are going g to deal with the ethics complaint with a GJ, which are always secret.
It's a bit more than a bunch of noise in all this sh*t. You saw her son's mugshot and he has been sacked and charged by SLED. You've seen one of the complaints and this other stuff alleged is pretty serious. I have no idea what is going to happen here but the second complaint will surface eventually, I bet.
That is all true but it does not explain how the second complaint can have info shared and talked of without having it nor why. It just isn't right is what I am saying. It should not have to "surface" if it was filed. I don't care if the rest is more than noise and is backed up by filings, this part is NOT. And it is a big deal what seems to be going on in some of our courts in some cases and by some officials. CLEARLY here someone has shared with the news and it has been reported on BUT the document is nonexistent at the moment. You looked and can't find it. Etc. It's wrong.

It is either wrong in that it is a leak with something that for some reason is sealed and not be leaked or it is wrong in that it should be public and is not but was leaked before it has become public.

There is NO verifying it and so thus far that part is b.s.

There is bad sh*t going on in SC and it is far from over. Imo.
Only 12 go into the jury room and make the decision. One was let go.
I know that. What does that have to do with my saying it was not two out of ten? Out of a normal deliberating jury that would be 2 out of 12 not 10 and it would be 2 out of 14 if talking a jury and 2 alternates which is the norm in most trials. I don't get much time but I am worried about you...
She's slimy as a snail. However, did anything she did influence the jury?
Like it or not, I am not entirely sure that is going to matter. They at minimum have to determine that and that means a hearing and questioning by a judge I'd think and it likely won't be Newman. Just like Poot "threatened" them all, the ones that would not talk to him (jurors) or agree this happened... That alone should have him charged or reprimanded if you ask me Just as was said in the recent sentencing, those defrauded and others were scared to speak out because of the sheer power and corruption there. Sounds pretty similar here in what Poot said and did. Good Ol' Boys traveling them thar dirt roads.

The corrupt are fighting back, I'd bet on it and the good side had better hang on and stay the course.

As far as Becky Hill, I'm not convinced she isn't part of the other side. Seems unlikely but I haven't ruled it out.

She IS however an IDIOT. At minimum.

Podcasters I really like met her, who went there, and say she is the nicest woman you ever could meet and that had some influence on me but still, the book alone is enough to come across all wrong. You are the CLERK. You want to write a book leave your job and write one if it is about a case YOU are a major employed part of, quit and don't be part of it.

It's as bad as Asa now being LUCKY to be married to a serial killer so she can profit from it.

It's disgusting and imo it is morally wrong at minimum. Both things should be legally wrong as well. And Peacock can go take a flying leap to pay for such.

This sh*t in all these cases lately is more than about the one case it is happening in. This stuff is huge and is going to affect things and likely not for the better if the rulings don't come down right.

I don't tend to believe the defense here NOR the jurors they may have paid/gotten to BUT the fact the Clerk is not fully above board or doesn't look to be and wrote a book HELPS people BELIEVE the juror and defense claims. There are a lot of somewhat dirty or corrupt public officials but this is why if in such a position you have to be and stay fully above BOARD. it's almost vomit worthy saying that as Alex as the most corrupt at all and this HELPS him!

She singlehandedly may have ruined justice!

I thank God for Eric Bland and Creighton Waters and Judge Newman to name a few. They've shown they will stand by the ones brave enough to come forward BUT they better hold strong or they won't have anyone while bad seeds come back at it and already Newman will be out of it.

I can't see how this won't end up with at least a hearing. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a new trial. The couple of jurors spewing this stuff took oaths, had instructions and swore their verdicts were their own. I hope they were paid enough for the fact they should and could be prosecuted. They did not come forward and they too are affecting justice.

It is so stupid to think most people could reach a verdict too to just not be sequestered, go without a smoke etc. I hate it when people blames verdicts on such. THAT type of person would do all they could to not be selected as a juror to begin with.

I don't know but I know this. There is a lot of b.s going on in this one and if SC thinks it has cleaned up this area or their act, it isn't done yet. It isn't just this case though. There is bigger sh*t going on in more than this case and more than this state and mark my words, depending on some decisions, it isn't heading for the better.

It seems like just yesterday I would have loved to be picked and serve as a juror. Not any longer. Not as of watching this. That, all by itself, is HUGE damage as I am sure many a person feels that way. Thank God for Bland representing any juror for free. WHY should they NEED an attorney? I don't need that in my life so I'd rather not serve as of now.

Yes, I agree Becky is appearing slimy AND I think at minimum the book decision was STUPID. i will point out that not a single thing yet has back up, nor charges nor evidence we've seen. All this sh*t we keep hearing she has not been charged, fired, resiigned nor forced to has she? Her son has. I don't know what to believe and we sure know some huge bluster and blizzards have been created in more than once case lately but so far there is no evidence that the public can see or know of in any of them yet.

I can judge her though on what I do know like her writing of this book. It was a stupid move and a stupid decision. To me that decision alone tells me she wants money notice, fame or something from it and this case. Now if she retired and in time wrote such a book or a memoir about cases and her time as clerk, that would be different. It shouldn't be legal or at least allowed in her position. it is a conflict imo.

Anyhow, I seem to need to do some vents just to get over long weeks. So this is another one I guess. But what is going on is NOT good. And not just in this case. And isn't just what it appears imo. To be only relevant or happening in the case it appears to be only. Our system has gotten bad enough and it is only going to get worse. Rapidly. Unless strong measures and decisions result. On what REAL evidence shows.
The situation is that the State AG has been asked to deal with the wiretapping and also the new complaint about the Clerk of the Court so I don't think we are going to get to see the new complaint. Because they are going g to deal with the ethics complaint with a GJ, which are always secret.
So then that would beg the question of why the info in it was given to news?! If it is a GJ secret proceeding. Was this a court filed complaint by a person as news says, a former co. employee, or not? I am no grand jury expert, my states don't use them generally for county (in name of state) charged crimes (which are almost all) but typically their info comes from LE's investigation to decide.

Whatever the case, if it is to be secret then who leaked it to the news? That there is a second complaint and what was in it?

Also, where are you getting this info about a GJ and the AG etc.?
There was more than one. I think there were 3 or 4 alternates they had to use over the course of the trial IIRC.

The egg juror just happened to be the last one and was right in between the closing statements.

This article states they used 5 of the 6 alternates altogether. Two got Covid, one was the egg juror and two others.

FIVE jurors dropped during trial? And had to be replaced by alternates?? I sure don't recall hearing there were that many alternates either. I suppose I should read the article but I am wiped. Ten plus hour days and another tomorrow morn. Then three 9 plus ones, all in a row.

So 12 but 6 means they were 18 jurors at one point. That makes the jurors that have these claims an even smalller percentage.
FIVE jurors dropped during trial? And had to be replaced by alternates?? I sure don't recall hearing there were that many alternates either. I suppose I should read the article but I am wiped. Ten plus hour days and another tomorrow morn. Then three 9 plus ones, all in a row.

So 12 but 6 means they were 18 jurors at one point. That makes the jurors that have these claims an even smalller percentage.
Not really because there is always only 12 jurors. So if there are 3 jurors who have such claims, that's 25% of the jury.
So then that would beg the question of why the info in it was given to news?! If it is a GJ secret proceeding. Was this a court filed complaint by a person as news says, a former co. employee, or not? I am no grand jury expert, my states don't use them generally for county (in name of state) charged crimes (which are almost all) but typically their info comes from LE's investigation to decide.

Whatever the case, if it is to be secret then who leaked it to the news? That there is a second complaint and what was in it?

Also, where are you getting this info about a GJ and the AG etc.?
Hopefully these three articles cover it all. I have copy pasted the MSN one.

From above MSN link

State to lead prosecutorial duties in potential public corruption claims in Colleton County​

Story by Joseph Leonard • 6d
State to lead prosecutorial duties in potential public corruption claims in Colleton County

State to lead prosecutorial duties in potential public corruption claims in Colleton County© Provided by WSAV Savannah
COLLETON COUNTY, S.C. (WSAV) — Tuesday brought more twists and turns in the Murdaugh saga and the court system in the Lowcountry.
The South Carolina Attorney General’s office announced it will take over potential public corruption claims in Colleton County. The office told WSAV it is “assuming jurisdiction for all prosecutorial actions,” which could include the State Grand Jury.
Those claims involve Jeffery Hill, who was the former Colleton County Director of Information Technology. He’s also the son of embattled Colleton County Clerk Becky Hill.
The change comes after a direct request from 14th Circuit Solicitor Duffie Stone to SLED and the Attorney General’s office. In his letter to the agencies, Stone said the State Grand Jury has quoted “broader” powers to investigate cases than a local grand jury.
“The state grand jury is an investigative body vested with powers county grand juries do not,” Stone said in a statement to WSAV Tuesday morning. “Those include the ability to compel sworn testimony. This power can be helpful in investigations involving potential public corruption.”
Hill was arrested by SLED on Nov. 21 on wiretapping charges. An arrest warrant said Hill “misused his position to unlawfully intercept and listen to conversations.”
In September, Alex Murdaugh’s defense attorneys filed a motion with affidavits from trial jurors claiming that Becky Hill influenced jurors.
“The clerk of court would go into the sanctity of the jury room before he testified and tell the jurors, ‘don’t be fooled by his testimony. Watch out for his body language,'” said Jim Griffin, one of Alex Murdaugh’s defense attorneys.
Some of those affidavits claimed Becky Hill had a hand in guiding the jury to a guilty verdict. They say possibly going so far as to fabricate a Facebook post to help remove a juror who may have believed Murdaugh innocent.
Stephen Smith’s phone, tablet unlocked by South Carolina officers
A hearing on those allegations is confirmed but no date is set.
Last week, WSAV spoke to Ronnie Richter who is one of the attorneys representing the Gloria Satterfield family. The Satterfield family is one of the many families Alex Murdaugh pleaded guilty to stealing millions of dollars from.
Richter said the allegations against Beck Hill are serious and if they turn out to be true, could be criminal.
“There is a basis for it. I don’t know whether it bears out factually and what all the other jurors will say, but if it is demonstrated true that a member of the clerk’s office went into a jury room and told a jury to disbelieve evidence would be a pretty serious matter,” Richter said.
Copyright 2022 Nexstar Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to WSAV-TV.

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Not really because there is always only 12 jurors. So if there are 3 jurors who have such claims, that's 25% of the jury.
Yes but per what you said alternates were on the jury and if they talked to all jurors then they talked to former alternates. I don't see why they'd skip even ones that were released early (original jurors like egg lady) or any juror who may have witnessed anything so it is out of 18 jurors. The egg juror left for instance and talked and/or was questioned but alternates were on the deciding jury so they were questioned as well so it is the sum total. Like I said even those leaving earlier could know ianother juror as talking with the clerk, etc. So it's 3 out of 18.

On another note, that's a lot of alernates, interesting that they needed almost all of them.

I'd say two is normal, but in high profile and weeks long scheduled trials, more is apt to happen in people's lives or health so I guess it makes sense they'd have at least four, and they did six.
Hopefully these three articles cover it all. I have copy pasted the MSN one.

From above MSN link

State to lead prosecutorial duties in potential public corruption claims in Colleton County​

Story by Joseph Leonard • 6d
View attachment 20908
State to lead prosecutorial duties in potential public corruption claims in Colleton County

State to lead prosecutorial duties in potential public corruption claims in Colleton County© Provided by WSAV Savannah
COLLETON COUNTY, S.C. (WSAV) — Tuesday brought more twists and turns in the Murdaugh saga and the court system in the Lowcountry.
The South Carolina Attorney General’s office announced it will take over potential public corruption claims in Colleton County. The office told WSAV it is “assuming jurisdiction for all prosecutorial actions,” which could include the State Grand Jury.
Those claims involve Jeffery Hill, who was the former Colleton County Director of Information Technology. He’s also the son of embattled Colleton County Clerk Becky Hill.
The change comes after a direct request from 14th Circuit Solicitor Duffie Stone to SLED and the Attorney General’s office. In his letter to the agencies, Stone said the State Grand Jury has quoted “broader” powers to investigate cases than a local grand jury.
“The state grand jury is an investigative body vested with powers county grand juries do not,” Stone said in a statement to WSAV Tuesday morning. “Those include the ability to compel sworn testimony. This power can be helpful in investigations involving potential public corruption.”
Hill was arrested by SLED on Nov. 21 on wiretapping charges. An arrest warrant said Hill “misused his position to unlawfully intercept and listen to conversations.”
In September, Alex Murdaugh’s defense attorneys filed a motion with affidavits from trial jurors claiming that Becky Hill influenced jurors.
“The clerk of court would go into the sanctity of the jury room before he testified and tell the jurors, ‘don’t be fooled by his testimony. Watch out for his body language,'” said Jim Griffin, one of Alex Murdaugh’s defense attorneys.
Some of those affidavits claimed Becky Hill had a hand in guiding the jury to a guilty verdict. They say possibly going so far as to fabricate a Facebook post to help remove a juror who may have believed Murdaugh innocent.
Stephen Smith’s phone, tablet unlocked by South Carolina officers
A hearing on those allegations is confirmed but no date is set.
Last week, WSAV spoke to Ronnie Richter who is one of the attorneys representing the Gloria Satterfield family. The Satterfield family is one of the many families Alex Murdaugh pleaded guilty to stealing millions of dollars from.
Richter said the allegations against Beck Hill are serious and if they turn out to be true, could be criminal.
“There is a basis for it. I don’t know whether it bears out factually and what all the other jurors will say, but if it is demonstrated true that a member of the clerk’s office went into a jury room and told a jury to disbelieve evidence would be a pretty serious matter,” Richter said.
Copyright 2022 Nexstar Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to WSAV-TV.

So this was her first term as clerk, i did not know that but always have wondered if she was long term or newer. Hmm.

I don't get time to read lots of links but since you were so nice enough to put them here, I made sure I did.

I am wiped though so probably won't recall all I wanted to say on all of it.

The Grand Jury thing makes sense now, the second complaint still leaves me with questions though.

Two at least of the three articles would do well to say WHICH Hill throughout. More than once they were talking of one and then switched to another without pointing it out meaning Becky or Jeffrey. Not sure if sloppy or intentional but we know the case pretty well but a ton in the public would assume they mean her a couple of times when they mean him I came to figure out.

The fact the complainant is unnamed bothers me. I believe in open records and courts. A right to face your accuser and all of that and so the person can make these allegations but their name is safeguarded as the person who said them and FILED them?

Therer are some serious allegations in all. The jury tamperting, her son's case and the new ethics complaint against her. None of course are substantiated yet and there are serious questions when looking at the complainants AND of course we don't even know who the one is.

And there's also a lot of fluff. claims that are a bit not that big of a deal imo.

But there are very serious ones too.

The co author has said many a time his wife only attended FOUR days of trial but they keep saying she was given a seat daily throughout the trial and more. In fact they say EVERY DAY of the trial. One is lying and the other telling the truth and the liar when found out should have ALL claims or defenses they've made (whichever the case or who) doubted as true. I would thnk this would be EASILY verifiable if she was there throughout and daily or not.

I think there's a lot going on here and it is a battle royal and political but not just that, Alex is part of those politics and so is getting off this former power player in the political area arena.

But right now I'm more curious about it being Becky's first term... How many years into it is she and when did she start and how do the dates compare as to when Alex committed murder. What platform did she run on? What was her life or job prior to this new position as county clerk of court? Was she running agains an incumbent or no? Was she a former court employee who ran for clerk or never worked for the county a day in her life...
Yes but per what you said alternates were on the jury and if they talked to all jurors then they talked to former alternates. I don't see why they'd skip even ones that were released early (original jurors like egg lady) or any juror who may have witnessed anything so it is out of 18 jurors. The egg juror left for instance and talked and/or was questioned but alternates were on the deciding jury so they were questioned as well so it is the sum total. Like I said even those leaving earlier could know ianother juror as talking with the clerk, etc. So it's 3 out of 18.

On another note, that's a lot of alernates, interesting that they needed almost all of them.

I'd say two is normal, but in high profile and weeks long scheduled trials, more is apt to happen in people's lives or health so I guess it makes sense they'd have at least four, and they did six.
We don't know that the egg juror wasn't an alternate in the first place, do we? 2 had to be replaced due to Covid, then the egg juror was the last to be replaced, that's three, and 2 others due to medical problems.

I would not think they would question all 18 but just the final 12 who deliberated. Plus the egg juror maybe, if it is her complaint.

Becky Hill was elected in 2020 and it is a four year term

"Hill was a court reporter before being elected as Clerk of Court in 2020. She published a book, Behind the Doors of Justice: The Murdaugh Murders, in July."

This is from her bio for the Clerk elections in 2020.

Employment: Employed for the S.C. Judicial Department as a state court reporter for 12 years; resident court reporter to The Honorable Perry M. Buckner in the 14th Circuit.
Member of S.C. Court Reporter’s Association, American Sign Language (ASL) of the Lowcountry, Fight CRC (Colorectal Cancer) Alliance and a lifelong resident of Colleton County.

Why are you running
for office in Colleton County?

As a state judicial court reporter for the past 12 years, I’ve had immeasurable courtroom experience with General Sessions/Criminal Court, Civil Court/Common Pleas and Family Court. I’ve had the opportunity to establish good working relationships with many clerks, judges, attorneys and courthouse staff that help provide a cohesive professional foundation. With the retirement of the Colleton County clerk of court and the position becoming available, I feel that I can provide experience, knowledge and leadership to the local level.
I will continue to build upon the incredible foundation that has been laid and look forward to continuing to provide quality services, top-notch in operational efficiency, and leadership with integrity that the residents of Colleton County have come to know.
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