TRISTYN BAILEY: 13-year-old Florida murdered, 14-year-old Aiden Fucci arrested *GUILTY PLEA*


Tristyn Bailey


Mother of teen accused of killing Tristyn Bailey pleads not guilty to evidence tampering charge​

The mother of 14-year-old Aiden Fucci, who is accused of killing 13-year-old Tristyn Bailey, has entered a written plea of not guilty for an evidence tampering charge in connection to Tristyn’s killing.

The warrant says Smith was present on May 9 while her 14-year-old son was being interviewed by investigators about Bailey’s death. After her son left with deputies, surveillance cameras inside the house captured Smith going into Fucci’s room, grabbing a pair of jeans, then scrubbing the jeans in a bathroom sink. Investigators say she returned the jeans to Fucci’s room a couple of hours later.

Smith was originally supposed to appear in court Monday, July 26, but entered the written plea instead. Her next court date is Wednesday, Sept. 1 -- the same day Fucci is set to appear in court.

Mother of teen accused of killing Tristyn Bailey pleads not guilty to evidence tampering charge​

The mother of 14-year-old Aiden Fucci, who is accused of killing 13-year-old Tristyn Bailey, has entered a written plea of not guilty for an evidence tampering charge in connection to Tristyn’s killing.

The warrant says Smith was present on May 9 while her 14-year-old son was being interviewed by investigators about Bailey’s death. After her son left with deputies, surveillance cameras inside the house captured Smith going into Fucci’s room, grabbing a pair of jeans, then scrubbing the jeans in a bathroom sink. Investigators say she returned the jeans to Fucci’s room a couple of hours later.

Smith was originally supposed to appear in court Monday, July 26, but entered the written plea instead. Her next court date is Wednesday, Sept. 1 -- the same day Fucci is set to appear in court.
Proof that parents will cover for their children no matter what. Remember this in the future cases, too.
Proof that parents will cover for their children no matter what. Remember this in the future cases, too.
Oh I know they do. It seems to be a lower number that don't help them and or turn them in. If your kid did it. They did it. You don't help cover it up. You have to make them face the consequences. They don't think about the other family's feelings. Just their selfish self protection of them and theirs.

Prosecutors disclose more witnesses & evidence in Aiden Fucci case​

The State Attorney’s Office has disclosed more evidence it plans to present in the murder case against Aiden Fucci, the St. Johns County teen accused of killing his 13-year-old schoolmate.

Among the new evidence prosecutors handed over to Fucci’s defense are interviews with and jail calls made by Antuan Scott, a fellow Duval County jail inmate, who also goes by Freddie Pandy.

The content of those recorded calls and interviews wasn’t immediately clear Friday.

Scott and a St. Johns County Fire Rescue paramedic were listed among the witnesses the state intends to call. They’ll join over 250 other potential witnesses in the high-profile case.

News4Jax Crime & Safety Expert Ken Jefferson, a former Jacksonville Sheriff’s officer, said prosecutors might be interested in the content of another inmate’s phone conversations because it’s not uncommon for inmates to confide in one another.

“A lot of inmates will talk to each other, make confessions, sometimes they’ll make spontaneous statements,” Jefferson said. “If something like that happened, and this particular inmate who made the call repeated that — because those calls are recorded — they can use any and everything against a person.”

As part of the latest batch of discovery material, prosecutors also handed over a compact disc containing a 911 call related to the case, as well as a fire department incident report.

New Snapchat, surveillance videos released in Aiden Fucci murder investigation​

New evidence released Tuesday in the first-degree murder case against Aiden Fucci includes selfie Snapchat videos taken while he was in the back of a squad car, and video of what police say is his mother washing blood from his jeans.

Among the evidence released by prosecutors is surveillance video of what police say is last time police say Bailey was seen alive.

The video allegedly shows Fucci and Tristyn walking east in their Durbin Crossing neighborhood in St. Johns County on the night she was stabbed to death.

Another surveillance video allegedly shows Aiden Fucci running away from the same wooded area a few hours later, police say.

Also included in today's release are Snapchat videos of Fucci and a friend in the back of a squad car after Tristyn was missing.

"We're having fun, in a f****** cop car," Fucci says. They each mention "Tristyn," with Fucci saying, "Tristyn if you f****** walk out the damn" and the friend suggesting she would "see this in a month."

In a second video, Fucci says, "They've got us in a f****** cop car .... tripping dude."

Shortly after Tristyn was reported missing from her Durbin Crossing neighborhood Sunday, Fucci posted on social media about her disappearance.

It was a selfie he took from the backseat of a deputy’s patrol car while holding up a peace sign in the reflective panel of the patrol car divider. Within the Snapchat message was a text banner reading, "Hey guys has anybody seen Tristyn lately."

According to the St. Johns County Sheriff's Office, at the time the photo was taken, Fucci was a witness in a missing person case.

Judge eyes late 2022 for trial of teen accused of killing Tristyn Bailey​

Aiden Fucci, the St. Johns County teen charged with first-degree murder in the stabbing of his 13-year-old classmate Tristyn Bailey appeared in court Thursday.

Today was the first time Fucci appeared in court in person. In previous court appearances, he either appeared virtually or did not appear at all.

Judge Howard M. Maltz said he hoped to set the teen’s murder trial date for late 2022. The defense said it needs more time, as one of Fucci’s attorneys said he is working on a separate case involving the death penalty.

Another pre-trial hearing is set for both Fucci and his mother for Wednesday, Feb. 2 at 9 a.m. At that hearing, Fucci’s trial date is expected to be set for late next year.

Both Fucci and his mother intend to waive their right to a speedy trial.

Judge eyes late 2022 for trial of teen accused of killing Tristyn Bailey​

Aiden Fucci, the St. Johns County teen charged with first-degree murder in the stabbing of his 13-year-old classmate Tristyn Bailey appeared in court Thursday.

Today was the first time Fucci appeared in court in person. In previous court appearances, he either appeared virtually or did not appear at all.

Judge Howard M. Maltz said he hoped to set the teen’s murder trial date for late 2022. The defense said it needs more time, as one of Fucci’s attorneys said he is working on a separate case involving the death penalty.

Another pre-trial hearing is set for both Fucci and his mother for Wednesday, Feb. 2 at 9 a.m. At that hearing, Fucci’s trial date is expected to be set for late next year.

Both Fucci and his mother intend to waive their right to a speedy trial.
They are both waiving their right to a speedy trial so this will be long and drawn out if at all possible by defense I would predict...

This "kid" wow... And his mother's actions too...

New supplemental discovery, witness list released in murder case against Aiden Fucci​

New evidence, phone calls and text messages from jail, neighbor’s surveillance video and search warrants are all part of the new supplemental discovery that was released in the murder case against Aiden Fucci this week.

According to police, Fucci stabbed Tristyn 114 times.

During a court hearing in October, officials said Fucci's trial is not likely to start until the fall of 2022.

Fucci's mother, Crystal Smith, is also charged in connection with the case. She is accused of washing blood out of Fucci's jeans after he returned home the morning of the stabbing.

Both Fucci and Smith have pleaded not guilty.

Another pretrial hearing date was set for Feb. 2, 2022, for both Fucci and Smith.

If convicted, Fucci could spend the rest of his life in prison.


‘We ❤️ TB’ Tristyn Bailey’s neighborhood illuminated in teal on her birthday​

On what would have been her 14th birthday, Tristyn Bailey’s neighborhood lit itself up in the color teal -- her favorite color.

On Tuesday night, luminaries were placed throughout the Durbin Crossing area in Bailey’s memory. In one spot -- small tea lights spelled out “We ❤️ TB.”

Vigils and prayer circles were held around the area, and students of her school were encouraged to wear white. To show support, others tied aqua colored bows to their mailboxes.


Trial date set for teen accused of killing 13-year-old Tristyn Bailey​

Aiden Fucci, the St. Johns County teenager charged with the brutal stabbing death of his schoolmate, 13-year-old Tristyn Bailey, appeared in court Wednesday and learned that his murder trial will start in November.

Judge Lee Smith set the final pretrial hearing date for Oct. 26 and blocked off two weeks for Fucci’s trial: Nov. 7-18.

Fucci, who is charged with first-degree murder and will be tried as an adult, is expected back in court May 5 for a status update. He has pleaded not guilty.
Pleads not guilty. Smh. I can't even imagine what defense he has or his atty. will use. People see them together. Video captures them together. Isn't he seen coming back out of the woods or whatever on video without her? And in different clothes or barefoot or something? Mom hides his bloody jeans or tries to wash them. She was stabbed so many times there has to be his DNA and hers I imagine.

Just another one I guess of let's just waste the state's time and money and see if we can get one whacky juror who feels sorry for this likely murderous 14 year old? Actually the other reason I guess that just occurred to me recently is you almost have to have a trial to have more things to appeal or hope go wrong. If they just plead guilty and get sentenced, well not a lot to appeal on... The kid is doomed and likely going away for life so I guess why not try for that one juror or a mistaken decision, juror problem, etc. one might be able to appeal...
Pleads not guilty. Smh. I can't even imagine what defense he has or his atty. will use. People see them together. Video captures them together. Isn't he seen coming back out of the woods or whatever on video without her? And in different clothes or barefoot or something? Mom hides his bloody jeans or tries to wash them. She was stabbed so many times there has to be his DNA and hers I imagine.

Just another one I guess of let's just waste the state's time and money and see if we can get one whacky juror who feels sorry for this likely murderous 14 year old? Actually the other reason I guess that just occurred to me recently is you almost have to have a trial to have more things to appeal or hope go wrong. If they just plead guilty and get sentenced, well not a lot to appeal on... The kid is doomed and likely going away for life so I guess why not try for that one juror or a mistaken decision, juror problem, etc. one might be able to appeal...

His lawyer may try to move the trial to Pinellas County. :rolleyes:

Nearly 1 year after Tristyn Bailey’s body found, teen accused in stabbing appears in court​

It’s been nearly a year since the brutal killing of 13-year-old Tristyn Bailey in St. Johns County.

She was found dead May 9, 2021 -- on Mother’s Day.

The now 15-year-old Fucci, who is charged with first-degree murder in Bailey’s death, appeared in court again Thursday, ahead of his scheduled November murder trial. He has pleaded not guilty.

A new public defender is now taking the lead in his case, and the judge asked if she is up to speed in the case. She said she’s been loosely involved since the beginning and is working to get the necessary depositions scheduled and finished.

Judge Lee Smith set the next pretrial hearing for June 7.

Smith has set the final pretrial hearing date for Oct. 26 and blocked off two weeks for Fucci’s trial: Nov. 7-18.

Aiden Fucci: Teen accused of killing Tristyn Bailey in court, still on track for trial in November​

Fifteen-year-old Aiden Fucci, the St. Johns County teen accused of brutally stabbing his 13-year-old classmate Tristyn Bailey in May 2021, was back in court on Tuesday morning.

Fucci’s public defender said she’s gathering testimonies from several witnesses between now and next month.

There could be between 70 and 80 sworn testimonies from witnesses which Fucci’s attorney will need to gather out-of-court.

His attorney said on Tuesday she’s already scheduled several of those for this month and for July.

Fucci faces one count of first-degree murder in the death of his 13-year-old classmate, Tristyn Bailey, to which he has pleaded not guilty.

Fucci is being tried as an adult, and on Tuesday, the judge said he is still on track to stand trial some time in November.

Aiden Fucci: Teen accused of killing Tristyn Bailey in court, still on track for trial in November​

Fifteen-year-old Aiden Fucci, the St. Johns County teen accused of brutally stabbing his 13-year-old classmate Tristyn Bailey in May 2021, was back in court on Tuesday morning.

Fucci’s public defender said she’s gathering testimonies from several witnesses between now and next month.

There could be between 70 and 80 sworn testimonies from witnesses which Fucci’s attorney will need to gather out-of-court.

His attorney said on Tuesday she’s already scheduled several of those for this month and for July.

Fucci faces one count of first-degree murder in the death of his 13-year-old classmate, Tristyn Bailey, to which he has pleaded not guilty.

Fucci is being tried as an adult, and on Tuesday, the judge said he is still on track to stand trial some time in November.
70 to 80 witnesses interviewed by the defense to say what?? Eyewitnesses? Or maybe witnesses to say he had "issues" in his life?

Witness one, his mom--yes i hid and washed his jeans as they had blood on them. Guilty. Jmo.

Tristyn Bailey murder was '100% premeditated,' prompted by 'jealousy' according to friend​

The St. Johns County teen accused of stabbing 13-year-old Tristyn Bailey to death had previously threatened her with a knife “because of jealousy,” according to the teen’s friend, who said the crime was “100% premeditated.”

The new evidence in the case, obtained by First Coast News, includes an email from a sheriff's deputy to prosecutors documenting details of the night of the crime, according to one of Aiden Fucci’s friends.

The email says the friend felt "responsible" because he was the one who invited Bailey out that night, and that Fucci mentioned several times wanting to kill someone in the woods.

The email is written as a series of bullet points, below:

• Aiden having a knife @ [friend’s] house [REDACTED]
• Aiden became infuriated about [REDACTED], threatened Tristyn with a knife because of jealousy
• Aiden mentioned several times wanting to kill someone in the woods
• [Friend] invited Tristyn out that night, met at [friend’s] house.
[Friend] gave Aiden a black Death Valley sweatshirt, noticed that Aiden was later wearing their clothes. [Friend] believes Alden may have had a bag of clothes in the woods to change into, [Friend] does not believe the sweatshirt has been recovered (perhaps In a sewer). [Friend] was adamant that Alden was not wearing the same clothes he left in.
• [Friend] believes the crime was 100% premeditated
• [Friend] is concerned about the chance that his family could have been harmed by Aiden
• [Friend] feels responsible because he was the one who invited Tristyn out that night [REDACTED WORDS]
•[Friend] said he started drinking in the [REDACTED] grade because he was responsible for cleaning up the morning after dad's parties and would have access to alcohol
• Stated that his dad has lots of women at the house, wherein dad would be with a girl, and he would be with a girl (indicating sexual interactions)
• [Friend] said Aiden left multiple skateboards at [friend’s] house on the night of the crime – [friend] has a feeling that Alden may have left the skateboards with [Friend] in a way of giving them to him

Aiden Fucci draws line on cooperation with investigators in Tristyn Bailey case, court records show​

The St. Johns County teenager accused of killing his 13-year-old schoolmate, Tristyn Bailey, has opted to flex his constitutional rights and refuse to say or do several things without his attorney present.

Aiden Fucci’s defense team filed a notice with the court last Friday invoking his constitutional rights, including the right to remain silent and right to counsel.

The document says he will not speak with a jail psychologist or jail minister about the charges against him unless his attorney is present.

It also says he won’t take a polygraph test, give any hair, saliva, blood, handwriting or voice samples or consent to any items he has with him in jail being searched.

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