TRISTYN BAILEY: 13-year-old Florida murdered, 14-year-old Aiden Fucci arrested *GUILTY PLEA*


Tristyn Bailey


Aiden Fucci: Lawyers for teen accused of killing Tristyn Bailey file motion to postpone his trial​

Lawyers for Aiden Fucci, the teen accused of killing St. Johns County 13-year-old girl Tristyn Bailey, have filed a motion to delay his trial.

The motion was filed on Thursday. Currently, Fucci’s trial is set to begin in November.

On July 13, Fucci’s defense also filed a notice that Fucci intends to exercise his constitutional rights, which include the right to remain silent and the right to counsel.

Fucci’s next court date is set for August 31.

Survey about Tristyn Bailey murder case sent to St. Johns County residents by Aiden Fucci's lawyers​

Aiden Fucci's legal team is asking St. Johns County residents about their exposure to the high-profile murder case in what could be a gambit to seek a change of venue.

The Public Defender's Office confirmed sending the email surveys, which have been landing in the inboxes of numerous St. Johns residents. The survey says each recipient is receiving the email as a registered voter (the pool for selecting potential jurors) and asks several questions about the Aiden Fucci case.

Among the questions: whether recipients personally know anyone involved in the case, whether they have ever posted about the case on social media and whether they are a passive consumer of the story or someone who actively seeks out information.

The survey*** email contains the subject line 'Murder Case Research' and reads as follows:

"We need your input on a current murder case in St. Johns County, Florida. You are receiving this invitation to participate because you are a registered voter in this jurisdiction. The survey takes less than 15 minutes to complete and will help us understand the community impact of this particular violent crime."


Aiden Fucci: Lawyers for teen accused of killing Tristyn Bailey file motion to postpone his trial​

Lawyers for Aiden Fucci, the teen accused of killing St. Johns County 13-year-old girl Tristyn Bailey, have filed a motion to delay his trial.

The motion was filed on Thursday. Currently, Fucci’s trial is set to begin in November.

On July 13, Fucci’s defense also filed a notice that Fucci intends to exercise his constitutional rights, which include the right to remain silent and the right to counsel.

Fucci’s next court date is set for August 31.
You know, this is true of many defendants but it just strikes me in this case. The kid plans this, intends to do this, basically taunts about it afterwards in the cop car but now wants a defense and plans on going to trial? What's the defense? The bogeyman made him do it?

Survey about Tristyn Bailey murder case sent to St. Johns County residents by Aiden Fucci's lawyers​

Aiden Fucci's legal team is asking St. Johns County residents about their exposure to the high-profile murder case in what could be a gambit to seek a change of venue.

The Public Defender's Office confirmed sending the email surveys, which have been landing in the inboxes of numerous St. Johns residents. The survey says each recipient is receiving the email as a registered voter (the pool for selecting potential jurors) and asks several questions about the Aiden Fucci case.

Among the questions: whether recipients personally know anyone involved in the case, whether they have ever posted about the case on social media and whether they are a passive consumer of the story or someone who actively seeks out information.

The survey*** email contains the subject line 'Murder Case Research' and reads as follows:

"We need your input on a current murder case in St. Johns County, Florida. You are receiving this invitation to participate because you are a registered voter in this jurisdiction. The survey takes less than 15 minutes to complete and will help us understand the community impact of this particular violent crime."

Wow the kid has a public defender who is pulling out all the tops, what do they think attitude will be of any who now? This was egregious and overkill. And that's because of his own actions but now it can be used as an excuse to change venue and more. It's nice someone's got his back. Too bad no one had Tristyn's when he bludgeoned her to death. Allegedly.

Send him away and throw away the key. This is one that shouldn't be amongst the public, he is a danger to all. Imo.

Blade tip recovered from Tristyn Bailey’s body came from knife found in St. Johns retention pond: FDLE​

A blade tip found in 13-year-old Tristyn Bailey’s body originated from a knife that was discovered in a St. Johns County retention pond, according to a Florida Department of Law Enforcement report released Tuesday.

The FDLE report lists two pieces of evidence submitted to the FDLE in April that underwent forensic analysis. The report shows one is a damaged buck knife — which was removed from a retention pond near the location where Bailey’s body was found — with a silver-colored metal blade and the tip of the blade missing. The second piece of evidence, according to the report, is a damaged silver-colored metal knife blade tip that was recovered from Bailey’s scalp.

The report states that examinations of the knife and the blade tip showed that they were similar in color, type of material and “striation pattern running along the width of the blade pieces.”

“Further comparisons of their fractured edges also revealed the correspondence of the complex feature contours and surface details,” the report continues.

The report concludes by saying the blade tip and the knife blade were at one time a single item.

News4JAX asked Plata what a defense lawyer would do with this information now that it has been submitted.

“You’re trying to find out can they possibly tie it to my client? Where did the knife come from? Who sold it?” Platat said. “Kind of try to piece it together.”
Wow the kid has a public defender who is pulling out all the tops, what do they think attitude will be of any who now? This was egregious and overkill. And that's because of his own actions but now it can be used as an excuse to change venue and more. It's nice someone's got his back. Too bad no one had Tristyn's when he bludgeoned her to death. Allegedly.

Send him away and throw away the key. This is one that shouldn't be amongst the public, he is a danger to all. Imo.
Personally I would immediately put the little SOB to death. At that moment. And mommy gets locked up for life trying to cover it up.

Blade tip recovered from Tristyn Bailey’s body came from knife found in St. Johns retention pond: FDLE​

A blade tip found in 13-year-old Tristyn Bailey’s body originated from a knife that was discovered in a St. Johns County retention pond, according to a Florida Department of Law Enforcement report released Tuesday.

The FDLE report lists two pieces of evidence submitted to the FDLE in April that underwent forensic analysis. The report shows one is a damaged buck knife — which was removed from a retention pond near the location where Bailey’s body was found — with a silver-colored metal blade and the tip of the blade missing. The second piece of evidence, according to the report, is a damaged silver-colored metal knife blade tip that was recovered from Bailey’s scalp.

The report states that examinations of the knife and the blade tip showed that they were similar in color, type of material and “striation pattern running along the width of the blade pieces.”

“Further comparisons of their fractured edges also revealed the correspondence of the complex feature contours and surface details,” the report continues.

The report concludes by saying the blade tip and the knife blade were at one time a single item.

News4JAX asked Plata what a defense lawyer would do with this information now that it has been submitted.

“You’re trying to find out can they possibly tie it to my client? Where did the knife come from? Who sold it?” Platat said. “Kind of try to piece it together.”
That's horrific. It shows clearly the amount of violence this poor girl endured. And he bragged about it. Planned it. Threatened. If they don't give the maximum sentence here...Because all of the evidence to support it is there. Just an evil little.

Blade tip recovered from Tristyn Bailey’s body came from knife found in St. Johns retention pond: FDLE​

A blade tip found in 13-year-old Tristyn Bailey’s body originated from a knife that was discovered in a St. Johns County retention pond, according to a Florida Department of Law Enforcement report released Tuesday.

The FDLE report lists two pieces of evidence submitted to the FDLE in April that underwent forensic analysis. The report shows one is a damaged buck knife — which was removed from a retention pond near the location where Bailey’s body was found — with a silver-colored metal blade and the tip of the blade missing. The second piece of evidence, according to the report, is a damaged silver-colored metal knife blade tip that was recovered from Bailey’s scalp.

The report states that examinations of the knife and the blade tip showed that they were similar in color, type of material and “striation pattern running along the width of the blade pieces.”

“Further comparisons of their fractured edges also revealed the correspondence of the complex feature contours and surface details,” the report continues.

The report concludes by saying the blade tip and the knife blade were at one time a single item.

News4JAX asked Plata what a defense lawyer would do with this information now that it has been submitted.

“You’re trying to find out can they possibly tie it to my client? Where did the knife come from? Who sold it?” Platat said. “Kind of try to piece it together.”
We know he stabbed her a kazaillion times but still I get shocked, the blade tip buried in her scalp. Who can even IMAGINE doing that to another human being? I can't. Even if I detested someone. He sure didn't show a LICK of smarts but sure thought he was the big man or so it seemed. This attack though, back to that, was so heinous that I don't think it likely he is redeemable. Said it before and will say it again, he does not belong amongst people or out in public for sure, the public would be in danger. Not because of smarts, because of his evil.

His mother, yeah.... It is very hard to believe a teen that harbored this much evil never showed a sign of it that the parents noticed--or someone for that matter.

Imo many parents are sure their children are innocent but IF she thought he was, she'd have felt no NEED to wash his jeans. What did she think it was, an accident?! I get she did not know the brutality at that point but still. she must have felt he was guilty of something.
We know he stabbed her a kazaillion times but still I get shocked, the blade tip buried in her scalp. Who can even IMAGINE doing that to another human being? I can't. Even if I detested someone. He sure didn't show a LICK of smarts but sure thought he was the big man or so it seemed. This attack though, back to that, was so heinous that I don't think it likely he is redeemable. Said it before and will say it again, he does not belong amongst people or out in public for sure, the public would be in danger. Not because of smarts, because of his evil.

His mother, yeah.... It is very hard to believe a teen that harbored this much evil never showed a sign of it that the parents noticed--or someone for that matter.

Imo many parents are sure their children are innocent but IF she thought he was, she'd have felt no NEED to wash his jeans. What did she think it was, an accident?! I get she did not know the brutality at that point but still. she must have felt he was guilty of something.
Yes. Where the murder weapon breaks. I've seen other cases where that's happened and it is shocking. Stabbing, Very up close and personal. With that amount of violence I would think there would be alot of blood.
I don't know. I haven't seen an autopsy report. It makes me wonder if he didn't keep stabbing her after she was dead. I've seen that quite a bit in cases where the person was being stabbed in the head. It's absolutely horrifying.
I can't recall but I think he did. I also can't remember the # of stab wounds but I want to say it was like 140 or something. Bit time OVERKILL.

Aiden Fucci: Trial for teen accused of killing Tristyn Bailey being moved from November to February​

The trial for Aiden Fucci, the teen suspected of killing St. Johns County 13-year-old Tristyn Bailey, has been pushed to next year.

Judge R. Lee Smith said Friday he would allow the trial to be moved from November to February. Fucci’s trial was originally set to begin on Nov. 7.

Fucci’s defense attorney said Friday 40 more depositions still needed to be taken, and the extra time would allow her to complete those.

Aiden Fucci: Trial for teen accused of killing Tristyn Bailey being moved from November to February​

The trial for Aiden Fucci, the teen suspected of killing St. Johns County 13-year-old Tristyn Bailey, has been pushed to next year.

Judge R. Lee Smith said Friday he would allow the trial to be moved from November to February. Fucci’s trial was originally set to begin on Nov. 7.

Fucci’s defense attorney said Friday 40 more depositions still needed to be taken, and the extra time would allow her to complete those.
FORTY depositions?? I can't even begin to imagine the point of that. I somehow doubt there are that many witnesses with relevant info that would help their cause but I guess they could go fishing and choose the few after doing all of that which may be of benefit although I can't imagine how... Either way, they get a delay. No surprise.there.

Crystal Smith is charged with tampering with evidence following death of Tristyn Bailey​

She is accused of washing blood out out of her son's jeans hours after Bailey's death.
For them to actually charge her with this means she knew the blood was not from some innocent happenstance and not just a mom doing her kids dirty laundry.
For them to actually charge her with this means she knew the blood was not from some innocent happenstance and not just a mom doing her kids dirty laundry.
I am waiting for the video to load. It is hanging for some reason. In the meantime, yeah, wow. What was she charged with prior? Obstruction of justice or some such? I wonder if they just finally now had time to put the charges together or of course something came out that shows she knew WHAT he had done and to WHOM and/or testing of the blood and results came back but one would think they had that prior to now.

What she did was so wrong. I can see being in an absolute panic if she had no idea her son was like this or could do this but she had the presence of mind to do it and to THINK he had done it clearly OR knew he had and what she did was just so wrong and intentional that it shows that presence of mind. Imo.

Still won't play for me. Now it gave me an error. Still trying.
Now I finally got it. This is the original charge isn't it and there was a pretrial hearing now is what it is about?

She didn't have to appear, just her attorney. I will tell you I don't agree with that and there is a lot of it going on these days. Defendants should have to appear imo.
I am waiting for the video to load. It is hanging for some reason. In the meantime, yeah, wow. What was she charged with prior? Obstruction of justice or some such? I wonder if they just finally now had time to put the charges together or of course something came out that shows she knew WHAT he had done and to WHOM and/or testing of the blood and results came back but one would think they had that prior to now.

What she did was so wrong. I can see being in an absolute panic if she had no idea her son was like this or could do this but she had the presence of mind to do it and to THINK he had done it clearly OR knew he had and what she did was just so wrong and intentional that it shows that presence of mind. Imo.

Still won't play for me. Now it gave me an error. Still trying.
I mean if I had a son that came back from the woods with blood on him, the first question would be what was the blood from. IF his answer was from a dead animal and you had no reason to question him on that, I can see telling him to take them off and get them in the washer BUT if that was the case they wouldn't have charged her so he had to have told her what happened. She KNEW! and still did nothing but cover for him.
I mean if I had a son that came back from the woods with blood on him, the first question would be what was the blood from. IF his answer was from a dead animal and you had no reason to question him on that, I can see telling him to take them off and get them in the washer BUT if that was the case they wouldn't have charged her so he had to have told her what happened. She KNEW! and still did nothing but cover for him.
If I recall correctly, the cops came to the house to talk to him and on talking to him took him to show them where he walked with her, saw her, etc. It was THEN that mom washed the jeans and someone else was present who I believe told LE (I doubt they are friends any longer). And then they were able to back it up by taking the home security footage.

So it is possible, just slightly, that she didn't know from her son BUT when she saw cops and heard what he told them she checked his stuff and room when they left with him. It is though also possible he told her OR when he saw or they knew cops were at the door panicked and she got a clue from him or something... It certainly does though show she didn't stay calm and relaxed and do nothing, certain her son was innocent. Either way she new or suspected at some point is the way I see it.

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