So he had built a bunker in the basement???
I'm listening to this right now.... trying to find exactly what timing in the podcast they mention this
I don't know. Tresir I believe talked of some area that was dug into the basement, I don't recall hearing such. I know guns were found in the basement and I think they were in some locked room, perhaps what they are calling a bunker.
I'm listening, and just heard Candace say some bunker with a steel door. I know the basement was of interest to LE in the searches, and I think there was seen possibly how he hung up the victims. A lot of what she is talking of comes from his "planning document" they found on the electronic devices. And I'd say assumptions with some things.
Her guest says all the neighbors said he was just seemingly some normal family man, yet the way I recall it, some of his neighbors thought him quite odd...
I don't think we know some of these things but that they are guessed from his planning doc. MAYBE it shows, or some of it, in the things filed when charging?
Much of what I am hearing on this podcast is what we already know they are going through, like his "date" with the woman she calls the luckiest woman in NY as she didn't die.
I know it is figured he tortured them in the basement and there is a "room" like where the guns were locked for one. I "think" they did see an area he may have hung the women from, suspended them I guess is more accurate, for torture but honestly not sure if we heard that as fact. I guess such could be called a "bunker". I don't think we have a lot of detail on it though.
They do seem to me to be simply talking on all of the things we do know in the podcast.
The basement was of interest, I know that, is the best way to put it but as far as what they found, I do not think we know a ton about that. Or what the search warrants resulted in and so forth. I did just listen to the entire podcast. We know "some". Like about the guns. That came from a presser if I recall.
A lot of things are simply put together imo. Wish I could be more help.
They are being quite careful with what they say and file as far as to what we've seen. Imo.
But yes, it seems to be a no brainer he likely tortured them in the basement and there are hints of such, and there certainly was a room where for instance the guns were locked. I THINK is correct. Something rings some bell on marks or things where they would have again, been tied to, hung from. However, I don't think we really know the results of much of such, and a lot is assumption, talk.
Sorry I'm not more help.
And there was a storage unit too/or units even as I recall.