Not sure that I ever heard of that one or her killing him. I can't believe
@Mel70 isn't here for this stuff because she knows of so many of them and the details of SKs I mean. It would be of interest to her for sure.
Kudos to anyone who self defended and killed an SK. I haven't had a chance for going into links today, just responding to what the posts say and share. Just to be clear. I just talked to a state department trying to get a clear answer on something, can't believe I even finally reached someone. Been a day. Staying away from talking of it. Of course they can't tell you this or that. However, they were pretty good at least and did their job and did respond.
I'd get lost if I went into rabbit holes right now lol. Meaning don't think I could handle or would ever be able to find the surface again. In this case for sure, also Jon Benet. Etc. I have however been down such at times.
The charges can't come fast enough for me in this SK case. Maybe because it was so messed up for so long, I don't know. Imo things need to be moved on before more info is lost as happens when years go by, like phone records and other things. He's just so evil, well allegedly I guess. I mean time sometimes is of the essence.