This is two days ago, but it says new.
Good bunch of shares/links. Watched them all.
I have to lean towards the women were dismembered in his home, most likely. The freezer sticks in my head as well although they may well have just taken it on the chance it was worthwhile to take.
He isn't going to do this in his vehicle or in town at his office and I don't see this man as someone out in the elements and outside dismembering,. Wife was gone, etc. However, it's been years as far as finding recent evidence, the evidence would be gone or less than it would have been at the time most likely but there sure still could be blood that soaked, etc.
The room in the basement they can play down but a serial killer had such a room. Do we know if he built it? Or did it exist when his parents had the place? if he built it, its one of the only efforts he made with doing anything to that home, he sure didn't maintain it well.
It seems like a mundane question but I want to know the square footage of this home. And if the basement had any finished living area and what the square footage of living area was. That's not going to be found because the home was never listed but passed from family member to family member through generations it seems. I don't have the time but was trying the other day just a bit. Can anyone give a guess with looking at pictures of sizes of cars, the equipment in the back yard, and other things we can guess sizes of next to the home and give a ballpark guess on square footage?
I'm just trying to picture a minimum of four people living in this home for probably years on end and never having a clue if he did keep things or something went on there even if not home at the time it happened. I think of Tammy Daybell and the raccoon text and she was out of town at the time too... And Chad's kids. Even if all clueless in both cases, hindsight and just some oddities have to come to them or thing disturbed or behavior or things that dind't quite add up. I CANNOT imagine living in an average sized home and never ever wondering about anything or having something that put one's suspiciions up.
I had a sneaky weird hub. I put it down to cheating but to this day... He used his shed (big pole shed type shed). And his truck always locked and then inside the console locked, etc. and guarded his keys etc. like a maniac. At least on two occasions I heard a phone ring I could swear that he probably forgot to shut off that weren't ours. Wedding ring was another thing.
You put it down to cheating generally.
You get home early on a rare occasion and he acts all weird and is in the home and rushes out with some exccuse to the shed looking as if he quiickly hid something in his hands, etc. Has some excuse to move his vehicle up towards the shed immediately.
I share all this, and would rather not, only because there is NO WAY this wife didn't see things that damaged the marriage and couldn't be explained. NO WAY. Not all those years, not with frequenting prostitutes. Pretty sure I had that going on too. This was pretty much said in one of your linked videos. Of course she was aware of at least cheating.
It is said his first wife divorced over the cheating.
There is NO WAY they all lived in a smallish one level home for their area with four people in it and none of the rest of the family never had a clue of at least some type of secrets. And if there was a locked room they couldn't ever go in or a building on the property, etc. then well...