Four students murdered at University of Idaho *ARREST*


Got my Masters degree from here. :(

Killer who stabbed 4 Idaho students to death still at large​

The killer — or killers — who stabbed four University of Idaho students to death remained at large Tuesday, prompting many students to leave the campus in the idyllic small town despite police assurances that there was no imminent risk to the community.

So many students had left the scenic tree-lined campus in Moscow, Idaho, by Tuesday that university officials said a candlelight vigil scheduled for the next day would instead be held after the Thanksgiving break.

The students, all close friends, were found dead in an off-campus rental home around noon on Sunday, and officials said they likely were killed several hours earlier. Latah County Coroner Cathy Mabbutt told the Spokane, Washington-based television station KXLY that her preliminary investigation showed the students were stabbed to death. There is no indication that substance use was involved in the deaths, Mabbutt said.
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Then they have no choice. They lost the lottery.
Yeah, but fame comes with a notorious case... All sorts of things feed such types...

I remember hearing how good she is and I have yet to see it, all I see is the typical b.s. but I actually worried she was good when I heard that... Just games. Same old. Not that such don't cause problems because they do in our system which I'll leave alone as that's a subject in and of itself.
Scott Reisch (defense atty/Crime Talk) just minutes here about how Judge Judge has said this is one of the most difficult decisions of his career. You can skip past the CBD dog treats, intro unless interested in the Sarah Boone case and some others he goes on to talk of. The Kohberger part is done by 7:20 minutes. And beginning is intro and ad and so if it is tops of five maybe that's it.

Off topic but with a last name of Judge this man ended up a judge. Just a bit of lightness, I wonder how many people with the last name of Cook ended up a cook. Or how many with the last name of Butler ended up a butler. How how about Mason...? I don't have time to think of more but interesting thought lol. So maybe if people want their kids to end up in a certain career and already have a last name, they should use a first name that is what they hope... Doctor for instance, they would probably be asked their entire childhood if they wanted to be a doctor... We have had different generation and decades of trendy names, maybe try this one... I mean the seasons have been done. The states (Dakota for instance), and so much more.

Anyhow this is a weighty decision for Judge Judge.

Scott has his opinion on it.

I don't like how the defense went about it and I don't think all was very kosher but just go ahead and grant it imo.

However, I also get for the families and other reasons, and the standard IS not that they grant such if no real reason.

7:20 minutes. Less if you forward through the intro and ad.


Kohberger defense wants death penalty option removed in Idaho murder trial​

A man accused of murdering four University of Idaho students in 2022 is asking the court to remove the option of the death penalty, should he be found guilty.

On Thursday, Bryan Kohberger’s defense team filed a motion to strike it from the trial—arguing that their client has the right to a speedy trial and that things are already moving slowly.

The defense worries that a capital punishment case would take even longer.

“Death penalty cases must be considered differently compared to non-death penalty cases. They must be subjected to heightened constitutional scrutiny,” the filing reads.

“Put simply, so long as Mr. Kohberger’s execution is a possible result in this case, the State of Idaho must take basic, if not “extraordinary measures” to protect his constitutional rights.”

The motion is one of 13 filed Thursday.

Bryan Kohberger’s attorneys want death penalty off the table​

Kohberger’s attorneys filed challenges to the state’s capital punishment plan Thursday, Idaho Judicial Branch spokesperson Nate Poppino told the Idaho Statesman.

In 13 filings, they argued that “Idaho has no viable method for killing” in a death penalty case, adding that the state’s death penalty plan violates the U.S. Constitution.

“The process provided to Mr. Kohberger up to this point has failed to adequately protect him from being arbitrarily selected for the death penalty,” one filing reads, according to NBC.

His attorneys claimed executing Kohberger by “means of lethal injection or a gunshot as conceived of by the Idaho Department of Corrections (IDOC) would violate his right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment and his right to due process under the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution.”

Idaho’s other legal execution method — death by firing squad — “is not and was never constitutional,” the attorneys wrote.

Latah County prosecutor Bill Thompson cited four aggravating factors in the state’s decision to pursue the death penalty. According to a filing obtained by the Seattle Times, Thompson pointed to the deaths as being “especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel, manifesting exceptional depravity.”
God, please tell me why this world is going down the tubes.

SHE had to backtrack on speedy trial.

Filing 13 motions, just typical D bs to flood the judge or other side.

Of COURSE defendants deserve a FAIR trial and process. I'd never say otherwise.

But the b.s. has gone way too far.

Ms, supposedly amazing lawyer gave up the speedy trial thing herself but now is going on about it. Whether ID has the DP and firing squad or drugs can be obtained or what worked out, so what. They sit forever anyhow. Yeah, all law and ridiculous b.s. about the INS and outs of such, rights, etc.

If only the victims could come back to life and yell about the same on the other side and if only their families could as well.

I'm not impressed with Ms. Ann Taylor is it? I was prepared to be, to was said at the start how good she is. I class her right with Dru and Iris in the Morphew case.

Anyhow, i';d hope Judge Judge can handle this and I think the P team here too and detectives have done an outstanding job. However, the politics and b.s. going on may play in bigger than what rightfully should play in where that should not...

Gee I mean we have a mom who killed her kids who is now at issue of being extradited from the UK because she has no guaranteed parole possibility.

This is just one more of a number of crazy things I've seen today. What is even scarier is I think some younger ones have been so influenced that they think such should be and will be the norm and is how it should be.

Man have things gone down the tubes. And many think it should be or at least they'd like us to think most think that.

I'm serious. Open thine eyes. Live and learn as most of us do of every single generation. Not all, but most...
I can’t imagine the people of Idaho holding their cool if the death penalty comes off the table. People are angry at this brutal killing. Very angry.
I agree although they were also very angry over Tylee and JJ and the DP came off the table for Lori. I'm sure they are angry over it, I am but it didn't change it.

I don't see it happening here, the court and attys are well aware of that case and Lori's was due to the speedy trial thing. Taylor in this case for BK has already dropped the speedy trial request.

I dont't see a judge deciding for any reason I can think of the P is wrong to pursue the DP, and I also don't see the P removing going for the DP in a heinous case like this. A deal for four life terms without parole perhaps.

If it was removed though, she wouldn't have needed to be his attorney either. They had to have one death qualified. However, I doubt she'd jump ship if that happened. Too high profile.


Judge moves trial for suspect in Idaho student stabbings​

An Idaho judge has moved the location for the murder trial of Bryan Kohberger, the man accused in the stabbing deaths of four University of Idaho students in 2022 while they were asleep in their home near the campus.

In an order issued Monday, Latah County Judge John C. Judge agreed with the defense’s overarching argument that, despite the best efforts of the court, the international media sensation over the killings had probably tainted the pool of local jurors, making it impossible for Kohberger to receive a fair trial in Latah County.

Judge wrote that a significant challenge was not just traditional media coverage but “the ongoing spread of prejudicial misinformation, rumors, and patently false theories of the case on social media outlets such as Facebook, podcasts, and blogs.”

Judge also cited inadequate space and resources at his courthouse, which serves a county of about 40,000 people. The order did not say to which Idaho county the trial will be moved when it begins next summer.

Neither Ingrid Batey, a special assistant in the Idaho attorney general’s office who is prosecuting the case, nor Anne Taylor, Kohberger’s public defender, addressed change of venue Monday. Judge issued a gag order last year that prevents the attorneys from making “extrajudicial statements” in the case.

Judge moves trial for suspect in Idaho student stabbings​

An Idaho judge has moved the location for the murder trial of Bryan Kohberger, the man accused in the stabbing deaths of four University of Idaho students in 2022 while they were asleep in their home near the campus.

In an order issued Monday, Latah County Judge John C. Judge agreed with the defense’s overarching argument that, despite the best efforts of the court, the international media sensation over the killings had probably tainted the pool of local jurors, making it impossible for Kohberger to receive a fair trial in Latah County.

Judge wrote that a significant challenge was not just traditional media coverage but “the ongoing spread of prejudicial misinformation, rumors, and patently false theories of the case on social media outlets such as Facebook, podcasts, and blogs.”

Judge also cited inadequate space and resources at his courthouse, which serves a county of about 40,000 people. The order did not say to which Idaho county the trial will be moved when it begins next summer.

Neither Ingrid Batey, a special assistant in the Idaho attorney general’s office who is prosecuting the case, nor Anne Taylor, Kohberger’s public defender, addressed change of venue Monday. Judge issued a gag order last year that prevents the attorneys from making “extrajudicial statements” in the case.

Smart, one less appeals issue.
I've said in this case and some other one recently I think though can't recall offhand, maybe it was just this one, I don't really have any problem with a change of venue in any case. I DO HAVE a problem with if it confirms the defense attorney is right in what they claim because I disagree a fair jury can't be found anywhere and in nationally known cases, not sure it makes a lot of difference...

I don't like how it is said in here by the judge the internet things, etc. and not just traditional media coverage. A ton of traditional media if we count certain ones speculates a lot themselves these days and always have for years on end. I'm thinking of like Court TV. They've been doing it long before the internet on TV before and during every case. That's not a knock, it's a statement that it's always been the case and talking heads on any traditional media do the same, always have.

And so I can say give them the venue change who cares, but if it confirms they are right, I have a problem with that. Juries need to be picked and trusted to be fair, that is our system. You ask these things before you eject a juror (one side or the other or the judge) and so on.

We have a jury system and it is either trusted or not that people are not so dumb as to not be able to follow instructions and admit if they have bias. It's a human system. Period.

Now aside from all that, again, who cares if they move it a jury should be fairly picked and vetted anywhere. But again if it endorses what the P is saying or claiming, THEN I disagree.

One thing aside from all that it will do is in Moscow it is already clear and has been said they want this in the summer so as not when school is in session so with EVERY single DELAY the D will attempt or that just happens, it will be delayed another YEAR if they stick to that. So that alone having it elsewhere is taken care of.
Smart, one less appeals issue.
Sure until the D claims later well they moved it to a bigger city/county who had more national news coverage on the case by far lol.

Just saying...

See my thoughts, I was typing a response when yours was posted. Did my own post.

I don't have a problem with it moved or any trial moved in any case, UNLESS it is saying what is claimed is true and so on.
Kohberger starting at 6:53 in, but if I don't give a time, there are time stamps for each case and time in his videos.

WTH? So Judge Judge granted the change of venue but now he is out as judge on the case. And on top of it, defendant will be transferred to that county's jail, etc.

Now I've said I don't have a problem with change of venue before, who cares, give them that fairness, but this is more than I'd have expected. So a new judge, Judge Hipler. So Judge Judge took himself off the case without actually probably taking himself off the case. And more. I'm not sure what I think of this and ID itself is a state that with courts and laws, well, I wonder about.

I don't have an opinion right now but I don't like this... A general change in venue is one thing but there seems to be far more to it, we so rarely see it, and maybe such things are part of the reason... Where is his attorney from again? Just wondering. Because I can think of a few cases in CO that (this is ID) where such a change puts others in charge outside of the small town, smaller county killing area.

Not sure. I would have to know more but corrupt can run both ways by the way... Like in people getting off...

Just not liking it..

However, I have no idea and no opinion right now. Truly. I simply did not know it would result in this kind of say and takeover... If so, I can see why it is rarely granted...

Food for thought that I don't have time for right now...

Jerry Seinfeld GIF
He is one scary, looking dude. I wonder if anyone ever thought he had cold eyes before this happened? I can’t remember if we read that anybody felt that way about him or not.
I don't recall hearing anything about him from others other than he was on a site asking about feelings if you killed somebody or something like that. Nothing i recall from anybody that knew him.

From Moscow to Boise: Bryan Kohberger at the Ada County Jail, what comes next​

Bryan Kohberger was moved from Moscow, Idaho to the Ada County Jail in Boise early Sunday morning on Sept. 15. He will remain in Boise until his trial starts – which is expected to be June of 2025.

Kohberger was expected to appear in court for the next time in Latah County in November of 2024 to challenge the death penalty, but after the change of venue request was granted, all hearings were canceled in Latah County, according to Idaho Cases of Interest.

Sandra Barrios, the trial administrator for the Ada County Courthouse, wrote in an email to KTVB that there are no hearings set yet in Ada County. She also wrote it is too early to tell the cost of the trial.

Kohberger is being held in a cell by himself, said Captain Ryan Jensen of the Ada County Sheriff’s Office. He is not allowed to interact with other inmates, but Ada County Jail staff will interact with him to make sure his needs are met, Jensen said.

Jensen also said the Ada County Jail regularly handles dietary and religious accommodations, and they will do the same for Kohberger. He will be treated like any other inmate and given the same privileges – like making phone calls and having attorney visits.

He will be held in the Ada County Jail until the time of his trial.

The Idaho Supreme Court selected Judge Stephen Hippler to hear the case – he is the administrative district judge at the Ada County Courthouse.

The prosecution and defense will both need to travel to Boise for the trial.
Bryan Kohberger files motion to wear street clothes at trial
According to court documents, Bryan Kohberger, the man accused of killing four University of Idaho students, filed a motion for him to attend all public hearings in street clothes.

The motion says a person appearing before the jury in jail clothing would impact the presumption of innocence, and, with Kohberger's trial receiving the media coverage it has, may impact his right to a fair trial.

You can read the full court document below. [at link]

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