JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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Testimony from a woman who babysat JJ on September 19, 2019. Then, testimony from the principal at Kennedy Elementary where JJ went to school.

9:34 a.m. The school received an email on Sept. 24 from Lori indicating that JJ was being removed from Kennedy and she sending him to Louisiana to be with his grandparents. Wilson called Lori and told her that once JJ was enrolled in Louisana, have that school contact Kennedy and his records could be sent. Lori then said they weren’t moving him to Louisana but would be homeschooling him. A cousin with similar needs would be working with JJ. Wilson said the school would house JJ’s records until he was re-enrolled in public school.

There's also a witness who testified Tylee was never enrolled at the college.
Mel G's hubby has been listening to Mel's testimony and he was supposed to NOT listen, so now there's a problem.

10:32 a.m. This questioning is being done without the presence of the jury. Boyce will determine if Warwick should be allowed to testify today even though he listened to his wife’s testimony. Warwick says it has not affected his ability to give a fair testimony. Archibald says Warwick has violated court rules and should be excluded from testifying. Smith says the court should consider whether any harm has been done to his testimony and argues there was no willful misconduct.
10:36 a.m. Archibald: “There’s a reason we have rules and we don’t just say, ‘Golly gee, my bad.’ He’s accessing information on the internet. His motivation is irrelevant. He purposely accessed it and not only that, accessed other articles about people in this case. There is a rule and there’s a reason we have a rule and it’s to protect the integrity of the court.”

I have to agree with Archibald on this complaint! Judge Boyce was going to let him testify but now the attorneys went into a sidebar conference. Personally, I'm concerned there will be an appeal granted if they let Warwick testify.
The judge is letting Warwick, Mel G/W's husband as of 2021, testify after all.

10:51 a.m. When Warwick met Lori the first week of August 2019, she was recently widowed from Charles Vallow. Warwick met Lori at her house. Chad, Alex, Melani Boudreaux, Zulema Pastenes, another lady and Melanie Gibb were all there. Warwick had never met Chad in-person but they had spoken on the phone. A few years earlier, Chad reached out to Warwick and wanted to write a book with him. The book never happened because Warwick didn’t feel it was right and Chad wasn’t the one to write a book with.
10:54 a.m. “Lori was an amazing hostess. She was fixing food. We were having a social.” Warwick then met Lori later at her apartment in Rexburg, Idaho. He was dating Gibb during this visit to Rexburg.
10:55 a.m. Warwick traveled to Rexburg the weekend of Sept. 20-23, 2019 to see his son in Pocatello, for a Book of Mormon conference and to record a podcast with Lori and Gibb at Lori’s apartment.
10:58 a.m. Warwick says Lori told him Tylee was attending college in Rexburg and wanted to be independent. Warwick recalls JJ had a cardboard box and was cutting holes in it to make it like a home. Warwick tried to play with him but JJ did respond or acknowledge Warwick. Warwick saw JJ engage with Alex once and when JJ went outside to play, he seemed very happy.

His autism may have protected him from knowing the evil that was surrounding him, poor little guy.
11:02 a.m. Warwick says he didn’t believe Chad and told him he didn’t believe it. Chad then had Warwick and Gibb meet him and Lori at a property next to a church. They started describing a heavenly building next to the church – not a physical building but a spiritual building. Warwick could not see the building but was trying to be respectful and follow along with what Chad and Lori were saying.

11:04 a.m. Later in the weekend, Chad wanted Warwick to see 80 acres for sale near Chad’s home. Warwick knew an investor who wanted to develop property in Idaho so Alex Cox took Warwick to the field. Chad and a realtor showed up and asked if Warwick had any questions. Warwick said he didn’t do business on Sunday so nothing really came of it.

11:06 a.m. Warwick saw Chad again that weekend. He says Chad and Lori were very loving with one another and very affectionate. Warwick knew Chad was still married to Tammy. “I asked Chad about how his marriage was with Tammy and if she was a good wife. He said he had no complaints and she was a good wife but her time was coming up and he and Lori were going to do the things they needed to do for God.” Chad told Warwick he had a dream three years prior that Tammy was going to die by the time Chad was 50.

His testimony is more of what I've heard before when he testified before the grand jury.
There hasn't been a lot of cross-examination in this case, but there is some coming from Archibald today.

11:23 a.m. Archibald asks if there is a group called Preparing a People. Warwick says no – it’s an organization that hosts conferences. Warwick has spoken at PAP conferences and shared about his “dreams and visions.” Archibald asks if Warwick calls himself a “visionary man.” “Others have called me that. I don’t call myself anything.”
11:24 a.m. Archibald begins to ask about Warwick’s dreams and vision. Smith objects and says it’s not relevant. Archibald says it goes to Warwick’s credibility. Boyce overrules the objection and Archibald asks Warwick about his talks concerning “visions and secret combinations in Washington DC, England and Saudi Arabia.” Warwick confirms he has.
Archibald is hitting Warwick hard about their religious beliefs. I guess that's about all Lori has to defend herself, that her friends are zealots, too. I don't know how that would help her much, however.
Under re-direct from the prosecution:

11:42 a.m. “The defense asked you about dreams and visions. I want to ask you about reality,” Smith says. She asks him to repeat what Lori told him the morning Warwick left. He repeats that Lori said JJ was out of control and pushed over her picture of Christ that sat on the upper cabinets. Warwick saw no signs that anything had been damaged if JJ had climbed up there. Lori said she called Alex to come and get him because she couldn’t handle JJ. Nothing further from the state.

Fremont County Sheriff's Office Det. Bruce Mattingly called to the stand. He is being questioned by Spencer Rammell. They are talking about a search warrant executed at Chad's house in January 2020. (Per Nate Eaton on his Twitter page)

We didn't start discussing this case on our forum until the beginning of February 2020. That was right after we recovered from our site crashing on January 2, 2020. What a year! Just think, I don't believe any of us knew we were about to suffer from a pandemic at that time!
1:10 p.m. Next witness is FBI Intelligence Analyst Benjamin Dean. He has worked for the FBI for the past 8.5 years.
He's an expert in analyzing electronic devices and was asked to check out electronic devices taken from Chad's house in Jan 2020.


Dean was asked to review two BlueRay discs seized from Chad's house. Rammell asks about the second disc. Dean says the disc belonged to Seth Daybell, Chad's son.
Rammell asks Dean to read the text messages and time stamps. The first message was at 11:53 a.m. from Chad to Tammy talking about shooting a raccoon in the yard. At 11:56 a.m., Chad sent another text saying he was going to shower and then write at BYU.

Dean says the date of the text message stood out to him because he was originally assigned to look for tips about JJ and Tylee from Yellowstone on Sept. 8, 2019. Then Chad sent the message the next day and Dean "became concerned" because the text was sent the day after Tylee was last seen alive. Rammell has no further questions for Dean.

And once again, no cross examination by the defense. :thinking:
I have followed quite a few high profile court cases and I have to wonder why there are hardly any cross-examination questions. I wonder if they are trying to get the whole trial thrown out due to admitting the information about Charles Vallow's murder?
Rexburg Police Det. Stubbs is on the stand and the prosecution is having the court admit a myriad of documents. They include Amazon records, insurance information, travel records, documents concerning Spring Creek Book Company and Tammy Daybell's Gmail account, cellphone records, hotel receipts, and Fitbit records.

ETA: Per Nate Eaton, Stubbs specializes in collecting evidence from cell phones, computers and other electronic devices. He estimates he's analyzed hundreds of devices over the years.
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