JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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Rob is very interesting to listen to here imo. He is talking more ad lib. Still careful at times with a few subjects but very open overall. Nate's was recorded and probably edited.
He talks about the hardest parts of trial and they were the autopsy pic days and he was quite lengthy about it and also says how those pics should sealed, no reason anyone needs to see them and I agree, and just talked of this subject I think in Delphi some days back. He had more to say on those days thought at each trial. The other part was hearing Tammy's own children talk of her the way they did when he does not believe for a moment she was the way they described.

He is being overall very forthcoming. It is good.
LMAO he is talking about their conversations, texts, etc. and says "what started out as a juvenile sexting session..." I am dying laughing. That was a good one.
Man this is good. Almost tempted to call in and finish watching it. But I had better not. Mostly they are letting him talk, which I appreciate.
I don't' know where I left off this morning, over halfway but I finished it on getting home late tonight. I highly recommend, Rob shared a lot.
The part I watched to night until the finish was a bit more I don't know, relaxed and not all so much about the case, but Lori and whether she really believed, that she knew right from wrong big time, her mental health, and a lot of LDS talk, nothing to condemn of course but some questions and such around the religious part, like did their cases affect Rob in his beliefs, things like that. It was interesting. He is LDS and so is Lauren. I thought she was non practicing and had left it but I could have that wrong. A variety of things. Rob just kind of talks and in maybe a more relaxed fashion than we've ever seen him although I am sure he is conscious of sharing nothing that should not be shared but still, a lot of his own opinions, etc. It's not short but I was not bored for one moment, this morning I even wanted to stay and continue watching... But had to work.
Annie. Live right now. Joe's sister, Tylee's aunt. I am at the end of my two days off which have been all lost to dealing with a home in another state. I did not see it all but hope to, I went into it late. She too does not buy into Alex's cause of death or into Zulema the part I saw and has some good points and contradictions with Zulema.. I tell ya there are a lot of people gtetting off and free here...

I am always going to share any family. I saw something from Megan the other day that got kind of deep and told of the connections Chad and then Lori had going into the Jason mow thing and Church of the Firsttborn, etc. and where this all stemmed from but did not get a chance to share it. I have had NO TIME

Anyhow here is this one.

And of course Emma. Again I came into the live at the ending minutes but am going to make a point to watch all of this, not sure when I will get time but intend to.
Gee I need to get caught up on this thread. Lots to watch which I will get to once the Olympics finishes tomorrow. I will be interested to watch the Julie Rowe one. I have never seen her legs before as she always did her videos in her car LOL.
I consider Mexico likely but I don't see it as a fact unless LE can tell us they confirmed it other than by hearsay from Alex to Z. The "facts" you cite in your first paragraph are all from Zulema. You know, she didn't need an immunity deal from doing nothing. They can arrest for having a casting or two with miles away. It's rumored they all have one but Zulema's is thought to be fact. What did they do, all/any of them?

An international driving license, whatever the heck that is, would not get you back into the States, you have to have a passport or you don't come home. So let's see the passport OR even pictures of him crossing the border. Mexico would let him in but you're not to come back without a passport. I know as I went there at least 12 years in a row and we went from being able to use driver's licenses to having to have a passport and it was made entirely clear to us that it is only the U.S. side that requires such, Mexico never changed it, "we" did. They may have now but I seriously doubt it, they prevent little from coming in or through.

As far as I'm concerned Alex probably went for the very drug/s or poison/s that killed him. He may well have thought they were for future murders and not his. I've given a variety of possible scenarios and not only Zulema but she's very high on the list.

By the way, I don't even know how long Alex trucked and when he quit, pretty sure I've heard that part, but I'd doubt he trucked or delivered internationallly. Most truckers don't and I'd think he'd be pretty garden variety. Many also, and their companies, don't enter California even because of all the ridiculous rules that only some companies are willing to navigate and which change constantly. A job i worked at I ordered the trucks for our products to go to customers (almost always companies they went to), BIG products their key product was but still not a full semi load, but LTL. I'd often have to get the load to California but would have to use one or two that had the connection that would do Calfiornia, so they'd get it to say Idaho or Arizona, etc. and then from there they'd transfer and pay for that but we made payment just to the first trucking company, they handled that part. Never sent any to Mexico but did to Canada and that's its own "fun". Not fun.

Most truckers do the continental and some and their companies even just do a five or however many state area. I worked with a woman towards the end of that job and her husband was a trucker at the time and he stayed midwest BUT he made more money than many truckers as he was able to haul hazardous materials, it's own classification. I doubt Alex was international and I doubt he had a hazardous licensing/ability to handle etc. either.

So I'm not sure what you are talking or thinking with some international driver's license but even if he COULD do such, it wouldn't mean he didn't need a passport and using a trucking thing for his own personal trip? Yeah if I had time I'd look it up but never heard of such a thing.

Here you can drive in any state, heck yes we can all generally drive in any country if we visit but no international license is issued to my knowledge. I've never driven out of country but my ex had in Canada. They just accept that you are a licensed driver in the states but it still isn't a passport to come back into our country and cross the border.

Sorry you've just lost me on that one. His passport would have to be stamped no ifs, ands or buts when he came back as far as I know and we went through OUR customs, the other side.

It used to be far easier but that changed long ago.

You like Reddit so here you go, this is mostly about Tammy but there is some talk of Alex but a lot about malachite. i in just minutes have read down to where how many shows have been done on this and the things it can do to the body. I'd search one relating to just Alex but I was more looking for what it does and can do. Been awhile but I watched a lot about such and Lori has a thing for malachite. Just one thought. Lungs, changes, cardiac, breathing and all sorts of things. Oh and gastrointestinal, diarrhea, more.

if they knew about malachite (I never did) what else did they know of....

One person even mentioned what I've said as a possibility and that's that Alex was part of it himself and knew he was to go.

I think he was murdered though and perhaps by being told to take something he had no idea about.

Like I said, above I gave a few various possibilities but hey Zulema was the one there.

He gave up his job when he moved to Rexburg I believe. An international drivers licence can be used to get back and forth across borders eg to Mexico or to and from Canada, for example AFAIK. Some lorries may go back and forth on these borders daily. Similar to our borders with France and Ireland. Maybe you don't have them there, but it is designed to speed up border crossings for regular professional drivers like truckers.

Will try and get up to date over the weekend. I am going by Alex's autopsy as well.
Gee I need to get caught up on this thread. Lots to watch which I will get to once the Olympics finishes tomorrow. I will be interested to watch the Julie Rowe one. I have never seen her legs before as she always did her videos in her car LOL.
i actually never finished the Julie Rowe one. You'd have to ask @Kimster too if she did. I don't think she finished either because she is such a nutcase in the interview with Nate it was a bit hard to take honestly. Just last night I ran into the tab still open as I meant to go back and fiinish it one day and I exited, figuring I could always go back and find it if I want to finish it. let us know if you do. I wanted to but man it's nutty from the very start. And I NEVER don't watch all of Nate's and as you know, he's good. Give it a shot. I wanted to ask I said but man she is something else...

I had seen one of hers back when, maybe two, and I found her to be the FAKEST (why did my computer just capitalize that??) grifter I have ever seen. She was basically begging for money with some false flakey story and it was one of the most obvious things I have ever seen anyone do and rang so false WHY some fell for her I will never understand.

I watched Megan Conner the other night and she went into the connections of Chad to her, Jason Mow and others and the "bigger group" I have always said exists here. That one was two hours long but I watched it all...

There are MORE out there is all I have to say, they may have Chad and Lori, but they don't have them all...
He gave up his job when he moved to Rexburg I believe. An international drivers licence can be used to get back and forth across borders eg to Mexico or to and from Canada, for example AFAIK. Some lorries may go back and forth on these borders daily. Similar to our borders with France and Ireland. Maybe you don't have them there, but it is designed to speed up border crossings for regular professional drivers like truckers.

Will try and get up to date over the weekend. I am going by Alex's autopsy as well.
It could be, unsure, but most just truck in the US and Alex never struck me as ever being the overly ambitious type. I've worked around trucking in a job or two and had girlfriends whose hubs or bs were truckers too and never knew of such. I'm not saying no company or driver does such (no idea) but I don't think it is real common and I doubt Alex did such.

And if he gave up his job when moving to Rexburg well when he went for the drugs was after that.

And could you use a license like that (which I'm not even sure we have) when operating a personal vehicle?

Not that it matters really. I ran into something last night about Zulema from Annie Cushing. I meant to post it but was beyond tired. She had a live last night which I went into at the tail end. Zulema had not told the entire truth either even though the jury found her the most truthful of any of the "group"...

I have had a heck of a two days off. Right now I have to be at work at 2 (thank God) and I slept about two hours seriously. I should go lay back down for a couple. I need this house thing taken care of I swear, to ever have any life.

it was nothing but on the phone, text, email all day yesterday and now I am back to the work week.

Anyhow Annie has one out that was just last night.

I forget the name of her channel --a Murderous Heart maybe? Rings a bell. I couldn't find anything on and then I came across that.

Or did I link and post it, I meant to but don't think so, that's how wiped out I was, I am not sure but don't think so.

Anyhow yes, Z said he had not been feeling good and then went to Mexico for prescription drugs because they were cheaper...Annie, like almost all of us, does not think his death was natural, and that Z killed him if my memory serves at the direction of Chad and Lori... Also she claimed to never be in Rexburg, etc., and she was...There's a reason she quickly lawyered up and got an immunity agreement imo.

Now Annie is Annie, don't get me wrong.

Megan Conner's show was long and I don't know if I linked that either but she gave the connections of where this all started and the "bigger" group and some names. And says there are more out there. She cited other shows that have found all this and connected it all.

I recall way back at the start how many more were rumored to be part of this. Chad was DEFINITELY enamored with Julie Rowe. I still want to see all of Nate's thing with her but I can tell you she is hard to take. I thought it was just me but again Kimster had the same problem. She is a freaking fraudulent nut case and I can't believe people fall for people like this. It truly scares me for society such goes on. We all live in our bubbles and have no idea of what else goes on I swear...
i actually never finished the Julie Rowe one. You'd have to ask @Kimster too if she did. I don't think she finished either because she is such a nutcase in the interview with Nate it was a bit hard to take honestly. Just last night I ran into the tab still open as I meant to go back and fiinish it one day and I exited, figuring I could always go back and find it if I want to finish it. let us know if you do. I wanted to but man it's nutty from the very start. And I NEVER don't watch all of Nate's and as you know, he's good. Give it a shot. I wanted to ask I said but man she is something else...

I had seen one of hers back when, maybe two, and I found her to be the FAKEST (why did my computer just capitalize that??) grifter I have ever seen. She was basically begging for money with some false flakey story and it was one of the most obvious things I have ever seen anyone do and rang so false WHY some fell for her I will never understand.

I watched Megan Conner the other night and she went into the connections of Chad to her, Jason Mow and others and the "bigger group" I have always said exists here. That one was two hours long but I watched it all...

There are MORE out there is all I have to say, they may have Chad and Lori, but they don't have them all...
I did not finish it. I got enough of her after about five or 10 minutes. And I don’t watch Annie’s very often either, they are just too long and drawn out for me.
He gave up his job when he moved to Rexburg I believe. An international drivers licence can be used to get back and forth across borders eg to Mexico or to and from Canada, for example AFAIK. Some lorries may go back and forth on these borders daily. Similar to our borders with France and Ireland. Maybe you don't have them there, but it is designed to speed up border crossings for regular professional drivers like truckers.

Will try and get up to date over the weekend. I am going by Alex's autopsy as well.
We have a passport card that can be used to cross back and forth into Mexico and Canada from the US. It's designed for easy use for people that do cross frequently. It doesn't get stamped like a passport book does

I've seen it before back when like we all have. Doesn't change my opinion. I actually saw it at lunch today and so I'd already read ahead before I answered above where I touched on some of these things and what malachite can do for instance. MANY of these kinds of things are mentioned.

Yeah they were married a whole two weeks...

You said it somewhere but what I meant about Tammy and Alex is not her later autopsy but the stories and things Chad passed off and were never looked into which were also "sick" that night, trouble breathing, he figured it was heart, and a lot more and his stories to a few different people varied as well. I don't lean towards malachite with Tammy though but not convinced and not convinced he didn't give her something before they did what they did. However with no one home, they could have also simply overpowered her and put her through holy terror.

Ya know though... They both were said to be sick prior by members of this cult... I could go back to Joe as well.. However, I've been through these things and have watched all on it back in teh day and all the deaths and everything known on them. They're all shady and we know now some were outright murders.

Anyhow, the whole thing as you know, we all know has so many twists and turns with this bunch I could twist and turn further in this and more posts but doesn't really matter. I believe he was murdered and probably always will. And not a single one of these people would have turned on their cult leaders if they felt they had a choice and in fact at first did not, and lied. I'm not a fan of any of them either and never will be. They did their part and what they had to do at the trials, well some, and one not in both...

There's tons more info and like Rachel Smith said they had to constantly pick and choose what to use and also what to chase down or not. And Alex's trip to Mexico wasn't one of them but she'd have liked to. I don't KNOW if they have proof he went but she'd have very much to learn more about what he bought and more about it.

You're welcome to your opinion and I can even see where you come by it if I considered Zulema to necessarily tell or even have the facts. But like I said love ya, but I'll go with the prosecutors, investigators and most of the public on this one. Especially the first two. They know more than we do and have access to more and they think he did not die of natural causes.

I know there can be coincidence on rare occasion but there's way too many here.

And so we can differ. And Z is fair game as far as I'm concerned, they all are. Again there's an immunity agreement to keep her from being prosecuted for something...

I wonder if she conjured the most recent hurricane with her powers. Eyeroll. How can adults which they all were even fall for this evil but ridculous bullsh*t. And she sure did marry Alex do we really believe this was their idea and they were in love and she was more proud of her last name and wanted him to take it or something. Of course that's not what was going on. Why would you not tell your adult so you got married? I mean he's an adult, what's the big deal?

And that entire day and her behavior and stories well, Id' like to go back and see all that at some point because nothing added up. And her behavior was weird. Guilty. I don't know if you've been through that or not but I was.

The timing and just EVERYTHING.

She was pi*ssed at Alex. Lori. Let's also remember she had not a qualm about her kids and was calling Chad to see if they were at a high enough level yet and if it was time, just wanting it. When Lori decided it was time for someone to go, it was time. Chad as well. Alex had become a huge liabillity, thanks to them of course making him the hitman all of the time, etc. he was missing and screwing up and I've on occasion wondered if some part of him did not want to do it but no real proof of that, I guess I'd just like to think you couldn't be that cold to former loved ones, but then Lori was...

And I still go on. Sorry. I'll stop.

This isn't by far a solo opinion. I'd say yours is more so. Not that such couldn't happen but the only reason to think it's true is Zulema. And no way does she and she alone do it for me. Every one of these women knew a lot of what LE could never prove meaning at that time, who could disprove what Z said about coming home sick? Sick for five days you said? Who all saw him that way? Just asking/ I mean other than Chad and Lori giving a blessing by phone and the group. Don't think I ever saw a son's interview other than the day of, the 911 call etc but of course lawyering up happened fast with Z.

You know, Lori and Chad didn't take good enough care of their followers. They left them all flailing in the wind while they rushed for Hawaii and all on home soil for LE in all areas to come knocking... Pretty much abandoned them... Chad's kids, Mel P and new hub, Alex and Z, Mel G and David... Yet all stayed loyal and some still do... Idiots.

Yeah been here before, just have ingested a ton over the years, not fresh on all but still on much.

Its not an opinion - i am going by the official cause of death in the autopsy that stated he had the blood clots in his lungs and clogged arteries. I haven't seen anything that disputes that so far.

Clearly they murdered four - Charles, Tylee, JJ and Tammy within a three month period but, for now, i am not thinking Alex was murdered.
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We have a passport card that can be used to cross back and forth into Mexico and Canada from the US. It's designed for easy use for people that do cross frequently. It doesn't get stamped like a passport book does

Ok thanks. That makes sense to me.
I did not finish it. I got enough of her after about five or 10 minutes. And I don’t watch Annie’s very often either, they are just too long and drawn out for me.
Same reason here. She's a nut. A fraud. I haven't finished it. Just ran into the other day, I still had it up with maybe thinking I could go back at some point because I do like to learn all re a case but I couldn't.

Annie's are very long and drawn out. I have watched all though. This last one, not, I ran into it at the tail end of it. I may or may not.

I watched one of Megan's the other night, first time I came across her channel. It too was long. I stuck it out though. Sometimes it is a bit odd to me that so many various connected family members have started channels about the case. TONS actually. I don't dwell on the thought but most were not the most directly affected even though it is a huge interest big awful case.

You know, Chad and Lori and Mel G and people they knew, all are about authoring and podcasts, etc... And now we have how many family members doing exactly such too... Just something to think about, I haven't had time to really think on it but it is a thing in the LDS, I'm sorry, but we see it over and over. As Megan said, there are approved jobs they tell you you can do, and those you can't, etc...

Colby. Rex and Adam. Megan. Annie. There are others I draw blanks on right now.

Even so, I am interested in all info but yes some are hard to watch or stick out. I haven't watched Rex and Adam in quite awhile. They don't pop up for me and honestly they don't know anything more in any I've seen than is already out there imo.

But Nate's interview with Julie Rowe was very hard to digest and very easy to stop watching. She was sending me over the edge in minutes.

I will be interested to see if @Tresir makes it through and sticks it out and what her opinion is. Lol.

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