JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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She sees them sometimes but can feel them always. They will choke her, sit on her, squeeze her, punch her. The evil side....

Okay, I guess at least I am giving those of us who couldn't get through it more of her con game... And for me, it IS a con game with all of these people...
I should watch more of his lol. I have a fair few but he doesn't do all or if he does, they don't pop up for me that often and yet I am subscribed. I've never seen a bad one he ever did. His take is always good. And humor always in them too on even a most serious case.
Okay. Now he says he has given a few examples of her interview and now going to fast forward a bit. HEY, I have made it to halfway and so FAR, SO GOOD. He is making it not only tolerable but humorous and even interesting thus far...

The difference is Nate is a reporter and he did the job he is supposed to and did it well but nothing almost intervened in her minutes of absolutely b.s. and crazy talk to give a person a break from it.
This man is performing a SERVICE imo. Nate did the interview but he is making it where we can learn of him having suffered through it all without us having to. It is likely the only one of Nate's I will never be able to finish ever.
Now she's weepy. At the load she has. I guess. Just clips, again, not all. He says something about battling it out on the restroom floor ,etc. and calls it all blasphemous but then says not sure if that is the right word for it but...

This was all needed for me to get a good overview on it as I can't go back and watch the actual interview. Just can't.
I am going to make it through this and actually it isn't hard. It's good. I am going to share one more thing and then if anyone wants to see or hear the rest, I recommend a watch. You won't have trouble getting through this imo. AT ALL.

And that thing is the competition with ALL of these people. And whose gifts were better, visions, books, podcasts, etc. And I mean even in Chad and Lori's group with the Mels and so on and between people like Julie Row and Chad and more.

And he talks of what I see and believe too, they all want to be damned visionaries, authors, etc. and special. And he wonders if something in the LDS that may be makes some sense they take and make bigger...

I've said all along this religion sets itself up for this kind of thing.

And HONESTLY the ones who have left the church and are anti Lori and Chad like Cousin Megan and against how she was raised well guess what is doing a podcast... She tolke formerly of how the church only has certain approved careers..

That part is a sidetrack from me into what I think.

But back to how this OFFSHOOT kind of bunch (even though church members) completed amongst selves who had the biggest NDE, was more important, etc.

So I am not going to share comments on the second half but it is not a hard watch and worth it imo. And since we WANTED to see the Juliie Rowe interview with Nate but could not make it through, this is a way that allows one to without feeling like I just CANNOT LISTEN to her sh*t.
okay, I lied I guess. Julie's gifts are better and more expansive than Chad's... That's talking the competition, etc.

Nate also talks of Tammy's kids and Tammy.

I needed this. It's LOGICAL and like anyone who isn't stuck on something like that they don't know what they are doing would see it, and the way I do.

Not that he doesn't have moments he thinks she may be schizo or some such...
He points out plenty that every question she winds back to HER and her gifts and things, even if the question is about the kids, Chad, someone else...

Okay. I seriously am going to leave the rest. A good watch, despitpe hearing a lot of clips from her. There is as much or more byplay than clips, and commentary.
Lied again. He has a really good take on all of this that not a soul here would disagree with or think off base. And does wonder a few things. He is another also that just can't buy into Alex being natural causes.

But doesn't go down that path as he is on the Julie Rowe ideal answers when needed, etc. When her stated predictions were wrong (kids were in Hawaiii and said they were safe, her visions showed her) she has excuses for that...

She is sickening but again it is broken UP and his commentary is probably more minutes than the clips shown of her.

Highly recommend.
I should finish sharing it all but think it a must watch. Those who wanted to see what the interview was like but couldn't take it (including self) need to imo. It is the WAY to hear it and how it came across. I think Nate if not a reporter would probably agree with every word here.
OMG I am going to stop so people watch. Nate put a BIG question out there lol, that she never expected. Calmly of course but he PUT it out there... She did NOT like it...
Yeah, true, and I did think of that but also thought of how Chad got Tammy to do as he wanted using dead grandma and more. I find it unlikely he'd be okay with her leaving his half to the kids and I doubt she did anything behind his back...

So it's possible but I think doubtful.

I mean the man is all ABOUT money, as were also he and Lori together ABOUT money.

Archibald was a public defender right? Anyone recall and can confirm? I was thinking about some things while working and one is that I believe Lori quit paying a private attorney, she had no money to pay and Means may well have made some deal with her, he seemed pretty attached but he was taken off and Archibald came on... So Lori may have had NO attorney costs.

Lori had a bagful of cash in Hawaii and we know they were still living high...

And then she was arrested but Chad remained free.

Means IS the one wasn't he who represented them both at first and it became a conflict? Or was it Prior? I think it was Means...

Chad could have well paid what was left of the life insurance to retain counsel for both..

So just saying Lori might have no attorney bill...?

And that also got me thinking how dumb Chad was NOT to take public defenders. I mean he had a tough case of course and no real defense with what the two did, but I don't see anything in Prior that's that great of an attorney.

And Prior is not even death qualified and Chad faced the death penalty...

Chad could have saved all assets very likely had he used a public defender. Saved them for self or his kids but he did not. Pretty stupid really imo so why stay with Prior...?

BUT, and I don't really buy that Lori is on the home, BUT Chad could have protected half of it by putting her on and he was out for a long time while she was still inside and charged and before the kids were found, they could have even done such while she was in jail... So it's not impossible... If the place was paid off, not sure how easily he could add her if they would remake him redo a mortgage because they'd want both on and they wouldn't qualify they had no earned income although if done BEFORE she was in jail, Lori had plenty of income, but I see his need of wanting to add her coming AFTER, needing to save what assets he/they could.

If that makes any sense.

And here's the thing about community property states where it is 50/50, oftentmes what you brought to the marriage does not count, it is what you then amass together even IF only one works or amasses it. Chad owned this home with Tammy long before he married Lori and so she could maybe fight for it but it wouldn't be automatic by any means in a divorce. Adding her would make it that way.

However, they were not hardly married and the heat was on them and I don't see them taking care of things like this at all anyhow EXCEPT maybe if he wanted to keep from losing it all together. It would keep even Prior from being able to do much without Lori's signature.

Again I dont' think it likely but these were just some thoughts rolling around in the head today lol.

Chad plays good guy to Prior, Lori plays bad guy, NO, I am NOT signing anything.

Then Prior would have to get a court order and didn't he do that...? She'd still be owed her share though...

The same could have been done with Emma or anyone. If someone else was on it, and they didn't agree to give up their half in favor of dad or hub so his defense could be paid for with the WHOLE proceeds of the home then Prior was only EVER able to own half...

And NATE said someone else was on it. Other than Prior...

Mostly though I was thinking today what a dumbas* Chad was to not use a free public defender from day one although he'd have had to run through the assets before he'd be granted one...

So while I don't think it's likely Lori's on it or even has much right to it in a divorce, there are parts of this that fit some tings, like a second owner...

Emma would be as or more likely maybe... ANd SHE lived there.

Remember how Chad was having Emma pay commissary money for Lori...? Maybe because Lori was holding half the only asset for all of them (more so for Lori and Chad, but doesn't mean Emma was told that). And Emma also was in contact with her on her own.

Just some food for thought. Maybe far fetched, maybe not...

Half would still give Prior what $200K and we don't know what his bill was or when he said to the court he was now owed more than his ownership of or in the home...

I don't know why NO ONE out there has never tried to get the deed even a year ago to see who was on it. I am almost positive anyone can. They CAN here. They are recorded documents so are property mortgages for that matter. And public.

Anyhow, perhaps these thoughts will give others some other thoughts re such. Or different avenues with such.

Also is there a chance in HE77 somehow they divorced and no one either went looking for that out of all the channels and document getters out there?

Because since community property and married wouldn't Lori have to show no assets to get a public defender herself? (That alone by the way makes it unlike she was on the deed but again maybe not if Means was paid up to the end already by life insurance).

Thing is that one and Tammy's life insurance IS Chad's. He owned it prior and inheritance including life insurance DOES only belong to the party receiving it despite marriage. IF they never intermingled it, then you'd have to show that in a divorce. I am going by how it is HERE but both states mine and ID are community property states..

The thing is Nate was sure Prior owned it solely by agreement but he was contacted by someone when he said that with confidence who convinced him it wasn't true, whose name he has never shared... And I don't think a bank called or emailed I'm that they own part and are upset he said that...

And so..... WHO? And so.... WHY is there someone else on it.

Hoping I made sense here, not sure.
I guess Lori had no assets on paper so qualified for a PD but Chad, as he had assets with the house, had to pay. I do remember him telling Emma to keep paying the mortgage. So maybe the mortgage company is the other "owner" in addition to Prior?
I guess Lori had no assets on paper so qualified for a PD but Chad, as he had assets with the house, had to pay. I do remember him telling Emma to keep paying the mortgage. So maybe the mortgage company is the other "owner" in addition to Prior?
I thought of that but why would a mortgage company contact Nate Eaton and be upset it was said to only be owned by Prior? They'd care less if anyone knew. No, I think this is an individual. Banks are a given with anyone and many who have a mortgage but "owners" here and in most cases I believe mean who is on the deed and so on.

Also once and if true any asset Chad had was gone, home in Prior's hands, all other money or assets gone he would have qualiified imo for public defenders. I suppose by then he wanted Prior but again, why, plus a change of attorneys would have delayed things yet again and he was never after speedy trial like she was.

they were more on the typical "delay" mode of defenses.

Imo anyhow.

I don't know. Anyhow, just some thoughts on such.

I tell ya with the "summary" of the Julie Rowe thing I watched tonight, such a reminder of the people with these kinds of beliefs still out there, and Megan Connor's show did the same of the extremism out there surrounding them and/or connected still. Lori's cousin.

I couldn't find much on tonight, even with my alternative thing like cooking and home life, etc. but that one was worth it. Nothing so revelatory so much as hearing a logical and humorous man cover her interview but also at the same time show what cons and what not these people are and/or what plays into this all...

It was a good watch. About 45 minutes if I recall.

I am waiting for Lori to spend one flipping day in prison and for Charles, etc. to get justice as well. I think this one is going to go awhile.
So I am going to watch Linda live. Rarely get to do lives on anyone's.

But I watched something tonight about the sale of the MURDER property and found that what I said above it not rare to me. Sometimes I feel like a lone duck with opinions. Kay and Larry, Detecitive Hermasilllo, more Have been vocal on it and tweeted, etc. This is NOT some nice place these kids were load to rest NOR Tammy. And yet this buyer who wants to be anonymous supposedly put out a major press release... and went on about hope and healing, and some plans or thoughts but have not contacted them nor Colby before putting such out...

I am going to watch Linda now, I never get to see lives as I said and it is early yet even though tired. Used to it. I will link a show later I heard some of this on and at least one family member or more was in the chat... No time right now.

I wouldn't want it, but I've already said that. I'd want the place overgrown, razed, totally never looking the same and forgotten as much as it can be...
Maybe Mel G and new hubby are going to buy it? Remember they went and looked at land adjacent didn't they?

I saw it up for sale for $350k. There would be the mortgage on it to be repaid so lets say at least $150k mortgage so Prior would only get about $200k.

Not sure if i posted it before. It also says there is an assumable mortgage and gives a quote from 2015. Don't know if the link will work now as it didn't work for me with Google but I eventually got in with another search engine and managed to copy the link and the bit below.

Here's the link-

Home with lots of potential on country 3.75 acre lot. Large Shop and other small farm buildings. Dry pasture area fenced. In Fremont County with Rexburg address and Sugar Salem schools. THERE IS A VERY TRAGIC SITUATION WITH THIS HOME, please HAVE YOUR REALTOR INVESTIGATE FOR YOU.
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Maybe Mel G and new hubby are going to buy it? Remember they went and looked at land adjacent didn't they?

I saw it up for sale for $350k. There would be the mortgage on it to be repaid so lets say at least $150k mortgage so Prior would only get about $200k.

Not sure if i posted it before. It also says there is an assumable mortgage and gives a quote from 2015. Don't know if the link will work now as it didn't work for me with Google but I eventually got in with another search engine and managed to copy the link and the bit below.

Here's the link-

Home with lots of potential on country 3.75 acre lot. Large Shop and other small farm buildings. Dry pasture area fenced. In Fremont County with Rexburg address and Sugar Salem schools. THERE IS A VERY TRAGIC SITUATION WITH THIS HOME, please HAVE YOUR REALTOR INVESTIGATE FOR YOU.
I don't see Mel and David buying it lol. I don't think those two even live together and do not have a great marriage either from things heard. I'm a bit fuzzy on such but that's what I recall thinking.

I've seen the link before, the listing, pics of home and so on. Now an assumable mortgage is interesting. I've sure never seen such as common or easy. However, did you notice the mention of VA loans? I wonder if that's standard language OR IT MEANS THIS IS A VA LOAN.

Chad nor Tammy my guess would be were NEVER in the military right? We've never heard of a single thing to indicate that. Prior maybe? If that's the case, then HE took the mortgage.

I also do not think it right a non veteran can assume a VA loan, but that's our nonsensical stuff in the U.S. for ya.

Maybe Chad and Tammy ASSUMED someone else's VA loan....?

This may sound non PC but do LDS ever enter the military? They always seem a bit anti government. The kids go on a mission instead...

This is a line of talk or questions I've never thought of before.

A sticking point to me is Nate saying someone else is on the loan and not only Prior. I don't think he would have said that or corrected things without proof that it was so. Jmo.

I'm going to assume Chad and Tammy took over this mortgage because I do not see Prior getting a VA loan on a home he does not live in (his taking out a new one I mean). My dad was always eligible for one and my folks used to talk of it but it ended up they never had a mortgage in their lifetime. They owned the home we grew up in and when my mom moved to town and bought again after my dad died, the phone she is in now, she paid outright on the sale of our childhood home.

Dad's gone now and they never used the option nor needed to.

I'd have to look it up but they are a ONE time use I think so many save the option for that day or dream home, etc. It perhaps has changed but don't think so.

My uncle never bought a home (living uncle) until just recently and he is probably in his late 60s. He always talked of one day using it. I never thought to ask if they did but I will almost bet they did, he and wife. First home they ever purchased again, he is in his 60s. He was a big time Marine Corp member and served honorably for a number of years. They rented for years and had just a really low and enviable rent of a home and no never purchased.

I imagine others here know more details of them and can weigh in. I think @Kimster worked in banking, mortgages and around such.

So my guess in talking it out is Chad and Tammy assumed someone else's... Probably paid some on top of that perhaps by the sale for their home of course.

I don't really get why no one out there has tracked down some of the info throughout on the place, deed, mortgages, etc. but I guess there could have been private paperwork in place but you aren't really protected imo very well unless on the deed. And it's always been said or assumed Prior was on the deed, had it deeded to him.

Who KNOWS. It's a bit frustrating actually lol.

There's a fair amount of controversy out there about this purchase. Per Hidden True Crime, ,they did a press release because allegedly someone had leaked something. I don't know that I buy that. Often leakers are those very ones who want to stay "they say" anonymous. Look at Delphi... They say they want healing, etc. and yet made an announcement but never contacted a single family member anyone is aware of.

Again, I'm of the club, I wouldn't want it done as a victim family member. This was a place of tragedy and horror and it does not represent these children or Tammy or a peaceful resting place of any kind. And it sounds like that's the page the Woodcocks are on with it, and Detective Hermasillo as well who was there when these kids were found and taken out, Tylee, sifted layer by layer.

A true benefactor or someone trying to heal and help would buy it, raze everything and let it grow naturally over for nothing to ever be there again. Imo. Families generally don't want those kinds of reminders at the place of HE77. I am not the biggest HTC fan but I will give Lauren this. Some compare it to 9/11 where a memorial was put up and tragedy struck but it is not the same by a long shot. They aren't even comparable. I agree with her on that.

I should add I am not like anti HTC, I just have reasons they are not my favorites. Valid reasons.

One can bet imo it will come out who bought it. I would think.

I also have a not favorable opinion towards a ton of nonprofits and types. Another thing in our country that allows things that are very questionable, and types of such.

Many are an oxymoron where it is a nonprofit but the very reason for them is profit in their own pockets. And nontaxable.

Enough said on that. Not going to sidetrack but that's a subject in and of itself.

Well I slept until 9:30 and think totaled, but broken up, may have gotten close to eight hours of sleep or a bit less. Unheard of. Even on days off, I am lucky if it ends up four at most. And the whole day is't shot by waking up too late thank goodness. Not moving real fast, never do, swear it takes a day for feet and me just to get over the week.

My main watch last night was the one who broke down and made it bearable the Julie Rowe interview. I'd recommend a watch. I linked it above.

At least this "case" is over in its probably biggest respects, both are going to prison for life, one sentenced to death. However, much still goes on and is to go on. Lori's other trials, this house thing now and so on. At least though the families HAVE convictions and sentences and that's something we know they needed. A no brainer. A very big thing.

Delphi needs to get there.

I watched part of something the other night on that by someone I don't know that I've ever watched... He was intimating there is something in the case none of them can talk of and giving reasons this is obvious. Wasn't sold on it but... Not going to sidetrack into that but there were a few reasons to wonder but not sold on it.

So many people have made money off of both cases. Some maybe actually care. HTC has done major off of this one, many have but they've had the most family members, mostly extended on, etc. The same is true of Delphi. YTers, podcasters, and more. And some get territorial as if it is only their case and no one else can decide to start talking of it.

Now I am sidetracking some but haven't continued down a new avenue so will stop.

Anyhow back to the home sale, it will be interesting to see what fleshes out... I've even wondered but dismissed if this isn't some or a few family members from one or another but if so, I'd say they are pretty misguided other than they can ensure what won't be done with it by someone else.

It would appear to me Chad never paid any mortgage off on getting the life insurance policy? Because he would not have easily gotten a new one with no job history when in dire straits.

My best guess is Chad and Tammy assumed this VA loan and then Prior did.

Now that part of the link in the link does not SAY that I saw this is a VA loan but it references VA loans...
I can't help but wonder about Chad's sister in law. It is throughout that this is a local resident. They are local and have money... She was not happy when Chad moved there. No one has even mentioned them but it pops into my head.
Someone in the chat said she knows of the victims and has their best interests at heart.

I don't know why I am thinking Heather Daybell but it keeps crossing my mind. Could be wrong.
I don't see Mel and David buying it lol. I don't think those two even live together and do not have a great marriage either from things heard. I'm a bit fuzzy on such but that's what I recall thinking.

I've seen the link before, the listing, pics of home and so on. Now an assumable mortgage is interesting. I've sure never seen such as common or easy. However, did you notice the mention of VA loans? I wonder if that's standard language OR IT MEANS THIS IS A VA LOAN.

Chad nor Tammy my guess would be were NEVER in the military right? We've never heard of a single thing to indicate that. Prior maybe? If that's the case, then HE took the mortgage.

I also do not think it right a non veteran can assume a VA loan, but that's our nonsensical stuff in the U.S. for ya.

Maybe Chad and Tammy ASSUMED someone else's VA loan....?

This may sound non PC but do LDS ever enter the military? They always seem a bit anti government. The kids go on a mission instead...

This is a line of talk or questions I've never thought of before.

A sticking point to me is Nate saying someone else is on the loan and not only Prior. I don't think he would have said that or corrected things without proof that it was so. Jmo.

I'm going to assume Chad and Tammy took over this mortgage because I do not see Prior getting a VA loan on a home he does not live in (his taking out a new one I mean). My dad was always eligible for one and my folks used to talk of it but it ended up they never had a mortgage in their lifetime. They owned the home we grew up in and when my mom moved to town and bought again after my dad died, the phone she is in now, she paid outright on the sale of our childhood home.

Dad's gone now and they never used the option nor needed to.

I'd have to look it up but they are a ONE time use I think so many save the option for that day or dream home, etc. It perhaps has changed but don't think so.

My uncle never bought a home (living uncle) until just recently and he is probably in his late 60s. He always talked of one day using it. I never thought to ask if they did but I will almost bet they did, he and wife. First home they ever purchased again, he is in his 60s. He was a big time Marine Corp member and served honorably for a number of years. They rented for years and had just a really low and enviable rent of a home and no never purchased.

I imagine others here know more details of them and can weigh in. I think @Kimster worked in banking, mortgages and around such.

So my guess in talking it out is Chad and Tammy assumed someone else's... Probably paid some on top of that perhaps by the sale for their home of course.

I don't really get why no one out there has tracked down some of the info throughout on the place, deed, mortgages, etc. but I guess there could have been private paperwork in place but you aren't really protected imo very well unless on the deed. And it's always been said or assumed Prior was on the deed, had it deeded to him.

Who KNOWS. It's a bit frustrating actually lol.

There's a fair amount of controversy out there about this purchase. Per Hidden True Crime, ,they did a press release because allegedly someone had leaked something. I don't know that I buy that. Often leakers are those very ones who want to stay "they say" anonymous. Look at Delphi... They say they want healing, etc. and yet made an announcement but never contacted a single family member anyone is aware of.

Again, I'm of the club, I wouldn't want it done as a victim family member. This was a place of tragedy and horror and it does not represent these children or Tammy or a peaceful resting place of any kind. And it sounds like that's the page the Woodcocks are on with it, and Detective Hermasillo as well who was there when these kids were found and taken out, Tylee, sifted layer by layer.

A true benefactor or someone trying to heal and help would buy it, raze everything and let it grow naturally over for nothing to ever be there again. Imo. Families generally don't want those kinds of reminders at the place of HE77. I am not the biggest HTC fan but I will give Lauren this. Some compare it to 9/11 where a memorial was put up and tragedy struck but it is not the same by a long shot. They aren't even comparable. I agree with her on that.

I should add I am not like anti HTC, I just have reasons they are not my favorites. Valid reasons.

One can bet imo it will come out who bought it. I would think.

I also have a not favorable opinion towards a ton of nonprofits and types. Another thing in our country that allows things that are very questionable, and types of such.

Many are an oxymoron where it is a nonprofit but the very reason for them is profit in their own pockets. And nontaxable.

Enough said on that. Not going to sidetrack but that's a subject in and of itself.

Well I slept until 9:30 and think totaled, but broken up, may have gotten close to eight hours of sleep or a bit less. Unheard of. Even on days off, I am lucky if it ends up four at most. And the whole day is't shot by waking up too late thank goodness. Not moving real fast, never do, swear it takes a day for feet and me just to get over the week.

My main watch last night was the one who broke down and made it bearable the Julie Rowe interview. I'd recommend a watch. I linked it above.

At least this "case" is over in its probably biggest respects, both are going to prison for life, one sentenced to death. However, much still goes on and is to go on. Lori's other trials, this house thing now and so on. At least though the families HAVE convictions and sentences and that's something we know they needed. A no brainer. A very big thing.

Delphi needs to get there.

I watched part of something the other night on that by someone I don't know that I've ever watched... He was intimating there is something in the case none of them can talk of and giving reasons this is obvious. Wasn't sold on it but... Not going to sidetrack into that but there were a few reasons to wonder but not sold on it.

So many people have made money off of both cases. Some maybe actually care. HTC has done major off of this one, many have but they've had the most family members, mostly extended on, etc. The same is true of Delphi. YTers, podcasters, and more. And some get territorial as if it is only their case and no one else can decide to start talking of it.

Now I am sidetracking some but haven't continued down a new avenue so will stop.

Anyhow back to the home sale, it will be interesting to see what fleshes out... I've even wondered but dismissed if this isn't some or a few family members from one or another but if so, I'd say they are pretty misguided other than they can ensure what won't be done with it by someone else.

It would appear to me Chad never paid any mortgage off on getting the life insurance policy? Because he would not have easily gotten a new one with no job history when in dire straits.

My best guess is Chad and Tammy assumed this VA loan and then Prior did.

Now that part of the link in the link does not SAY that I saw this is a VA loan but it references VA loans...
I don't know how a mortgage company supposedly called and corrected someone as to information on a loan. When I worked in mortgage lending, we could be fired for disclosing private information. Maybe it was an escrow company disclosing who was on the title? Anything recorded by the county is public information.

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