JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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I see you posted the 5 minute video from Nate, who talks about the land and the plans the unnamed couple have for it. Also he gave a short update at the end re the appellate review.

I posted that on the Delphi thread in error.

I agree with your comments completely and am suspicious about their motives.
Yeah I recall this part. He told her, he was outraged and I'm sure hurt, that he would have taken those kids in a second. Taken them into his home, etc. and she says, yeah, everybody says that.

NOW THIS I recall but I want to point out the signficance in tis remark of hers. It isn't an admission but it is sort of that "poor put up on her, having to take care of her own kids" and now everyone says they would have taken them but she scoffs and says, yeah, everybody SAYS that... I think there's a lot of almost admission that short sentence...
The thing is that we know Kay and Larry would have taken JJ in an instant as well right?

They did this for the insurance money and social security money, $6k per month wasn't it? She had already tried it with Charles but didn't know he had changed the beneficiary. So then Tammy had to go, but not before Chad got her to increase her life insurance.
I see you posted the 5 minute video from Nate, who talks about the land and the plans the unnamed couple have for it. Also he gave a short update at the end re the appellate review.

I posted that on the Delphi thread in error.

I agree with your comments completely and am suspicious about their motives.
That's how tired I am/was/am because I saw your post of the video, it seemed familiar, I watched it (tonight) and never once noticed it was in the wrong thread nor did I recall it. Seriously, lol.

It's been a week is all I can say. I seriously need at least four days off, not the two. JUST to recover.

Yeah, it's just my opinion, and of course I have a strong one as I at times do, but also I am always on the victim side is the reason for that usually. This just doesn't sit right and it's like "they" tell each reporter they don't want attention, to be known, in I swear every single report it is like don't want it turning into some air BNB that uses the horror, etc. it is so canned, the talk of it. They want it to be hope consider the family wishes and so on. Well that isn't what the family members have said, etc.

I drive by one when I go state to state. I don't mention the case out of respect for the victim, a minor. Anyone who has been here since I have can probably figure out what case, when I travel to see my mom to my home state, town, etc. That one was purchased, the building razed and was rural but near town, just like Chad's. And hen just left to go to natural growth. Honestly, I drive past and never even realize or think of it any longer and that imo was what was wanted by the victim and her family. Her parents were killed there, she kidnapped should tell the case without naming her. She survived and escaped.

Were it some park or memorial or other type of site, I'\d still notice, everyone would, so would the victim.

I don't know. It isn't up to me but I have heard Colby, and Kay and Larry and know how I'd feel. This is the place unspeakable things happened to the victims in this case, THREE of them, or at least where they were buried or murdered. It isn't some place of "hope". It is probably where gross toad Chad pi**Ed on the property every day he owned it or was home when not doing Lori. While Tammy worked her butt off. Seriously.

Now someone making sure no one can do anything bad with it is one thing but this is more like someone trying to make off the tragedy imo. WHERE is the true anonymous and altruistic thing? First thing done is a funding and they constantly are getting news but don't want to be named...

Uh huh.

What was done with the property I am talking of was the perfect and right thing. It deserves no notice. And it simply has reverted to land with natural growth. Not noticeable, not the place of horror, an not some stupid healing garden or some such. I'm SERIOUS, there's no such thing, such things are STUPID. Our loved one was murdered in her father's home. It sits in a little town on the main drag/street. I can't STAND going by it. I would NEVER want some memorial or garden or whatever there. I want to go BURN THE PLACE DOWN. This is where the horror happened. THIS is the same.

The other case I talk of I drive by is the same.

People may differ, victim family members may differ, but it doesn't seem so most of the time and none do here. It's an "evil" place. Where evil happened.

Clearly I have strong opinions on such but IF the family members wanted such it would be different, I am on their side but honestly I thought Colby was even being too fair while saying clearly how he feels and I wouldn't buy it if one said they did want such. No way would they feel that way.

I don't know who this is, I feel the initials mean something, but then since they want to be "anonymous" they probably are not the initials of first names. And that's the other thing, they want to be "anonymous" but seems to me they don't, they want to be found out and want the attention... and to make off the tragedy.

There's a slim chance they mean well but I sure don't notice that or feel that, do you?

Nate reports but he just reports on it, what he is told imo... By them... Like all reports have been on it...

This whole thing of someone would make it into a murder air BNB too is just an excuse and ridiculous.

if ya have the money to buy it and want it to heal, raze the buildings, thrown down a bunch of prairie grass and flowers and let random trees grow from the ones there and it go to just natural growth and it just blend like nature does. That's pretty much what was done with the one I mentioned. No planting, just letting nature take over. And seriously I forget what I am even passing by when I drive by any longer, I never notice nor think of it. Imo, that's what most family members of such would want.

Well, I feel asleep, woke up at 2 something, should have carted myself off to bed but instead here I am going on and on. I did not have a nightmare as you did last night. I think I am too wiped these days to dream or have nightmares lol.

So long winded maybe stupid post but from the heart.

maybe these "people" mean well but I just don't see it... straight filing a nonprofit status and straight to fundraising.... don't want attention but keeps getting reported on... I'm not buying it, nor does it sound, are you. Nor the main and key family members....
The thing is that we know Kay and Larry would have taken JJ in an instant as well right?

They did this for the insurance money and social security money, $6k per month wasn't it? She had already tried it with Charles but didn't know he had changed the beneficiary. So then Tammy had to go, but not before Chad got her to increase her life insurance.
Yep. I have 8k in my head but could be wrong. As the theme from the prosecutors was, this was about money. And sex. Lindsey Blake made that the theme in Lori's trial and they refined it and learned to hone it even more when it came to Chad's trial and Rob Wood used it... They refined the things the first jury said were hard, in this messed up case, made the timeline and events easier to follow, ad more.

Yes, I feel for Colby. Because Lori kind of scoffed and laughed at him when he said I would have taken them mom in an instant. And said yeah, everyone SAYS that. To me, this is as close to her admitting her selfish motives and guilt as she comes.... And he was a kid and still needing and relying on or asking for money from her, Tylee, etc. But you KNOW he means every word of that. He says he would have figured it out and found a way to make it work. If she didn't want them or too much of a burden, before doing this, WHY did she not ask someone to take them (I am paraphrasing big time).

And yes, Kay and Larry say the same. What DECENT human wouldn't?

Again to me, this is almost an admission from Lori of the selfish reasons...

I am almost positive I heard that phone call back when some time ago, but listening to it again was worthwhile because I sure had forgotten much of it.

Colby was so strong in it and on point and it just resonates with me as to my facing our perp and the words just coming to me from I don't know where, but I shall never forget just HOW they did come...

Definitely here is money power and sex. I think the hardest thing to understand imo is the awful ways they were killed and what was done to the bodies and I think that's Chad's influence, they are demons after all, the lies, the reasoning... Note the same was not done to Tammy. She had a proper funeral, body not desecrated, even though think delight was taken in her murder and her knowing it in her last moments. He is one SICK and twisted man.

I think he took great pleasure in getting what was done to Lori's kids done or him even taking part OR at least having such executed, his sheer POWER to get idiots to do his bidding and believe his sh*t... But Lori is no better....

Well this is what happens when a day off, fall asleep from being wiped beyond wiped, wake up so tired should have carted off to bed and now am awake posting in the wee hours lengthy posts lol.

Ya know this case and others and enough of them I think almost enured or harden us to a point where the sheer horror of them does not always hit as much any longer, because there has just been so much for so long, and this one in particular like a few is so over the top. And that's scary. Is that what happens to people like THEM? Or the ones that do these things? We could never but man it is good to as hard as it is have them hit us hard again once in awhile and that's how I am feeling right now. These POOR children. Tammy, absolutely helpless...

They are just EVIL. Pure and simple. Chad and Lori. Or spitting in disgust, James and Elena.

Yah, overtired but awake. And mind turning. Enough from me. Going on 4 a.m. No normal schedule in my life lol.
Here is 5 minutes from Nate on this which mostly is the same as the article above but he has also talked to the anonymous couple as some others have.

Of course first thing they want is help and money and people with equipment to raze the home and outbuildings and are fundraising.

I'm sorry but this doesn't sit with me and part of it is that I know it doesn't with family members either. Not that they couldn't have bought it but why would they want it! Building your own darned house there or something. No need to use the tragedy for your fund raising and non profit. Imo.

There is absolutely nothing about places like this that should be kept towards the victims and that's simply my opinion and I'd feel that way regardless of the families BUT that adds to it because I get that opinion entirely.

It is just like the Idaho 4 house and lot where they made such a deal of needing it down BEFORE trial and it sits with nothing done but talk of healing gardens, etc.

THESE are murder properties, they are not some fondly remembered spot you can just cleanse. They aren't places of good endings. They are places of unspeakable horror.

It's their right to do with as they will if they own the property, however, again, they are using the tragedy imo to fund raise and it is not their tragedy. (Although I haven't excluded the idea it is some extended family member)

I also have the feeling as much as they say they want anonymity, they want to be found out. But maybe not any longer as sentiments towards it are not all good. I suspect the first though.

They seem to be tone deaf. Head right to fund raising. You've got the money to buy it but going straight to non profit donations.

Non profits abound in types of them and far from all are non profit as to the owners or directors pockets. In fact it is something that is abused quite often and out of control in our country.

Maybe that's not the case here but the signs so far have me questioning. This wasn't DONE for any family member that I can tell but again by someone tone deaf with their own intents. But then I am cynical. And it's jmo.

These are my words, not Nate's. Here's Nate.

I am telling you all now and I think i said it before, the church has something to do with this - it will be a church or a burial ground with gardens or something like that IMO of course.

When they say family is in agreement they must mean Emma and Garth. I must rewatch the video of them and their two siblings from when it happened.
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Yep. I have 8k in my head but could be wrong. As the theme from the prosecutors was, this was about money. And sex. Lindsey Blake made that the theme in Lori's trial and they refined it and learned to hone it even more when it came to Chad's trial and Rob Wood used it... They refined the things the first jury said were hard, in this messed up case, made the timeline and events easier to follow, ad more.

Yes, I feel for Colby. Because Lori kind of scoffed and laughed at him when he said I would have taken them mom in an instant. And said yeah, everyone SAYS that. To me, this is as close to her admitting her selfish motives and guilt as she comes.... And he was a kid and still needing and relying on or asking for money from her, Tylee, etc. But you KNOW he means every word of that. He says he would have figured it out and found a way to make it work. If she didn't want them or too much of a burden, before doing this, WHY did she not ask someone to take them (I am paraphrasing big time).

And yes, Kay and Larry say the same. What DECENT human wouldn't?

Again to me, this is almost an admission from Lori of the selfish reasons...

I am almost positive I heard that phone call back when some time ago, but listening to it again was worthwhile because I sure had forgotten much of it.

Colby was so strong in it and on point and it just resonates with me as to my facing our perp and the words just coming to me from I don't know where, but I shall never forget just HOW they did come...

Definitely here is money power and sex. I think the hardest thing to understand imo is the awful ways they were killed and what was done to the bodies and I think that's Chad's influence, they are demons after all, the lies, the reasoning... Note the same was not done to Tammy. She had a proper funeral, body not desecrated, even though think delight was taken in her murder and her knowing it in her last moments. He is one SICK and twisted man.

I think he took great pleasure in getting what was done to Lori's kids done or him even taking part OR at least having such executed, his sheer POWER to get idiots to do his bidding and believe his sh*t... But Lori is no better....

Well this is what happens when a day off, fall asleep from being wiped beyond wiped, wake up so tired should have carted off to bed and now am awake posting in the wee hours lengthy posts lol.

Ya know this case and others and enough of them I think almost enured or harden us to a point where the sheer horror of them does not always hit as much any longer, because there has just been so much for so long, and this one in particular like a few is so over the top. And that's scary. Is that what happens to people like THEM? Or the ones that do these things? We could never but man it is good to as hard as it is have them hit us hard again once in awhile and that's how I am feeling right now. These POOR children. Tammy, absolutely helpless...

They are just EVIL. Pure and simple. Chad and Lori. Or spitting in disgust, James and Elena.

Yah, overtired but awake. And mind turning. Enough from me. Going on 4 a.m. No normal schedule in my life lol.
Why didn't she have someone take them? Simple - she wanted the money but not them, so killing them gave her that - money, marriage and living in Hawaii forever. Evil POS. Too stupid to figure she would be found out.
I'm just now reading this.

In the comments of the GFM which is for $200k, the owner is named as Scott Johnson who owns Timberline Auto. So much for anonymity.

From the GFM -

"SJ Healing Crossroads is committed to providing community support for individuals affected by trauma and loss. We recently acquired the property formerly owned by Chad Daybell in Rexburg, Idaho. Mr. Daybell is currently on death row for his involvement in the tragic deaths of his first wife and his current wife's 2 young children. With the generous donations we receive, we plan to remove the house and outbuildings. Our aim is to transform this site from one marked by sorrow and tragedy into a place of peace, healing and hope for the community."

I see that 19 people have donated a total of $600 so far.

Also EIA have a disclaimer on the story.

Our attorneys tell us we need to put this disclaimer in stories involving fundraisers: does not assure that the money deposited to the account will be applied for the benefit of the persons named as beneficiaries.
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I am telling you all now and I think i said it before, the church has something to do with this - it will be a church or a burial ground with gardens or something like that IMO of course.

When they say family is in agreement they must mean Emma and Garth. I must rewatch the video of them and their two siblings from when it happened.
Just woke up again. Went back to bed, awoke, figured I lost the day and realized only 2.5 hours more sleep, it is early yet. A real lack of sleep this day off and the night before, very broken sleep. :(

Anyhow, I saw your post and right off seeing the church had something to do with it, I thought you mean the murders or their "cult". Lol. Not awake yet and it was at first glance...

Then I read it instead of just the first glance.

I don't know. Can I ask where you get that idea? I mean do you think it or is someone on Reddit saying it or what...? The church could have done it as a nonprofit without creating a nonprofit... It is said isn't it, constantly, that it's a "couple"?

To me, the church wants away from this case with longer than a ten foot pole...

For some reason, for me, and I have NO BASIS for this, so please take it with a grain of salt, I keep thinking of Chad's brother and his wife... Matt and I can't recall her name, she testified... They are local, they have adjoining land don't they? They are monied. And she hated it when he moved there and dabbled in "her" church and started with his things with 'their" community and people... It just keeps crossing my mind as it fits for the money, the location, the fact whoever is local, etc. And they actually "are" family...

It's Heather... Googled it. Initials don't fit but whoever it is wants anonymity... Could be middle names or stand for anything...

Again, I have no reason for thinking them, not another soul has even suggested it out there or here, they just keep crossing my mind as they just seem to fit what['s been said...

When they say family is in agreement, they could mean selves or Chad's family, even siblings, parents. On the other hand, I don't think we've heard from Tammy's family on this, just Colby, Kay and Larry... Maybe it doesn't bother Tammy's family, I mean she did live there with her children AND her family is not from the area and wouldn't even deal with seeing the place...

I'm curious as to your reasoning for being so sure it is the church?

I still think this could be looked up. Generally non profits and corps can be looked up, directors seen, etc. If I get a chance before anyone else can, I will try to look it up. Right now I am in desperate need of coffee.

Who knows though with Idaho. They have a lot of different rules than some of our other states or so it has seemed throughout this case...
Why didn't she have someone take them? Simple - she wanted the money but not them, so killing them gave her that - money, marriage and living in Hawaii forever. Evil POS. Too stupid to figure she would be found out.
They are, they are sooo evil. It hit me in the wee hours like I likely said above. We get so thick skinned over time I think and the sheer enormity of what they did to those kids and Tammy just SMACKED me for some reason. Probably because I was and am entirely wiped out, guard down and it just hit me hard. Add to that I guess watching how she was to Colby the other night and watching that anew and how it hurt him...

Had I been in Delphi, it would have likely done the same. The sheer evil and both cases are basically slaughters of children and not just mere murders, but the perps went so far beyond...

She is stupid, so is he. Now they sit in prison or will, with no money, no sex unless they want to with other like inmates, no beach, No Hawaii. Their big con was over immediately when all their little "buddies" saw they couldn't portal out of jail magically nor did the world end on July whatever it was...

Coffee is almost done brewing. This is not going to be a good start to the next week. I should have laid back down to see if I could get some more sleep. Maybe I can manage a nap later but generally am not capable once up of doing such.

I baked cookies last night. And went on to make a pan of brownies which I think are going to get some peanut butter frosting. Cookies are chocolate chip and cherries. In my first department I brought in treats a lot, for some reason since moving to this department, I've failed on cooking and baking. I guess since I went to "formal" full time, just never feel like it and always wiped out. So this is a first in well over a year. I was so happy with my chili, I got out some burger as well, to make more after checking and making sure I have all I need to make another batch. I was disappointed I had made a small batch when it ran out. We will see if I get it done lol...I used to cook something each day off to see me through the week and that also has fallen by the wayside for the last few months and I just don't get such done. But then I've had the home up for sale, a lot of trips and calls and more. Just too much to handle.

Ya know, to get back on point, you say marriage but I can't see where Lori ever too marriage seriously or as sacrosanct. I mean how many hubs did she have and screw over or kill...
I also want to mention that the property is actually located in Salem.

I never actually realised that until today.
Yeah, I knew but always forget the name. They are just over the county line as well from Rexburg's county if I recall... Lori, Alex and Mel lived in Rexburg, however so Rexburg police were involved when the kids were being looked for. Lots of jurisdictions and states in all these cases...
In the comments of the GFM which is for $200k, the owner is named as Scott Johnson who owns Timberline Auto. So much for anonymity.

From the GFM -

"SJ Healing Crossroads is committed to providing community support for individuals affected by trauma and loss. We recently acquired the property formerly owned by Chad Daybell in Rexburg, Idaho. Mr. Daybell is currently on death row for his involvement in the tragic deaths of his first wife and his current wife's 2 young children. With the generous donations we receive, we plan to remove the house and outbuildings. Our aim is to transform this site from one marked by sorrow and tragedy into a place of peace, healing and hope for the community."

I see that 19 people have donated a total of $600 so far.

Also EIA have a disclaimer on the story.

Our attorneys tell us we need to put this disclaimer in stories involving fundraisers: does not assure that the money deposited to the account will be applied for the benefit of the persons named as beneficiaries.
Oh, it has been clear from the START they don't want anonymity, they want attention and applause and money. They just claim they want to be these gracious anonymous donors but the actions are nothing that show that whatsoever. They have been wanting to be found out.

Okay so there goes my theory, and likely yours...

I hope they don't make SH*T for $$ and imo most feel like we do as they follow how the family feels and most normal humans can see this is not a place of peace not will it EVER be, it is a place of horror.

The 19 people are small contributions and probably people they know to look like it is up and going...

I mean razing the buildings would be good but that's it and I still would not donate. You bought it, you have the money, YOU DO IT. This is simply at minimum someone who is tone deaf or doesn't think as most would.

Personally again I think it is trying to make off someone else's tragedy.

And again it's clear they wanted to be found out so the anonymity claim is b.s.

Nate's pretty noncommittal if you noticed. All he did is report what they said and wanted him to report and that's it imo.

I'd do a total controlled burn after emptying all and then whatever grows from there on our left grow forever.

You know things like sites in wars or the WTC are different and I did see a few trying to compare it to such. That's entirely different. They are mass graveyards where remains could never all be recovered and the site of huge and multiple deaths. Tammy was never buried here but was murdered here, the kids we will never be sure if here or at Lori's but buried here and were recovered, painstakingly getting every single part of Tylee that could be found.

Have the place blessed if ya can and then torch all. And let that be it.

It's not MY tragedy either but I feel pretty hotly about this for the families. It really ticks me OFF. And I feel about the same about the ID 4 home. Just reminded myself with that sentence that both are in ID... IDIOTS. Both that owner, the U and this nonprofit here. Dumbarses. Tone deaf.

Okay, that'\s enough from me. Other than I will say I give it to Colby for his restraint. He was nicer than he had to be while saying how he felt quite well though.
In the comments of the GFM which is for $200k, the owner is named as Scott Johnson who owns Timberline Auto. So much for anonymity.

From the GFM -

"SJ Healing Crossroads is committed to providing community support for individuals affected by trauma and loss. We recently acquired the property formerly owned by Chad Daybell in Rexburg, Idaho. Mr. Daybell is currently on death row for his involvement in the tragic deaths of his first wife and his current wife's 2 young children. With the generous donations we receive, we plan to remove the house and outbuildings. Our aim is to transform this site from one marked by sorrow and tragedy into a place of peace, healing and hope for the community."

I see that 19 people have donated a total of $600 so far.

Also EIA have a disclaimer on the story.

Our attorneys tell us we need to put this disclaimer in stories involving fundraisers: does not assure that the money deposited to the account will be applied for the benefit of the persons named as beneficiaries.
Interesting the disclaimer from East Idaho News... Yeah one can tell Nate is just reporting and he says not a word of opinion. I feel he is reporting what "they" say. And clearly they want their fundraising efforts to raze the buildings out into the public...

It's just all so very distasteful and obvious. Disgusting is more the word.
So we haven't seen much of the AZ process with Lori's upcoming trial on other charges, Charles' murder, shooting of Brandon, but here is a hearing Nate put up.

Takes some seconds before it starts but not long.
Whoops I linked wrong thing but went back and fixed.
Well i watched some of that and the long bit at the beginning was defence moaning about some media leak and the judge was not too happy and said he couldnt do anything. The rest all seems procedural rubbish. Lori wasn't present. Trial still scheduled for February. Another pretrial before that too.
Well i watched some of that and the long bit at the beginning was defence moaning about some media leak and the judge was not too happy and said he couldnt do anything. The rest all seems procedural rubbish. Lori wasn't present. Trial still scheduled for February. Another pretrial before that too.
I actually did not watch it all either. I saw it and linked it and that's what I often do before I forget or I watch a bit and then link and then go back and watch, before I forget to link. So can't even say in this one.

I do figure any actual hearings should be linked here to give as complete of a record and Nate does cover them all. Will he do all the AZ ones if no cameras? Not sure. I think he will attend when it comes time, trial I mean. He has been on this case since day one.

So what leak? Anything of interest?

I meant to watch it but forget why I did not get back to it. Probably was looking for something of many things I lost by that point, or got distracted by something else. God, as always would I kill for just ONE MORE DAY OFF. Every week in fact. That would be doable and be about right, even though the longer days would have some toll. I'd work four long ten hour pluses if they'd allow that but nope.

I did see some minutes of this, a few and some comments but that's about it.
I actually did not watch it all either. I saw it and linked it and that's what I often do before I forget or I watch a bit and then link and then go back and watch, before I forget to link. So can't even say in this one.

I do figure any actual hearings should be linked here to give as complete of a record and Nate does cover them all. Will he do all the AZ ones if no cameras? Not sure. I think he will attend when it comes time, trial I mean. He has been on this case since day one.

So what leak? Anything of interest?

I meant to watch it but forget why I did not get back to it. Probably was looking for something of many things I lost by that point, or got distracted by something else. God, as always would I kill for just ONE MORE DAY OFF. Every week in fact. That would be doable and be about right, even though the longer days would have some toll. I'd work four long ten hour pluses if they'd allow that but nope.

I did see some minutes of this, a few and some comments but that's about it.
They didnt give the details of the leak or who or what was leaked so i guess we won't know unless we find it LOL.

I have just found the reporting of the court appearance 2 days ago. Fox 10 have been given permission to film and report the trial. (Justin Lum - hooray!! He deserves this as he has followed it diligently as Nate has done.)

Lori Vallow: Lawyer for 'Doomsday Mom' argues against courtroom cameras

By Justin Lum

Published September 6, 2024 5:52pm MST

Lori Vallow-Chad Daybell case

FOX 10 Phoenix

Lori Vallow: Lawyer argues against court cameras

On Friday, the public defender for Lori Vallow argued against having cameras in the courtroom during the upcoming trial for the so-called 'Doomsday Mom.' Vallow is accused of conspiring in the shooting death of Charles Vallow, and plotting a shooting attempt on her nephew-in-law. FOX 10 Investigator Justin Lum reports.

The Brief

    • Defense lawyer for Lori Vallow argues against courtroom cameras.
    • Vallow is accused of conspiring in the shooting death of Charles Vallow, and plotting a shooting attempt on her nephew-in-law.
    • Judge allows FOX 10 to film court proceedings until further notice.
PHOENIX - Lawyers for the so-called "Doomsday Mom" Lori Vallow once again argued against cameras in the courtroom on Sept. 6 for the convicted child killer's trial in Arizona.
Vallow is accused of conspiring in the shooting death of her fourth husband, Charles Vallow, and plotting a shooting attempt targeting her nephew-in-law, Brandon Boudreaux, in 2019. Investigators say the motive was fueled by doomsday beliefs and financial benefits.
The timeline in Vallow's legal problems now and in recent years can be traced back to 2019, when she used her religious beliefs to justify killing her two youngest children, Joshua ‘JJ’ Vallow and Tylee Ryan, while also conspiring with her then-boyfriend Chad Daybell in the killing of Daybell's first wife, Tammy. In 2023, Vallow was convicted in Idaho, where the crimes took place, and sentenced to life in prison.
As for her legal troubles in Arizona, the incident that led to Charles Vallow's death also happened in 2019. Vallow has been jailed in Arizona since November 2023.
"I really have always felt that Charles is so relevant in this," said Larry Woodcock, Charles Vallow's brother-in-law. "Charles and his attempt to straighten this out and get help for Lori. It just seems like it was on deaf ears."

Defense lawyer argues against courtroom cameras

Vallow was not in court Friday, as she waived her right to appear. While her convictions for killing her two kids, Joshua "JJ" Vallow and Tylee Ryan, are part of a high-profile case, her public defender, Gerald Bradley, says coverage has been prejudicial, and continued to argue against camera coverage of her case, telling presiding judge Justin Beresky that Vallow has received negative media attention.
"It does and will continue to impact my client's fair trial rights, and further camera coverage makes getting an impartial jury obviously more difficult," said Bradley.
"I don't watch news. I look at articles about news on my phone. This case has never come up on my news feed," said Judge Beresky.
"It's come up on mine," Bradley said.
"Well, probably because you're searching for it on your phone," Judge Beresky replied.
Prosecutor Treena Kay, meanwhile, argued that juries were found with no issues in both Vallow and Daybell trials. Those trials took place in Idaho's Ada County, which has a much smaller population than Maricopa County.
"They were able to get two juries that were unbiased, and able to hear those cases with all of the court coverage, and with that having occurred in that state as well," said Kay.
Judge Beresky said FOX 10 has been granted access to film Vallow's court proceedings, until further notice. The next hearing for Vallow's complex case management is on Oct. 24th, and the trial set to start in February 2025.

The Source

  • Information for this article was gathered by FOX 10 Investigator Justin Lum.
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They didnt give the details of the leak or who or what was leaked so i guess we won't know unless we find it LOL.

I have just found the reporting of the court appearance 2 days ago. Fox 10 have been given permission to film and report the trial. (Justin Lum - hooray!! He deserves this as he has followed it diligently as Nate has done.)

Lori Vallow: Lawyer for 'Doomsday Mom' argues against courtroom cameras

By Justin Lum

Published September 6, 2024 5:52pm MST

Lori Vallow-Chad Daybell case

FOX 10 Phoenix

Lori Vallow: Lawyer argues against court cameras

On Friday, the public defender for Lori Vallow argued against having cameras in the courtroom during the upcoming trial for the so-called 'Doomsday Mom.' Vallow is accused of conspiring in the shooting death of Charles Vallow, and plotting a shooting attempt on her nephew-in-law. FOX 10 Investigator Justin Lum reports.

The Brief

    • Defense lawyer for Lori Vallow argues against courtroom cameras.
    • Vallow is accused of conspiring in the shooting death of Charles Vallow, and plotting a shooting attempt on her nephew-in-law.
    • Judge allows FOX 10 to film court proceedings until further notice.
PHOENIX - Lawyers for the so-called "Doomsday Mom" Lori Vallow once again argued against cameras in the courtroom on Sept. 6 for the convicted child killer's trial in Arizona.
Vallow is accused of conspiring in the shooting death of her fourth husband, Charles Vallow, and plotting a shooting attempt targeting her nephew-in-law, Brandon Boudreaux, in 2019. Investigators say the motive was fueled by doomsday beliefs and financial benefits.
The timeline in Vallow's legal problems now and in recent years can be traced back to 2019, when she used her religious beliefs to justify killing her two youngest children, Joshua ‘JJ’ Vallow and Tylee Ryan, while also conspiring with her then-boyfriend Chad Daybell in the killing of Daybell's first wife, Tammy. In 2023, Vallow was convicted in Idaho, where the crimes took place, and sentenced to life in prison.
As for her legal troubles in Arizona, the incident that led to Charles Vallow's death also happened in 2019. Vallow has been jailed in Arizona since November 2023.
"I really have always felt that Charles is so relevant in this," said Larry Woodcock, Charles Vallow's brother-in-law. "Charles and his attempt to straighten this out and get help for Lori. It just seems like it was on deaf ears."

Defense lawyer argues against courtroom cameras

Vallow was not in court Friday, as she waived her right to appear. While her convictions for killing her two kids, Joshua "JJ" Vallow and Tylee Ryan, are part of a high-profile case, her public defender, Gerald Bradley, says coverage has been prejudicial, and continued to argue against camera coverage of her case, telling presiding judge Justin Beresky that Vallow has received negative media attention.
"It does and will continue to impact my client's fair trial rights, and further camera coverage makes getting an impartial jury obviously more difficult," said Bradley.
"I don't watch news. I look at articles about news on my phone. This case has never come up on my news feed," said Judge Beresky.
"It's come up on mine," Bradley said.
"Well, probably because you're searching for it on your phone," Judge Beresky replied.
Prosecutor Treena Kay, meanwhile, argued that juries were found with no issues in both Vallow and Daybell trials. Those trials took place in Idaho's Ada County, which has a much smaller population than Maricopa County.
"They were able to get two juries that were unbiased, and able to hear those cases with all of the court coverage, and with that having occurred in that state as well," said Kay.
Judge Beresky said FOX 10 has been granted access to film Vallow's court proceedings, until further notice. The next hearing for Vallow's complex case management is on Oct. 24th, and the trial set to start in February 2025.

The Source

  • Information for this article was gathered by FOX 10 Investigator Justin Lum.
Yes and Lum is from AZ so good for him IF the judge doesn't cave at some point to the D request for no cameras.

I can't even imagine what any leak could be. Most is known that we've seen in all of these cases, it isn't that a ton isn't already out in the public...?

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