LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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I am not getting a sexual motive for this crime. Otherwise there would be DNA surely? It seems he violently killed Libby and let Abby die slowly.

His demeanour when he appears in court is what makes me think he has mental problems. Also, the fact he did not reply to the three youngsters on the trail. Something is seriously wrong with him IMO. Who takes a gun and a knife when going on a local walking trail?
There doesn't have to be DNA nor sex for the motive to be sexual for the perp and everyone has been through it all before wasn't it on this case not long ago that a sexual assault also doesn't mean they have to be physically assaulted by him either. Even so, we don't know his motive so I'm not saying it was or wasn't but it is my mere opiinion that it was. They're teen girls. He made at least one undress. That and more is enough for me to figure that was his motive.

We don't know in many cases that there was rape, etc. or not like in LISK yet the motives are sexual with an intent to murder as well. I don't even know that sexual is really the right word but they are getting or trying to get their sick perverted jollies from it I guess one could say. Sick fantasies. Etc.

There's no evidence of mental health issues with Allen that we can see nor know of. HIs freedom was taken away, everyone found out he's a monster, he got thrown behind bars and I'm sure most prisoners are depressed and far more at that time. I also don't discount the affect and weight loss may well have been intentional. And if you didn't see him the last time you should have as he was healthy looking and appeared almost happy--if not happy, well then content and engaged in things.

I don't see what you do and one drunken call in their marriage has little meaning as to mental issues and cops left without incident, they didn't take him in on some hold.

The way you are looking at it, his carrying a knife and gun on a trail uhm that's what murdererrs DO who plan murders or intend to commit them. Heck we just had Rachel Morin ON a walking trail. There have been many. Are you saying all killers have mental problems? And you'r not talking insanity are you?

And then tying in drugs, there's no evidence of that either just a drunk related call.

Not that you can't speculate, I sure do but I don't with this because nothing points me that way.

I know one thing, if you are trying to make sense of it, and his why and more, it won't work. We can't think as they do so unless the answers are given or found, then you can't make it make sense. He's no different than Rader or any of the others other than we don't know if he is an SK. At this time, he's not... Just like them and others though this was his plan and sick fantasy. And he carried it out. He is sane by any definition of it I can see and he did as he wanted to do. And now he can't. Jmo.
So why did he get a mental health evaluation for being drunk?
It said medical exam and the cops didn't take him in, or do a mental hold his wife did for a medical eval and it is even unclear what the reason was. Maybe he fell down the steps when drunk or cut himself.

He's also had none requested by his defense either as to trying an incompetency defense or anything.

If he had mental problems, I think cops would have seen a lot more of him in all his years of living there than ONE time that was not related to any such thing.

No offense but I honestly don't know where you're getting some of this. Cops interviewed him in this case too more than once (with DNR) guy, not a hint of mental issues nor was he treated as if they knew he had such.

There's just no apparent behavior or evidence of such a thing.He worked as a pharm tech and got the training needed for it and I suspect was trusted in his job. Not an iota or sciinitilla or whatever of evidence he h as mental issues.

He's a drinker Or was before arrest. I'd gamble that a big part of their lifestyle was the local bar. It's very typical midwest behavior, not that I'm saying all do such but it is far from unusual.

The only HINT of anything of such was his attorneys at first trying to weakly blame his confessions on mental stress or some such. The reason for that speaks for itself. And almost not a single soul bought that at that time.
It said medical exam and the cops didn't take him in, or do a mental hold his wife did for a medical eval and it is even unclear what the reason was. Maybe he fell down the steps when drunk or cut himself.

He's also had none requested by his defense either as to trying an incompetency defense or anything.

If he had mental problems, I think cops would have seen a lot more of him in all his years of living there than ONE time that was not related to any such thing.

No offense but I honestly don't know where you're getting some of this. Cops interviewed him in this case too more than once (with DNR) guy, not a hint of mental issues nor was he treated as if they knew he had such.

There's just no apparent behavior or evidence of such a thing.He worked as a pharm tech and got the training needed for it and I suspect was trusted in his job. Not an iota or sciinitilla or whatever of evidence he h as mental issues.

He's a drinker Or was before arrest. I'd gamble that a big part of their lifestyle was the local bar. It's very typical midwest behavior, not that I'm saying all do such but it is far from unusual.

The only HINT of anything of such was his attorneys at first trying to weakly blame his confessions on mental stress or some such. The reason for that speaks for itself. And almost not a single soul bought that at that time.
Where am I getting it? It's my opinion. There seems to be no DNA and the murders were brutal, especially Libby. I just can't see his motive as sexual for such a brutal crime as this. It's more like a rage crime. His confessions are maybe because now his sanity has perhaps partly returned. I thought I explained by comparing it to the murders witnessed by my husband. It was a murder frenzy.
Here is some info about his mental evaluations, while in jail. He confessed 5 times altogether and would wet down his paperwork and eat it.

The document was filed April 20 by the prosecutor requesting to obtain Allen's mental health records during his time as an inmate, as well as video and logs that recorded his behavior to refute defense claims regarding the Westville Correctional Facility.

"Soon after" that call with his wife, Allen's attorneys filed an emergency motion saying his mental state had declined and he should be moved, alleging Westville Correctional Facility was unfit, the document said.

Allen was refusing to eat, refusing to sleep and "was wetting down paperwork he had gotten from his attorneys and eating it," the document said.

Allen broke the tablet he used for phone calls, the document said, and went from making two phone calls a day to making no calls.

Defense attorneys did not immediately respond to ABC News' request for comment on Wednesday. But at a June 15 court hearing, defense attorneys said any confessions made by Allen are unreliable due to his deteriorating mental and physical health.

On April 14, Allen was evaluated by two psychiatrists and a psychologist to see if he needed involuntary medication or to be moved to a different unit, the document said, and they determined Allen didn't need involuntary medication and didn't need to be moved. After that meeting, Allen started eating and sleeping again and his behavior "began to return to what it was prior to making the admission on April 3," the document said.

Allen has pleaded not guilty to the two murders. According to court documents, Allen admitted to police to being on the trail that day but deniedany involvement in the girls' murders.

Allen's trial has been scheduled for January 2024.

In a document filed by the prosecutor on June 13, in another effort to obtain Allen's mental health records, the prosecution alleged that Allen admitted to the killings "no less than 5 times while talking to his wife and his mother on the public jail phones."

The April 20 document filed by the prosecutor also noted that "investigators believe they hear the sound of a gun being cycled" on the video recovered from Libby's phone.

According to video recovered from one of the victim's phones, Abby or Libby mentioned "gun" as a man approached them, according to the probable cause affidavit. A .40-caliber unspent round was found less than 2 feet away from one of the girls' bodies, and that unspent round went through a gun that Allen owns, according to the probable cause affidavit.

Another document released Wednesday mentions the involvement of a knife in the killings.

Authorities believe a gun was used in the girls' abduction and murders due to the unspent round found by their bodies, the prosecutor said, and authorities believe a "knife was used in the murder of Abigail Williams and Liberty German."

This document was filed June 13, objecting to the defense's motion to suppress evidence seized in a search warrant at Allen's home.

The June 13 document filed by the state objecting to the defense's motion to suppress also notes "articles of clothing from the girls were missing from the scene" where their bodies were found, "including a pair of underwear and a sock."
Where am I getting it? It's my opinion. There seems to be no DNA and the murders were brutal, especially Libby. I just can't see his motive as sexual for such a brutal crime as this. It's more like a rage crime. His confessions are maybe because now his sanity has perhaps partly returned. I thought I explained by comparing it to the murders witnessed by my husband. It was a murder frenzy.
And you're entitled to it but just myself can't really follow how you get there. As far as brutal most rapists, etc. that then murder do kill them brutally. Maybe he feels girls and women are evil jezebels who knows.

Is he a thrill killer? If so, he'd just kill and not play getting naked games with them. He isn't attention seeking like a school shooter as they WANT to be noticed. I doubt it was a revenge killing, what could BOTH of them possibly have done to a man of his age?

I find it impossible to believe this man didn't get off on memories of this event that's another thing that makes it sexual. And THEN of course there is the pedo ring thing and of course that's sexual. I could go on about all of the reasons but they've all been said somewhere along the line.

He's a pervert plain and simple. And a murderous one and that became a part of his fantasy.

Look at Radar. His thing was dressing like the women even, as his daughter often says his kind of porn was not created so he created his own. I'd say Richard Allen is similar. I'm sure you're not naive and know that some of these types "get off" on the fear, the control AND even in nonkillling sexual acts, there's all sorts of torture, bondage and more just as there is with porn. And it all has the sexual component.

There certainly does not have to be DNA to be about sex. We don't know that he doesn't have pictures of every step of what happened and what he made them do etc. and he CERTAINLY does in his head.

You think it lacks any hint of a sexual motive and I think it reeks of it. Jmo.
I guess we can have it both ways. Either he is sane and confessing five times or is mental/schizophrenic and confessing five times. It doesn't really matter except for the confessions.
We can for sure but then some want it to matter like Old D wants it to make the confessions go away or be able to throw them out or get a jury to dismiss them. Wants the mental stress, issues, condition, etc. to matter and to make it go away to which I say/said fat chance and then they totally averted from that as it was really week and came up with the BIG Odin defense. And THIS time they got attention.

So many out there have forgotten timing, history and more (conveniently so imo) but I haven't.

But yeah for us it doesn't matter in the sense you can think as you do and I can what I do and either way he confessed five times. FIVE. And I'd say it was truth no matter what. He isn't insane and I don't think you're saying that he is.
And you're entitled to it but just myself can't really follow how you get there. As far as brutal most rapists, etc. that then murder do kill them brutally. Maybe he feels girls and women are evil jezebels who knows.

Is he a thrill killer? If so, he'd just kill and not play getting naked games with them. He isn't attention seeking like a school shooter as they WANT to be noticed. I doubt it was a revenge killing, what could BOTH of them possibly have done to a man of his age?

I find it impossible to believe this man didn't get off on memories of this event that's another thing that makes it sexual. And THEN of course there is the pedo ring thing and of course that's sexual. I could go on about all of the reasons but they've all been said somewhere along the line.

He's a pervert plain and simple. And a murderous one and that became a part of his fantasy.

Look at Radar. His thing was dressing like the women even, as his daughter often says his kind of porn was not created so he created his own. I'd say Richard Allen is similar. I'm sure you're not naive and know that some of these types "get off" on the fear, the control AND even in nonkillling sexual acts, there's all sorts of torture, bondage and more just as there is with porn. And it all has the sexual component.

There certainly does not have to be DNA to be about sex. We don't know that he doesn't have pictures of every step of what happened and what he made them do etc. and he CERTAINLY does in his head.

You think it lacks any hint of a sexual motive and I think it reeks of it. Jmo.
I just think he's nuts. You think he's sane and a pervert. End result was the horrific murder.

The answer probably is halfway - schizophrenic.
I just think he's nuts. You think he's sane and a pervert. End result was the horrific murder.

The answer probably is halfway - schizophrenic.
I don't agree. Everything he has done has been done with timing and knowingly imo.

There is no evidence we are aware of in his entirely normal appearing life throughout all of these years nor incidents nor arrests nor a thing to indicate that. The man isn't 30. He held a job, was married for years, raised a daughter, etc. WHERE is there any evidence he had any mental issues at all?

I mean no offense but there's such a tendency and trend to label things these days and decide they must be schizo or narcissistic or psycho or socio or have a personality disorder, etc. He is a SANE bad man and one who can put his sick pervert desires ahead of all else and decide what he wants is all that matters.

I think you are trying to make sense of someone like this and that would be any case almost or killer that isn't like a jealous rage kind of killing or some such. They don't make sense to us and won't but even then I don't think it is that complicated. They want something, they fantasize about something and whether the motive is to grafity in a way that is sickly perverted or beyond the norm or to e important or to exert power and control because they feel they have none in some areas of their life or because they've wandered down the porn path to the worst stuff and it turns their sick side on, they make the decision, they go beyond the bar, they put themselves first and they KNOW what they are doing. The thrill, the kill, the sexual component, whatever, they are still going with their sick desire and need and letting themselves DO SO. There may well be SOME that truly have some serious mental illnesses or even brain damage that have committed crimes. Allen is not one of them. Imo. Even THEN if they know right from wrong, it is no excuse.

But Allen is NOT one of them.


There was not a single sign in his life of such. There are no arrest records, friends or family saying such, community saying yeah that guy was odd, he had episodes sometimes, etc. Just the contrary.

He's a sane evil killer who WANTED to do this, meant to do this, planned this. For his own jollies. Sick as that sounds.

Of course if more is learned I am open ot changing my opinion but since it never existed prior I'd be hard put to believe it.

That pic of his daughter on the bridge is one that will always stick in my mind.

The man thinks he is a cat and the rest of us are mice. Toying.

Acting. Timing. All of it.
I don't agree. Everything he has done has been done with timing and knowingly imo.

There is no evidence we are aware of in his entirely normal appearing life throughout all of these years nor incidents nor arrests nor a thing to indicate that. The man isn't 30. He held a job, was married for years, raised a daughter, etc. WHERE is there any evidence he had any mental issues at all?

I mean no offense but there's such a tendency and trend to label things these days and decide they must be schizo or narcissistic or psycho or socio or have a personality disorder, etc. He is a SANE bad man and one who can put his sick pervert desires ahead of all else and decide what he wants is all that matters.

I think you are trying to make sense of someone like this and that would be any case almost or killer that isn't like a jealous rage kind of killing or some such. They don't make sense to us and won't but even then I don't think it is that complicated. They want something, they fantasize about something and whether the motive is to grafity in a way that is sickly perverted or beyond the norm or to e important or to exert power and control because they feel they have none in some areas of their life or because they've wandered down the porn path to the worst stuff and it turns their sick side on, they make the decision, they go beyond the bar, they put themselves first and they KNOW what they are doing. The thrill, the kill, the sexual component, whatever, they are still going with their sick desire and need and letting themselves DO SO. There may well be SOME that truly have some serious mental illnesses or even brain damage that have committed crimes. Allen is not one of them. Imo. Even THEN if they know right from wrong, it is no excuse.

But Allen is NOT one of them.


There was not a single sign in his life of such. There are no arrest records, friends or family saying such, community saying yeah that guy was odd, he had episodes sometimes, etc. Just the contrary.

He's a sane evil killer who WANTED to do this, meant to do this, planned this. For his own jollies. Sick as that sounds.

Of course if more is learned I am open ot changing my opinion but since it never existed prior I'd be hard put to believe it.

That pic of his daughter on the bridge is one that will always stick in my mind.

The man thinks he is a cat and the rest of us are mice. Toying.

Acting. Timing. All of it.
I just don't get how a middle aged family man can just up and abduct and murder two teenage girls from a well known trail and almost get away with it. He must have known beforehand, as he had the weapons, have planned it ahead of time and waited for them. As you say, no arrest history.

LE themselves completely shocked and the whole community scared to death and there he is living among them, no cares in the world, apparently for nearly 6 years.

But now he has gone mad. Feigned or real, who knows.
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I just don't get how a middle aged family man can just up and abduct and murder two teenage girls from a well known trail and almost get away with it. He must have known beforehand, as he had the weapons, have planned it ahead of time and waited for them. As you say, no arrest history.

LE themselves completely shocked and the whole community scared to death and there he is living among them, no cares in the world, apparently for nearly 6 years.

But now he has gone mad. Feigned or real, who knows.
Well I'm a believer this isn't his only crime ever. We have the same think with LISK, APPEARING to have started at like the age of 4i6, Allen would have been about 45 with A & L's murder. Do do you think CB just out of the blue decided to kill one day in his 40s?
I just don't get how a middle aged family man can just up and abduct and murder two teenage girls from a well known trail and almost get away with it. He must have known beforehand, as he had the weapons, have planned it ahead of time and waited for them. As you say, no arrest history.

LE themselves completely shocked and the whole community scared to death and there he is living among them, no cares in the world, apparently for nearly 6 years.

But now he has gone mad. Feigned or real, who knows.
He definitely knew ahead and planned. Imo.

No matter WHO did this crime, the same thing could be said about how shocking and even bold on this trail in broad daylight, etc. It arguably though would have been near impossible for someone not familiar with the layout and where they were going to commit such. He DID know and he admitted to seeing who he HAD to admit to seeing and where he parked, etc. as he KNEW he was seen.
He's not mad. Well he may be mad but not "mad". Imo. No sign of him being so really until after arrest. Again timing.

A lot of perps go mad or insane ONCE incarcerated. Conveniently.

And again if you haven't watched the last one, he appeared just fine.
Well I'm a believer this isn't his only crime ever. We have the same think with LISK, APPEARING to have started at like the age of 4i6, Allen would have been about 45 with A & L's murder. Do do you think CB just out of the blue decided to kill one day in his 40s?
No he is a different kettle of fish. I think he has been doing it for a very long time. But there is something wrong with him too.
No he is a different kettle of fish. I think he has been doing it for a very long time. But there is something wrong with him too.
Well we can agree on that. There is something wrong imo with all murderers and especially with those that murder children. In cases like this one, I'd call it lacking a soul and some would maybe call it possessed by evil but in my opinion that's an excuse. Possessed makes it sound as if they don't have a choice in the matter, that something came and took possession of them. He chose evil. So did LISK. So have many.

I see this man as cunning and sly. I see him as soulless. I guess in that sense there is something very wrong with him

So you do think he's been doing this for a very long time so I take it you think there are other victims?

Let me ask you something else, how do you see his relationship with his wife and mother? Even daughter perhaps? I have my opinion on that but of course since we know little it is simply an opinion/speculation.
Well we can agree on that. There is something wrong imo with all murderers and especially with those that murder children. In cases like this one, I'd call it lacking a soul and some would maybe call it possessed by evil but in my opinion that's an excuse. Possessed makes it sound as if they don't have a choice in the matter, that something came and took possession of them. He chose evil. So did LISK. So have many.

I see this man as cunning and sly. I see him as soulless. I guess in that sense there is something very wrong with him

So you do think he's been doing this for a very long time so I take it you think there are other victims?

Let me ask you something else, how do you see his relationship with his wife and mother? Even daughter perhaps? I have my opinion on that but of course since we know little it is simply an opinion/speculation.
I see him as henpecked and frustrated with hidden anger issues. His daughter looks just like his wife and he is surrounded by women.

I just looked again at my post above that discussed his mental state in jail and this is part of that article.

"On April 14, Allen was evaluated by two psychiatrists and a psychologist to see if he needed involuntary medication or to be moved to a different unit, the document said, and they determined Allen didn't need involuntary medication and didn't need to be moved. After that meeting, Allen started eating and sleeping again and his behavior "began to return to what it was prior to making the admission on April 3," the document said."

So maybe he agreed to take voluntary medication as he then started eating and sleeping again.
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Based upon case info to date:

LE has not reversed its public statement that LE believes BG and person(s) other than BG are involved in this crime.
LE has been unspecific as to times of death, times of staging.

LE has clarified that the suspect renderings - of an older guy and years later, the younger guy - in publicly shared renderings - are not intended to represent the same suspect.

The description of the large bleeder wounds on both victims suggest technically efficient, silent, quick executions, suggestive of certain training/skill.
Staging occurred including:
- Victim clothing removed/redressed.
- Bodies were moved.

IMO, the above suggest that simple explanations were abandoned by LE some time ago.


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