LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Why do you think it is without a doctor? I must have missed that. I thought he went to Wabash due to better medical facilities no? IMO he is pretending and putting on this " poor me " demeanour.

I have no sympathy for a murdering multiple child killer, that the prison system is attempting to keep from harming himself.

Send him back to Carroll or Cass, or Allen even, by all means if that is what his defence want- but they are not his defence, yet.
I should have read forward and not backwards but I can see the post you responded to and your response. It is claimed he doesn't recognize his meds from day to day so now we have a prison whose doctors or guards who are just handing him whatever day to day for him to take? Huh? This has gotten flat out outlandish. If true it is one he77 of a major conspraicy or there are a ton of conspiracy theorists out there in this one. Odinists, strange changing meds, etc.

Sounds like lunacy quite honestly and it only gets more so.

There is no doctor they claim? Huh?

And yes, he knows exactly what he is doing with his poor me that comes and goes... Last time I saw him in court, it was gone. He seemed to feel he was the prince.

They'd be yelling if he was at Carroll or Cass too. GUARANTEED.

It's all put on.
I should have read forward and not backwards but I can see the post you responded to and your response. It is claimed he doesn't recognize his meds from day to day so now we have a prison whose doctors or guards who are just handing him whatever day to day for him to take? Huh? This has gotten flat out outlandish. If true it is one he77 of a major conspraicy or there are a ton of conspiracy theorists out there in this one. Odinists, strange changing meds, etc.

Sounds like lunacy quite honestly and it only gets more so.

There is no doctor they claim? Huh?

And yes, he knows exactly what he is doing with his poor me that comes and goes... Last time I saw him in court, it was gone. He seemed to feel he was the prince.

They'd be yelling if he was at Carroll or Cass too. GUARANTEED.

It's all put on.
Yes it is a bunch of hooey, I agree.
Covid relieved overcrowding through death and the release of the non-violent on monitors. Covid paused the courts 100%, and then returned by 20%, etc - for more than a year and it backed up the courts by at least a year, actually. There's no covid now.

Maybe OJ was innocent? (no one believes that either.)

IMO, O-Theory is the defense, it would seem. D only needs to bring doubt that overcomes the P's case.. D does not need to believe he's innocent.; (Although ... Hennessey (Baldwin's attny supporting him in Gull's court) keeps publicly stating the Old D believes RA is innocent - fwiw.)

IMO, 2 months with 2 weeks being holiday... 2 visits, with a client who is hopeful that this New-D is temporary seems right. New D is employed by the State with a prerogative to review this case. Instructions from Court: catch up on case file, either adopt the Old D's theory, or part of the theory, or none of the theory, develop new theory. To that end, New D has likely billed more than $20,000 in hours becoming experts on both D and P sides as to existing facts/experts/evidence/depositions in case to date - in order to determine their moving forward plan. After this review they've advised the Court that they endorse the Old D's theory and argument, including the Old D's argument that RA must be transferred/held in a facility other than state prison.

I'm wondering:

- What's next; given New D has found the Franks Memo, Exhibits, and O-Theory therein to have merit, are they ready to request those hearings be calendared?

- Was there any strategy in filing the status of their review to signal to higher court New D's zealous representation of RA already matches the Old D?

- Have Gull's colleagues on the bench offered the support of the increased Admin Role so Gull can bow out gracefully? If you put on the Allen Superior Court Robe ... you might feel like Gull went down south - gamely/bravely to face a wild and crazy storm of a trial that the local Judge was afraid of and the rest of the Judges were likely relieved they weren't tapped for.
So lawyers didn't personally visit any clients during Covid? The fact both sets of lawyers are saying Odinists did it must mean they believe RA is innocent is my point ie SODDI means they believe he is innocent. Or are they just making the O theory up as they go along and really know that he did it because of the confessions. I agree with Gbear that it is a bunch of hooey and i think he is like OJ and CA.
Another thing, they had to have the "leak" to support the SODDI defence. The positioning of the sticks and the F rune on the tree were the basis for the O-defence in the F memo. The leaks got all the press discussing it. I am not surprised the new D have only visited twice so far. They are awaiting the 18th as we all are.
Most people have no doubt Casey killed her daughter. I didn't follow the entire trial at the time either but saw much and much of the investigation up to and when they couldn't find Caylee as well. I did watch all of the trial and parts I missed later. I"ve never had a doubt she killed her daughter from early on, before finding Kaylee and before arrest even. No problem you don't know the case, if you did, I don't think you'd have any doubt.

I'm tired, long work day. Help me out, I should likely know but what does SODDI stand for?

Lawyers are supposed to work with the jail or prison and NOT complain to the court but take their concerns to the facility warden or director, etc. I'm not sure if that varies by state abut I doubt it does much. I just saw it in a few cases. The judge told the defendant and the defense attorney they are not the ones to come to, they do not rule or control the facility and the judge is not the remedy. One of these cases was Donna Adelson and her attorney immediately complaining about her treatment. The judge was nice imo and nicer than he had to be as he could have put both her and her lawyer strongly in their place for bringing it to him and Donna couldn't behave either. I don't remember the other one but I found it interesting as I never knew that but it all made sense after hearing it, just as when jails transfer prisoners, etc. to other facilities. AND decide which facility each convicted inmate is going to go to. That isn't done by the judge.

Anyhow, a bit of sidetrack but yeah, new D is doing the same sh*t as old D the way it sounds.

Anyone know what time this all starts? It is Thursday right? Any feeds out there set up yet for the live viewing?
Some Other Dude Did It = SODDI defence.

Or, if you prefer -

Some Odinist Dudes Did It ... LOL
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Yeah no kidding. He was moved to Westville November 2022. And was arrested on October 2i6, 2022. So a guard got a tat a year later? How convenient is that for the defense...

I am following your thought correctly right? This was even after the O filing.
Yes and it is a pretty small tattoo FFS just a FU to the prison who could demand he wears a plaster over it if necessary like those zit plasters that schoolgirls wear.
In Indiana, it's normal to house the accused in the county jail where they are charged. That's my personal hangup here, this is not normal. I know of one mass murder, a long time ago, where 4 accused men were housed in county jails. They were separated so they wouldn't kill each other.
You know, it might surprise you but I do understand your point. It is pretty unusual for an unconvicted defendant to be housed in a prison. In your state, in mine, in any probably.

And even though I've never been in trouble in my life, I've seen plenty and been around the courts enough to know there is a lot of dirty.

BUT despite that, I (stupidly maybe) start out with trust and for this to have been some conspiracy to put him in prison to be abused, left with Odinist guards who are also connected to a group who really murdered the girls, to be abused, and to confess repeatedly is ridiculous to me. It all would take such preplanniing way ahead of all possibilities and so many people involved in a conspiracy it is ludicrous.

I am NOT saying you think all that, you may only be saying he should not be a prison, and that I can understand. It's all the other stuff and the game being played with it all that is beyond and imo only people with absolutely no logic or common sense would buy into it all and the number that have is absolutely scary as to their lack of common sense.

I did take the time to look into some of this a time back. First Carroll County Jail and later the prison. Carroll County is NOT equipped for or staffed for someone like him. And I don't believe most counties are. But Carroll County particularly.

Again it is your state, not mine but I am going to guess you don't know a ton more about it all than I do in mine as to what it takes and if it can be done with the staff had or facilities had or the $$ available to house some big time high profile defendant.

Even though I can believe in corruption easily, to the scale being claimed by many here and when under the scrutiny of an entire nation in a major high profile case, it is a bit more difficult to buy.

I trust there were very good reasons he was put there.

And being put in Westville his Old D yelled how far it was for the attys to travel and his wife. Now this logically leads me to so if it is "so far" what are the odds the judge and the O guards and the prison are in cahoots to get Allen? They are so distant from each other as claimed by D it is doubtful they'd all be tight and friends in some big plan against Allen. I mean wow that would take some doing and some long reaching power to control a prison counties away and get guards there to go along with who, I guess a Carroll County judge or people there who want him framed? It is just ridiculous. Again, I'm not saying you believe all that but there are those that do and it is what the D would have people believe.

I'm not saying you buy into all that, I have no idea, from all I know you are just about his treatment and the fact he is in a prison. And THAT I can understand. It is all the other bullsh*t others are doing or claiming or saying that defies belief.

I do think there was real cause and reason to place him there and I truly believe he is safer in such a setting. If they did or do put him in a county jail somewhere, there'd be a new litany of complaints guaranteed. And it can't be Carroll for a number of and very obvious reasons. Imagine if he'd been placed in Carroll, the very system in which they claim the judge corrupt, the DA corrupt, the investigator/ion corrupt.

And IF he gets that and IF he ends up murdered or suicides, or can't access care they think he needs or still ends up in isolation or is tased if not complying, I don't want to hear a word about it from those who wanted him somewhere far less secure and less equipped to handle it.

I trurly believe he is safest housed where they can keep him safe and have the staff and facility to do so.

I am saying however that I can understand your point of view just with regard to prison versus county jail. It will be interesting to see if the ISC weighs in on this or not and if they find it to be either against the law (pretty sure it is not) or if they interfere and move him (I'd be surprised). Of course if his rights are being violated then with that they likely will weigh in.

I forget what case and exactly what the judge said but there was a recent one on here that decided against defense with some right of their client in jail they claimed was being violated, something like video calling or access to even telephone maybe, I forget and the judge said that the constitution was written LONG before such existed when there was no internet or telephone or some such and visiting had to be done in person and so on. I don't have this right as to what it was but it was something on that order. In other words, whatever it was about, the constitution guaranteed no such right. I'm sure I will come across it again and Kimster would probably remember as she commented on liking the judge's comment and perspective. Of course I don't have the issue right nor did I word his decision as he did or his comment, it was a good one, better that I described.

I'll end with that not a thing has been proven but only alleged by the defense and Allen other than that the guards did have patches which was admitted to and something was done about.

I'll also change my opinion if I ever see any real proof of serious wrongdoing. I haven't to date. Everything that side has done and does do leaves them far less than believable to me with anything they claim.

Anyhow, just catching up so covering more than that in one post and won't catch up fully anyhow so this is the long one in my attempt to do so and come somewhat up to speed with thoughts I wrapped into it.

I await as we all do the ISC arguments and subsequent decisions.
That doesn't say proven. That is only what he has admitted several times to his wife and what he is charged with.
You clearly weren't saying that.

Even so, Allen's multiple confessions are enough proof for me. He said he did it and is guilty.

Emu also gives you grief for this but himself called Casey Anthony a baby killer and she was actually exonerated/acquitted but a full jury. Not that I believe she is innocent for one moment.
Another thing, they had to have the "leak" to support the SODDI defence. The positioning of the sticks and the F rune on the tree were the basis for the O-defence in the F memo. The leaks got all the press discussing it. I am not surprised the new D have only visited twice so far. They are awaiting the 18th as we all are.
Agree. Absolutely everything they've done or claimed or leaked, etc. is so obvious with the timing and reason it worries me for anyone who buys into it all. It's because of all of that that I can't give any credence to anything at all they claim unless proven.

I could go into the multiple obvious reasons for each and every thing and their timing or even change of claims but it's been all said before and we know them all already.

It is scary to me though how many are blind and don't see it and buy into things though. I don't mean in here, I mean the number of people who do everywhere. News and SM has not helped that, just the opposite, they helped fuel it.
Some Other Dude Did It = SODDI defence.

Or, if you prefer -

Some Odinist Dudes Did It ... LOL
Lol. I need to remember that one. I couldn't come up with one thought as to what it stood for lol.

Yeah some Odinists teleported themselves to the Delphi woods and in the meantime Allen evaporated and just thinks he was there but is mistaken. Uh huh. Lol.
I identify as Christian as many of us do and I disagree with you and also would say you are really taking things off track now.

Jesus was against injustice and loved children and the murders of children are terribly unjust.

God also allows for the laws of mankind.

I had this conversation in depth at the hospital our brain dead baby laid at WITH a minister. I had some really tough questions for him.

It also touched on being a doormat whether a person or a system and whether that's what being Christian asked for, you give, you forgive, you take it even when the other person is using that softness or weak rules to their advantage.

You talk of the fact he is not convicted as the killer of the girls BUT there is also NO PROOF or conclusion he is being treated worse than any other prisoner, was abused or anything else. NONE. TO DATE.

So on one had you say he is not convicted but you convict on allegations on his behalf of alleged treatment.

The Christian thing does not belong here, NOT because I think it should not be allowed anywhere at any time because it should if other such can be but you are using that to argue your side and it is very debatable what is unjust in this case--the MURDER of two children was UNJUST.

Read the new testament and pay attention. That's the end of the subject as far as I'm concerned.
Read the new testament and pay attention. That's the end of the subject as far as I'm concerned.
Do not tell me what to do and talk of religion or the bible to me. There is MUCH in the bible. And many interpretations.

Has RA given himself to Christ by the way? Begged for forgiveness?

This is a case thread, not a political or religious one and one can find something to support any position.

So in your theory, prisoners should not be handcuffed or shackled and should be asked nicely to "come on in"? They should be free to come and go from jail or prison as they please? And to keep order in such a facility if seriously not following the rules or acting out, they should be pleaded with to just please stop it, please will you?

Yah all are wrongly convicted and/or accused and should be released and treated with nothing but love and sunshine and daisies and rainbows.

There are TWO SLAUGHTERED children here. Allen is NOT THE VICTIM.

Like I said, I've had extensive talks about much relating to this and God and Christ relating to MURDER of a child and the perp.

You're entitled of course to your opinion but quit telling others to adopt yours.

Thank you. Enuf said.
He claims those were coerced confessions.
His attorneys do. And of course they do. That wasn't the first claim or response though.

Everything that incriminates a defendant to you had to be caused by corruption coercing, or something. It couldn't be guilt and pressure by wife or mom that had him confessing to his family now could it?

If coerced, I'd think those coercing would have him confessing to someone in LE or a guard, etc. and that wasn't the case.
It's really odd some other person would coerce someone to confess FIVE times. To more than one person and more than once, more than twice, more than three times...

Allen placed himSELF there and Allen CONFESSED.


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