LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Depends on how you look at it. They have it all, just had to dig for it in the discovery. I'd agree though that certain behaviors that go on in most cases don't look good for either side. I think it's been said in this one that the prosecution has not received what the defense's investigation found, and I'm sure they mean ALL of it even that which did not benefit their client. Tit for tat. Yah, I don't agree with it but both sides do it or delay it or bury it.

What if one of the guards said and could prove he gave Allen extra cookies every day, do ya think the defense would share that? Not the same thing I get that but point is defense did an investigation, have they shared ALL that was found or said...

The common theme that seems to go on is we will give you all our stuff but it isn't our job to ferret it out for you and outline it or teach you how to open a file.

I partially agree though. But it has gotten ridiculous at the same time.

No, the defense doesn't have the same info. as the prosecution. The defense has what the prosecution has given them. That's all. It appears that exculpatory evidence was withheld.

It gives me the vibe that the prosecution knows it's a long road they'd be heading down if they start investigating the Odinism evidence. It could also be a dangerous road as well. They think they can convict him, and they don't care. This is a typical response from a lot of DA's.

IMO, there IS a connection to Odinists. I'm not saying RA is totally innocent. If he was, then he wouldn't have recognized the Odinism patches. He comes across as the chosen fall guy for this crime. I'm pretty sure others are involved. I'm convinced it was Ron Logan on the bridge. When asked by a reporter to say "Down the hill" while being interviewed he raises the pitch of his voice on the word "hill".

The defense says that the estimated height of the person on the bridge was far off from a 5'4" man. Two people who know Ron Logan were shown the video of BG, and said it was Ron Logan before being asked anything.

If the coat found in RA's house, was the one he wore that day, wouldn't there be blood on it? Even if it had been washed. It was a very bloody crime scene, reportedly. I've also heard that the police don't think they were killed on the spot they were found on. Also, the defense says that the person who saw a "muddy and bloody" man never said anything about "bloody" when initially questioned. That can be proven fairly easily if the original statement is still available.

As somebody already pointed out why didn't anyone recognize him while they were shopping at CVS?

It seems to me that the Odinism connection may not just be two prison guards, but others could be involved on the prosecution team.

According to the defense, when RA was tased (two different times), it was one or both of these guards involved.

This needs a much deeper investigation than appears to be going on. I don't believe that only one person did this alone. I want them ALL convicted. It's very odd that nobody asked those guards about the patches that, suddenly, were put on their shirts. They don't remove them until it was brought up by the defense that they had an Odinism connection.

Hopefully, there is stuff being done behind the scenes they aren't talking about.
Even though I don't agree with all, I will say for a dodo this was a well thought out informative post. Still dealing with a bit of shock over it.

We do agree on some things and you likely can guess which. I am one of the few here, along with you, who cannot dismiss Ron Logan. I am not sold on it but his involvement changes EVERYTHING as does access from his property.

RA did recognize the patches and is part of it or using it. RA was on the trails and puts himself there.

I can believe one but just as quick I can believe two or three and I think it very possible one sent the girls down the hill to others. I mean otherwise why not run like hell re the girls and in different directions? But who knows. Maybe he had a hold of one or one wouldn't and the other wouldn't leave her. BUT another or a couple of others could hav been lying in wait...

The coat and blood doesn't mean much to me. Per the defense Abby had basically no blood on her clothing. There could be a number of reasons for that. I could go into several but I just don't think it is a big thing in the overall scheme.

I want to know to this day what is known about RA's day, whether he worked, when, whether wife was home, when, when he got home, when she saw him, what they did, have dinner or go search for the girls on hearing the news, etc. It is these seemingly small details that imo tell a lot which we never get at least not at this point...

I don't think a group of Os killed the girls or a group at all unless Logan was part of it.

I do think there are a lot of odd ducks in this area.

This crimes smacks of someone getting off on it which leads me to a singular killer, a serial killer or one bound to be. Yet I could entertain a pedo ring and a few. The Os I have more trouble with. Idiots for sure but killers of young white girls, just not quite seeing it...
Wasn't it years later though? How many times was it washed over the years? Who's to say it didn't have traces of dna but not enough to get a match?
Good point. Many reasons could explain this. I could name them but no will to do so but just an example or two. First fresh blood can be gotten out of a garment and most females know how. Second, as you say, washed over and over since then. Third, it is said Abby dressed in Libby's clothing had basically no blood and he didn't either maybe on the coat which he may not have been wearing during the commission of the crime... It was just part of his every man IN uniform...
This is awesome. Reading through it is Allen. Reading the defense stuff is entirely different. This fits. That doesn't. Just saying...

Don't know too much about Allen ... but we'll learn at trial.

What bugs me is the randomness. It's hard for me to accept that in the world one could just be in the right place/right time to be murdered by a murder-ready murdering sicko.

I guess my brain is wired with "not a killer instinct anywhere".

It's easier to think that there's logic to murder. That all victims have made some innocent, yet avoidable error.

Easier to think that we'd see evidence like: "aha! RA was hiding his identity and following the girl on their social media". (That's still horrifying, of course.)

Call me still naive after all these years.

Don't know too much about Allen ... but we'll learn at trial.

What bugs me is the randomness. It's hard for me to accept that in the world one could just be in the right place/right time to be murdered by a murder-ready murdering sicko.

I guess my brain is wired with "not a killer instinct anywhere".

It's easier to think that there's logic to murder. That all victims have made some innocent, yet avoidable error.

Easier to think that we'd see evidence like: "aha! RA was hiding his identity and following the girl on their social media". (That's still horrifying, of course.)

Call me still naive after all these years.

But it did happen by somebody and there is far to much info falling directly into Allen's guilt for me to dismiss him.
I encourage you to watch this. It explains and tells you a lot. Evidently, one of the guards said he wasn't an Odinist, but he practiced a "Heathen Norse religion".

PW is a POI in this case. His name came to my attention from the Defense Memo. He was investigated by LE and his name appears in the memo related to the Odinist line of investigation. I'd not heard of him before. Had anyone else? I'm sure there are lots more POIs we've not heard of.

PW gave an interview on "Sleuth Intuitions" recently. Why? Because PW was upset that his name (as POI) was in the recent Defense Memo. And he wants to clear his name, and the name of his club "The Vinlanders Social Club. Apparently his kid's getting harassed at school and social media about it is out of control.

In the interview he says he's a Vet, and has cognitive problems (memory).

Here's more on the Vinlanders Social Club". Vinlanders Social Club - Wikipedia"

As one might expect, PW's interview goes a bit sideways for a bit... especially at 55 min in. Oh dear. A slice of local life if nothing else.

Don't know too much about Allen ... but we'll learn at trial.

What bugs me is the randomness. It's hard for me to accept that in the world one could just be in the right place/right time to be murdered by a murder-ready murdering sicko.

I guess my brain is wired with "not a killer instinct anywhere".

It's easier to think that there's logic to murder. That all victims have made some innocent, yet avoidable error.

Easier to think that we'd see evidence like: "aha! RA was hiding his identity and following the girl on their social media". (That's still horrifying, of course.)

Call me still naive after all these years.

Oh believe me I get ya. Hard to put into words how I also want even murder to make some logical sense not that such an act ever can but sometimes it does, it is jealousy or rage or revenge, etc.

I don't necessarily think this was random. It may be a long time before we know if we EVER know. I think juries too prefer something make sense just as we do, but in a way does murder ever make sense....

I don't know how much the girls or their families knew of Allen if at all but I have a feeling he knew of them and their families. I think someone so bad they could murder, would have regardless but I also think the two girls became his target, and it likely was online or he came to know somehow of their trail/bridge plan... At minimum. And at maximum I think it was more than that and they became his focus or one did...

Maybe I am needing to think otherwise but I don't think this was totally random happenstance. I think part of his thrill was baiting somehow whether with an online presence or something else and that's why or one reason I don't let the Kline thing go. I think these girls were unfortunately and sadly maybe a bit bold and risky online in a young and naive way and in their opinion thought they knew what they were doing at their young age but did not, they were just two young girls exploring and wolves were at the other end.

I don't know but I believe Allen was perhaps well aware of A & L and their families otherwise and suspect they barely if at all new he existed. I do think he at some point or for some reason became obsessed with the two girls.

Let me end his by saying clearly I don't know but I as well would like to find some sense to it not that there is any with such a crime. But I don't believe he was just at the trail and some opportunity fell into his lap at that minute. I do not believe that for a minute. He KNEW. He knew they were going whether minutes before or a day. And prepared for it if they did. That's my opinion...
But it did happen by somebody and there is far to much info falling directly into Allen's guilt for me to dismiss him.
Allen is the one or part of it for me too. Nothing in even the defense filing removes him, it would only make him part of a bigger thing.

It isn't like LE manufactured him from thin air although it seems like it as they lost the tip and info. If they were going to come up with a suspect out of thin air, they'd come up with one that fit exactly like with height and no questions because all would just fit so perfectly.

I can see him as a lone wolf however I have not let go of the thought this was two or three or the initial plan may have been. I leave that open.

But it seems like one sick individual's fantasy/plan...

He is responsible no matter what way it is sliced whether on his own or with others. For him not to be would take such a a conspiracy it wouldn't even be funny. That would be a long post in and of itself.
It's just my opinion, but I have a feeling he was hunting that day.

He sized up his prey, they were where he wanted them, and he struck.
They are not my only thoughts but I have some similar ones. Like driving deer, however there is usually at least one other if not more at the end of where you drive them.

I don['t though necessarily believe it was randomness and luck that they were there and so was he. Jmo.

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