NV NAOMI IRION: Missing from Fernley, NV - 12 March 2022 - Age 18 *Found Deceased* *ARREST*

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Nevada woman disappears from Walmart, brother says video shows masked man forcing himself into her car​

The brother of a missing Nevada woman, who disappeared Saturday from a Walmart parking lot, said chilling surveillance video shows a man force his way into her car before driving away.

Naomi Irion, 18, of Fernley in Northern Nevada, was last seen about 5 a.m. at the store’s parking lot, according to a Wednesday statement from the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office.

Irion’s four-door sedan was later found in an industrial area in Fernley, and a suspect believed to be driving a dark, newer model Chevrolet High Country pickup may know her whereabouts, police said.

Irion’s older brother, Casey Valley, 32, told NBC News on Thursday that surveillance footage from the Walmart shows a man wearing a face mask and a hoodie walk to the parking lot from the direction of a dirt lot, circle his sister’s car and then force his way in.

“He circled around the parking lot maybe to make sure there were no witnesses,” Valley said. “He came up behind the car and forced his way into the driver’s side of the car. Maybe her door was unlocked. He either said or did something to make her move to the passenger seat and then he drove her car away into an unknown direction.”

Representatives with the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office could not be immediately reached Thursday to corroborate Valley’s account. Valley also told NBC affiliate KRNV in Reno about the video.

The sheriff’s office is expected to hold a press conference about the case later Thursday.


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What year did she disappear? I can go look, just that maybe you know offhand. I know he was young when convicted like early 20s but not sure how old he is now... I want to say he was 21-23... which would make him 36-38 now if I'm doing the math right... Not that that matters, the year she disappeared does.
What year did she disappear? I can go look, just that maybe you know offhand. I know he was young when convicted like early 20s but not sure how old he is now... I want to say he was 21-23... which would make him 36-38 now if I'm doing the math right... Not that that matters, the year she disappeared does.
Karlie went missing in 2018.
Karlie went missing in 2018.
Hmm. Not impossible then... The only thing is this girl here had a pattern and he would have had to just "luck into" Karlie most likely wouldn't he...? I wonder where he lived in that particular year...
Hmm. Not impossible then... The only thing is this girl here had a pattern and he would have had to just "luck into" Karlie most likely wouldn't he...? I wonder where he lived in that particular year...
That's exactly what I wrote in the old Karlie thread (before our site crash in 2020) - that perhaps it was a crime of opportunity! If Driver was coming back from Bishop, or even Los Angeles, he would have been using that stretch of highway.
I was going to write that earlier but got side-tracked with thinking about Karlie Guse.
It also seems that I was right when I said WM is notoriously bad at surveilling their parking lots. The way that article is written it sounds like they do not have the actual happening of how he entered her car. It says he was circling the parking lot and then it says the next thing is them leaving the parking lot with him driving. Sounds like the only thing they have cameras working on is near the entrance of the store and then somewhere when exiting the parking lot, which might not even be from their cameras, but from a neighboring place. They don't really care unless it involves their $$ so that's the only place they have working cameras.
That's exactly what I wrote in the old Karlie thread (before our site crash in 2020) - that perhaps it was a crime of opportunity! If Driver was coming back from Bishop, or even Los Angeles, he would have been using that stretch of highway.
He sure sounds like he fits the mold for looking for or taking opportunity that presents itself. Can't disagree there.
It also seems that I was right when I said WM is notoriously bad at surveilling their parking lots. The way that article is written it sounds like they do not have the actual happening of how he entered her car. It says he was circling the parking lot and then it says the next thing is them leaving the parking lot with him driving. Sounds like the only thing they have cameras working on is near the entrance of the store and then somewhere when exiting the parking lot, which might not even be from their cameras, but from a neighboring place. They don't really care unless it involves their $$ so that's the only place they have working cameras.
I don't know. I was watching one last night that I ended up in late but it sounded like there is more footage, video/pics. I didn't get to go back and watch it but they were referring to what was seen. If I encounter it again I'll share it.

Don't they say he walked around her car and it sounded like that was from footage in which case the same cam should see him enter... But who knows? Not defending WM, I just have the impression there is more than we've seen. And the brother from the start shared what he saw WM showed him it sounded like but the cops never confirmed that or shared all...
I don't know. I was watching one last night that I ended up in late but it sounded like there is more footage, video/pics. I didn't get to go back and watch it but they were referring to what was seen. If I encounter it again I'll share it.

Don't they say he walked around her car and it sounded like that was from footage in which case the same cam should see him enter... But who knows? Not defending WM, I just have the impression there is more than we've seen. And the brother from the start shared what he saw WM showed him it sounded like but the cops never confirmed that or shared all...
from that article

Surveillance footage from the morning of Irion's disappearance showed her sitting in the driver's seat while she waited for a company shuttle to take her to her job at Panasonic. A man wearing a hoodie - believed to be Driver - was filmed approaching her vehicle after circling the area.

It's unclear if she was in the store at the time he broke into the vehicle or if she was in the car, but footage shows the pair driving off with the suspect in the driver's seat.

The wording of this is quite confusing as it also says it shows her sitting in her car waiting for her bus, yet this says they don't know if she was in the store or not (you have found the store was closed at the time), but that same surveillance video would have shown her entering or leaving the store, so we know they know that answer. Sheesh! The person that wrote this sure is contradicting themselves or really bad at logic!
from that article

Surveillance footage from the morning of Irion's disappearance showed her sitting in the driver's seat while she waited for a company shuttle to take her to her job at Panasonic. A man wearing a hoodie - believed to be Driver - was filmed approaching her vehicle after circling the area.

It's unclear if she was in the store at the time he broke into the vehicle or if she was in the car, but footage shows the pair driving off with the suspect in the driver's seat.

The wording of this is quite confusing as it also says it shows her sitting in her car waiting for her bus, yet this says they don't know if she was in the store or not (you have found the store was closed at the time), but that same surveillance video would have shown her entering or leaving the store, so we know they know that answer. Sheesh! The person that wrote this sure is contradicting themselves or really bad at logic!
It is confusing, it sounds like the author doesn't know based on what they have as she was never in the store to our knowledge/it was closed (maybe Walmart lets someone dropped off inside who waits on the shuttle I thought of but I seriously doubt it). Because they aren't sure on that fact which we all know is likely wrong (she wasn't in the store), I don't take what they said about surveillance as them having or knowing much either... Jmo. And they do contradict themselves between the two paragraphs.
I wonder if he flashed a firearm at her. Or, did he threaten her and due to her youth, she was too scared to do anything but obey?

I wonder if he flashed a firearm at her. Or, did he threaten her and due to her youth, she was too scared to do anything but obey?

Her mother said she was very sheltered and the type to act like a deer caught in the headlights... My guess based on that is she was scared and just complied... She is a diplomat's daughter and lived in Russia and other countries until moving to the US with her brother this past August. The mother said they lived with armed guards, razor wire, very secured compound, etc.

I do wonder if he had ever encountered her/stalked her/talked to her where he knew her to be maybe somewhat reticent or unsure of herself for lack of better words...
You guys! Check this out! A man was following another woman in a car around the parking lot and she took a picture! Doesn’t it look like Driver? 😱

He has now been charged with murder as well as other additional charges!!

I think it should be added here that the body here was found it seems a day before we knew it but the family knew it but they and LE were awaiting formal identification and it wasn't shared until they knew for a fact (but they knew). I've heard this a few places and it is fact with sources I believe but I don't have one handy right now. Just adding this info for the thread and for anyone who hadn't heard that. I'll try to remember to get a source/link on it.
Here is Linda on this case. She for the last few months is a bit later than most with doing a video on new/current cases but as usual, in her way, she often has something not all cover, etc.

Of interest for one, @Guess Who it does sound like there is video showing a suspect getting into her car and her moving to the passenger seat... (mentioning as recently that was the conversation we were having).... But then she quoted (I think from LE) that the vehicle left in an unknown direction so that sounds like as it moved out of the lot, so presumably they don't have video of the direction of travel...

This also talks about pings from her cell phone which has not yet been recovered...

And how his truck was found, he had it in a garage but accidentally left the door open and a neighbor or someone had seen it on the news and reported it... And that's when we heard about the truck, etc. and arrest...

These couple of details/things are new to me but admittedly I have watched and read a fair amount but not all maybe(?) but these are new. Linda of course did this video before her body was found and murder charges resulted today against him and yesterday the announcement she was found...

In true Linda fashion the last few minutes of this 11 minute video (she does pack all into not many minutes), she touches on the stupidity or "idiot sticks" that bring their truck where there are cameras, etc. to take what isn't theirs, attack a girl, etc. and how this girl was just what age and only going to work in a town of 20,000 and about the victims and our SYSTEM.... About the victim, the system, and why this man is out etc...

Here is Linda on this case. She for the last few months is a bit later than most with doing a video on new/current cases but as usual, in her way, she often has something not all cover, etc.

Of interest for one, @Guess Who it does sound like there is video showing a suspect getting into her car and her moving to the passenger seat... (mentioning as recently that was the conversation we were having).... But then she quoted (I think from LE) that the vehicle left in an unknown direction so that sounds like as it moved out of the lot, so presumably they don't have video of the direction of travel...

This also talks about pings from her cell phone which has not yet been recovered...

And how his truck was found, he had it in a garage but accidentally left the door open and a neighbor or someone had seen it on the news and reported it... And that's when we heard about the truck, etc. and arrest...

These couple of details/things are new to me but admittedly I have watched and read a fair amount but not all maybe(?) but these are new. Linda of course did this video before her body was found and murder charges resulted today against him and yesterday the announcement she was found...

In true Linda fashion the last few minutes of this 11 minute video (she does pack all into not many minutes), she touches on the stupidity or "idiot sticks" that bring their truck where there are cameras, etc. to take what isn't theirs, attack a girl, etc. and how this girl was just what age and only going to work in a town of 20,000 and about the victims and our SYSTEM.... About the victim, the system, and why this man is out etc...

I saw this episode and I should have shared! Been a little preoccupied with a new baby. Lol and by the way, Linda had Covid and she said that was why she had been gone for a bit.

When I heard about the garage door being open, I was reminded of what our sheriff once told me. She said it’s good that many criminals aren’t very bright.
I saw this episode and I should have shared! Been a little preoccupied with a new baby. Lol and by the way, Linda had Covid and she said that was why she had been gone for a bit.

When I heard about the garage door being open, I was reminded of what our sheriff once told me. She said it’s good that many criminals aren’t very bright.
Bright for sure didn't apply to this guy. Walmart cameras, truck spotted and then leaves his garage door open.... You have a female sheriff? That's cool.

Yeah even when Linda is on it, she isn't always the first to cover the news on a case but she always seems to bring something to it that is new or makes some points I might not have thought of. She is worth watching imo just for that.

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