CO SUZANNE MORPHEW: Missing from Chaffee County, CO - 10 May 2020 - Age 49 *Found Deceased*

A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned, sparking a search involving more than 100 emergency personnel.

The Chaffee County Communications Center received a report on Sunday at 5:46 p.m. regarding a missing woman in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50.

Anybody who has information on Morphew’s whereabouts is asked to call the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office at 719-539-2596 or Chaffee County Crime Stoppers at 719-539-2599.


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I think it would helpful for all involved to go back a few pages. No one even speculated that SM was attacked by mountain lions. It was a discussion about an Edna someone.
Yeah, I don't know how it got here either. I got home and saw all the mountain lion stuff. It is widely accepted by most that SM was on no bike ride to begin with.
I don't think he is saying it now though.
What difference does that make? He pushed the thought more than once back when. Just as he did the bike ride. He says not much of anything now that is of substance to the case, he is lawyered up and has been for some time.
It was at the very beginning. I remember GBear and I talking about how ridiculous it was.
I see this mountain lion stuff today and groan and think this has been yes, discussed and debated already, back at the beginning as you say. Experts dissected it and abused the notion as well. I don't consider it even relatable to SM's case for a TON of reasons. Even the most recent, the mountain lion did not bury her 40 miles away. Plus she was NOT on a bike ride.
Post mortem 90% complete.

Did you also note in your article that the prosecution dismissed the charges, wanting to find the body/more evidence?

Baden is well known and respected but he talks of the body being intact and we already know bones were scattered... He is also about 90.
Just to share what I've learned about lion behavior and incidents, I can think of one attack on a bicyclist where the lion then tried to drag the person away but I don't know of any instances in which a lion dragged or carried a victim for miles, hundreds of yards (and uphill!), yes, but not miles. I also don't know of lions burying prey. I know they'll cover prey but I'm not sure about burying.
I am going to go on ad nauseum that Suzanne Morphew was NOT on a bike ride. Not at you or anyone, just saying.

I agree with the rest, the mountain lion did not attack SM as she was not on a bike ride but even if true, the lion did not haul her cross country to Moffat AND bury her. That's ridiculous and all of it rules it out completely now that she has been found miles away. She isn't even an issue with regard to a mountain lion.

The Edna woman however, I believe was walking in the area they are looking. Suzanne wasn't.

Are you talking an American mountain lion with the one attack you claim of a bicyclist? What happened, etc.?

Also Edna was not on a bike nor was 'Suzanne so the bike is a moot point with a mountain lion anyhow. Edna was said to be last known to be on a walk but I'd like to know how they know that? It may be no more true than Suzanne being on a bike ride was. Depending on who or what it came from.
If she wasn't riding her bike, how did the rapists DNA get on it?
Gee I don't know. Same way any of it did. Rapist was in her vehicle and had her bike.

I do not believe this DNA is that of any rapist. I don't have time to find it but I have said before it is NOT what 3/4 or more of the nation watching this case bought into. Not even CLOSE. The RESPONSIBLE reporters and YTers explained it because I too thought well if that is what they say and the judge bought it, etc. then it must be UNTIL I heard a clear explanation of what it really is.

Out of curiosity though, when was the DNA placed or left in these places in your theory? That day? A month ago? A year ago? And how did she come to be in Moffat? And why is there no proof of life at all on Mother's Day and what were all the lies and weird activity by Barry over that weekend or longer?
Now you're getting there!

because it was possibly planted.
Lol and yes, it ended up in the necessary places. I ended up in a rewatch of Macy's bf tonight. And how 'Suzanne would typicallly take her bike in her vehicle to go take a ride in in her usual rides but the cop said but her vehicle is here... Uh-huh... He seemed to know a lot about Suzanne's biking clothes and her habits. Not saying he was in on it but I am saying I'd just about bet who put these thoughts in, just as he did with the neighbor... And LE. Etc.
Suzanne was not cycling on Mother's Day. Sorry but there is hardly a person on this earth who followed this case that believes that. BARRY planted that seed to get them to go in that direction. and find the staged bike and helmet, etc. Suzanne was not alive on M Day, much less did she go riding on her bike.
I thought the neighbour said she had gone on a bike ride and hadn't returned.
I am going to go on ad nauseum that Suzanne Morphew was NOT on a bike ride. Not at you or anyone, just saying.

I agree with the rest, the mountain lion did not attack SM as she was not on a bike ride but even if true, the lion did not haul her cross country to Moffat AND bury her. That's ridiculous and all of it rules it out completely now that she has been found miles away. She isn't even an issue with regard to a mountain lion.

The Edna woman however, I believe was walking in the area they are looking. Suzanne wasn't.

Are you talking an American mountain lion with the one attack you claim of a bicyclist? What happened, etc.?

Also Edna was not on a bike nor was 'Suzanne so the bike is a moot point with a mountain lion anyhow. Edna was said to be last known to be on a walk but I'd like to know how they know that? It may be no more true than Suzanne being on a bike ride was. Depending on who or what it came from.
Can you explain the DNA on the helmet, handlebars and glovebox? LE withholding this evidence was the reason the judge dismissed the case .

Background on the disappearance of Suzanne Morphew
Suzanne Morphew, who was 49 when she disappeared, has been missing since May 10, 2020 — Mother’s Day — from the Maysville area in Chaffee County. A neighbor called 911 to report that she had gone for a bike ride and never returned. Barry, her husband, was working in the Denver area for his landscaping business when he learned of her disappearance.
Investigators started rigorous searches in the area and created a tip line. Barry and a family friend said they were offering $200,000 for her safe return. Her bike and helmet were both found, but there was no sign of Suzanne. Investigators obtained DNA evidence from the bike, helmet and Suzanne’s vehicle.
Colorado Bureau of Investigation forensic analysis determined that an unknown male DNA on the bike helmet, bike, Suzanne’s car’s glovebox and the backseat of the car did not belong to Barry. That DNA was later determined to partially match DNA found in three out-of-state unsolved sexual assault investigations.
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Lol and yes, it ended up in the necessary places. I ended up in a rewatch of Macy's bf tonight. And how 'Suzanne would typicallly take her bike in her vehicle to go take a ride in in her usual rides but the cop said but her vehicle is here... Uh-huh... He seemed to know a lot about Suzanne's biking clothes and her habits. Not saying he was in on it but I am saying I'd just about bet who put these thoughts in, just as he did with the neighbor... And LE. Etc.
So, I want to be sure, are you saying that BM got a rapist's DNA and put it on the bike helmet and handlebars, car glovebox and cushion?
Can you explain the DNA on the helmet, handlebars and glovebox? LE withholding this evidence was the reason the judge dismissed the case .

Background on the disappearance of Suzanne Morphew
Suzanne Morphew, who was 49 when she disappeared, has been missing since May 10, 2020 — Mother’s Day — from the Maysville area in Chaffee County. A neighbor called 911 to report that she had gone for a bike ride and never returned. Barry, her husband, was working in the Denver area for his landscaping business when he learned of her disappearance.
Investigators started rigorous searches in the area and created a tip line. Barry and a family friend said they were offering $200,000 for her safe return. Her bike and helmet were both found, but there was no sign of Suzanne. Investigators obtained DNA evidence from the bike, helmet and Suzanne’s vehicle.
Colorado Bureau of Investigation forensic analysis determined that an unknown male DNA on the bike helmet, bike, Suzanne’s car’s glovebox and the backseat of the car did not belong to Barry. That DNA was later determined to partially match DNA found in three out-of-state unsolved sexual assault investigations.
I've repeated in here over and over that unfortunately I don't recall the details but that it is NOT what it seems like but I can't recall why. I tried to find Lauren's video on it the other night to no avail. If I EVER get time, I will try to get the info on where to find it from a YTer or someone that I believe covered it the RIGHT way. It is frustrating me that I can't recall the details, believe me because I'd like this understood and put to rest but since I don't, it comes up yet.

On the flip side, can you explain helmet, glove box, bike and back seat? That's one active guy. Why would he take off her helmet or throw it out in a different location and be so sloppy he left DNA in various locations? He leaves it all over the place.

And WHY is it only a partial match by the way?

NOTHING puts SM going missing on Mother's Day except Barry.

I'm not even sure she wasn't killed on Friday. Do you know that famous bikini photo she allegedly sent her bf? Well, I can't verify this but someone called AK who has went really into this case and did a lot of work on it says that picture is from a trip to MEXICO.

Isn't it sweet as well the home's security cams weren't working/on? Barry was sure messing with his truck's telematics and such though when said to be SLEEPING. There is a LOT.

The State dismissed the case. It probably did have to do with a judge that for some reason was soft towards the defense, obviously so. He sealed the AA for NO valid reason under the law and yes, at that time I did look into it. He let Barry out on an ankle monitor for no good reason, which did NOT work by the way. He let him expand his travel and go to Gunnison when asked. He does not understand tech NOR DNA. I think it is more than that though, it isn't the first time I've seen a county legal system kowtow to this defense firm. Or SOME of them do so. There are politics going on there and there are in Delphi as well. We had a nasty DA's race in this one and a nasty sheriff's race in Delphi. I could go on forever. This is a "pet" case of mine.

Just like in Delphi, the defense did GET this info. It didn't disappear for good or anything.

I don't doubt I linked a video here that EXPLAINS why the DNA is not of the import everyone that fell for what the defense made it seem. I believe it would have been AFTER the dismissal if I did or right around then.
So, I want to be sure, are you saying that BM got a rapist's DNA and put it on the bike helmet and handlebars, car glovebox and cushion?
That is certainly a possibility as Guessy thinks or says but no, I am not saying that. I am saying the DNA isn't what people even think. BUT even if it was, I find all the places it was in overkill or sloppiness that makes no sense unless you were trying to stage something or had another person involved.

Have you followed this throughout? You do know about Barry and his workers and like "threatening" Morgan if she gave her cell phone to LE etc. right? By the way he sent Morgan and Puckett to Broomfield the LONG way coming within just so many miles of Moffat. Not just the long way, he sent them south before they went north, he sent them out of the way or I guess I should say it is ASSUMED Barry sent them that way. Jeff Puckett is DEAD at an early age. Barry WANTED Puckett on this job (Broomfield).

There is something hokey or bigger here with his business and move too and the company he subbed for or someone in it. And by the way Morgan moved to CO before Barry (they worked together in IN) and then here came Barry and family and they worked together again. Barry's gf was a friend of Morgan's. AND I don't know why no one remembers it but was conveniently at the dumpster or related to the place next door or some such back just before AND she tried to give Barry a false alibi at a point.

Anyone remember Barry on release had a package sent to his old home? And it was went and gotten? Charge was filed but dropped.

You aren't going to find ANY of this in print in news or in news shows. Have you read the AA in this case? I did. It is long. I don't recall all but I know my ending conclusion. I know a lot though. You read the recent Delphi motion, I haven't but read the beginning. I read the full AA in this case. Even so, news is news. They are limited and only get so many "bytes" of air time or news print and have rules. They also have a news cycle so it moves on and never all gets looked at or printed, etc. f one doesn't look themselves.

This was my first pet case after a void after Berreth/Frazee. I got into Daybell and some others over time but this one filled my void. BOTH are Colorado. BOTH have this defense law firm in them with dirty playing if you ask me. Didn't know that would happen but it did and that alone is interesting...

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