I see this does show he has a brother so he comes from a two child family. No mention of their father that I noticed but I'm tired.
Yeah, they named the article or its headline re his daughter and her name and I don't really agree with that but I do go both ways on knowing some things as to his family structure, etc. Not so much naming her or detailing her for any reason because there really is no reason to. The fact she worked in his office I do think relevant though as to his comings an goings, anything she found or came across on the work computer system IF anything, etc.
It isn't fair that adult children and wives and families are named and come into it all but their husband, father, etc. put them there. Again I see no reason with this article to name her or make it about her specifically but sadly her father is the suspect here and she was a part of his office these past few years. In Manhattan. Where he operated from as to getting prostitutes. And pizza even.
I would hope the family is reeling and I don't mean I want them to reel, what I mean is I hope this was a shock because they have to have put together the fact they were out of town on dates these murders occurred, dad wasn't and that they lived right across the street from the disposal site.... If not realizing at first once it came out that Massapequa and Manhattan were two areas they thought the killer was in and had places in, those dots I mean COME ON. If you've ever been married to or lived with even a cheating man for a number of years, YES, you have come across things OR where he is or isn't and stories don't make sense, etc. And there'll be a slip here and there just with cheating, some number on a phone, hearing what you think is a phone in the middle of the night but it isn't yours, isn't his but no one else lives there. He forgot to turn it off. He comes home and forgets some key part of his cover. He was at work all day but here is this receipt in his vehicle that shows he was in another town, motel, etc. I'm just saying this FAMILY LIVED RIGHT THERE. And as more tidbits came about in the last few years, dad's office was RIGHT in the other location...
AND the wife was in court. Granted maybe just still in shock and wanting to believe it is all wrong. MAYBE.
If they have time to process and they decide yes, dad did it or hubby and say so, then people will be okay with them. This is early on. It SEEMS there is plenty to show he is responsible for at least some of these murders. When they start turning that with any intelligence despite the "love" relationship and all they saw in their lives, they should come to realizing he was covering even more than that. They will think of the other homes, the times something didn't make sense, etc., etc. Maybe blood in their home or some other item, where he said he was and finding out he wasn't...
I feel for families of any of these perps but I also get to a point that they are going to be of interest. HE though is the one that did that to them. ASSUMING of course that he is guilty. On the other hand, I can feel for them as who would ever think. I would never believe it of my dad. NOT EVER. BUT my dad wouldn't have contacts with hookers and dind't, wouldn't have fake email names and such internet searches, etc. Heck my dad was never on a computer in his life but I hope you get my point...