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Who is the Long Island serial killer? This is a general discussion thread about this terrifying case.

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BUT on the one point, we do have the wife's hairs as to a female possibly being involved... And yet she was gone...
Btw, where did that info come from that those were the wife's hairs? I've re-watched the press conference and if they said anything about his wife, I missed it (again, lol!)
Mitochondrial DNA- I'd forgot what that was exactly (it's DNA passed from the mother) but I was sure that such analysis was performed before 2010. Now whether their state lab just didn't have the capability to perform it- I don't know- but I do know Bode lab (a private lab) has since about '07 or so. I know they said it was "degraded" but I don't know what that has to do with the testing process itself. (If someone else does know, please inform, lol!)
Btw, where did that info come from that those were the wife's hairs? I've re-watched the press conference and if they said anything about his wife, I missed it (again, lol!)
Mitochondrial DNA- I'd forgot what that was exactly (it's DNA passed from the mother) but I was sure that such analysis was performed before 2010. Now whether their state lab just didn't have the capability to perform it- I don't know- but I do know Bode lab (a private lab) has since about '07 or so. I know they said it was "degraded" but I don't know what that has to do with the testing process itself. (If someone else does know, please inform, lol!)
This article mentions the wife's hair.

"What led them to the suspected killer was laid out in court documents as prosecutors asked a judge to deny him bail.
It consisted of a pimp’s tip about his pickup truck, a stash of burner phones, “sadistic” online searches, phone calls taunting victims’ families, his wife’s hair – and a pizza crust."

My God was that long, even for Daily Mail. Even for ME versus my posts. A lot of mistakes in it too per DM as the norm.

I could point them out but by the end lost track of them all. Being arrested at his home for one. no, it was his office. The truck is another unless this is a different truck, it was seized from SC I thought. There were plenty more. Called Gilbert a victim of his or a victim and she has never been said to have died from homicide even, etc. Tons of errors.

But to the point of him preparing to leave the country. Since so many errors who knows if they have this right, but I do believe they took him in at this point because they thought something was in the works for him or that he had struck again etc.

Out of that five mile long article I could have pulled much but then would become muddled and I didn't even have the time to spare reading it much less get into it all, but I pulled this...

Ray believes the discovery of a man's remains might have prompted the arrest today.

Ray said that while the suspect arrested today is a man, he and his clients 'have always had an outside theory' that a woman may have been involved.

I have heard of this dead man but thought it was something the public was thinking may relate for whatever reason but now we have the attorney of two of the victims saying as much... Also that he and his clients have felt it possible a woman may have been involved...

This is some of what I have been trying to get at, at least that I think this is bigger and more unusual and he may seem to have one victim type and one area but not so sure he doesn't do others... Again don't have the words to put it down in print, etc.

I heard of this man's remains the other night BUT dismissed it and thought no but I thought it was just people doing that and not an attorney near the case and victims who thinks that way...

The mention of a woman involved whoa... That does not seem to connect in any way to the man's remains but went hand in hand in order in the article... But again of course it is Daily Mail... what I mean is it makes no sense in relation to the death of the man...

Of course attorney said "an outside theory" that a woman may have been involved... I think there are a lot of not accurate facts in here, this sounds like speculation and all their jumble of an article does is create more of a mess in my already jumbled mind lol.

BUT on the one point, we do have the wife's hairs as to a female possibly being involved... And yet she was gone...
Not as long as your posts. :LOL: :rofl::lol::bigtongue::tongueouttoall:
FBI search the Chester, South Carolina property and seize a pick-up truck belonging to the perp.

Oh sh...For his own cemetery?. This guy, It seems he was planning on possibly committing more murders. IMO There are some they don't know about. Serial killers don't stop killing. They have a cooling off period. But this long?. I personally doubt that.
The pimp, the prostitute and the pick up truck. How these led to a serial killer.

Yeahhhh...Uh. 270 6'6. His head must weigh 20-25. With no brains. Unless someone had a weapon. This guy would and could easily overpower a small woman. But even a man. In this case. Size does matter.
I haven't heard one good thing about HOAs, but his neighborhood could have used one.

I take it that he was carrying a burner phone when he was arrested...and still contacting "sex workers", and so I'd think that's the reason it was decided to arrest him when they did.
The way I understood/understand it is he has continued the sex worker thing throughout their investigation but something more must have triggered this. I think it most likely they were not only surveilling him, probably had him "tapped" in whatever way that is nowadays, they had to be careful who they involved, asked questions of or shared anything with but maybe they were even doing something like placing a tempting sex worker ad they hoped he'd respond to, etc. and all sorts of things. Hard to say... They MAY HAVE even involved the wife as an informant... Probably not but not out of the realm of possibility. Got her alone, told her, told her her hairs were present, etc... and said we don't think you were involved but this is who your husband is and you can cooperate and help or not.. I'm not saying that happened but what I am trying to say is I think somethihg more than him just contacting sex workers triggered this arrest at this time... Some behavior, some plan, some route he took, where he went, something... OR even worse there was another murder or assault they can tie to him but we don't know about yet and they knew they couldn't leave him in public another day or later when the public found out there would be outrage...?
I recall that one victim seems to have obtained a ride (taxi?) to his home but I think in the other cases, he picked them up...
Now in Amber Costello's case, info regarding the ruse the day prior to her disappearance hadn't been previously revealed but I do remember her roommate describing how Amber had been negotiating with a client over the phone for quite some time that day before he eventually picked her up down the street from her home. (Btw, he'd insisted that she leave her cell phone at home, which she did.)
Now whether he actually took them to his home- that's what I've always imagined- or some other building he had access to- he needed privacy...
That was Shannon Gilbert with her driver I think you are thinking of. They (former LE) don't relate her and even deny she was murdered and that part is outrageous, even seasoned cops and the renowned pathologist said otherwise. It is one hope the family has is this new administration and task force will correct this bullsh*t cause of death.

Yes, Amber was met at her home. Because of the ruse, and that fact and that he recontacted, that is where a lot of info and I believe break in this case came from. They finally looked at the vehicle and unique feature and who owned them, etc. and unbelievably it had never been done before. If I have it right.

I wonder if he ever met them more than once and the first time seemed like a kind of average nice but clutzy "John" and then they trusted enough to meet him again outside their home, etc. or travel to meet him...? No reason to believe that but just like the attorney for two victims feel there may have been a woman involved in this, it would be a way of gaining that trust to go TO HIM or WITH HIM? Or like in Amber's case where you say the call took some time and she actually let him pick her up down the street, LEFT her cell phone home! and met him. I think convincing them was part of his thrill quite honestly that he was just this kind of dorky hulky GLASSES wearing harmless guy... The GAME. Just guessing...

I also lean to he took them to his home. Maybe the basement, maybe that locked room. Hard to say. I agree he needed privacy. And I also think he may not have killed right away but tortured and instilled fear. Hate the thoughts but the kinds of fantasies these sick dudes probably have are likely beyond our comprehension and the thrill of the convincing, the hunt and then finally getting them to go, well are they going to play it for awhile or just go right for the kill. I guess it is said many of them are disappointed the fantasy doesn't live up to reality and they are disappointed (forgive the crudenss but also that they can't perform or blow their load right away) BUT it is also said they relive it all and get off on that so who knows... He does seem different to me though and I think he likes the control and the game and imagine he wanted to toy awhile and induce fear and watch it. I don't know why but I do. Hear them beg, etc. And toy with them. He just give me a different vibe. They all think they're smarter than others it seems but I think he also thinks he is a cut above the average serial killer, sophisticated, it is said he is arrogant....

I better stop. I'm in danger of going on but yes I lean towards his own home but I don't doubt he would vary it or length of time per how long wife gone, if something worried him or went wrong, etc.

Here is what I think on Amber. It was a first meeting when the ruse happened. I think he does meet a time or two and that is what gives them the trust to then go with him or go meet him the next time. I don't think he'd have killed her at her own home, I think he'd have either played Mr. Kind of Shy or Naive but Nice Guy and then talk her into going with him somewhere, maybe with more pay even OR then would recontact a second time and convince them as in her case to leave their phone, he just wanted a QUIET dinner with her out and no sex, or some such ruse... With all of them. Or maybe even just chat them up with a few calls first...

Just thoughts lol. Have a lot of them...

Does anyone else think the glasses are part of the act? He isn't wearing glasses when trying to look like his polished Manhattan architect in a suit persona... But wears them for selfies and things he posts on dating sites and more...
That was Shannon Gilbert with her driver I think you are thinking of. They (former LE) don't relate her and even deny she was murdered and that part is outrageous, even seasoned cops and the renowned pathologist said otherwise. It is one hope the family has is this new administration and task force will correct this bullsh*t cause of death.
I was thinking of Melissa Barthelemy. As I recall, info from way back was that she'd left her home (in one of the boroughs in NY) to meet a client on Long Island.
If you'll recall, I don't think Shannon Gilbert was murdered.
I didn't say he would use all 90 (200) but there have been cases where the shooter has several loaded handguns on their person and two or three automatic rifles slung over their shoulders and then go on a public rampage shoot up, Rambo style, without caring if they get killed. Suicide by cop.
I've now seen 200 to 300 guns. Keeps increasing, unsure why. Maybe as they check one storage unit after another, house, another house, etc. ?

I was more responding to Mel's ya only need one gun by saying at most two, we all only have two hands. Being a bit sarcastic as to what is the most most people would need, want or use? Another possibility is two because most would be content with a pistol and a shotgun/long rifle. Or if you were in the wild west, a revolver again for each hand.

I know many have tons of guns, the type that go on a public rampage, etc. That actually was my very point. Why would someone want so many? For a reason clearly that isn't the reason of most people's who would own from zero to maybe four. So yes he had a reason. Guess could be a collector or obsessed but with the fact we are looking at a serial killer, I doubt the reasons are he is a collector. Plus they were in a locked room with a doll and framed pictures, etc...
Btw, where did that info come from that those were the wife's hairs? I've re-watched the press conference and if they said anything about his wife, I missed it (again, lol!)
Mitochondrial DNA- I'd forgot what that was exactly (it's DNA passed from the mother) but I was sure that such analysis was performed before 2010. Now whether their state lab just didn't have the capability to perform it- I don't know- but I do know Bode lab (a private lab) has since about '07 or so. I know they said it was "degraded" but I don't know what that has to do with the testing process itself. (If someone else does know, please inform, lol!)
They are his wife's hairs. I believe it is in the 30 something or whatever it is documents. I read some of them, several pages when they came out, maybe five to ten but then haven't had time to finish but pretty sure that's where it comes from. They are a match by DNA.
This article mentions the wife's hair.

"What led them to the suspected killer was laid out in court documents as prosecutors asked a judge to deny him bail.
It consisted of a pimp’s tip about his pickup truck, a stash of burner phones, “sadistic” online searches, phone calls taunting victims’ families, his wife’s hair – and a pizza crust."

thought so. Thought it was said in the charging documents, etc. but maybe was in a bail hearing, either way it is statements to the court.

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